Predator Patrol (Mars Cannon Novel #2)

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Predator Patrol (Mars Cannon Novel #2) Page 9

by Nicolette Pierce

  Evan hopped off the bike to assist me. I took the offered hand.

  “This place is busy,” I said.

  “It’s been like this since opening. It’ll be packed soon. The food is pretty good and there’s always a drink promotion . . . ladies night . . . wet t-shirt contests. . .”

  “I get the picture,” I mumbled, following him into the bar.

  I scanned the bar looking for reasons it was so popular. I couldn’t spot anything amazing. It was a new bar and a whole lot cleaner than Road Hog. It smelled better too. Neon beer lights illuminated the windows, two pool tables sat in the corner, and four dartboards sat off to the side. Yep, it’s a bar.

  “Do you want to sit at the bar or at a table?” Evan asked.

  “The bar. I want to watch the bartender. I need pointers and drink recipes.”

  “Why are you going through so much trouble for this job?”

  “Seriously, I have no idea. Hank is cantankerous, but it almost makes him lovable. I have a feeling the bar is on the verge of closing if business isn't drummed up soon. I have nothing else going for me right now; at least I can work on a project.”

  A busty blonde bartender with a thin white, stretched-to-the-max t-shirt walked towards us. A quick glance at the other servers and bartenders confirmed my suspicion. These busty gals with showy t-shirts was the reason the bar became popular. If I had to compete by using sex appeal, I’d lose hands down. Somehow I didn’t think Hank ever had sex appeal. Jack, however . . . hmmm.

  “Mars! Girl, is that you?” Renee called from across the room. She was wearing the same t-shirt as the other girls.

  “Renee, I didn’t know you worked here.”

  “I’ll take care of them,” she said to the busty bartender. Renee turned to Evan with a sly gleam. “She’s quite stacked, isn’t she? Men have a hard time peeling their eyes away. They get stuck in a trance. I swear some even start salivating. They have no clue what color her hair is.”

  “Blonde,” he said.

  Renee smiled. “I’m impressed. Not many men can see past the girls. I have to wonder why her back doesn’t go out. My girls,” she waved at her chest, “got some meat, but damn if hers don’t have the whole cow. Mars, you could work here. I heard that witch fired you. The only qualification is big boobs.”

  Evan smirked. “She does need a job. I wouldn’t mind seeing her in those fascinating t-shirts.”

  Renee’s eyes brightened. “Really? Mars, why didn’t you tell me? I can have you on the schedule by tonight.”

  “I’m working at The Road Hog Bar.”

  “Geesh, I didn’t know you were desperate or I’d have looked you up long ago. Just give him your notice. The tips are great and it doesn’t smell like skunk butt.”

  “The smell isn’t that bad. I have to help Hank. I don’t know why; I just do . . .which is why I’m here. Can you teach me to mix a few cocktails?”

  Renee thought for a moment. “Hop on back.”

  “Evan, do you mind?”

  “Go ahead. I have no problem sitting here watching you.”

  I instantly blushed and kissed him on the cheek. I raced behind the bar to stand next to Renee.

  “How much do you know about bartending?” She asked.

  “Absolutely nothing. I only coordinated bar service before. I never had to work behind a bar though.”

  “Let’s get to it. All the alcohol behind you is the premium liquor. All the liquor in front of you is bargain basement. The three sinks under the bar is for washing glasses; clean, rinse, disinfect. There’s an ice tub. This one is the jockey.

  “We have different sizes of glasses depending upon the drink. Why don’t we take this handsome man’s order?" She asked, nudging me to Evan.

  “What’ll it be, stranger,” I asked. Realizing how ridiculous I sounded, I cracked a smile.

  “I’ll have anything you’re pouring,” he answered with his own smile.

  “You two are making me sick. Let me see.” She thoughtfully watched Evan for a moment. “I believe you’re a Bay Breeze man. I know it’s not a manly drink, but your eyes are like a breeze of fresh air. You also have an inside track into a woman’s mind; a rarity amongst men.”

  “You're like a fortune teller with alcohol,” I said.

