His to Hold (Regency Scoundrels Book 1)

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His to Hold (Regency Scoundrels Book 1) Page 18

by Mathews, Marly

  She was already slick and wet with her desire, but he needed more.

  Elizabeth let out a delightful gasp, and threw her head back when he gently placed two fingers inside of her tight opening. Finding her nub, he stroked it gently.

  She reached out for him and pulled her close to her. Urgent need reflected in her eyes. Slowly, he removed his fingers. She gasped.

  He placed his hands on her firm buttocks, pulling her forward. Her eyes fell to his lower region. Gingerly, she stroked the full length of his erected cock. As he took her to the very height of passion, she let out a cry, for she knew that no matter what came between them, her heart would always remain with him, even if she would never truly be his.


  Elizabeth awoke the next morning feeling quite achy, yet wonderfully satisfied. She stretched in the bed, and searched for Rafe. Sighing, she tiptoed to the door, and opened it slowly. She nearly closed it again, but there were voices murmuring, and she couldn’t quite find the willpower to shut the door.

  “When are you going to tell her?” She tilted her head to the side, when she recognized Ethan’s voice.

  “What should I tell her?” Rafe asked innocently.

  “Don’t play daft with me, Rafe. I know what you and she did in that cabin last night. Have you no shame? How much does she love America? You know you can never live anywhere but in England. Furthermore, what will your mother think of her?”

  “My mother will love Elizabeth.”

  Ethan snorted loudly, and then groaned. “I highly doubt that. Not when she discovers who Elizabeth’s father is. When are you going to come to your senses, and realize that you and Elizabeth will never be able to live happily ever after?”

  “We will live as we choose. I chose to love her, and in time, she will come to love me as well.”

  “Come? Oh, for God’s sake Rafe, I think it’s a little late for that, don’t you?”

  “Be quiet, Ethan, I shall not listen to this rubbish anymore.”

  “You will have to tell her who you really are someday. As soon as you arrive back in England, you shall be recognized, and you will be wanted, and hunted by many. When will you do right by her, and tell her your true identity? Shall you wait until you find out you have planted your seed in her belly, or will you wait until you force her to marry you?”

  “I have never forced her to do anything.”

  “You had better tell her that the only reason you went after her was because of your vendetta against her father. Admit it, Rafe, the only thing you are concerned about is getting your hands on her inheritance, and making that bastard pay.”

  She had listened to enough. She felt sick. Shutting the cabin door softly, she slinked down the length of it, to the floor. Hanging her head in her hands, she wept.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  They ate their breakfast in silence. Mallory watched Elizabeth push her sausage and fried eggs around on the plate.

  “Would you like me to ask Seamus to prepare something else for you? Perhaps, something more American?”

  “I beg your pardon? No. This breakfast is fine, thank you. Must I continually remind you, Rafe, that I spent a good deal of time living in England? Actually, the hearty food of the English suits me perfectly. And besides, we eat eggs, sausages and bacon for breakfast in America,” she sighed heavily. “I have just found that I don’t have much of an appetite as of now.”

  “You should try to eat some of that black pudding. It shall give you strength.”

  Elizabeth didn’t seem to have heard him for she had already pushed her plate aside, and was reaching for the orange that sat on the platter in front of her. Taking a juicy piece, she popped it into her mouth. Seemingly satisfied, she continued chewing, without sparing him a further glance.

  “I haven’t seen Charles out and about this morning, so that is for now, a blessing.”

  “That’s good.” Her answer was quick and to the point. Not at all the sort of conversation he was expecting after their love filled night. He would never get the feel of her body out of his mind. He had come home, and he never wanted to stray again. Even now, he believed that he could take her back to bed, and not rise again until the next morning.

  “How many residences do you own in England?” He hoped that his attempt at polite conversation would make her a wee bit more talkative. He knew that she could not be all that sore, for he had taken great pains to ensure her comfort last night. And she had not complained then, so why was she acting as if he was the great big ogre now?

  “Oh, I see, you would like to start tallying how much you will gain by marrying me. Hand me the stationary from your desk, and I shall endeavor to write down all of the names of my homes, and where they are located. I could even give you figures of how much income those lands bring me per annum. I shall even add in what I will have once my father passes from this world.”

  “Why are you being so defensive?” he demanded, slamming down his napkin. “I am only endeavoring to make polite conversation.”

  “Ah, I see. I do apologize, I suppose I was mistaken. But nevertheless, you will be happy to know that I own four country residences in England, and one rather large mansion on Grosvenor Square in London. Oh, yes, and I have a townhouse in Bath, and one in Brighton, and one of my country residences is, as I mentioned before, just outside of Brighton.

  “My Grandfather was quite wealthy for a man of his station, but I didn’t inherit all of that from him. My dear papa, such as he is, gifted me with most of it. He thinks he can buy my love, I suppose. He’s only started to become bewitched into possibly leaving his money to one of his mistresses in the last few years. Before that I knew he would gift it all to me. Is that enough? Or would you like to purchase some more homes once you marry me? There are of course, still my father’s lands, which I have no control over, until he dies.”

