His to Hold (Regency Scoundrels Book 1)

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His to Hold (Regency Scoundrels Book 1) Page 12

by Mathews, Marly

  “I thought I told you to stay in bed,” she sighed, rolled her eyes dramatically, and sipped at her tea once more.

  “And here I thought I told you that I cannot be commanded to do anything. Those poor souls,” she mused, glancing toward the burning ship.

  “Poor sods more like,” he muttered, glancing down toward the deck.

  “Seamus brought me this lovely cup of invigoratingly strong tea, and regaled me with a most interesting story. It would seem that ship is captained by a woman.”

  “Aye, it is,” he confirmed, inwardly cursing Seamus. That bloody Irishman sometimes didn’t know when to keep his bone box shut.

  “I wanted to see what kind of a woman she is. That is, of course, if she has lived.”

  “Oh, she’ll be alive all right. She’s not exactly easy to kill.” He licked his lips, and stared up at the sky. The day was almost over, thank the lord, and yet he knew that in a few moments he’d definitely have more than what he had originally bargained for. Chastity probably wouldn’t care for Elizabeth.

  They were two women that had most certainly been cut from different cloths. Chastity was free-spirited, and a woman of the world. Her morals were something not to be held in the highest regard, and it was said that she had slept with her fair share of the male population, and he was part of that male population.

  “Fancy that,” she murmured, staring over at him with wide expressive eyes. “Seamus also told me that she had a penchant for you at one time.”

  “Did he?” Mallory carelessly shrugged his shoulders, and coughed. He strained his eyes, and moved closer to the rail when he noticed someone swimming toward them. The rescue boats were quickly filling with various sorts of men, and more surprisingly women.

  “Rafe, I do believe that there is someone trying to climb up the side of the ship.” Elizabeth remarked, moving to a safe distance.

  Mallory strode over to where Elizabeth pointed, and looked over the side. He was met with a soaked vision of Chastity. She looked like a drowned rat.

  “Well, don’t just look at me like that you stupid asshole, give me a helping hand,” Chastity demanded, extending her hand toward his. He reached down for her and hoisted her up and over the side of the ship.

  She landed easily on her feet and nearly fell into his arms. She surprised the hell out of him, when she threw herself at him and kissed him hungrily. He pushed her back, but it seemed to have little effect. After a few breathless moments, she stepped away from him and sighed happily. “You are by far the last person I would have expected to come to my aid, Rafe. Oh, my darling, darling boy.” Her harsh, throaty voice caused him to wince. Ethan called him Rafe because Chastity had been the one to give him the moniker in the first place.

  “Chastity, you are a sight for sore eyes. I think that I shall have you transferred to The Red Dawn.” Chastity stared at him, and slowly curved her mouth into a devilish grin, that made his stomach roll uneasily.

  “Oh, but Rafe, I thought I’d stay here and warm your bed for you. I’m better than any old bed warmer.”

  He heard Elizabeth choke on her tea, and glanced worriedly toward her. She managed to take control of her senses, and shakily placed her teacup back onto its saucer. Though she did seem quite shaken up.

  “Chastity, I warn you, you are treading a thin line,” he murmured, mentally imploring her to fall silent before she gave any more information away to Elizabeth.

  “Who is this lady-bird?” Chastity asked, gesticulating toward Elizabeth.

  Elizabeth gasped. “How dare you! I am a respectable lady, and this lady can answer for herself,” Elizabeth started, clearing her throat.

  “Oh, how delightful, the strumpet can talk. Do you pay more for that, Rafe?” Chastity remarked, turning her eyes on Elizabeth.

  Elizabeth raised her head haughtily at Chastity’s nasty remark, and gave her a look that should have struck Chastity down where she stood.

  “The question I would like to ask, is who the bloody hell are you?” Elizabeth seemed fully capable of taking on Chastity, and Mallory was going to play the wise man by keeping himself out of the storm that was quickly brewing between the two of them.

  “Oh, well, is that all that you’d like to know,” Chastity smiled brilliantly. “Far be it for me to keep you in suspense any longer. The name’s Chastity Morgan, and I am Rafe’s wife.”