  “If you’re selling drinks, you’re making money,” she chuckled. “A Bay Breeze is easy enough to make. Take a highball glass and fill it with ice.”

  I followed as she gave me step-by-step instructions.

  “Grab the vodka.”

  “Absolut, please,” Evan said.

  “Oooh, an upsell. I like that in a man.” Renee winked at Evan then turned to me. “Premium alcohol is an extra charge, so we like men with quality tastes.”

  She stepped to the back counter and picked up the Absolut bottle. “You’ll want to use the counting method instead of measuring. Measuring is great, but it’ll slow you down. Every second count is approximately a fourth of an ounce. You’ll need an ounce for the Bay Breeze.” She handed me the bottle.

  As I poured, I counted to four and turned the bottle upright.

  “Now fill the glass with half cranberry juice and half pineapple juice.”

  I watched the colors in the glass as I filled it with the two juices. Ideas for the bar were pouring into my head at the same time. For the first time in a long time, I knew exactly what I was going to do . . . I loved it. I wasn’t just going to save a bar; I was going to make it an experience. Hank’s crotchety face floated through my mind. I’ll go slow . . . really slow.

  I handed the glass to Evan and watched him take a sip through the straw. How I wish I was that straw . . .

  “Well, did my apprentice do a good job?” Renee asked.

  “You guessed well. I’m officially a Bay Breeze man despite the color.”

  “I knew you had it in you,” she said.

  Renee taught me a few more mixed drinks that I served to fellow bar guests. Evan sat contently drinking his Bay Breeze, watching my every move. It was hot . . . disconcerting . . . sexy . . . flustering!

  As Evan’s drink emptied, the bar flooded with arriving customers. I gave Renee a hurried hug and promised to come back and visit. I ducked behind the bar and settled next to Evan. I didn’t fail to notice he was actively being watched by at least three women within striking distance.

  “I learned so much tonight,” I said. “Thank you.”

  “My pleasure. Shall we begin the date portion of the evening?”

  Geesh, I'm smiling again. My cheeks were getting a workout just by being near Evan. My phone buzzed in my pocket. Since I was on Evan’s time, I ignored it.

  "Do you want to go somewhere else?" I asked, thinking of ways to remove him from his newest fans.

  "Some place quiet?" He asked, twirling the straw in his empty glass. His eyes set intently on mine. His simple question had more meaning than I expected and my cheeks surged with understanding.

  "Perhaps to dinner," I suggested, ignoring lingering thoughts. "Do you know of a place with great bar food?"

  "Jack actually makes a great burger. I'm assuming you want to go somewhere else. Hank is going to fall over dead with all the changes you're cooking up."

  "Something needs to happen soon or the bar will close."

  "I think many people in the community would support it closing. It's a shack with ear busting bikes coming through at all hours of the night."

  "True, but it's on the fringe of town. If there has to be a biker bar, why can't Road Hog be the best?"

  "I always knew you were a hard worker. I've watched you work many times. I just didn't think you'd fight for a job at a failing bar. You continue to surprise me."

  "I surprised myself too. A project is calling; I can't stop myself. It's exciting and scary at the same time. I know I'm not losing the bar or my money if it doesn't work. I'm also broke and depending on things going well."

  "If they don't work, Renee will hire you. I can guarantee I'll be your best tipper." Evan smiled and stood. "I
know of a place we can go for dinner. You'll find the food perfect for what you're looking for."

  I followed Evan outside. He settled on the motorcycle and pulled me close. The deepness of his eyes trapped me in his gaze.

  Evan cleared his throat. "We should go," he said, releasing me.

  That was odd. I was sure he was going to kiss me.

  I settled behind him and held on as he weaved across town. My phone buzzed in my pocket in a constant rhythm until we arrived at a food truck in an abandoned parking lot. I put the urge to answer the phone in the back of my mind.

  Strands of lights lit up the crumbling parking lot. Wood picnic tables scattered amongst tuffs of weeds. A couple sat at a table near the truck eating food from a paper plate. It was oddly romantic.

