Town of Chance: Sweet Caroline [The Dare Series 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Town of Chance: Sweet Caroline [The Dare Series 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 4

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Oh she can be a bit of a klutz. She had an event to go to and wore very high heels.”

  Caroline continued when the sheriff rested his hand on his holster and looked at her as if he weren’t buying it.

  “Yes, it was embarrassing but could have been worse. The heel broke when it got caught in a crack in the concrete. I went down fast, nearly landed on my face, but I put my arm down and that was it.”

  “Wow that is something else. Well if you need any assistance with it, or need to have your doctor send medical files to Dr. Anders, he’s really great. He can probably even help you take it off when the time is right. How long anyway before the cast can come off?”

  “Three weeks?” Shelby said, but Caroline said four weeks at the same time.

  They laughed. “Well my sister says four but I’m thinking I can only make it through another two weeks, not three, but we’ll see,” Caroline said.

  He smiled softly. “Well if there’s anything you need, you don’t hesitate to call me. Will you be staying long or just visiting?” he asked.

  “I’m not sure. Probably staying for a while,” she said.

  “Martha just gave her a job as a clerk, so I would say she’ll be here for a while,” Shelby added with a smile. It was obvious to Caroline that her sister was relieved to have her in Chance and living with her. She should have left with Shelby two years ago when she took off for a new life.

  “Well then, let me know if there’s anything I can help with.” He looked at her cast and gave her a kind smile. “Anything, Caroline, and welcome to Chance.” He tipped his hat and headed down the street.

  “He’s very nice,” Shelby told her.

  “He’s very suspicious. Totally didn’t buy the high-heeled story.”

  “Well, you should have had a better story planned. When you didn’t answer right away I knew I needed to come up with something good.”

  “Well now we need to stick with that story.”

  Shelby chuckled. “I guess there’ll be no more wearing stilettoes and sexy dresses for you.”

  “Bite your tongue, woman. I love that stuff, and besides, Martha’s has a lot of great clothing. Considering the small-town charm Chance emits, I don’t think stilettos and sexy attire go hand in hand,” Caroline said and Shelby smiled.

  “You haven’t gone to Spencer’s for ladies night. The women come from all over the place. It’s pretty wild, and they run all these contests like best dressed and sexiest.”

  “Sounds like a night made for guys to get lucky.”

  Shelby chuckled. “I thought the same thing, but then I attended men’s night, and honey, there are some fine men living around this town and the surrounding ones. So fine, a woman could get palpitations.”

  Caroline was shocked, but more so that she thought about the palpitations and remembered the state trooper from a couple of weeks ago. He was drop dead gorgeous, big, muscular, and made her heart race.

  Shelby chuckled as she hugged Caroline’s arm.

  “This is going to be great. You’ll see, everything will work out perfectly.”

  “So how about a little lunch? Rita’s has great salads and awesome burgers.”

  “Hmm, a burger sounds perfect.”

  “I figured as much. I guess you’ll always have a fast metabolism. I don’t know why I didn’t get that gene.”

  “You look incredible, Shelby. We’re practically the same size, except you’re taller.”

  “Well whatever, at least we got the big boobs from grandma.”

  “Oh God, here we go again. Need I remind you of the time you thought about getting implants?”

  “No, Caroline, don’t remind me,” she said as she opened the door to the diner.

  Caroline immediately felt self-conscious as every person in the place looked at them, but she focused immediately on the uniforms and two men sitting at the front table staring at them. Then it clicked. The state trooper. She could have sworn that his eyes lit up at the sight of her and she looked at her sister.

  “That’s the trooper.” Shelby’s eyes widened.

  “Hello, York, C.J.,” Shelby said and started walking toward them. Caroline grabbed her sister’s arm.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Making sure they’re not suspicious,” she whispered and planted on a huge smile.

  “I think I owe you a thank you, York. You helped my sister change a flat tire on her way into town a couple of weeks ago.”

  Both men stood up.

  “Sure did. So this is your sister? How are you, Natalie? It’s nice to see you.”

