The Darkness: The Conglomerate Trilogy (Volume 2)

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The Darkness: The Conglomerate Trilogy (Volume 2) Page 29

by William S Frisbee Jr

"Thank you," Halsey said. "May I now access the network and contact Colonel Al Gray?"

  "Granted," Luke said and Halsey closed his eyes.

  Turning to Leonessa, Luke pointed at the silent droid whose skin was darkening and changing color.

  "At this point he will access the Proud Infidel's network using the same interfaces we use," Luke said. "Then he will just start absorbing data. They absorb data for a couple days and then they work to fit into the role you have assigned. I will send most of these droids to Gray since they will replace several of my officers who were killed aboard Athena and on the Ultio. I plan on assigning one as my new assistant and aide."

  "To replace Jeeves?" Leonessa asked.

  Luke shook his head. Jeeves could not be replaced.

  "I will assign a new XO to Halsey aboard the ship. No, I think I'm in need of something different, more of an advisor and social guru," Luke said.

  "What will you name him?" Leonessa asked.

  "Duncan Idaho," Luke said staring at the next box.

  "A name I should know?" she asked.

  Luke nodded. "He was a trusted advisor in a book called Dune, by Herbert Hoover I think."

  An InnerBuddy pop-up showed the author of Dune was Frank Herbert. Luke smiled at his error.

  Leonessa nodded and looked at her box.

  Stepping up, she placed her hand on the red box as Luke had done.

  The sides folded away, revealing a droid that was almost identical to Halsey, except the facial features were slightly different, with larger eyes and a thinner nose.

  "Lieutenant Commander Leonessa Ferraro confirmed," the droid said in a sexless voice. "Please state the name I am to use."

  "Lagertha," Leonessa said.

  "I am identified as Lagertha. Thank you," the droid said. "What are to be my primary tasks?"

  "General assistant, adviser, and body guard," Leonessa said glancing at Luke who nodded.

  "I will be your general assistant, adviser and bodyguard," Lagertha said. "Thank you. Should I take a specific appearance and physical form?"

  "Female," Leonessa said with a shrug and glanced at Luke. "Thin and athletic? White."

  Luke nodded wondering if Lagertha was anyone important. His internal display pulled up data on a viking shield maiden from the twelfth century. He would investigate more later.

  "I will change form and notify you when I am done," Lagertha said. "Is there anyone I should report to?"

  "Myself," Leonessa said.

  "Thank you," Lagertha said. "May I now access the network?"

  "Yes," Leonessa said.

  "Thank you," Lagertha said and closed her eyes.

  "You can change things as far as name and focus in the next twenty-four hours without any problems," Luke said. "Just speak to her and she can advise you. You can also have her change her voice, facial features, and so on. They can self-repair and that is how they change, but it is not always a quick process."

  "Thank you," Leonessa said.

  Luke nodded and turned to the next box.


  Leonessa and Morals

  "You need not worry about regulations," Morals said.

  "I'm a Jupiter Alliance Officer," Leonessa said. "I consider myself a damned good one."

  "And you are!" Morals said trying too hard to appease her.

  "There is nothing you need to worry about," Morals said. "I can put it in writing if you like."

  "No," Leonessa said.

  Morals rolled his eyes.

  "Why not? You like him and he obviously likes you," Morals said. "There is nothing wrong with that."

  "He is also a senior officer and a mission commander," Leonessa said trying to pin him down with her gaze, maybe she could intimidate him and make him stop this line of questioning.

  He wasn't that smart.

  "There is plenty of precedent," Morals said. He was a Commodore, and he had a lot of pull in the Intelligence Service. Otherwise they wouldn't have sent him on this mission.

  "Doesn't matter," Leonessa said.

  "It matters a lot," Morals said. "The Jupiter Alliance needs Luke Kishi on our side. We need him sympathetic if we are to keep the people of the Jupiter Alliance safe from the Caliphate. It is for the common good."

  "No," Leonessa said.

  "Athena was very lucky when New Alamo came to their rescue," Morals said, changing track. "Your mother was in a lot of danger on that station."