  “Come again?” Elizabeth asked.

  Mallory darted toward her when the teacup she held began rattling on the saucer. Her face had lost of all its colour, and her eyes were filled with despair. Had he not been so concerned about her welfare, the depth of the emotion she obviously felt for him would have touched him. Her teacup and saucer fell to the deck floor. She began slumping forward. He rushed forward, and caught her just before she fell.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Elizabeth shook her head slightly. Stars exploded in front of her eyes, and blood rushed in her ears. But she was determined to stay awake. She would not faint. The pirate woman named Chastity regarded her with a smug look, which Elizabeth yearned to wipe clear off her face.

  Chastity had dark brown eyes that contrasted dramatically with her light blond hair. She looked like a soaked cat at the moment, but had she not been so wet, she would have looked magnificent in her black trousers, and white shirt.

  Chastity Morgan was quite simply a woman that she could never compete with, and she wasn’t even sure if she wanted to.

  She rested her hands on Rafe’s arms and gulped in a great big breath of fresh sea air. He stared down at her with concern in his eyes, though there was something distinctly different about him. Chastity’s presence had wrought something inside of him, something that Elizabeth didn’t even know if she liked.

  Mustering all her strength, she tried to step away from him. Teetering precariously, she couldn’t say that she was entirely unhappy when he gave her one steadying arm to lean on.

  “Wife?” she asked, feeling her sea legs becoming mushy beneath her. She didn’t even know that she had acquired sea legs, but then she hadn’t been inclined to be sick for quite a while, so obviously she’d somehow found a way to adjust to the seafaring life. Chastity, on the other hand, looked as if she had been born on a ship, and she would no doubt, die on a ship.

  “It isn’t what you think,” Rafe whispered. She glanced up at him, and noticed his uncomfortable expression.

  “Oh, come now, my love. It is exactly what she thinks. We are husband and wife.” She couldn’t say she liked the way that Chastity purred the words husband and wife.

  “We were never truly husband and wife, and you know it, Chastity. You and I had an arrangement. You liked to call yourself my wife because it gave you some kind of respect within our community, but we were never lawfully wed,” Rafe pointed out. The rescue parties were now coming onboard the ship, and shouts of orders floated to her on the wind.

  “That is such a technicality, don’t you think? We were for all intents and purposes, living as husband and wife, for quite a time. I am sorry you view our affair in such a dim light. You should have seen the times that we had together, why my dear, it would have made your charming little head spin.”

  Elizabeth watched her warily, and wished with all of her might that she was back onboard The Warrior’s Lady.

  Streaks of sunlight danced across the deck, and made Elizabeth’s heart fall. Chastity would take Rafe away from her. She had no doubt of that. Once they reached England, she would be dumped off without a second thought from Rafe. He had someone like Chastity in his life now, and if he could have someone like her to give him all he could get from a lawfully wedded wife—who was she to get in the way?

  She highly doubted that he would even want to give her a second thought. Money or no money, she wasn’t Chastity Morgan, and she never would be.

  “Well, Rafe, don’t just stand there looking like a complete and utter dunderhead. I could do with a change of clothing, you know.” Chastity flung her wet hair over her shoulder, and spread her legs apa
rt in what seemed to be her best arrogant stance.

  Elizabeth shut her eyes, and prayed that when she opened them again, Chastity would be gone. She opened one eyelid, and then the other, but to her disappointment Chastity was still standing there staring at Rafe as if she owned him.

  “I should be getting back to my cabin,” Elizabeth muttered, suddenly feeling the nip in the air.

  Shivering, she pulled the blanket closer around her shoulders. The sun would soon be but a memory, and a black sky would be draped across the horizon. She breathed in deeply, feeling a sense of tranquility wash over her.

  Perhaps it was all for the best. Now, she would be able to go back to England without any sort of a disgraceful scandal.

