Becoming Maddie (The Casterhouse series Book 1)

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Becoming Maddie (The Casterhouse series Book 1) Page 6

by Hannah Gittins

  “Aiden.” she said again walking towards him with the group walking behind her.

  After putting his wallet away Aiden moved towards them whilst scanning the room for a table.

  “How much do I owe you?” Maddie said reaching into her regularly used black bag for her purse.

  “It’s on me.” he declared ushering the kids to a table in the window.

  Maddie didn’t move towards the table with everybody else but instead stood glaring at Aiden.

  “Thank you so much.” Sarah murmured before quickly helping the children sit at the table.

  Aiden turned to look at Maddie and raised his eyebrows at her lack of movement. She on the other hand was trying hard not to snap.

  “Thank you but I can pay for my ice cream.”

  Aiden’s eyebrows went from raised to frowning instantly. “I have taken care of it.”

  Resisting the childish urge to stamp her foot Maddie carried on. “I have money to pay for ice cream.”

  Standing in front of her, Aiden crossed his arms and sighed angrily. “I said I have taken care of it.”

  Looking over at the group Maddie noticed that the ice creams had been brought to the table but Sarah was not tucking into her ice creams like the children were. Instead she was looking over at them with a frown on her face.

  “And I said I can and will pay for my ice cream.” before she could say more, Aiden stepped forward and into her space again.

  “Will you be quiet and just accept that someone has paid for something for you.” He snapped. “Or if you cannot do that will you think of your friend for pity-sake.”

  Glancing at Sarah again she frowned. “Sarah? Why?”

  “Her husband works away and she has two young children. She works full-time on top of looking after them. How often do you think she gets to come and have ice cream with her children? How often do you think she can afford to come and have ice cream with her children?” he enlightened her.

  And it was an enlightenment. Straight away her anger left and understanding took it’s place. Here she stood moaning and no doubt Sarah knew exactly what they were talking about. She must be so embarrassed knowing that she couldn’t come up and say that she would pay for hers and the kids. Plus how ungrateful was she being. Why couldn’t she just thank this man and enjoy her Chocolate ice cream.

  “Now go and sit down and eat your bloody ice cream and for god-sake have a good time.” he snapped before walking to the table and sitting at one of the two empty seats.

  This left her only one seat to sit in and it was next to him with Rosie on her other side. She could not catch a break today. Aiden had made his point, made her feel like a fool and now she had to sit next to him and eat her ice cream.

  Just brilliant.

  Walking over she sat carefully down and tucked her feet under the seat working hard so that she didn’t touch him in anyway. Reaching out she scooped some up and had a taste. It was really, really good but it still stuck in her throat. She was a fool.

  “What were you talking about Maddie?” Rosie asked drawing her attention to the golden haired girl.

  Maddie could feel all of the people round the table looking at her and waiting on her reply.

  Talking a deep breath she replied “I was just thanking Aiden for buying us all an ice cream.” she looked up at Sarah and smiled at her. Trying to reassure her that hat was really what they were talking about.

  “Thank you.” Ethan and Rosie said almost at the same time.

  Aiden smiled at them all and said. “You’re welcome.” before having more of his ice cream.

  Sarah just looked between the two other adults sat in the room and slowly smiled before mouthing 'thank you' at her. Maddie didn’t know why because she hadn’t done anything worth it. Instead she nearly made things so much worse. Looking at Aiden quickly she saw he was looking at her with a blank face. She couldn’t even read his eyes this time. Now what was that all about?

  A ringing noise came from her bag.

  “Sorry.” she muttered as she riffled around for it. “Carry on.”

  Turning away from the table a little she put the phone to her ear. “Hello.”

  Aiden was watching her and moved closer as she reacted to the voice on the other end of the phone.

  Maddie's whole body had frozen and she could feel all the blood leave her face. Her fingers were cold and hands shaking. How she managed to keep the phone to her ear was beyond her. Not that she was hearing a word that was being said down the phone. The only thing that she had gotten was the name that the man called her.

  Maddison Wallace.

  Chapter 5

  The man on the other end of the phone carried on talking but Maddie didn’t hear a word. It was like the fear had clogged up her ears and she could no longer hear anything but the crazed beat of her heart. Her whole body was rigid with terror and she was scared to move in case it somehow drew attention to herself. Little did she know that Aiden had not taken his eyes off of her since she had answered the call (Long before that actually). He knew by her unmoving body that something was happening and it wasn’t good. He didn’t know about the panic coursing its way through her body and the dread that was now filling her brain but he saw the results.

  Her past was out and he was going to find her. He was going to take everything that she had worked so hard to build, eat up all the space she had managed to put between them and bring back the person that she once was. A person that she knew was just below the surface waiting to come out and be ruled by him again. More than that she was terrified about what he would do to her when he found her, because she had no doubt whatsoever…he would find her.

  The phone was taken out of her frozen fingers and she heard Aiden talking in the background.