  Leonessa's eyes narrowed to slits as she looked at Morals, waiting for him to continue.

  "Athena is still a member of the Jupiter Alliance," Morals said. "JAI has jurisdiction there."

  "So?" Leonessa said, wishing he would get to the point. He had a half grin and seemed relaxed. What was he not worried about?

  "How is your mother doing?" Morals said and Leonessa's blood turned to ice.

  "Why?" Leonessa asked. Morals was a cold-blooded, heartless, ruthless snake.

  Morals looked surprised, but Leonessa could tell it was faked.

  "I was just asking," Morals said. "She has a good job, very important, and she gets high marks from her supervisors. She is very influential and is in a position of trust. I'm sure she is very proud of her daughter."

  Leonessa looked at Morals. There was no doubt he could cause problems for his mother. None at all.

  "You want me to whore for JAI?" Leonessa said. "Or you will do something bad to my mother."

  "Of course not!" Morals said, his eyes never leaving her face, his emotionless eyes and cold expression contradicting his words. He was too calm, too relaxed, his eyes never wavered, and he blinked less, common tells of a liar.

  "Do you think we are savages?" Morals said a faint half smile on his lips. "It is our goal to save the Jupiter Alliance. Everything we do is for the common good. In this case it is not just the Jupiter Alliance, but all of humanity."

  Leonessa stared at Morals. Not sure how to respond and what she could get away with. His behavior was unprecedented. But she could now read him like a book. He didn't care what she thought. She had access to something he wanted and would use and abuse her in any way he could to get what he wanted. He would tell her anything she wanted to hear.

  "Let me say this," Morals continued. "Should you get involved with Commander Kishi then I will support you one hundred percent in every way I can. Don't be afraid to make a move. This isn't about regulations, this is about the human race. There is nothing wrong with it and I can provide you protection from any dumb admiral that takes exception. I scratch your back and you scratch mine. We are friends."

  This weasel was not anyone's friend Leonessa was sure, but she knew he believed it.

  "Really," Morals said sounding sincere. She wanted to believe him, his tone of voice, his eyes, his posture said she could trust him. She wanted to be with Luke, maybe more, well, not 'maybe more', definitely more, but not as a JAI whore. If she didn't then Morals would take it out on her mother. The threat was all but openly stated.

  Morals sighed.

  "It is late," he said. "We are both tired, it has been a long day. Let's cut this short and call it a night, huh?"

  Leonessa watched him as he got to his feet and collected his data pad and interrogator device.

  Nothing more was said as he nodded to her and walked out. She sent a command to lock the door behind him and then stood up, flipping over the chair and looking for something to hit.

  Why couldn't it be simple? She had dreamed of finding a man like Luke for as long as she could remember but she had to be his equal, not his follower. Now she hadn't found someone like Luke, she had found the real deal and he was interested in her but he was too much of a gentleman. A professional and a proper mission commander. Luke was a maverick that would break the rules, but not when it came to other people and he had a choice. She couldn't make the first move either, for several reasons, least of which was because Morals wanted her to and she didn't want to give him the satisfaction. There were explicit rules and regulations about fraternization. Comma
nder Kishi was in charge, he held a lonely position and had to maintain his distance from those he led. As a leader herself, she had remembered that. It had also been drilled into her at the academy, both in the Marines and in Fleet. Having a relationship with anyone in her chain of command would tear the command apart. People would question the commander's judgment and suspect favoritism. It was a time proven concept that had endured since men and women first served together, regardless of culture or time period. When she returned to Athena, they would again be torn apart.

  But Luke was unique. Was being in his arms such a foolish notion? He must feel the same way. Maybe when she had been a passenger aboard the Ultio.

  But now?

  What if he said no and pushed her away? His sense of duty was strong enough. No. She couldn't risk that either, to be shunned. She couldn't risk that rejection. If he learned that Morals forced her to go to him that would destroy their relationship as well and Morals knew that. He had her psyche profile, he would know she would do almost anything to avoid him learning she was working for Morals.