  “Natalie?” Shelby said and looked at Caroline. Caroline felt her cheeks heat and she was probably as red as a beet.

  She stared up at both men who towered over her small size as C.J. shook her hand and held it a moment longer than normal.

  “It’s Caroline, actually.” She pulled back and C.J. squinted his eyes and appeared to be analyzing her and looking her over. She suddenly felt as if she were under a microscope and on edge. York shook her hand.

  “Caroline, huh?”

  She glanced at her sister who raised one of her eyebrows at her, indicating she needed to clear this up, not Shelby.

  “I’m sorry. I tend to be a little suspicious of people and well since I didn’t know you I felt compelled to lie about my name. I was being cautious, I guess, traveling alone and all.”

  He held her gaze a moment and then slowly released her hand. Her heart was hammering inside of her chest. These men were very attractive and very big. She stepped back and leaned into Shelby.

  “Well, I can understand being cautious. Especially traveling alone and not knowing anyone. I’m certain your sister will assure you that my brother and I are trustworthy,” he said and she gave a small smile.

  “They sure are. How is your brother, Hunter? I haven’t seen him since the welcome home party at Spencer’s a few weeks ago.”

  “He’s doing well. Thanks for asking,” C.J. said. Caroline wondered if her sister liked these men. The thought made her feel jealous, which was completely stupid and insane. Instantly her broken arm ached. She scratched her upper arm right where the cast ended and the skin began as she looked over Deputy C.J. Mantel. He had gorgeous light green eyes and a scruff of hair along his cheeks and chin. It made him appear rugged, country in a way. He looked at her, catching her staring, and when she looked to the left, York was looking her over.

  “So how did you break your arm?” C.J. asked her.

  She swallowed hard and avoided his eyes as she chuckled and blew it off as no big deal. “It was stupid. Kind of embarrassing actually,” she said.

  “Oh, now you have to tell us, and also where you got the cool black cast,” York said to her.

  “I was going to a party, wore heels that were too high, and the bottom got caught in a crack in the cement. I tripped when the heel broke off then I fell, and put my arm down to brace myself and to not land on my face. Hit it just right, I guess,” she said but still avoided looking at them. She felt guilty for lying. She hated to lie, but since planning her escape from Cameron, it was all she seemed to do. “Hmm,” York said and squinted at her. She sensed that he didn’t believe her. She felt embarrassed as she looked at Caroline.

  “Well, who would have ever thought high heels were so dangerous?” C.J teased and gave her a wink along with a sexy grin that did a number to her insides. She once again felt her cheeks warm. These men seemed to have that instant effect on hr.

  “Well, we’ll let you get back to lunch. It was nice seeing you both,” Shelby said to them.

  Shelby turned to ask the waitress for a table when York stopped Caroline by touching her hand. She pulled back fast, on the defensive, and he squinted his eyes at her. Shit, she really was messed up from Cameron. She couldn’t even pretend she wasn’t on edge when it came to a man’s touch or anyone’s for that matter aside from a handshake.

  “You staying with your sister for a while?” he asked her. She pulled her bottom lip betwee
n her teeth and nodded then rubbed the hand he had touched. Her body reacted to the man and seemed to react to C.J. as well as her nipples hardened and her heart hammered inside of her chest. She pretty much knew that she was attracted to both men and had a feeling they were attracted to her and would want to learn more about her. That was something she couldn’t do.

  “Well, that’s great news. So we’ll see you around.”

  “I suppose so. I’d better go join my sister.”

  “Oh, did you grab a new spare tire, just in case?” York asked and C.J. watched her response.

  “Not yet. Tuesday afternoon.”

  “Good. We’ll see you around then.”

  She nodded and looked at C.J., who winked and gave her a smile. “It was a pleasure meeting you. See you soon,” C.J. said and she walked away and could feel them staring at her as she walked.

  When she got to the small table to the side, her sister was smiling wide and looking over her shoulder.

  “Hot damn, sis, you snagged the attention of two very fine, very available men and you’ve been in town less than an hour.”

