The Immortal's Legacy (Calder Witch Series Book 6)

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The Immortal's Legacy (Calder Witch Series Book 6) Page 17

by Martha Woods

  When he gave one final thrust and let out a guttural groan, she felt aftershocks of pleasure moving through her. She clung to him, not wanting to let go and very much wanting to experience another intense orgasm like the one she just had.

  Liam, breathing just as hard as she was, managed to make it to the couch and drop down, taking her with him. She straddled his hips and they remained connected. Finally, the blissful haze cleared and Skylar lifted her head from his shoulder to look at him. Neither said a word for a long time. They simply stared at one another in wonder.

  Finding her voice, she asked, “Why the hell did we wait so long to do that?”

  Liam grunted. “Because I was being an idiot.”

  She pursued her lips, attempting to swallow her smile. “I’m not going to argue with you there.”

  He pinched her backside, making her yelp. “I’m still your boss.”

  “Yeah and you owe me a blouse, boss.”

  He frowned when she pushed away and stood up, grabbing her torn blouse from the floor. “What’s wrong?”

  Running a hand through her hair, she turned to him. “You’re right, I still work for you. While sex with you is the most incredible thing I have ever experienced in my life, I don’t want things to get too complicated. I can’t lose this job, not right now.”

  His jaw clenched. “Because you’re in trouble and you won’t tell me what kind.”

  “I’m not in any -”

  “Cut the crap, Sky. I pay attention. To you.”

  “Well, it’s not like you don’t have secrets too. I pay attention to you too.” She sighed. “Are we really going to argue after… that?” She pointed to the desk.

  Liam reigned in his temper. “Let’s not.”

  “So what happens now?”

  He grasped her chin, tilting her face up to lock gazes with her. “It doesn’t matter what happens. Just know that you are mine now.”

  Skylar’s breath hitched in her chest as she gazed up at him. His emerald eyes darkened with possession and a hint of something untamed. She shivered as a strange combination of fear, excitement, and surrender rushed through her.

  Chapter 10

  Liam smiled and it didn’t feel so strange because over the last three days, he had gotten used to it. He smiled harder when Skylar stretched lazily beside him and sighed. He trailed his fingers up her bare thigh and to her hip.

  “Tired?” he murmured in her curtain of hair that was spread over his shoulder.

  He couldn’t help taking in a deep breath to fill his nostrils with the scent of strawberry, which he had discovered was her favorite fruit and that was why she used strawberry shampoo. Another smile stretched across his lips. Smiling was all he had been doing for days, as if he was making up for all the years he didn’t smile.

  Skylar nodded. “Yup, because somebody kept me up all night.”

  “I believe it was you who kept me up with round after round of hot, sweaty sex.”

  She giggled and he could tell she was blushing without looking at her. “Because you’re insatiable.”

  “And you have become a monster,” he countered. “You have sex one time on an office desk and you turn into a nymph.”

  She swatted his shoulder playfully. “The average man would fall asleep around, say round three, but not you. So look who’s talking?”

  “I never said I was the average man.”

  He was actually more beast than man most of the time. His mood dampened at the thought. How long did he think he could hold on to Skylar without her discovering what he was or without putting her in some kind of danger?

  “I should get to work,” she murmured, planting a kiss on his chest.

  He pulled her back to him before she could scoot off the bed. “Not so fast. I’m not done with you yet.” His hand found its way between her thighs and brushed over her mound, making her moan.

  “Liam, you’re going to go broke. You haven’t gotten anything done in days. I can’t allow that to happen. I’m still in charge of efficiently running your life.”

  Nuzzling her neck, he murmured, “I think my bank account can survive another day off.”

  She sighed and relaxed into his touch, allowing him to sensuously explore her body. Her soft moans filled his bedroom. Suddenly, her phone began to vibrate on the night stand, breaking the erotic spell he had cast. Liam muttered a curse as she surged upward and reached for the wretched device. He had noticed that every time her phone rang or a text came in, she was on edge. With a frown, he watched her closely as she glanced at the screen but didn’t answer. The color seeped from her face and he was tempted to grab the phone from her and throw it out the window.

