Shattered: Steel Brothers Saga: Book Seven

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Shattered: Steel Brothers Saga: Book Seven Page 1



  Steel Brothers Saga: Book Seven

  Helen Hardt




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty–One

  Chapter Twenty–Two

  Chapter Twenty–Three

  Chapter Twenty–Four

  Chapter Twenty–Five

  Chapter Twenty–Six

  Chapter Twenty–Seven

  Chapter Twenty–Eight

  Chapter Twenty–Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty–One

  Chapter Thirty–Two

  Chapter Thirty–Three

  Chapter Thirty–Four

  Chapter Thirty–Five

  Chapter Thirty–Six

  Chapter Thirty–Seven

  Chapter Thirty–Eight

  Continue The Steel Brothers Saga with Book Eight

  Don’t Miss Misadventures!

  Chapter 1

  Also By Waterhouse

  Chapter One

  Also By Waterhouse

  Message from Helen Hardt

  Also by Helen Hardt

  Discussion Questions


  About Helen Hardt


  This book contains adult language and scenes, including flashbacks of child physical and sexual abuse, which may cause trigger reactions. This story is meant only for adults as defined by the laws of the country where you made your purchase. Store your books and e-books carefully where they cannot be accessed by younger readers.

  For all survivors of childhood abuse



  The last barrel of wine had been sent to bottling, and my busy season was finally over. I knew I had been neglecting my family, and it wasn’t fair to them, with both Talon and Jonah going through so much.

  Now that Jonah was back, the woman who had been stalking him was safely behind bars in a mental institution, and two of Talon’s abductors had been taken care of, life was finally getting good for my family.

  Jade and Talon and Jonah and Melanie were planning weddings. Well, actually, Marjorie was planning everything. Soon we’d all be en route to Jamaica for the celebration. And Melanie was pregnant. I would be an uncle in several months. I couldn’t help smiling. It would be good for Joe. That man was a born father. He had taken good care of us when we were little, though of course he would deny that. But Melanie had been so good for him. Finally, he was letting go of the guilt that had consumed him for so long. He had been through so much during the last month. He deserved all the happiness in the world. He and Talon both did.

  I was heading over to the main house now, to have dinner with my family. From now on, I was going to take an active role in finding Talon’s last abductor. We had a name and several aliases. We would find him. My brothers and I were that determined. But first, I was going to get my two brothers married off.

  As I stepped into my truck, my cell phone buzzed in my pocket. It was a number from Grand Junction I didn’t recognize.

  “Ryan Steel,” I said.

  “Ryan Steel? Ryan Warren Steel?”

  “Yep, you got him. Who is this, please?”

  A soft whimper came through the phone.

  “Hello?” I said.

  “Ryan,” the female voice said. “Ryan, my darling. This is your mother.”

  Chapter One


  “Tom Simpson is dead.”

  I dropped my cell phone, and it clattered onto my kitchen table. I quickly picked it up. “Sorry,” I said to Melanie Carmichael. “And…what?”

  “He’s dead. He killed himself. Jonah saw the whole thing. The police were there too.”

  My heart beat rapidly. “Oh my God. Is Jonah all right?”

  “Yeah. He’s fine, thank God. I begged him not to go over there. Our PIs found Simpson at his house in Snow Creek. Jonah went over to confront him, and Simpson ended up killing himself.”

  Despite the twinge of nausea that crept up my throat, I felt no remorse that a human being was dead. I only wished I could have shot the fateful bullet. I didn’t know Tom Simpson personally, but I did know he was a criminally insane psychopath. Jonah Steel referred to him as an ice man, according to Melanie. The world was better off without him. The only other thing I knew about him was that he’d clearly been working with my father for decades.

  My father.

  Theodore Mathias. Known by many other names.

  My father, who had raped my cousin, Gina. Who had raped and tortured a ten-year-old Talon Steel. Who had killed and mutilated ten-year-old Luke Walker. Who had attempted to rape me.

  And God only knew what other heinous things he’d done, though I had my theories.

  Just thinking about Simpson and my father was reason enough for my queasiness, but another reason existed.

  If Simpson was dead, I wouldn’t be able to question him.

  I’d gone to see Larry Wade, their third partner, a few times and peppered him with questions. I hadn’t told Melanie or the Steel brothers. Didn’t matter anyway. Larry wouldn’t roll over. I’d tried everything. Deals, money, a conjugal visit, you name it. The dude just wouldn’t talk.

  Most of the dumb fucks sang like a canary when I offered them women. Of course, I wasn’t able to offer Larry any young boys, which seemed to be his preference.

  Maybe now that one of his partners in crime was dead, he’d start talking.

