First Down (First and Ten #1)

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First Down (First and Ten #1) Page 4

by Lea Hart

  “You have a great attitude about this. Thank you.”

  She laid her hand against his massive forearm. “To some degree, I’m used to it because of Alex. I’ve been linked to him over the years. It all eventually dies down, and people move on.” She felt his muscle move under her fingers, and she tried to suppress a smile. It would seem that Mr. Jack Ellis was being honest about his feeling toward her.

  He picked up his fork and resumed his meal. He watched Ana studying him as she nibbled on a plantain. He could tell that she was trying to figure him out, and it seemed that she wasn’t having any success. That was probably a good thing, considering her prejudice about football players.

  A commotion started on the street, and Jack twisted to see what was causing it. He noticed a pack of paparazzi, jostling people who were waiting to get into the restaurant, and he sure hoped an A-list star was in town. Turning quickly back, he saw Ana’s frightened face. He scooted his chair closer and made sure that his body blocked any view of her from the street. The last thing he wanted was for her to be in danger, because of his fame.

  “Those photographers just shoved a woman who had to be over eighty. What’s wrong with them?” Ana fumed.

  “They’re animals. That’s what’s wrong with them. They don’t care who they hurt or what laws they break or if they invade your privacy. They just care about the money they’re going to be paid for the shot they get.”

  Ana slid down in her chair and looked around Jack’s large frame. “Don’t turn around, because I think they’re here for you. Several of them have their lenses pointed at us, and they’re very intent on getting a shot of you.” She put her glasses on and tried to appear interested in the food on her plate. “You live in a crazy world, Jack. I don’t envy you.”

  Shaking his head, he pulled out his phone and texted the head of security for the team. “I’m texting Roland, and I’m going to see if he can get a couple of guys down here to clear them before we leave.” He took her hand under the table and squeezed. “Sorry about this. I didn’t think it would happen in the middle of the day. I haven’t been on their radar for a while, so it must be a slow news day for them.”

  She squeezed his hand back and tried to paste a smile on her face. “I should’ve chosen another restaurant. This one certainly puts us in the center of things, and it makes you vulnerable to anyone on the street. It didn’t enter my mind when I suggested coming down here.”

  “We can go where we want to go. I’m not living my life according to what the paparazzi are going to do. I just don’t want to put you in danger and be uncomfortable.”

  They were interrupted by the waiter, who came to check on them.

  He watched Ana smile at the man as she started speaking in rapid-fire Spanish. They had an animated conversation, and Jack had a feeling it was about him. They both regarded him briefly then turned back to one another. He’d never heard someone speak Spanish so fast. The waiter walked away, and Jack waited for Ana to clue him in.

  “He told me the manager called the police, and they’re going to come down and clear the photographers. He suggested we go out the back, and he would have a taxi waiting for us.” Patting his leg under the table, she winked. “When I have the chance, I like to watch crime shows on TV, so I have a couple of exits mapped out. I think I have a plan that would work, if you’re interested.”

  “I had no idea I was on a date with an operator. I thought I was dating a doctor, but maybe you can be both.”

  “If I wasn’t a scientist, then I would definitely be an agent. I love spy stuff and covert ops. The only real barrier for me is I’m a big chicken, and I get scared easily. All my bravery happens in my head.”

  Leaning over, he kissed her cheek and smiled. He couldn’t help himself and didn’t want to miss out because he was worried about what pictures the animals behind them were going to get. “I think you could do whatever you set your mind to, Ana James.”

  “That’s a lovely thing to say, but I know my limits, and I like to stay within them.”

  The waiter brought over two large plates of flan.

  Ana clapped her hands in happiness. She took the waiter’s hand and thanked him. Looking over at Jack, she smiled. “I love flan.”

  “Apparently. I’m going to remember that, because you clapped when it came. I’ll have to figure out what else makes you want to clap when you see it.” He watched her take a big bite of the dessert and noticed her eyes closed when she tasted it. He’d never been so turned on in his life, as he moved around in his seat until he felt adjusted enough to be comfortable. The picture in his head just got a whole lot better, and it involved a lot less clothing than what she was currently wearing. This was the best first date of his life.


  By the time, they were done with their meal, most of the sidewalk had been cleared by MPD. “Do you want to try and make it to the car by ourselves?” Ana asked.

  Jack checked his phone, noticing a text from Roland that said he had no one available to come down. “Since I crash into people for a living, I can get us to the truck in one piece.”

  “I have no doubt about it. I’m just concerned the bad press that mowing down a photographer would produce. It might not be worth it.”

  “Sweetie, I’ll always take care of you and make sure you’re safe. That’s my first priority, and I don’t much care about the fallout. When we leave, I’m going to wrap my arm around you, and I want you to stick to me like glue. I will ask once for someone to move, and after that, I will show them why I get paid so much money to move through the offensive line.”

  “All right, let’s do this.” She stood and let Jack wrap his arm around her as they made their way out of the restaurant.

  Jack enveloped her in his big arm and held her hand as they moved through the patio and out on to the sidewalk.

  The paparazzi had moved down the street and stood near the corner.