  “Is it that cop? Because if it is, I’m going to drive into town and run him over.”

  She rolled her eyes and sent him an annoyed glance. “You need to get over your jealousy, Liam. And no, it wasn’t Cayden so don’t get your briefs in a bunch.”

  “I don’t wear briefs,” he growled. “Who was it then?”

  “No one important.”

  “You’re lying to me.”

  She glowered at him. “What is your problem? I don’t know why you’re getting upset. It’s not like you’re Mr. Ready-To-Share either.”

  “Damn it, Sky. You will tell me what is going on or-”

  “Maybe I’ll tell you if you tell me why you’ve been avoiding going to see your family.” She crossed her arms and eyed him challengingly.

  His jaw clenched and rage surged through him. “This is about you, not me.”

  “Let’s make it about both of us then. I’ll talk if you talk.”

  A string of expletives erupted and Liam jumped up. “You know what, don’t tell me a thing. Your business is just that, your business.”

  He marched toward the door, not caring that he didn’t have on a stitch of clothes. At least he wouldn’t ruin another good pair of jeans when he shifted.

  He heard Skylar shout, “Go ahead and run when things get too emotionally heated for you, Liam. You’re good at that.” She let out a frustrated growl just as he slammed the door.

  * * *

  Skylar sat in the living room downstairs and stared out the window. She wasn’t usually one to sit and brood but she didn’t know what else to do. It was getting dark and Liam hadn’t come home yet.

  “Sheesh, the man sure can keep a grudge,” she murmured.

  She had long gotten over their fight and was presently busy worrying about his safety. Farah wasn’t even there to listen to her complain about how immature Liam had behaved. It was Friday night and she had gone to town to have drinks with Mrs. Porter to catch up on the latest gossip. Mrs. Porter was like a walking, talking Boulder Junction tabloid magazine. Farah claimed to not like her and only entertained the woman because she liked to know what was going on in the town.

  So Skylar had been sitting at home alone for hours. She didn’t like it one bit because that left her with plenty of time to stress about her father. It irritated her that she kept getting threatening phone calls when the nameless mob boss - no mob jackass - had agreed to her paying in installments. He had changed his mind and was demanding more money each time. The worst part was she didn’t even know if her father was still alive because she wasn’t allowed to talk to him.

  She wiped a tear that seeped from her eye and rolled down her cheek. Maybe she should tell Liam what was going. She didn’t want his money though. She simply wanted to talk to someone and let off some of the burden. Resting her hand on her chest, she fiddled with the pendant her mother had given her. Her finger brushed over the charm Farah had added to it. It was a circle with intricately twisted pieces inside of it. Farah had said it was some family heirloom and she was touched that she had given her such a thing of value. She didn’t have the heart to tell Farah that it was hideous and so she wore it on the chain of her mother’s pendant with pride.

  The silence had gone on too long and it was getting to her so she reached for the TV remote. Before she could switch on the TV, she hea
rd footsteps on the porch. Letting out a relived breath, she threw down the remote. It sounded like either Liam or Farah had come home.

  “It’s about time.”

  Minutes ticked by and no one came through the door. She frowned and walked to open the door. Stepping outside, she glanced around.

  “Liam, are you out here? Look, let’s just forget about what happened this morning? Come inside and let’s talk. I won’t pry into your family business again, I swear.”

  No one answered. Maybe she hadn’t heard footsteps after all. It was probably her mind playing tricks on her. With a sigh, she turned and headed back inside. Before she made it through the door, someone appeared in the living room. She gasped and jumped back. The man stared at her with malicious content.

  Skylar stood frozen but her mind raced. The stranger almost looked like Liam. He even had similar green eyes. She opened her mouth to scream but he asked, “Where is he?”