  I doubted it.

  I eyed my phone in my hand. Shit. Melanie. “Sorry. Are you still there?”

  “Yeah. Are you okay?”

  “Sort of. It’s all surreal. Now we won’t be able to get any information out of him. Since he’s dead and all.”

  “I know. Jonah said the same thing. But at least he can’t hurt anyone else.”

  I inhaled. “Amen to that. When did this all happen?”

  “Earlier tonight. I figured you hadn’t heard yet, since the Snow Creek police handled it.”

  “No, I hadn’t. Thanks for letting me know.”

  “There is another reason I called, Ruby.”


  She cleared her throat. “How would you like a vacation?”

  A vacation? I hadn’t had a vacation in… Well, since never. I’d been working my ass off since I was fifteen. Work was my refuge, my solace. If I was working, my mind was occupied, and things I didn’t want to think about couldn’t creep in. A vacation? Nope. Not for me.

  “I’m not sure what you’re getting at, but I’m pretty busy at work.”

  “I know. Cops always are.” She sighed. “This may seem like a crazy time to bring up a vacation.”

  “Kind of,” I said.

  Silence for what seemed like a small eternity.

  “You still there?” I asked.

  “Yeah. It’s just…”


  “Jonah and I are getting married.”

  So that’s what this was about. I couldn’t begrudge her some happiness in this sea of misery and psychopathy we were both embroiled in. “Congratul

  “Yeah. Thanks. And I’m…pregnant.”

  I jolted a bit. “Oh? So…”

  “That’s not why we’re getting married.”

  “Oh. Good. I guess.”

  “Anyway, we’re going to Jamaica. Talon and Jade are getting married too. A double wedding.”

  “How nice.” I wasn’t sure what to say. I knew nothing about weddings. Nothing about men. Nothing about…any of it.

  “Anyway, the reason I was asking if you wanted a vacation is that…I don’t really have any close friends. I’ve been a workaholic my whole life.”

  “I hear you.” Seemed we were two peas in a pod as far as work was concerned.

  “I don’t have any family members I’m close to, so I was hoping that you might…”

  Was she saying what I thought she was? Was she about to ask me to stand up for her at her wedding?

  We hardly knew each other.

  Yet…Melanie Carmichael knew more about me than anyone else in the world. She knew about my past as well as my present. My coworkers knew only my present. My father and uncle knew only my past.

  Melanie was about the closest thing I had to a friend.

  She was probably thinking the same about me.

  And while I didn’t really relish a vacation, time spent with Melanie and the Steels would give me a great chance to question them about…things. Though they probably wouldn’t want to talk about that kind of stuff in the middle of a wedding. A wedding was a happy time.


  Now there was a word I wasn’t very familiar with.

  I’d grown content with my life. Content with my work.


  But never happy.

  Never full of joy.

  Never flying to the fucking moon.

  Nope, not in the cards for me.

  “…come along and be my maid of honor?”

  Yep, there it was.

  “I don’t know…”

  “Look, I know we don’t know each other very well, but you’re honestly the first person I thought to ask. I understand if you can’t make it, but I’d love it if you could come.”

  For a minute I let myself think about it.


  Beach. Sand. Sun. Swimming.


  Another word I wasn’t very familiar with.

  Of course, the Steels wouldn’t do anything halfway, and I could never afford to do it their way.

  “That’s really nice of you to ask. I’m honestly flattered.” And I was. “But there’s no way I’d be able to afford to go, Melanie.”

  She laughed. “It’s all on me. Seriously.”

  “I couldn’t let you do that. We don’t know each other well enough for me to let you treat me.”

  “Please. I want to. I have some savings, and the Steels are paying for the big stuff. The wedding and all. I have a feeling no one has offered to do anything for you in a long time, Ruby. Let me. Please.”

  She had the truth of that. A vacation… Suddenly the idea didn’t seem so scary.

  “That’s really generous of you, but I can pay my own way. I mean, as long as you’re not staying at the Ritz Carlton or anything.”

  “No,” she laughed. “We’ll be spending a week at this all-inclusive resort in Negril. All of the rooms are the same price, and Jonah’s sister was able to book us all in one bungalow. But I really wish you’d let me—”

  “No. I’ve managed to save a few bucks over the years.” That was no lie, either. I lived well beneath my means. Not that I made a lot as a cop, and now a detective, but I spent little on clothes. Little on luxuries. My gym membership was my big expense. I needed to be able to work out, stay in shape. It was a great way to work off steam, and I also wanted my body in the best condition possible. Just in case.

  “Then are you saying you’ll go?”