  “What? No, they were just being friendly, like the rest of the people we met so far today,” Caroline said and fixed her place setting then looked at her sister. Shelby looked serious.

  “Caroline, I told you that this place is special. For so many reasons. Fate steps in sometimes and makes things happen.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  Shelby leaned closer. She looked at Caroline and then exhaled.

  “You’re my sister, and I love you. I know it’s hard right now to imagine having a life, a new one and with no abuse or danger, but it will happen. You are a gorgeous woman. You’re young, sweet, and kind, and one day another man will come along and make you feel special and the way you deserve to feel. Don’t let the past, let what Cameron did, dictate your future. Then you’re giving him even more power over you than he originally had.”

  Caroline processed her sister’s words. She wasn’t ready for another man, another relationship, or to even think of trusting another human being aside from Shelby. Her comment put her on the defensive because everything that happened was still raw and real.

  “And what about you? Have you moved on? Are you considering dating again?”

  Shelby shook her head. “Maybe one day I will, but right now, I can’t see it.”

  “Well then. Don’t push me into getting there faster. You as well as anyone should realize that getting involved with another man or getting close to anyone can make more complications than necessary when, not if, I need to hightail it outta here.”

  Shelby’s eyes widened. “He won’t chase you down. If he did, you’re safest here with men like C.J. and York around.”

  “To me right now there’s no such thing as safe. Let’s just leave it at that and enjoy our lunch and the rest of the day.”

  Shelby nodded and then looked past Caroline.

  “They’re heading out,” she told her and Caroline didn’t even turn to look.

  “Good. Let’s order some food.”

  * * * *

  “So what do you think?” C.J. asked York as they headed out of Rita’s and over to York’s patrol car.

  “About what?” he asked.

  C.J. gave his brother’s arm a nudge.

  “About Caroline and her broken arm.”

  “It’s bullshit. She was totally lying and couldn’t even keep eye contact with us,” York said with concern.

  “I know. I hope she’s not in trouble or something.”

  “Well, there isn’t much we can do. Shelby knows the rules of town.”

  C.J. squinted his eyes at York. He could tell his brother seemed annoyed. He was giving him an attitude and trying to leave without talking more.

  “Hey, what’s with you?”

  “What do you mean?” York asked, turning toward his brother, holding his keys for the patrol car and looking back toward the diner. C.J. could tell he was biting his inner cheek as his jaw tensed and his eyes darted back toward the diner. He was interested in Caroline. C.J. was, too.

  “She’s a very attractive young woman.”

  “She’s young, C.J.,” he said, immediately looking at him and sounding like he knew what C.J. was getting at. They hadn’t dated anyone or fooled around with anyone in months. Since Hunter retired, things were a bit off-kilter at home, but they were making progress. In fact, Hunter was supposed to go out to Spencer’s next week to listen to their friend’s band perform on stage there.

  C.J. looked back that way and kept his hand on his holster to lean on. “Never seen such gorgeous eyes, or that platinum-blonde hair. She’s petite, too.”

  He stared at him a moment. C.J. could tell that his brother was attracted to Caroline, but he had questions.

  “She could be trouble.”

  “Then it’s our job as law enforcement to ensure the safety of this community and its residents.”

  York shook his head and smirked. “And if she’s wanted for something criminal?”

  “I’ve got no qualms about taking her in for questioning,” he said and smirked.

  “We don’t hardly know her, but I get the feeling she’s hiding something.”

  “I do, too. It’s our job to protect the women of Chance.”

  “But it’s also risky business giving one woman too much attention either, C.J.”

  C.J. felt his face blush. He knew what his brother was hinting at. Marie. She had been a really cute little brunette who kept getting into little messes and playing it up. She would ask C.J. for rides and for help and say that suspicious men were bothering her at Spencer’s and that she didn’t feel safe going home alone. She turned out to be a liar and a manipulator. Nearly got him in trouble with the sheriff and his brothers, too. Marie was after a good time, and when things went wrong and he told her he couldn’t help her anymore, she threatened to lie and say he forced himself on her. Thank goodness she said it so loudly that people heard. So when she did make the false accusation, those witnesses stepped forward and saved his ass.