  Jack handed the guy his valet ticket and continued to hold Ana in his embrace. “Are you smiling, Ana?”

  “I’m trying. Are they taking pictures of us right now?”

  He smiled into her flashing eyes. “They sure are.” He heard her laugh as she looked up with a blinding smile. Somewhere, he was conscious of the cameras going off like a fireworks show in front of them. Ana didn’t know it, but she just gave them the money shot. His gut was telling him that his feelings were all over his face, and it wasn’t going to take long for Ana to become the woman everyone wanted to know about. Damn!


  They drove down the highway toward Coral Gables and listened to music as the air conditioning cooled the inside of the truck. “Thanks for having such a good attitude about this.” Jack took her hand and held it tightly.

  “Maybe they’ll just crop me out of the pictures. After all, I’m not the one they’re interested in. It will probably blow over by next week.”

  He felt her hand tighten around his and thought about letting out a victory shout. How had holding hands become the best part of his day? “Would you like to come to the game this weekend?”

  She turned toward him as she answered. “Thanks, but I can’t make it. There’s going to be a couple of brain autopsies this weekend, and I don’t want to miss them.”

  He laughed as he made his way off the freeway. “That’s not something you hear every day. A brain autopsy definitely trumps a football game.”

  “The autopsies this weekend are going to be particularly informative, and I’m really looking forward to them.” She gazed out the window and realized he would probably lose interest before they made it back to her house. There was no way he would want to hang out with someone who preferred science to sports.

  “What is it you do at the University, Ana?”

  She let out a breath and decided not to hold anything back. She might as well make it clear who she was, so he could make his escape. “I have a Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Neuropsychology. I’m a resident in the program, and I have a chance at training i
n several disciplines.” Staring out the window, she studied the tree-lined streets as they made their way through her neighborhood. “I hope to decide what I want to focus on once I complete the program.”

  “Should I call you Dr. James?”

  “If you want, but no one calls me that unless I’m at the University. Somehow, I get called Ana Banana a lot more. I’ll answer to either.” She tried to breathe normally as she waited for him to make his excuses about seeing her again.

  “You seem too normal for having such an extraordinary brain.”

  “Thanks, I guess. You seem normal for having extraordinary physical abilities.”

  “Just think if we had kids. They’d be super-humans.” Jack laughed

  “Probably not. The chances of having children that fall within the typical range is much greater.”

  He smiled to himself because she hadn’t flinched when he suggested they have kids. “Maybe you can come to the next home game. It isn’t until the end of November, but if you wanted to see me play before then, I could fly you out to one of the away games.”

  Laughing, she leaned forward and moved the vents of the air-conditioning. “Nothing like keeping it casual. I’ll just wait for your next home game.”

  They pulled into her driveway, and Jack turned the engine off.

  “Thanks for lunch and putting my bookcase together.”

  “Sure, I’m happy to help. I’ll come by next week and put your desk together. I can do it any day before Tuesday. We leave for Massachusetts on Wednesday morning for our Thursday game.”

  “Not necessary, but thanks.” She started to get out.

  Jack popped out and came around to help her out of the truck. He took her hand as they walked up the pathway to her door. “Have fun at your brain autopsies this weekend. Maybe we can grab a quick lunch or something on Saturday if you have a break.”

  She opened her door and turned back to him before walking in. “Maybe. Have fun at your game, and good luck.”

  Leaning down, he gently kissed her cheek. “See you later, Ana Banana.”

  She watched him walk down the front walk and admired the view. “See you later, Jack Attack.” She waited until he got in the truck to close her door, and she caught his smile as he drove down her street. Leaning against the door, she let out a big breath. It took a lot of energy to act casual. The effect Jack Ellis had on her was screwing with her brain, and for someone like her, that was a big deal. Maybe it was more accurate to say he was messing with her hormones, because clearly, they were out of whack.


  Ana sat in the cafeteria and studied her notes as she drank a cup of coffee. The first autopsy had provided a great deal of information and had given her some ideas on areas of research that she would like to pursue. Her thoughts were interrupted by her phone buzzing. Looking at the display, she saw the picture she’d taken with Jack on the day they met. “Hello, Jack.”

  “Hi, Ana. Are you busy? I just got done with practice, and I’m leaving the stadium.”

  “I’m having a coffee and going over my notes. I have a break before the next autopsy.”

  “I have some stuff, and I’d like to take you to lunch. Can I come and meet you?”

  “I guess.”

  “That’s what I like about you, Ana. Your enthusiasm. I want you to try and hold back next time, because I can’t take all of your excitement.”

  “Are you done?”

  “Yeah…I guess.”

  “Do you know where the Miller School of Medicine is?”

  “Is it on the Coral Gables campus?”

  “No, it’s in Miami. Off of NW Twelfth St and Fifteenth St.”

  “I’ll put it in the GPS. What building are you in?”

  “Call me when you get here, and I’ll meet you. You’ll be easier to spot than me.”

  “Okay, see you soon.” Smiling, he started the truck and made his way toward Ana. She’d been on his mind since they had lunch, and he couldn’t wait to see her.


