Predator Patrol (Mars Cannon Novel #2)

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Predator Patrol (Mars Cannon Novel #2) Page 13

by Nicolette Pierce

  Evan sped down the road. I hollered over the whipping wind and thundering engine to ask if Andrea would be able to help out at the wet t-shirt contest.

  "Not as a contestant," he hollered back.

  A protective brother. Cute. "No, to help Jack in the kitchen."

  "God help Jack if she's in the kitchen with him."

  "I'm sure he can defend his turf."

  "Then you haven't seen Andrea in action. There's a reason she works alone in a food truck."

  Formulating plans in my head as we cruised down the road, I lost track of time. As he turned down my street, my breathing sped to sonic speeds. Evan was about to see me naked, sweaty, and covered in a layer of hazmat.

  As soon as Evan parked, I jumped off the bike, fought with the front door lock, and raced up the stairs to hop in the shower before Evan even had a chance to kill the engine. To say I was a little nervous would be like saying the Statue of Liberty was a little statue.

  I peeled off my clothes, flinging them as I raced through the house. I blasted the shower and jumped in, swearing a string of oaths as ice water pelted.

  "What in the world is going on? I heard you from the driveway," Evan said as he closed the bathroom door.

  I stood, frozen to my spot. It had nothing to do with ice water. I resisted the urge to wrap the shower curtain around me.

  "I didn't check the water temp when I hopped in."

  "You didn't burn yourself, did you?" He asked, concern laced his words. "I've had emergency calls from people who burned themselves in . . . " He poked his head in. His worried brow morphed into an amusement. "You're frozen solid."

  I shivered in response. This was not how I wanted him to see me. Why do I keep doing this to myself? Evan wasn't the only man to see me in a freezing shower. Brett had that unfortunate privilege too.

  He pulled off his shirt while gazing at me . . . longingly. I inhaled a sharp breath. Suddenly, it didn't matter anymore. Nothing awkward or embarrassing could send either of us running for the hills.

  I bit my lip as he unzipped his jeans.

  I closed my eyes and let the warming water run where it wanted. Breathe. It's just Evan.

  "You're smiling." His voice husky and near. Very near.

  "I'm happy." I lifted my gaze to meet his.

  He scanned the length of me. For a moment I was going to shrink back from such a heated gaze, but I remained in his full view. He soaked in the sight as if he found a masterpiece. A blossoming heat masked my face.

  "I want you, Mars," he whispered. "You're the only woman I have wanted for so, so long. It's always been you."

  My hands curled around his arms, feeling the sleek sinew. If I could just trade a tenth of my excess to him, I'd be in heaven.

  He circled his arms around, holding me tight against him. I found myself entranced by his chest pressing against mine until I was caught by the seductive lines of his mouth which were slowly closing the tiny distance.

  A rush filled my senses as our lips pressed together. Even my ears roared with the sensation. A dizzying lightness infused as he pressed me against the shower wall. I held on as my brain accelerated to catch up.

  It felt like a lifetime spun in a flittering blink as we pressed together, not even bothering to move our mouths to explore. The contact held me in suspense until he moaned, brushing his lips to my cheek and then nipping my ear.

  A low growl near my ear had my skin in a fit of tingles. "Mars, this is going to be one hell of a night. Just kissing you has me losing control. There's a connection here. Can you feel it?"

  I nodded. "I can feel it." My voice shook.

  "Where can you feel it?" He trailed a heated line down my neck.

  "Everywhere," I admitted. Even my heart ached as it longed for his touch.

  He clutched my wrists, pinning them to the wall. His lips traveled freely. I gasped as he teased my breasts with his tongue and a hint of teeth. My hands desperately curled into his hair. At the first sign of movement, he pressed my hands tighter against the wall. A growl that sounded like "mine" left me helpless in his control.

  I surrendered to his exploring lips. Every tingling, jolting, sizzling, and quaking nerve had me reeling; lost in the water and steam that wrapped us together.

  How could I be so lost in Evan's kisses? I wondered at the heady experience I was spinning from.

  I've never fallen so hard so fast . . . maybe one other time.