  “Who? And who are you? How did you get in?” She took retreating steps as he advanced.

  He looked her up and down. “His scent is all over you.”


  The stranger laughed. “Well, well, things just got even more fun.”

  Skylar knew it was time to run. She knew danger when she saw it and the man smiling wickedly at her meant to do her harm. Immediately, she turned and ran down the steps. She considered running to her car but remembered that the keys were in the house. There was nowhere else to run but into the woods and she wasn’t thrilled about that. Nothing good ever happened in the woods.

  Looking back, she let out a scream when instead of the man, she saw a huge furry creature dashing toward her. “What the f-” She stumbled over a tree root and quickly turned her eyes forward and steadied herself.

  What was she running from? A wolf? Wolves didn’t grow to be that big, did they? It wasn’t humanly possible to outrun it, she knew, but she was never one to give up. Skylar shrieked when something heavy hit her in the back and she went flying forward. Landing on the ground, she realized that the gigantic animal had knocked her down with a paw. She rolled over and scrambled backward, staring up at the animal with wide eyes. Well, this was it. Her life was about to end.

  To her surprise, the wolf growled and stepped back. It was staring at her chest and shaking its head from side to side wildly. She took a second to glance down. It was staring at her necklace. The animal tilted its head to the side as if confused. It advanced on her again but stopped abruptly and whimpered, ducking it’s head.

  Skylar wasted no more time. Taking advantage of the animal’s distress, she set off again. To her dismay, footsteps pounded behind her again. “Shit, shit, shit!” She could only keep running for so long. She forced her terrified mind to think. “A tree!” She headed to the tree in front of her and began climbing. Thank God she had experience with climbing up and down fire escapes, walls, and fences to evade mob henchmen so climbing a tree wasn’t so hard.

  Feeling like she was high enough, she glanced down to see the monster of a wolf circling the tree. It started up at her and she could swear she saw his eyes flash from yellow to green, reminding her of the man that broke into Liam’s house. But when she blinked, its eyes were glowing yellow. The animal growled.

  “Ha! See if you can get me from up here, you filthy beast. You’re going home hungry tonight,” Skylar goaded.

  She gasped when the animal stood on hind legs and began using its lethal looking claws to climb. Okay, if she survived she decided she would Google if such large wolves could climb trees or if such large wolves even existed. She shook with fear as she wondered what to do. There was no escape that she could see. The only thing she could do was step out onto a limb that felt like it was about to give under her weight.

  Her eyes were glued to the animal as it stopped, realizing that it too would fall out of the tree if it continued to stalk her. Its claws lengthened right before her eyes and Skylar’s mouth fell open. What in the hell kind of wolf was it? Claws slashed toward her and she screamed and jumped back, missing her step and falling. Her hands grabbed onto the limb and she was left dangling. She shut her eyes tightly as her weak arms began to shake from holding herself up. Regret that she never exercised more presented itself and she let out a hysterical laugh.

  “This is just freaking awesome,” she hissed.

  If the fall didn’t kill her, she would break something. If by some miracle she didn’t break anything, the wolf would make its way down and make her dinner. Any way she looked at it, she was screwed.

  Her hands finally gave way and she began her fall. She tried to use her hands to catch her fall and hit the ground with a loud thud. The sickening sound of bone cracking reached her ears. Dazed, Skylar rolled onto her back and pain zipped through her skull and her left wrist. So she hadn’t died. But she had hit her head and her wrist was definitely broken. Her vision was blurred as she looked up in the tree, searching for sign of the predator. She heard when it landed next to her and she closed her eyes, slipping into unconsciousness.

  Chapter 11

  Liam stepped through the back door and cocked his ear. It was silent. His heart fell. He had hoped Sky would be home so he could apologize as soon as he stepped in. He wanted to tell her she was right about him always running when it came to dealing with anything emotional. That would get him back on her good side. Women always liked to hear that they were right. His lips turned upward at the thought. On his way through the kitchen, he paused. There was a familiar scent that didn’t belong to Sky or Farah.