  Ana stood outside by the fountain and watched people as they milled around. There must have been a shift change because there were a lot of residents sitting at the tables. She noticed their tired eyes and pale complexions and was once again happy that she avoided becoming a medical doctor. Her life in research suited her perfectly. She watched a bunch of people stare at someone or something behind her. A couple of them started whispering furiously amongst themselves as they tried to act nonchalant. She turned, too curious to ignore whatever had them so excited. As she caught sight of what held everyone’s interest, she laughed to herself.

  It seemed even medical students were not immune to seeing a sports superstar in their midst. As he approached, her heart sped, and she felt hot. He had a big smile on his face that seemed to be all for her. He didn’t notice or care about the ripple of excitement in the crowd. He was solely focused on her, which she realized was unusual.

  “Ana banana! I found you. This place is a maze. Sorry it took me so long.” He grabbed her hand and leaned down to kiss her cheek. The feeling of her soft skin against his left him with a well of desire. The craving seemed dark and endless, and he wondered if it would ever be satisfied. “Can I take you to lunch?” Their clasped hands kept the connection he craved.

  Ana looked down at his big hand and noticed his grip was firm, yet gentle. Much like the man himself. “You should’ve seen the thrill of interest that just passed through the crowd when they spotted you. You’d think a bunch of residents would be too tired to notice anyone, but they sure spotted you quickly.”

  “It’s because I’m bigger than most guys. Maybe they think I’m here for a research project. I’m in incognito today with my college hat and T-shirt. Maybe my disguise is working.”

  “Yeah, I don’t think that’s what happening. If they don’t watch football, they probably watch TV. I Googled you again last night, and I watched your commercials. You have a lot of products that you endorse. I don’t think there’s much out there you haven’t promoted.”

  “Underwear. I haven’t done underwear yet.”

  “Well, I’m sure the call is coming soon.” She noticed several people staring and wondered why they didn’t have better manners. Even if Jack was famous, it seemed rude for people to act like he didn’t have a right to privacy.

  “The offer already came, and I’m deciding if it’s something I should pursue. When I met you in San Diego, Ronnie discouraged me in going after you. She said you would never go out with someone who had a billboard with their junk hanging out. I told her the ad was supposed to be tasteful, and my junk would be all tucked in.”

  “I can’t say that I have an opinion about underwear models and their junk.” She gave him a once-over and smiled. “I think you should do it, because you certainly have the body for it.”

  “You wouldn’t mind? I don’t want to take a chance and have you be uncomfortable.”

  “How much are they going to be paying you to strip down to your skivvies?”

  “A million dollars. I know it’s a ridiculous amount of money to be paid.”

  “I would never tell you not to pursue the opportunity. I don’t want you to be a million dollars poorer because of me.”

  “I don’t really need the money, so I’ll probably just tell them no.”

  “You can give me the million dollars. Do you know how far that money would go in research?”

  “If you need money for research, then I’ll give it you. I have more money than I can spend in three lifetimes.”

  “Jack, I was just kidding. Sometimes my sense of humor misses the mark.”

  “I’m not sure about that, so I better spend some time with you, and then I can give you my opinion.” He held out a big canvas bag with the Sharks logo displayed prominently. “I got you some gear to wear.”

  “Thank you.” She looked inside, seeing several hats and two T-shirts with his number and a jersey with his name and number on the back. “Subtle, I like that about you.”<
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  He laughed and tugged her in, so he could give her a hug. Her curvy frame fell against him, and he closed his eyes against the desire that shot through his system. Taking a deep breath, her scent as it surrounded him, as he whispered in her ear, “I want everyone to know who your favorite player is.” He noticed people taking pictures of them, which reminded him that he had to tell her about the pictures posted on a couple of sites. “Where would you like to eat?” Maybe he could save that bit of news until after lunch.

  “Let’s go over to the next building. It has the best cafeteria.”

  “Sounds good.” He took the bag from her hand. “Let me carry that.” He watched her bend down and grab a big tote that she’d left next to the fountain. “I’ll take that one, too.”

  “I can carry my bag.”

  “Why should you, when I’m here? It’s one of the many advantages of having a big strong boyfriend.”

  She ignored his comment and led him in the direction of the cafeteria. “I received a Google alert this morning, and I saw some photos of us from yesterday. It was a little disturbing to see the pictures they got from so far away. I was a little creeped out.”

  “I don’t blame you. Are you okay with it?”

  “I’m not sure, Jack. I live a quiet life with very little possibility of notoriety. Being around you is a whole new thing, and I’m not sure how I feel about see photos of us on the internet.”

  “I don’t want this to be a problem, and I’d be happy to hire a security team to make sure you’re safe.”

  She took his hand as they walked along the sidewalk. “The fact that you’re thinking about a security team is disconcerting. Let’s just see if they lose interest.”

  Walking into the cafeteria, they made their way over to a table near the window, and Ana had him dump her bags.

  “Is your stuff going to be okay here?” he asked.

  “Sure, nobody wants my laptop with all my notes.” She patted his chest before moving away, “I took all the naked pictures of me off the hard drive last month.” She turned and walked toward the line.


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