  “Could you stay on the line but give us 5 minutes.” He said.

  There was some silence then.


  Two warm hands reached down and cupped her elbows pulling her up to a standing position. Gently but purposefully she was led out of the ice cream place into the fresh air. It hit her face pulling her back a little from the shocked and terrified state that had such a scary hold on her mind and body.

  “Sit.” Aiden said in her ear.

  Looking around in a daze she realised that Aiden had taken her to a bench a couple of shop fronts down from the window that Sarah, Ethan and Rosie sat in. Even through her fog she felt touched at his kindness that he had taken her to a bench that was not so over looked. Not that she was ready to focus on this at all. So she shoved the warm feelings down that she got from his thoughtfulness, so far down inside herself she hoped that she didn’t find it again. She slowly sat and felt everything weigh down on her shoulders, crushing her closer to the ground, her head dropped into her hands and she stared at her feet. Trying and failing to breathe properly.

  “Deep breath. Just take a minute or two.” Aiden said bending down at the knee’s so that he could look her in the face. Softly he lifted her chin so that he was looking at her eye to eye. “Breathe, Ruby, and clear your mind. You need to focus on what is being said to you and then you can stew it all over.”

  Ruby? Why had he called her Ruby? She didn’t have the strength to ask so just tried to do what he was telling her to do. He was right. She needed all of the details before she could really come up with a plan to save herself. She needed to know everything about what was happening so she knew exactly which way she needed to run and just how fast she needed to go. There was one thing that she would not do and that was let him catch her, put her where she was before and destroy her completely.

  Slowly she lifted her head and managed to suck a deep breath into her lungs before holding out her hand for the phone. Aiden paused, looking her deep in the eyes before seeming to be satisfied with what he saw there, he handed her back her phone.

  “I am sorry about that.” She said slightly huskily into the mobile. Clearing her throat she tried again. “Could you pleased start again I had to get to a place where
I could hear you clearly.”

  There was a pause on the other end of the line. She knew that the person knew that that was not the real reason but decided to go with it anyways.

  “Of course Mrs Wallace.” The voice said, sending shivers down her spine at the use of that name. “I am Detective Miller and I have some bad news for you.”

  If he was calling her that name then she already knew he had bad news.

  “Okay Detective Miller.” Maddie replied her voice sounding more serious.

  “As you know your ex-husband was serving time for…”He paused. “Well…you know what for.” He coughed and started again. “He swallowed dangerous material after visiting time last Monday. Mr Wallace was seen by the prison doctor and was then taken to the nearest hospital where he underwent surgery to remove the 4 batteries and 2 razor blades.”

  Maddie held her breath not a hundred percent sure how she wanted this to turn out. Could she really wish death on someone else so that she could be free? Her empty hand was lifted and held between two warm hands. Warm strong hands. Could Aiden hear what was being said or did he just read it on her face?

  “After the surgery he was given a couple of days to recover before he would be taken back to the prison to regain full health on the ward there.” He paused again and the dread started boiling and rolling in her stomach. “He was taken off ward by a male nurse and hadn’t been seen since.”

  Maddie could feel the blood drop from her head and settle in her toes. Why did it still hit her as a surprise when she knew from the first mutter of her former name that this is what the call was leading too? He was coming to get her.

  “Now I don’t want you to be worried, we will find him, and he will be brought back, and will face more charges. But I did have to inform you and ask you a couple of quick questions.” The Detective carried on. “Would you be able to answer them now?”

  She coughed slightly finding her breath stuck in her throat. It was too much to take in. She couldn’t do it. Maddie couldn’t sit here when he could be on his way to her right now!

  Her hand was squeezed and again her head was lifted by fingers under her chin. Warm caramel eyes shinned into hers and within them she saw him willing her on. Giving her some strength to answer the questions need. Because she knew, looking into those eyes, that she needed to get away from here. Not just for herself but for the people around her.

  “You can ask me any questions you like Detective.” Maddie said her voice suddenly sounding stronger than it had done before. It helped knowing that she knew what had to be done.

  “Do you know a Craig Chambers?” Detective Miller asked.

  Surprised at this question, she answered. “Yes. He was a friend.”

  “A friends of yours?” He asked.

  “No.” she said softly. “Why are you asking about him?”

  There was a long pause and then another big sigh. “He was the person that came to visit your ex-husband on the Monday that he swallowed the items. He was also the nurse that took him from the room.”

  Craig had always looked at her in a way that made her uncomfortable. But he had also looked at her with pity. He knew what she suffered and had often had to leave the house when things got bad. There had been a time when she had once asked him for help and hadn’t been given it. Sadly it was not the first time she had not been given the help that she badly needed. Craig had never struck her as a truly dangerous man, a lecher for sure but never a man to do real harm to another human being. What he was though was a weak soul who was a follower and an easy manipulated man.

  “Have you seen him recently?” Miller asked.

  “I have not seen him since…” Her tongue halted in her mouth not wanting to spill the words at all. And definitely not wanting to spill them with Aiden watching her so closely and listening to her every word.