  “You had to bring up Marie?”

  “Hey, I’m just sayin’, that some women have agendas. Whether that be a good time, an easy scam to get into your wallet, or just try to trap you into marriage or something.”

  “I think we all learned a lot from that experience. We’ll keep this professional and keep our eyes on Caroline. And Shelby.”

  “Shelby is Kenneth, Bender, and Sam’s responsibility.”

  C.J. chuckled.

  “Not in Shelby’s eyes. She hasn’t even a clue that they’ve been staking a claim on her for months.”

  “Because they think she’s hiding something, too, and is fearful. They’ll work it out.”

  C.J. felt his chest tighten with concern. He hoped that Caroline wasn’t in danger or in trouble. The thought of her broken arm and cast and how shy and petite she was alerted some inner instinct inside of him. He felt the need to be protective.

  “We’ll keep it on the low and see what we find out in getting to know her.”

  Let’s just do our jobs. The last thing we need is some bullshit and trouble or another Marie.”

  C.J. agreed and they said good-bye and went on their way. He couldn’t help but to look back toward the diner. He would continue to wonder about Caroline. There was nothing he could do about it. She was just that interesting.

  * * * *

  “It’s so nice to finally meet you, Caroline. Shelby told us you were moving here,” Eliza Grace said as Shelby introduced her.

  “It’s nice to meet you, too,” Caroline said.

  “This is Missy Ann. She just moved here about a month ago,” Shelby added, introducing her to her friend. The two women joined them at the table in Rita’s.

  Both women were very attractive and sort of shy like Caroline.

  They talked about the town and some upcoming activities and also about heading to the beach next weekend.

  “You mean after you see Cowb
oy Corruption perform next Saturday night?” Shelby teased.

  Eliza Grace leaned closer to Caroline. “Oh, Caroline, you have to see them perform next Saturday. They are so awesome.”

  “They’re a country music band?” Caroline asked.

  Both Eliza and Missy smiled. “The best one around. Their music is a combination of country and rock. It gets ya moving,” Shelby added.

  “And they’re not so bad on the eyes either,” Missy said, blushing as she kept her eyes on her drink of tea. She definitely was very shy.

  “We’ll be there,” Shelby said and gave Caroline a wink.

  “Fantastic. You’ll love Spencer’s. It’s an amazing place and so much fun. People are friendly and they keep the troublemakers out, so no one can ruin a good time.”

  “Sounds like fun,” Caroline said but she wasn’t sure it was going to be fun. She really didn’t want to go anywhere or show her face. She thought it better to remain low-key. Even taking the job at Martha’s was taking somewhat of a chance, but she needed money. She couldn’t live off of Shelby’s income.

  The ladies went on to talk about the town and about Ruth’s place. They added stories about some of the upcoming events and even gossiped a little about certain people in town who were troublemakers. Just little things. She especially enjoyed the story about the woman who chased down three young teenagers with a shotgun after they rode over her garden ruining her vegetables. Then they talked about the fair and the food contests and how that same woman competed for the best zucchini bread in town.

  It sounded so nice, so peaceful and pleasant. That was hard to digest because she was used to the chaos of the city, the piss-poor attitudes of people on the streets who had their own agendas and didn’t even care about saying hello or smiling. Even when she got to her apartment at night, it wasn’t peaceful. There was always noise and even worse when Cameron came over.

  She was glad she hadn’t accepted his invite to move into his apartment with him. She never would have gotten out of there. As she added a few comments and the women spoke about everyday things like it was so normal and great, she wondered if she would ever feel safe and comfortable, or she would always hold back, remain on guard, and be distrustful. It was pretty easy to like friendly, sweet women like Eliza and Missy, and to think that she could have a normal life once again, but then came the negative feelings and the concern and the fear that Cameron scarred her with.


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