  "I'm sure you're wondering why I brought you here," Evan said as he kicked down the stand, letting me hop off.

  "I already know why," I said. "The food must be amazing if people are willing to stop here."

  "It is. I come here all the time when I'm on break. Everything is fresh and prepared the same morning. She never uses frozen food."

  "Sounds like something I want to try." I instantly picked up on "she" and wondered if it was jealousy at work.

  We strolled to the truck. A brunette with trendy pigtail braids popped her head out of the window. She was pretty with a quick smile. Not even her faded t-shirt and jeans could hide her genuine beauty.

  "Evan! I haven't seen you in a while. It's about time you stopped by. Who's this?" She asked with a smile though her eyes were inquisitive.

  "Andrea, meet Mars. She wanted great bar food and your food is beyond compare."

  "I don't know whether to be flattered or insulted. My food is not bar food, but it is beyond compare. What's with the interest in bar food?" She addressed me.

  "I'm working at The Road Hog Bar. I think their menu could use a makeover. I'm looking for ideas."

  Her mouth twisted. "Ordinarily I wouldn't help the competition; I need to keep my customers. Since you’re Evan's friend, I'm willing to share. First, you have to be my guinea pigs and eat my newest creation. Go sit down and I'll bring it to you."

  "Thanks, Andrea," Evan said.

  "Just behave," she warned.

  He chuckled and led me to a table.

  "You look confused," he said.

  "Not really confused. Maybe a little. I understand why she told you to behave. But, why did she?"

  "Because, as you already know, I have a tarnished reputation," he teased. "But I didn't set out to become lecherous. There was no one to capture my attention and keep it." I felt the heat of his gaze on me.

  I cleared my throat. "Why does she care? If she wanted you for herself, she’d give me the stare down. And if she already had you, she'd be throwing food at you."

  "I'm not that horrible!" He declared.

  "I'm just saying women tend to get mad at you."

  "She's been mad at me since birth. I’m the baby of the family; she never forgave me for that."

  "Andrea is your sister?"

  "Older by eleven months."

  "Why didn't you introduce her as your sister?"

  "Because he thinks he's being mysterious," Andrea said, placing two plates on the table. "He's been a pain in the ass since birth. Don't let him smooth talk you either. You seem like a nice sensible woman; you can do better than him." She pointed her finger at Evan.

  "She actually loves me if you can’t tell."

  "I put up with you," she said, tousling his hair like he was a three year old boy. "I've been experimenting with cheese fritters. It's a mixture of cheeses with a hint of seasoning, then coated in beer batter and fried. The three dips are BBQ sauce, Dijon mustard, and Ranch. My personal favorite is the Dijon. Give it a try. Let me know what you think."

  "Thank you. They look wonderful and completely sinful," I said, holding back drool. I admit I have a soft spot for fried foods, but I don't go out of my way for them. These fried cheese balls might actually be calling my name.

  I picked up a warm fritter and took a trial nibble. Unbelievable! I dipped it in the Dijon, then the Ranch, and finally the BBQ.

  I leaned back to find them both watching. Andrea’s unwavering gaze made me smile. Of all the tastings I've been to on Jocelyn's behalf, there was always an anxious chef waiting for approval. Andrea was no different.

  "Andrea, the fritters are amazing. The crispy outside and creamy center are perfect together. I think you're right about the Dijon dip. I prefer it over the other two. It brings out the subtle flavors, makes them melt together perfectly."

  Her eyes twinkled. "I knew I finally perfected the recipe! Keep eating," she urged. "I'll bring some menu samples for you to try and my famous peach iced tea too. Don't worry about the bill; it's on Evan." She chuckled and hurried off.

  "You won her over," Evan said with an ounce of awe.

  "It's easy to do when the food is genuinely delicious. You better eat some fritters before I scarf them down and get a stomach ache."

  "No self control, huh?"

  I shrugged. "I have plenty of self control when it matters."

  "Like with me?"

  I didn't have to look at him to know he wasn't teasing.

  "What do you mean?" I asked.