  Seamus was walking toward her, and the lines in his forehead were creased with worry. She had never come across a man quite like him, that wasn’t related to her. Warm and sweet, he reminded her keenly of her grandfather, as he seemed so genuinely worried about her welfare. As it was, he had sort of taken it upon himself to take care of her—he was like her little nursemaid.

  And if he wanted to treat her as if she were a precious piece of crystal, she would allow him. For now, she was at the end of her rope. Somehow, she had gotten the wrong end of the stick. She had believed that Rafe was beginning to think of her as more than just a kidnapped heiress. She still didn’t know what her father had done to him, to incite him to kidnap her. She knew he had revenge in mind when it came to her—she just wanted to know why he had those vengeful thoughts in his head.

  But what she did know disturbed her even more than his motive behind her kidnapping. He had risked his life for her, and only heaven knew why he would do such an unselfish thing.

  Seamus walked up to her side, and cocked his head to the side as he raked his eyes over Chastity. “That woman is more trouble than she is worth, miss. She’s just a worthless bag of bones,” he spat out. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his coat, and scowled at her. “Back in me village, my Da would have said that she was a bad seed, and I’d have to agree with him.”

  “Why would he say that?”

  Rafe had moved away from her, and was speaking in a hushed tone with Chastity.

  “Because she’s a hell raiser of the worst sort. She led the Captain into many a tight spot that he nearly didn’t escape. What’s more, I don’t have the easiest of feelings when I’m around her. She is a faithless whore, begging your pardon for the language. Just you mark my words, Miss Elizabeth, if he lets her, she will make his life miserable, once again. She’s like a bloody siren that one, she can bend the poor man to her will without even trying hard. You give her a challenge, Miss Elizabeth. You show her what a real woman is made of.”

  She smiled. “I’m not sure I can compete with her, Seamus. She’s willing to do a fair bit more than I am willing to do in order to win Rafe’s heart. If he can’t trust, or believe in her, then why did he feel the need to rescue her?”

  “Tricky question that is,” Seamus mumbled, pulling his pipe out of his pocket. “They say that she saved his life once by taking a shot that was meant for him. Mind you, I wasn’t around at that time, but the Captain’s had quite the past.”

  “I don’t even know who he is.”

  “‘Course you do. He’s the greatest man that’s ever sailed the High Seas.”

  “No, what I mean, Seamus, is I don’t know what kind of a person he is.”

  “Good enough to stick his neck out for you.” Seamus puffed on his pipe, and then blew out a billow of smoke.

  “You still don’t understand my question. He hasn’t told me where he’s from or from what sort of a family he hails.”

  Seamus turned to her and quizzically raised his eyebrow. “Now that would be a complicated question to answer. The Captain’s a private man. He doesn’t like to share much. Have you tried asking him about his past?”

  “No,” she said, sighing heavily. Why was she even bothering herself by asking such stupid questions when she was tired and cold? She didn’t have any plans of staying with Rafe, so all of this was a waste of her time, and was beside the point, anyway.

  “I think that you should be getting back to bed,” Seamus remarked. “You shouldn’t be around the men and women from Chastity’s ship. Sorry ragtag bunch is what they are. They have no sense of manners, and they’ll more than likely try to have a go with you.”

  “Why is it that I always seem to be stuck in the middle of all of the trouble?”

  “Don’t worry, lass, you have the luck of the Irish with you now,” Seamus said grinning from ear to ear. He offered her his arm, and she thankfully accepted it. Rafe was still embroiled in his conversation, and he wasn’t taking any interest in her whatsoever.

  “Let’s just hope he doesn’t tell her who I am,” she mumbled, glancing back over her shoulder at Rafe.

  “You needn’t fear. The Captain will keep it under his hat.

  She smiled wistfully, and felt something inside of her begin to snap. Her life as she had known it was careening out of control.

  Now, the only thing she had left to hang onto was her dreams. Her fairy prince was slowly becoming a nonexistent memory, and she felt like weeping because soon, she wouldn’t even be able to remember him at all.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Mallory dragged Chastity behind him to his cabin. He flung the door open and was relieved to find that it was empty. He had been afraid that Elizabeth would be there.