  Lucas. What had his brother been doing here? He heard the front door open and immediately knew it was his housekeeper. But there was no scent of Sky. Farah stopped when she saw him.

  “Oh, you’re back. I hope you two kissed and made up.” She frowned when she saw his face. “What is wrong, sir?”

  “Sky isn’t with you.”

  “No, I left her here. Her car is outside.” Her eyes widened, detecting that something was wrong. “She is not here?” Her accent was more pronounced and thick with concern.

  Liam shook his head, a bad feeling settling in the pit of his stomach. “My brother was here.”

  “Which one, sir?” She had been with him since he arrived back home and had picked up on his family dynamics. She knew enough to know that one of his brothers didn’t like him so much.


  Farah erupted into lines of rapid French. “She is in trouble, I can feel it. She’s terrified.”

  “What? How do you-”

  She held up a finger and went still. Liam stepped back when her eyes took on a pure white appearance. He drew in a breath. His housekeeper was a witch?

  “She ran north, toward the river. She’s hurt,” Farah whispered as if she was in agony.

  Liam’s heart lurched. “Where exactly is she, Farah?”

  She swayed, holding on to the dining table. “I don’t know for sure.”

  “You’re a witch,” Liam murmured in disbelief. His gaze roved over her.

  Farah rolled her eyes. “Oui monsieur. What were you expecting, an old hag with a pointy hat and broom stick? Damn stereotypes,” she muttered. Seeing the look on his face, she said, “Just like you have always thought me peculiar, I have always known that you are very strange.” She cocked a brow.

  Liam’s mouth fell open. She knew what he was. “How-”

  “I always know things, boy. Just like I knew you needed love in your life and put a spell on that job ad you had me post. Sky responded so she is the one for you. You had better go and find her now.”

  Liam gazed at her stunned, but quickly recovered. He bolted through the door at superhuman speed. He didn’t bother to shift so as not to frighten Sky when he found her.

  * * *

  Cayden heard the wolf before he saw it. The massive animal was standing over someone, going crazy. Anger brought his blood to a boil. It seemed the abomination had an innocent human trapped. But why wasn’t it attacking? It was almost like the animal was going cra
zy. He inched closer and saw blonde hair spread out on the forest ground. Cayden muttered a curse. It was a woman.

  He moved toward the beast with deadly purpose. His eyes widened when he saw who lay on the ground. His heart stilled.

  “Skylar.” She was deathly still and pale. “No.”

  The wolf’s head swung to him and it growled. Cayden heard a soft moan and felt relief rush through him. She was still alive. He couldn’t spare her a second glance as the wolf sprang toward him, fangs bared. Cayden fell to his back, using his legs to kick the wolf over his head. Agilely jumping to his feet, he spun and walked to the beast.

  “It must be my lucky night,” Cayden whispered. “I finally get to kill my first shifter here in Boulder Junction.”

  The wolf rolled over and malevolence shone in its eyes. Cayden grinned, anticipating the attack. He pulled his blade from the strap on his thigh and sprinted forward to meet the shifter halfway. Flipping over the animal’s head, he spun midair and sank his blade deep. He landed on his feet and lifted the blade to sink down again. The wolf howled and kicked its hind legs, sending Cayden flying into a tree.

  “Son of a bitch,” he muttered when the wolf took off. He got up and glanced at Skylar. He couldn’t leave her. Then he heard a voice in the distance calling her name. It was Conway. For once, he was happy to know that the man was around. Conway would find Skylar and get her to safety so he could go after the monster.

  He took off in the wolf’s direction, following the trail of blood.

  * * *

  Skylar moaned more out of annoyance than the pain shooting through her entire body. Something wet kept slapping against her cheek.

  “Ew, what is that?” she groaned, forcing her eyes open. There was a tongue lapping at her face. “What the hell?” She glanced sideway and opened her mouth to scream but no sound came out.

  “Get away! Get away!”


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