  Damned if she did, damned if she didn't. She could sacrifice either Luke or her mother because she knew Luke would find out. She knew enough about the Intelligence Service to know how they worked. They would make her dig her hole deeper and deeper until they owned her body and soul. They would bind her to their slavery with her guilt.

  Were there any other options?

  Damn. She looked at Lagertha standing there against the wall, her eyes closed, still processing data. If only the droids could help with problems like this.

  * * * * *

  "Want another drink?" Brita asked standing and going over to the vending machine.

  "No thanks," Luke said distracted and realizing his tea was still half full.

  "Permission to speak freely?" Brita asked as she sat in the conference room with Luke. They had both been working on sifting through military reports from the Conglomerate focusing on interactions with ships from the dark. There was data but Conglomerate officers didn't care too much for details and were not inquisitive.

  "Always," Luke said looking up at Brita. Her piercing eyes bored into him and he knew it wouldn't be a question about the Conglomerate.

  "Why are you holding back with Leonessa?" she asked.

  Luke hoped none of his emotions made it to his face or body and willed everything to remain unreadable. He had asked himself that same damned question way too many times.

  "It would be inappropriate," Luke said. "As the most senior officer I have to maintain a certain distance. You have been in command, you know that. What would people think? It could affect military discipline and everyone's working relationship. So far, we are all working well together. Any relationship we will also be doomed when we return to New Alamo and she returns to Athena."

  "I missed something here," Brita said. "When did you care about what people think?"

  "If she said no, then that could cause problems in our working relationship," Luke said. "Relationships can get sour for many reasons. That would sour our working relationship."

  "Do you think she will say no or push you away?" Brita asked.

  "She is a professional," Luke said. "I think she knows regulations. The last thing I want to do is lose her respect. Maybe after this mission. She is an exceptional and professional woman. She is very concerned about her career."

  Brita rolled her eyes, "Seriously?"

  Luke looked at her, dropping his chin and giving her a deadpan expression.

  "What is this to you?" Luke asked.

  "I like you. If I thought I had a chance, I would have claimed you as mine. Screw the regs, but," Brita paused and looked at Luke. "I don't love you and you don't love me, which is fine, but I'm not low enough to interfere when I think there is love or the potential."

  Staring at her, Luke tried to think of something to say or do.

  "So now you understand my frustration," Brita said. "I think your affection for Leonessa is obvious to everyone, and her affection to you seems obvious, at least to me. I think we all are waiting for the two of you to remove your heads from your asses and make each other happy."

  "She is no longer just a passenger," Luke said. "She is a member of the team from an allied power and a subordinate. Perhaps after this mission."

  Luke thought about Bruce and his crew, what would they think? How would this affect the attitude of the Jupiter Alliance members and their military protocol?

  "So?" Brita said.

  "So, it isn't that easy," Luke said and Brita rolled her eyes.

  "I thought we had this conversation about life is short?" Brita said.

  "Duty first," Luke said and with a finality Brita knew better than to argue with.

  "Well," she said. "This is a small team. I don't even think that prick of a Commodore Morals would object. He was giving me a grand speech the other day about the sad population growth of the Jupiter Alliance and how we should all do our part. I think he was trying to come on to me again. While he is kind of handsome, I would rather bed a snake and I'm not ready for more children. With him I think children aren't what he is really interested in."

  "Whoa," Luke said with a smile. "Too much information!"

  Brita chuckled.

  "Well," she said. "You get the point. I want to see the two of you happy, I know Amanda and Jeremy do. As for Morals and Pavlis? They aren't your problem."

  "And the crew of the Proud Infidel?" Luke asked.

  Brita shrugged. "None of their business."

  Luke shook his head. It wasn't that simple, it never was with people.

  "I'll think about it," he said and Brita knew he would but nothing would change so she kept her sigh quiet and internal.

  "Don't think about it too long," Brita said. "Life is too short."

  "Thank you," Luke said and pulled up another report.