  “You know, Rafe, you should have just told me that you wanted me straightaway. And if you want it rough, just tell me,” Chastity murmured, a sly smile playing at the corner of her mouth. She threw herself onto the bed, and sprawled out with her arms stretched out in welcome.

  “Go and stuff it, Chastity,” he shot back. He began to pace nervously back and forth, and tried to keep the energy that battled inside of him, safely stored away.

  “Oh, now, Rafe, don’t you want to come and play with me? Don’t you remember the hours of fun we used to have? I taught you a thing or two about the art of pleasure, didn’t I, sweetie?” she laughed.

  He turned to glance her way and cursed when he saw her naked body.

  “Chastity, do not push me.” His voice came out hard edged, though she didn’t seem to be put off in the slightest.

  “Oh, come now, you don’t mean that. You’ve never turned away from me before. My luscious body always seemed to be enough for you. How could so much change between us?

  “I expect to be fulfilled before I leave this cabin! I didn’t think that little wench would be able to take you away from me so easily. What can she do for you that I can’t? You know I’m open to the power of persuasion,” Chastity purred. “I doubt that she knows the many tricks that I have my sleeve.” She was on her hands and knees now, with her face tilted up at him.

  “You look like a bloody bitch in heat,” he clipped off, turning away from her and staring toward the window.

  “Perhaps, I am. Why don’t you come over and sample the wares?” she teased, flipping her hair forward. It tumbled over her shoulder, and blanketed the tips of her breasts. “It’s been a long time since I’ve had a man like you. You really know how to satisfy me. The others just didn’t seem to equal your greatness.”

  “Stop it!” he shouted. He stormed across the distance, and leaned down toward her.

  “Why should I stop? You were always intrigued by my performances before. Why I played many a grand part for your enjoyment. You always did like it when we pretended—”

  “Patrick should have left you on the stage. You are far too talented to waste your time as a bloody pirate.”

  “I make quite the living for myself. In fact, my crew and I just found the map to Lord

  Xavier’s lost treasure.” She had formed her lips into a pout, and her eyes danced with fire.

  Mallory felt his body stiffen. She knew he was weak when it came to such things as old treasure maps.

  “It is probably not real,” he clipped off, turning away once again. The s
ight of her heaving breasts made it difficult for him to breathe.

  “Just as well, really. I shan’t think it fared too well when I took my little dip in the sea.” She tossed her head toward her wet bundle of clothing. “Though I daresay my head remembers it quite well.” She stretched out again, and purred, “If you come over here you might jolt my memory. Either way, I’ll give you a jolt to remember.”

  Mallory watched her carefully. “You may rot there for all I care,” he snorted, and then strode over to her pile of wet clothes. He picked through them, and stopped when he reached the wet piece of parchment. Smoothing it out, he inspected it carefully beneath the candlelight. “There is naught on her but a bunch of unreadable gibberish.”

  “Is that a fact?” she asked, sashaying toward him. He could feel her standing behind him, and the hairs on the back of his neck bristled. “I do not think it was that way before, though I daresay I can’t remember one way or the other.” Her hand snaked around him and she rested her hand on the front of his trousers.

  The silky tone of her voice finally began to grate on his nerves. “If I were you, Chastity, I would make haste and back away from me. But first, remove your hand from where it sits.”

  She blew on the back of his neck, and then he whirled about, and threw the map at her. “What manner of ship sunk The Beauregard?”

  “A large one,” she murmured, dancing away from him. He ground his teeth together, and prayed for an iota of patience. “I do believe that I do not like that little doxy of yours. She isn’t even what I believed was your type. But then it just goes to show what a pretty set of charms will do to muddle a virile man. You always were a breast man.”

  “Never speak about her in that disrespectful manner again,” he raged, bounding toward her. He stopped just short of grabbing her around the neck, and wringing the very life out of her. Though he was a pirate he was still, for all intents and purposes, a civilized man. Chastity might act and live the life of a man, but she was still a woman, and in her nakedness she made that point appallingly apparent.


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