  Chapter 15

  A sound stirred me awake. I laid still, listening for the sound to repeat.

  Thunk . . . thunk, thunk, thunk.

  I scooted from the bed, tiptoeing to the window. I peeked out to find my windows splattered with dripping white stuff. Is that bird poop? I crinkled my nose in disgust until I saw Mrs. Janowski waving frantically from her porch with Ol' Bessie propped beside her. Two thoughts crossed my mind at once: I need to move, and I hope it's not an emergency. Fear of a possible emergency won. I wrapped on a robe, took a fleeting glance at the seriously handsome man sound asleep in my bed, and then ran to Mrs. Janowski's house. She stood stoically on the porch waiting.

  "What's going on?" I called as I dashed across the street. "Why didn't you call or come over?"

  "I tried calling. Your phone went to voicemail."

  The last time I remember having my phone was when I pocketed it in my jeans last night. It must be where I flung my pants off in my frantic escape to the shower. "My phone was downstairs. I didn't hear it."

  "I figured if you couldn't hear your phone, you wouldn't hear me knocking."

  "Did you have to use white paintballs? It looks like angry birds used my house as target practice."

  She peered at the window. "Yes. Rather unfortunate, isn't it?"

  I repressed a sigh. "What's so important?"

  "Come inside. T is here with Drier and Reed."

  "Did they find Aaron?" I asked hopeful. My hope deteriorated when I remembered her frantic wave.

  "I'll let them explain."

  I followed her inside to find T, Edna, Drier, and Reed all sitting at the dining room table.

  Edna pressed an embroidered handkerchief to the corner of her eye. "Oh, Mars! It's worse than we thought. I mean, child pornography is unthinkable, but . . ." Her words caught.

  Mrs. Janowski patted her shoulder and sat down beside her. "There’s been child trafficking. It seems Aaron is in the thick of it and has probably suffered more than we can even begin to understand."

  I edged on a chair. My stomach twisted like a tornado.

  "He's still missing," Reed said. "We're doing everything we can to find him before Grub does. Aaron knows more information about the operation than anyone. I'm afraid he's in danger more than he might realize."

  "Explain to me how Aaron is involved. How was he lost in the system?"

  "There are always cracks in the system. It's unfortunate. He could have been a drug baby born in the streets. He could be a missing child stolen before he had any memory of the event. There are so many missing children. It's a truly sick individual who steals and exploits children. Grub has been operating on a large scale."

  "How large?"

  "Nationally for sure. The children could be from any country around the world. He buys, trades, steals, and transports children. His reach is far and deep," Drier said, his disgust barely masked by his professionalism.

  "Has he been arrested?" My throat dried.

  "He's eluded us at every turn. We’re fairly sure he’s hunting for Aaron. We have enough evidence to arrest him and put him away for a few years. Aaron is the lynchpin. With his testimony, Grub can be put away for good."

  "Keep your eyes out for Aaron or unusual activity," T said. "You’re the only one Aaron’s asked for help. I'm sure he'll reach out to you again. If Aaron comes to you, Grub will be a step behind."

  With all the thoughts pinging rapidly through my brain, there was one that stood out. "What does he drive?"

  "We believe a full-size black truck. However, he might be swapping vehicle

  "I think he was at the bar last night. I saw a black truck in the parking lot when I left. There was no one inside the bar at the time. I saw movement inside the truck and remember thinking it was odd."

  "It might have been him. I'll see if we can pick up his trail. Do you know if you were followed?" Drier asked.

  "I was riding on Evan's bike. I'm not sure. He wasn't around when we pulled in the driveway." Not that I was paying attention. I ran inside like a wild dog was nipping at my heels.

  The detective stood. "I'll be in contact. I have some leads to check out. We'll catch him." He attempted a smile that never reached his eyes. With a nod, he walked out the door with Reed following behind.

  "Have you called the PPs? Are we ready to roll?" Mrs. Janowski asked Edna.

  "They're on their way."

  "Good. We'll get that bastard," Mrs. Janowski announced. She plucked a printed mug shot from the table.