  Brita nodded and Luke decided to re-read the report he was on.


  Bronkaw Prime

  The Proud Infidel slid into the Bronkaw Prime system behind the Conglomerate patrol cruiser. This system was younger, with a bright blue star in the depth of a massive purple nebula. Everything was purple.

  "We are being hailed," Erica said glancing toward Bruce.

  "On screen to me," Bruce said.

  "Attention vessel," a Bronkaw officer said. The voice sounded like an erratic engine or a sputtering chain saw. He looked normal sized on the holographic screen but Luke knew how huge they were, twice the height of a normal human, four, sometimes five meters tall. "You have entered the realm of the Bronkaw Dominance. This is a sovereign system. State your identity and business."

  Luke suspected the Conglomerate Cruiser was getting the same treatment. Specifications for the Bronkaw cruiser appeared on the main screen. It was a big bruiser, typical of Bronkaw ships, armored and armed but slower and less maneuverable. It measured in at four thousand gravons, which put it on some scales as a light battleship for smaller races.

  "Greetings," Bruce said in flawless Bronkawan. It was barely within the ability of human vocal cords. "This is the Proud Infidel, Captain Simmons commanding. We are delivering a Topa Envoy and Shoka to the Nalee ship yards and then the Dominance Headquarters. This is Topa and Shoka business."

  The officer looked at Bruce, and Luke could see how surprised it was with a furrowed brow and lips twitching, preparing to pull back to reveal the razor-sharp teeth. The hands were probably flexing as well but he couldn't see them.

  Finally, the officer nodded and his lips stopped twitching.

  "You are cleared to proceed to the Nalee ship yards," the officer said and then the Bronkaw's upper lipped pulled back. To a human it would have appeared to be a sneer, but Luke now knew it was curiosity. "Where did you receive your damage?"

  Bruce glanced to Luke who nodded. This was perhaps the first vessel that had asked them details of the damage.

  "We received it while fighting with ships outside Conglomerate space in a dark zone," Bru
ce said. "There were three attackers. We did not kill them fast enough and sustained heavy damage."

  The Bronkaw squinted, which was their equivalent of a nod.

  "The Nalee may be able to fix your ship," the Bronkaw officer said. "But it may be better to get a new one that isn't so poorly armored. Those in the dark are becoming more dangerous and I am glad to hear you were victorious. Saddened to hear of the damaged inflicted upon you and losses received."

  The alien officer looked sincere.

  "Thank you," Bruce said.

  "Go with honor," The Bronkaw said.

  "Go with honor," Bruce said and closed the connection.

  "Poorly armored?" Bruce said. "Really? Even with a broken spine the Proud Infidel is still more maneuverable and faster than that dinosaur cart. They wouldn't need such heavy armor if they could move out of the way of the attackers."

  "Nalee ship yard detected," Erica said, a smile in her voice. "It is in an asteroid belt, about two days away."

  "Ensign One," Bruce said. "Set course for the Nalee ship yards, cruising speed."

  "Aye, aye," Ensign One said. "Setting course for Nalee ship yards, cruising speed, Aye."

  "Secure from battle stations," Bruce said.

  "Securing from battle stations aye," Ensign Two said and transmitted an all clear.

  Luke faded out the rest of the bridge from his view screens and displayed the space around the Proud Infidel. It felt like he was sitting in a large ethereal purple cloud. This far out he could make out the blue primary star the Bronkaw had evolved under. This was a crucial star system as well and there were seven wormholes here in the system. There were also four very distinct, and rich asteroid belts in the system. The Bronkaw home world was the third planet from the sun, a massive rock with a gravity less than Earth.

  Various icons popped up on his view as he looked around. More sensor data was revealing the activity in the surrounding system. A squadron of ships, likely on maneuvers, various massive cargo haulers moving to or from the various wormholes. Several space stations and the Nalee ship yard appeared as markers, too distant to see with the naked eye.

  There were a lot of ships moving around the system and Luke knew there were hundreds more that hadn't been detected yet with the Proud Infidel's damaged sensors.


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