  She smiled serenely, and he felt a hard clenching sensation in the pit of his stomach. If he hadn’t known better, he could have sworn that she was mad at him.

  “That is impressive. But I do not give a tinker’s fart about what you own, or do not own. Once we are married, I will take what I need to settle a few of my affairs, and then the rest of the money shall be yours.” He stood up, nearly knocking his chair over in the process.

  “How very generous of you,” she returned shortly, finally staring up from her plate. “I can do nothing to waylay you. You have ruined me, but there is one thing that you have not considered. I shall take the brunt of the blow that the ensuing scandal will of course cause. But I do not think I shall even have to worry about a scandal, for you are a pirate, and your name means nothing in the ton.”

  He frowned, and nearly got carried away by telling her his true identity. How would she react if she discovered that he was a duke? She would probably have a fit, and he really didn’t want to have that particular headache on his hands right now.

  He meandered over to her side of the table, and stooped down toward her. He gently tilted her chin up, and stared her straight in the eyes. “You will marry me.”

  “I shall not. I am decided,” she proclaimed stubbornly. “Besides, if you made me marry you, then you would have to drag me kicking and screaming to the altar.”

  “After last night, I highly doubt that.”

  “As to that, you shall remove yourself from this room at once!”

  “Oh, I don’t think so.” He sprawled back into his chair at a lazy angle. “Nothing short of death itself, could drag me away from your side. And you are hardly strong enough to kick me out yourself. I shall remain by your side until the bitter end.”


  Elizabeth merely gaped at him, and then closed her mouth. She stood up, and made her way over to the bed. She stared up at him suddenly, and noticed that he watched her every move.

  “Do not get any foolish ideas in your head.”

  “I have no such foolish ideas in my head.” He crooked his mouth into a lazy smile and stood up. “I was only thinking that I would h
ave a bath drawn for you, and that perhaps, before that, I would relieve you of your clothes, and…”

  “Stop that, right where you are.” Her voice was nervous, and she was blushing profusely. He could tell that he was having an effect on her despite her protestations. Like a wolf, he continued to stalk his prey.

  “You wanted me last night just as much as I wanted you. There was no ravishing done only on my part. In truth, Miss Elizabeth, you ravished me as much as I worshiped you, and you know that, sweetheart.”

  “You speak scandalously. This is not the sort of conversation that unmarried people have.”

  “So, that is what we are then, eh?” He rubbed his quickly growing beard, and settled his formidable weight on the mattress. “Here I thought that you were my intended, and the woman that now shares my bed.”

  “Yes, well, that may be rectified.” If the conversation hadn’t been so serious in nature, he would have burst out laughing, for she seemed about ready to start fanning her face. He blew playfully on it instead, and watched as her face reddened, either with rage, or embarrassment, he couldn’t decide which. “I have already told you that from now on, we shall share different cabins.”

  “Ah, but from now on, you will remain in my bed. Though I trust the men under my command, I cannot be entirely certain that they shall not try to ravish you, now that they know the pub is open.”

  Her eyes widened in shocked horror, and little squawks of indignation came from her mouth. Oh, she was truly pissed off. This was just the way he liked her. Her passions were on fire now. All he had to do was push a little further.

  “After all, you must know how men are inclined to behave when they know that the milk is there for free.”

  “You are unbelievable! You wretched, cruel…”

  “Yes, I know, I know. I am a bastard, just don’t tell my mother that! Why she’d faint dead away.” He smiled at her, and laughed when she finally lost it. She pounced at him, screaming at the top of her lungs. She landed on top of him, and he grinned up at her, while she fruitlessly slammed her tiny fists against his rock-hard chest. Suddenly, she stopped battling him. Her eyes protruded out of her head, as she realized what was happening to him.

  She was arousing him, and he knew that she must have been feeling the evidence of said arousal. “You were baiting me.” Her voice held a tinge of disbelief to it.

  “Aye, and a rather fantastic performance I gave, if I do say so myself. Yet, I was deadly serious when I said that you were to stay in my bed. There is no way you shall convince me against that. I have had a taste of you, and I do believe that my appetite shall never be sated.” To further accentuate his meaning, he pulled her down and nipped her lower lip with his teeth.

  He consumed her lips with his own, and reached to cup her buttocks beneath her dress. She moaned against him, and he slowly began inching her dress up so that he could gain access to the pleasures within. Whatever fight she had fired up inside of her, was slowly losing its intensity.

  She had her hands wound in his hair, and she was pressing herself so close to him, that he feared she was going to mold her body right to his. They became one, and she rode him, as if a fire spewing dragon was hot on her tail.

  Afterwards, he insisted on holding her in his arms, though she did try to make a fast getaway. “I do not know why you persist in trying to run from me. On this ship, there is absolutely no place that you can run to, that will hide you from me.”

  She had not uttered one word or sound. Even when they had been in the throes of passion, and on the precipice of release, she had only let out little weak sighs. He did not know what to make of the whole befuddled mess.

  Honestly, he felt almost inclined to hit his head against the wall. The woman was confounding him now, even more than when they hadn’t shared intimacies.

  “One day, I shall run from you, and you will never find me.” Her voice was rife with conviction, and despite himself, he felt a shiver race through him. He tightened his hold on her, almost afraid that even now she would slip away from him.