  "Is that him?" I asked.

  "Yes. This is the spawn from Hyades. And that's where we'll send him back to!"

  "Oh, dear!" Edna knotted her hands as I studied the photo. "You hear stories about dark angels roaming the Earth. He's evil enough to be one. You don't think . . ."

  "Earl's been making you watch those old horror flicks, hasn't he?" Mrs. Janowski asked. "This guy wouldn't be a dark angel. He's nastier than Lucifer's toe jam."

  "Save the picture, Mars. We're going to need it," T said.

  I looked down at my fingers curling and strangling the picture. "Oh!" I smoothed it out on the table. "How can someone look normal and be so horrible?" I asked, staring at the mug shot.

  "He'd be much easier to identify if he was born with horns and a tail," Edna agreed thoughtfully.

  The mug shot was of a man who was clearly rumpled and angry from his prior arrest. But beyond the angry eyes, he could slip through society undetected. I scanned the details. Brown hair, brown eyes, thirty-five, five-nine, one hundred and sixty pounds, a tattoo on his upper arm, no scars. His nose was wide and his lips were pinched together in a scowl. An instant hatred of the man burned at my core.

  "You and T might as well roll out," Mrs. Janowski said. "There's no reason to hang here waiting for the gals."

  I blinked. "What do you mean? Where are we going?"

  "We're searching for Aaron. If we run over that snake while we're at it, so be it," Mrs. Janowski said. "You'll ride with T. Edna and I will ride together. Sylvia and Ida will make up the third car."

  "Excellent idea! I'll call Hank from the road. I have a feeling I'll be late. Not that it matters too much," I said, standing to leave.

  "I don't think I want you to work until we find this guy,” T said. “If he already knows where you work and had balls enough to wait in the parking lot, then you're a sitting duck."

  "I have to work. I'm in the middle of a project."

  "Then I'll hang out at the bar."

  "Don't you have to work?"

  "I'm doing it," he said, walking out the door.

  I stared after him. A strong feeling Brett was infiltrating my life again and pulling strings from Texas had me on guard.

  "Don't worry, Mars. We'll find Aaron," Mrs. Janowski said. "I'm having a new bumper installed on my car today. You know . . . like the police have. As soon as I see that black truck, I'll ram him into the ditch."

  Visually I could see her old, baby-blue Oldsmobile ramming into a full-size truck. With her determination, she'd win. I'm surprised she didn't opt for bull horns.

  As I was on my way out the door, Mrs. Janowski said, "By the way, I didn't find anyone snooping around last night on my watch. But I did eat my way through a whole box of Milk Duds before Evan and you emerged from the bathroom. You really need new shades. There's only two things that can happen in the bathroom that takes so much time." She winked. "I know which one it was."

  I cleared my throat, willing myself not to blush.

  "Considering I had to suck on those Duds because of my wonky dentures, I'd say you had quite the time."

  "I miss chewing Duds," Edna thankfully strayed off topic. "Whenever I try, I always look like a dog with a mouthful of peanut butter." She shook her head.

  "Growing old is not for the weak or vain," Mrs. Janowski commiserated.

  I ran after T. "Are we taking your car? I'm out of gas."

  "I'll drive. Mars?" He asked before I could hop in.


  "Maybe you should change."

  I looked down to find myself still in my robe. "Oh! Give me five minutes."

  He gave a nod and slid into his classic muscle car. The model he drove looked like a few I've seen on the road or in a calendar with a scantily clad female with long legs draped over the hood, but I couldn't name it. As it was, I was flying through the house and upstairs.

  I turned on the shower to let it warm while I tore through my drawers and closets.

  "What's going on?" Evan's gruff morning voice came from beneath the pillows and blankets.

  "The PPs are searching for Aaron today. I'm riding with T."

  He propped himself on his elbow. "Why T?"

  I glanced over to find him adorably rumpled with half closed eyes. "Because Mrs. J. told me to."

  A jaw muscle twitched, but he only said, "Can I pick you up tonight? I have school and a study group. My night is free. I could swing by and order cocktails."