  “Okay.” Miller cut into the pause knowing what she didn’t want to say. “Have you heard from your ex-husband?”

  “No.” she answered.

  “In anyway?” he pushed.

  “Not in anyway.” She answered again.

  “Not a call or letter?” He pushed harder.

  Maddie took a big breath and answered him in a way that she hoped left him with no doubt. “I have not heard from him since that night. The first few months he called every night. Every night. But I never, ever answered and I never, ever would.”

  In those words she knew she had given some things, maybe too much, away but it had to be done.

  “I am sorry but I had to ask.” The Detective apologised.

  Of course he did, she told herself. He had to ask but she needed to make sure that he never had to ask again. Maddie wanted nothing to do with her past. Now she wanted to find out what she needed to know and start making plans.

  “That’s okay.” She said thinking about how to word the next question. “Do you know where?” Being careful to not give anything away to her listener.

  “No Mrs Wallace I am afraid that we don’t. We have a few leads that we are following. You don’t need to worry as we will catch him and have him behind bars soon.” He answered.

  “Do you know what direction?” she now pushed him.

  There was silence that rung in her ears as she waited and almost gave in to begging to know the answer.

  “We, again, have a few leads but nothing certain.” He finally said softly.

  Maddie gasped and quickly pulled her hand free of the ever watching Aiden’s and covered her mouth. Her throat was tight as the tears started burning her eyes. But she couldn’t cry now because of the ever watching Aiden. She would not give in to them till she was alone, till she could spend them all and then pack.

  They didn’t know which way he was headed but she did. There was only one way he would go and that was to get her.

  “You don’t need to be scared.” Miller carried on. “All you need to do is get in touch with me if you see or hear from your ex-husband or Craig Chambers. I have no doubt that he will be caught and we will be speaking on the phone again in no time to say it is all over.”

  Maddie almost laughed but instead kept her hand over her mouth so that she didn’t sob.

  “I will give you my number just in case and will ring you again soon.” Detective Miller said and then gave her his number before hanging up.

  Gradually she lowered the phone but still kept her other hand to her mouth. The need to cry or laugh hysterically still bubbled up in her throat. Things were hard with Aiden being around but she had had fun. Watching Ethan play football and Rosie meeting Marvin. Then there was the joking and sharing with Sarah. For a couple of days there had been a friend in her life. Now she would have to leave it all behind and run.

  “Ruby?” Aiden said softly reaching up and taken her hand away from her mouth. “What was that about?”

  Her hands went up to look at his face but kept avoiding his eyes. She would not tell him, she would never tell him.

  “Ruby?” He said again with a bit more demanding. “Look at me and talk to me.”

  “Why do you call me Ruby?” she asked.

  Aiden frowned at her. This was clearly not what he wanted to talk about right now but it was all he was going to get.

  “When you share with me, I will share with you.” He said roughly.

  “I need to go home.” Maddie said totally ignoring his comment. So she wouldn’t know why he called her Ruby but it was more than worth it to not have him look at her with pity. She would rather he looked at her like he did now, with the annoyance of being shut down, than anything else.

  “Okay.” Aiden said taking her by surprise. Maddie had thought that he would put up a fight. Everything between them so far has been a fight so why has he given in so easily. “Go to the truck I will let Sarah and the kids know that something has come up.”

  Finally looking him in the eyes she said softly. “Thanks.” And she meant it. He held her hand and gave her some strength when she needed it. He was taking her home and doing it all without fighting w
ith her.

  Aiden looked her in the eyes for a long moment before standing and helping her to her feet. One step at a time they made their way to his truck where he then helped her in and she didn’t complain. He left her for a moment and Maddie just sat perfectly still her mind swirling with thoughts and trying (but mostly failing) to come up with a plan. Before she was anywhere near with coming up with something Aiden was back and driving the truck to her flat. She needed to break down and cry her heart out then, and only then, would she be able to think clearly.

  * * * * * * * * * *

  Aiden let her have time in the truck to stew over her thoughts. Or whatever was going on in her mind. All he knew was that he was not going to let her run. She hadn’t said anything, she hadn’t needed to, besides it was written all over her face. She was already mourning the loss of her friends and life here. He would not let her leave. What Aiden was not going to do was study these feelings to close.

  Seeing her on the side-lines of the pitch had taken him by surprise. It wasn’t that he hadn’t planned on going looking for her again, because he was (oh yeah he was.) Aiden was not going to complain if a small bit of good luck came his way. Little did he know that that luck was going to keep coming? His star player Ethan was a neighbour of her’s (something he had learnt already) but they were going out for ice cream. Aiden had even managed to get himself an invite. Watching her get all wound up and bothered by being near him. It had been clear that she was attracted to him, like he was to her, but she was fighting it hard. He knew it was going to be harder still after that call but he was more than willing to do the work. Aiden knew that Maddie would be worth it.


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