  I smiled into the phone. Was I? “Yeah, Melanie. I guess I’ll go.”

  “That’s so great!”

  She actually sounded happy that I was going. I hadn’t known Melanie Carmichael for that long, but I did know she was a genuine person. A caring person. Maybe we could both use a friend.

  “There is something I should warn you about.”


  “There’s a nude beach on the resort.”

  My stomach dropped. “Is the resort all nude?”

  She laughed. “Oh, no. Of course not. There’s a regular beach too, and several pools. Then there’s a nude beach and a clothing-optional pool as well. All other areas, like the restaurants, are clothing required.”


  “You don’t have to go near the nude beach. I promise you. I already made Jonah promise that we weren’t having a nude wedding.”

  Before I could stop it, a guffaw emerged from my throat. I wasn’t ashamed of my body. Hell, no. I was in great shape. I looked better naked than clothed. But no one, other than physicians, had ever seen me naked. Not since that fateful day when my father had tried to…

  But I really didn’t want to go there now.

  “That’s good. I’m not sure I want to participate in a nude wedding.”

  She laughed. “Believe me, neither do I.”

  “Still, I need to see if I can get off work. When is the event?”

  “Next week.”

  Next week? Shit. I had plenty of vacation time to spare. I rarely used it. Even when I was off the clock I was working. I had spent a lot of time investigating my cousin Gina’s death with Melanie, all off the clock. Of course, I had only just made detective a few weeks earlier. I didn’t know if my boss would be amenable to me taking a week off already.

  “I can’t make any promises. I have the vacation time, but I have to clear it with my boss.”

  “Great. Let me know what he says.”

  “I will.” I cleared my throat. “Melanie?”


  “Thanks for inviting me. I mean really. Thank you.”

  Chapter Two


  “Who the fuck is this?”

  “I told you, dear. Your mother.”

  “Look, I don’t know who the hell you are, but my mother’s been dead for decades.” I ended the call and promptly blocked the number from my phone.

  My heart pounded for a moment. I had been nine years old when my mother died. She killed herself in her bathroom in the main ranch house.

  My father had gutted that room afterward and then nearly rebuilt the house from the ground up. Talon and Jade lived there today. I lived in the guest house.

  I hadn’t seen my mother’s body. My father hadn’t let us. He’d thought it would be too traumatizing. After what we’d been through two years before with Talon’s abduction, I doubted we could have been more traumatized, but I was the youngest, and I never questioned my father.

  None of us did.

  I’d resented him for years because he wouldn’t let us see her, but I eventually got over it. Still, it had affected us—so much so that none of us had looked at our father’s dead body when he passed.

  My sister, Marjorie, didn’t even remember our mother. That was a shame, because she was the only one of us who actually looked anything like her. The three of us boys all favored our father. Jonah the most. There didn’t seem to be a speck of our mother in any one of us. Especially not in me.

  My memories were sparse, but at least I had some memories. She had been a good mother. A loving mother. I hadn’t been as close to her as Jonah was. I always thought he was her favorite. Then, once Talon returned, she had a hard time with all of us, Marjorie especially. Marjorie was a brand-new baby and needed her mother, but I never felt that my mother connected with her. She had a hard time connecting with all four of us once Talon returned.

  Talon’s abduction changed my mother.

  We had found two of his abductors. Larry Wade, our mother’s half brother, was in prison awaiting trial. Tom Simpson, the mayor of Snow Creek and Joe’s best friend’s father, had killed himself
rather than face the music. Only one was left. Theodore Mathias, the father of a Grand Junction detective who was a friend of Melanie’s.

  He was the one who had been the most elusive throughout our entire investigation.

  According to Talon, Mathias was the worst of all three.

  I shook my head to clear it. Why was I thinking about all this shit because of some stupid prank phone call? My brothers were getting married next week. In sunny Jamaica. We were going to have a fucking blast. We hadn’t had a vacation in so long.

  Marjorie was making all the arrangements. She had booked us into an all-inclusive resort in Negril called Destination Desire. It was an all-adult resort, complete with a nude beach and clothing-optional pools. Thankfully, it also had another beach and other pools where clothing was required. I wasn’t sure how I felt about walking around naked in front of my brothers’ two fiancées and my sister. Or my brothers, for that matter. It was the only resort where Marj could get reservations on such short notice, so we’d agreed to turn a blind eye to the nude side of the resort.

  However, I planned to sneak over…by myself.

  Knowing Marj, it would be first class all the way. Jonah had asked me to be his best man, which was nice of him, since Talon had wanted Joe to be his. I was a little disappointed that Talon hadn’t chosen me. I loved both of my brothers equally, but Talon… Talon was my hero.


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