  "I'd love it. I'm not sure how long we're planning to search. Hopefully we'll find Aaron right away. I'm sure I'll be at the bar by the time you're there." I dove on the bed to give him a quick kiss, scurrying off before he could trap me. "I need to shower."

  Six minutes later, I was in T's car feeling like a schmuck for leaving Evan alone in my bed. Though, thinking of Aaron in danger had my eyes scanning the roads, buildings, and any nook he might be hiding in.

  "What are the chances we're going to find him?" I asked.

  "With three cars and the police searching, there's a pretty good chance. The girls have split up, and we're heading to his neighborhood. Most likely he's tucked himself in a secure spot. It's bound to be in an area he knows the best. Describe him again."

  "Eleven years old, lanky, unruly brown hair, clothes that are too big, lopsided grin, and haunted eyes. I think they're blue."

  "Not quite a standard description, but it works."

  "That's because I'm not a cop." I focused on the road. A part of me itched to ask T about Brett's involvement in this, but I couldn't. I'm with Evan now. I'm happy.

  Evan's sleepy face floated through as my thoughts drifted to last night’s activities, I quickly pushed them from my head. No need for such steamy thoughts when I had to concentrate.

  I guess I was hoping for closure. Brett's presence lingers and invades. Whatever his involvement, it's none of my business. I'm just glad T is helping.

  "I drafted you to be the bouncer tomorrow night," I casually mentioned as I scanned the roads. "It's a volunteer gig."

  There was no reaction, just a nod.

  "No questions or arguments?"

  "I'll be there anyways. I was going to station myself at the door so I know who comes and goes. Asking for identification will help."

  I kept my eyes on the road though my mind was racing. "Why will you be there?"

  "I already told you. Where you go, I go."

  It was déjà vu all over again. Brett did the same thing. He even went so far as to handcuff us together. I eyed T's pockets. I couldn't see any telltale handcuff bulge, but that didn't mean anything. I glared at the road. Come on, Aaron. Where are you? I didn't want this to be a selfish act to find Aaron. However, the quicker we find him, the quicker T can resume his normal duties. Brett will go back to being a ghost in my past, and Aaron will be safe.

  We drove for hours, zigzagging the streets in a grid to cover the whole territory. Two boys had me leaning out the window to take a second peek. Unfortunately, Aaron was nowhere to be found. I made a call to the PPs. They had no luck either.

  "Let's take a break," T sug
gested. "It's lunch time. Call Mrs. J. back and have the girls meet us for lunch at the drive in."

  "Okay," I agreed and called Mrs. J. with the info on where to meet. "I need to make a few calls while we're there."

  "So do I. We can eat and keep an eye on the road."

  "I don't have any money. I'll just eat at the bar," I said.

  "I'm buying."

  "It's no big deal. I'm not even hungry," I said before my stomach rumbled like thunder. I shifted in my seat.

  "Not hungry, huh?"

  "Maybe a little. I can wait."

  He pulled in at the drive in and pushed the order button. A female voice asked for T’s order in a cheery voice. T ordered . . . and ordered . . . and kept ordering. My eyes grew rounder with each additional item. There's no way he could possibly eat all that food. I mean, he's a big muscle bound man . . . but geesh.

  After he rang up a sixty dollar bill, he sat back with a smile. "I'm so hungry."

  "You're going to eat all of that?" I asked in awe.

  He quirked his brow as if I was absurd. "You could’ve told me what you wanted and made my life easier. Instead, I ordered the whole menu."

  "That's so much money," I gapped.

  "Don't worry. It's taken care of."

  My eyes narrowed. "Taken care of as in adding it to an expense report?"

  "I just have to say it was due to a stubborn woman. Do your nostrils always flare when you're mad? I never noticed. Most days you look short and docile. Kind of like Emmy." He stopped. A flash of emotion crossed his features. The emotion was gone before I could peg it.

  "I have to call Emmy. Do you want to talk to her?"

  He cleared his throat and shook his head. "We said our goodbyes. She's moved on."

  "You can't mean that."

  "Listen, we were falling apart, never quite connecting as a couple should. Maybe some areas were better than others."


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