  He shook his head. "Never mind. I shouldn't have said anything. Anyways, it's my fault. Let’s concentrate on eating the mountain of food Andrea will bring out any moment." He picked up a fritter. "I'm very happy you decided to come on a date tonight."

  "I am too," I admitted. My phone was in full animation in my pocket. There was no stopping it. "I'm so sorry, but I need to check my phone. It's been buzzing nonstop since we left the bar."

  "Go ahead. I hope it's not an emergency."

  "Me too," I agreed, tugging the phone from my pocket. As I scrolled through the missed calls and texts, my heart stopped. They were almost all from Aaron. All with the same message.


  Chapter 11

  Help! I stared at the message, my mind reeling. The other messages were from Mrs. Janowski, Kym, and T. I dialed Kym.

  "What's going on?" I blurted before she said hello.

  "T located Aaron. He's at a boarded up building not too far away. We still don't know who he is. He's been sending emails to your account for help."

  "He's figured out my phone number and has been calling and texting. What should I do?"

  "Hang on," she said. I heard some muffled words that included headquarters. "Can you come to headquarters? We're all here and we've called the police to intervene. T says not to contact Aaron until the police gives us the okay."

  "I'll be there in ten minutes." I ended the call and pocketed my phone, but not before I read an incoming text from Aaron.

  Y won't u help?

  My heart withered at the helplessness of the situation.

  "Evan, I'm so sorry. I have to go to Mrs. Janowski's house. Aaron’s been trying to contact me for help. T called the police since we don't know who we're dealing with. It's become a huge scary mess."

  "Let's go." He popped a fritter in his mouth as he stood.

  "Hold on a minute. I'll wrap this for you to take with you." Andrea hollered from the window. "No need to starve."

  "She has amazing hearing," I said.

  "I've been in trouble more times than I care to count because of her hearing."

  I heard a chuckle from the truck.

  Evan and I made our way to the bike. By the time we were settled and the engine running, Andrea ran over and handed me a large to-go bag. I called my thanks as Evan took off down the street.

  As soon as we pulled into Mrs. J.'s driveway, I hopped off and hurried to the door. Kym opened it with a peculiar expression. I chalked it up to worry.

  "What's going on?" I asked, breezing through the doorway.

  "I'll let T explain," she said, leading me to the family room.

  "Hey, Mars," T greeted. He wore the same expression as Kym did. In fact, so did Mrs. Janowski.

  "All right, spill it. You’re all looking like I've been diagnosed with a disease that’ll kill me in an hour." I felt Evan move near.

  "This is detective Drier," T introduced the detective who shook my hand. "And this is Mr. Reed. He's a specialist that helps on cases with missing and exploited children."

  "We found Aaron," Drier said. "It was hard to track him. He used software to hide his location. We finally found him in a building not far from here. We believe it’s the same address as a sexual assault predator doing business as an entity known as Shifted Shutter. It's basically a porn distributor specializing in child pornography. Aaron, or should I say Helm Grub, gave the police the slip a couple years ago. He has been evading attempts to locate him until now."

  "Aaron is an adult?" I shivered. "Then why do we need a child specialist?"

  "We are bound to find exploited and abused children when we capture Grub," Reed explained. "I'm here as support and will assess the case as we progress."

  "Sit down," Evan ordered, directing me to a wingback chair. "You're pale; breathe."

  I sank down in the chair and saw in their expressions there was more. Kym was the first to break the lengthening silence.

  "Mars, you don't have to do it if you don't want to."

  "Don't have to do what?" I asked.

  Kym looked at the detective who said, “Grub’s fixated his attention on you and is intent on seeing you. If he knows your identity, then he also knows you're not the pretended child. You're probably the only person who can lure him so we can arrest him."

  "Do you have evidence to convict him or will this arrest result in a release?" I asked.

  "We have some evidence. A search warrant should provide more. What will really help is if you're willing to ask questions. He may confess to crimes committed. We can discuss that later."

  "Are you positive about this?"

  "There’s always a chance Aaron isn’t Grub. By luring him we can find out the connection between the two," Drier explained.


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