  “As I told you when we first met, I have your scent, and there is nowhere that you can run to that will keep me from you. I will search the ends of the Earth to find you. Only heaven would be able to shelter you, and I pray that I will never lose you to that blessed realm until we are old and grey, and even then, I do believe I shall have to go first.”

  Despite the fact that he knew she was determined to stay sore at him, and have another bloody row with him, she surprised him by actually chuckling.

  “I do not find the whole situation amusing,” he said gruffly, twining his hands through her silky strands of hair.

  “Oh, but I do. For you do not know of what I’m capable.”

  “Oh, I think I’ve gotten a taste of it this morning, and all last night,” he chuckled huskily again, and stared down at her.

  He hoped that she knew how serious he was about their relationship. He had been a right and proper bastard with women in the past, and he knew that he had even unwillingly broken a few hearts. But he would never, ever break Elizabeth’s heart. For if he did, he would be forced to rip out his own in self-loathing.

  “I love you and I need your love in return,” his words came out as the barest of whispers, and he would not have even thought that she heard him had she not stiffened considerably.

  “Thank you,” she murmured. She shut her eyes, and began breathing deeply. He continued to stroke her hair, and her back, but he didn’t know why she was trying to fool him.

  He knew that she wasn’t sleeping. For some reason, she was trying to get rid of him. Obviously, she still didn’t know him. Whenever someone tried to get rid of him, it only made him more resolved to stick around. She would have one hell of a time getting rid of him. After all, he was a dastardly pirate, and he knew how to irritate people to the point of no return, he was also a man with younger sisters so he’d had lots of practice and had mastered the art of being annoying. A mischievous smile tugged at the corner of his lips, as he reluctantly closed his eyes. The large breakfast and his inspired lovemaking had made him very sleepy.

  He would find out why she was perturbed with him, and when he did, he would make her see the error of her ways.

  His ears perked up when he heard a monumental cacophony going on up on deck. He kept his eyes firmly shut. He knew who it was that was up to no good. But he was too tired to deal with Charles right now. And besides, he’d best have Elizabeth at his side when he went to deal with the little scamp, for she would keep him from throttling the life out of the little brat.

  As he drifted off to slumber land, he had the enchanting vision of Elizabeth naked, and running around in a field of lavender. And he fell asleep, with a contented smile plastered across his face.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Elizabeth grunted, as she stared up at Rafe. His arm was still firmly wrapped around her, and her cheek was pressed up against his chest. She scrunched up her face, and tried slipping out of his hold. After a good deal of effort on her part, she finally managed to wrestle out of his viselike hold.

  Grimacing, she searched the cabin for something to wear. It looked as if Rafe had split her belongings between her cabin, and the Captain’s cabin.

  She found her periwinkle blue dress quickly enough, and donned the matching spencer. Slipping her feet into kid slippers, she slipped out the cabin door.

  Closing it quietly behind her, she nearly fell against a bulkhead when a young pirate went rushing past her.

  “He’s up to no good again, Riley,” The weirdly dressed pirate muttered.

  “Saints preserve us,” Seamus muttered, as she came up on deck.

  “Good heavens,” she cried. She craned her neck to stare up to where Seamus was pointing. Charles was perched on one of the lookouts, and sailors were scampering to reach him. “Doesn’t he realize that he could fall and crack open his head?”

  “Here’s to hoping,” Seamus muttered beneath his breath.

  Charles looked dow
n and caught sight of her. He waved madly and grinned from ear to ear.

  “Why doesn’t he just come down before he gives me heart palpitations?"

  “Will you be requiring smelling salts, miss?”

  “Seamus, after this, I think I shall require a large drag of rum.”

  “It’s not unusual for a lad of his age to be sailing on a ship this size, you know.”

  “I know, Seamus,” she sighed, and stared at him. Placing her hands on her hips, she stepped forward to where Charles was standing, and called out, “Charles, you get yourself down here at once. Why, whatever would your father say if he saw you now?”

  “He would say the little blighter could stay up there until the first dogwatch, for all that I care.”

  She whirled around at the sound of Rafe’s voice, and rounded on him furiously. “You are not helping me in any way. As his father, you are supposed to set a shining example for him.”

  “Is that what your father did for you, then?” he chuckled, and rested his hands gently on her shoulders. “I have no need to worry, my dear. Look at the boy. He managed to scoot up there like a little monkey, and I’ll suspect that if he is able to get up, he will be able to climb down as well.”

  She sputtered, as seawater splashed up at them.

  “A fine day for sailing,” Rafe murmured, sucking in the fresh salty air.

  “Aye, we should have a good course today, Captain,” Ethan muttered.

  “You look a bit haggard, Ethan. Are you feeling queasy?”

  “Not at all. I am, however, quite bug eyed. That little squirt kept me running all night. He has beans in him that one does. And when you are sharing your berth with him, one discovers soon enough that sleep is definitely out of the question.”

  “I shall place him in Elizabeth’s cabin, tonight,” Rafe decided, glancing toward the companionway.

  “You shall not,” she hissed. “I shall require my own berth tonight.”


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