Kafka's Last Trial
Page 29
Ehrenstein, Albert ref1n
Einstein, Albert ref1, ref2n, ref3, ref4n
Eisner, Pavel ref1, ref2
Eliot, T. S. ref1, ref2, ref3
Eliot, Valerie ref1
Emrich, Wilhelm ref1
Erhard, Ludwig ref1
Eshkol, Levi ref1
Etgar, Yeshayahu ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Faktor, Emil ref1
Faynman, Zygmund ref1
Feierberg, M. Z. ref1
Fenves, Peter ref1n
Finkel, Shimon ref1
Fischer, Gottfried ref1n
Flaubert, Gustave ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Flores, Angel ref1n
Franz Josef I, Kaiser ref1
Freud, Sigmund ref1, ref2n
Freud, Victor Mathias ref1n
Friedländer, Saul, Franz Kafka: The Poet of Shame and Guilt ref1
Friesel, Evyatar ref1n
Frisch, Shelley ref1
Fritsch, Werner ref1
Froehlich, Elio ref1
Fromer, Jakob ref1
Gabrieli, Arnan ref1
Galerie Gerd Rosen ref1
Garel, Georges ref1
Geissler, Benjamin ref1n
Gelber, Mark ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5n
Gellner, Julius ref1
George, Stefan ref1
German Literature Archive, see Marbach
Brod’s manuscripts seized in ref1, ref2
cultural heritage protection law ref1
cultural legacy of ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8
Czechoslovakia annexed by ref1, ref2
and Holocaust ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
and Israel ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
and Kafka’s Jewishness ref1
Kafka’s move to ref1, ref2
Kafka’s works published in ref1, ref2
language and literature of ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4n, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9n, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16n
and Munich Agreement ref1
national identity of ref1, ref2, ref3
and Prussia ref1
Gershuni, Gershon K. ref1
Gluzman, Michael ref1
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11
Goethe Archive ref1
Goldfaden, Avrom ref1
Goldstein, Moritz, “The German-Jewish Parnassus” ref1
Gordin, Jacob ref1
Gordon, A. D. ref1
Gould, Glenn ref1
Grade, Chaim ref1
Graetz, Heinrich ref1
Grafton, Anthony ref1
Grass, Günter ref1, ref2
Graves, Robert ref1
Greenberg, Clement ref1n
Greene, Graham ref1n
Grillparzer, Franz ref1
Gross, John ref1n
Grossman, David ref1, ref2n
Grözinger, Karl Erich ref1
Kafka and Kabbalah ref1
Gruenberg, Abraham ref1
Grunfeld, Frederick V. ref1
Gruppe ref1, ref2, ref3n
Grütters, Monika ref1
Guthrie, Tyron ref1
Ha’am, Ahad ref1, ref2, ref3
Haaretz ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9
Haas, Simon Fritz ref1
Haas, Willy ref1, ref2, ref3
Habima theater ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7n
Habsburg Empire ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4n
Hácha, Emil ref1
Hachavazelet ref1
Halper, Shaun J. ref1n
Hammerman, Ilana ref1n
Hanser Verlag ref1
Harati, Ilan ref1
Harel, Zvi ref1
Ha-Reubeni, David ref1n
Harshav, Benjamin ref1n
Har-Shefi, Yoella ref1
Hauptmann, Gerhart ref1
Hauschner, Auguste ref1
Hay, Louis ref1n
Hazaz, Haim ref1
Hebbel, Friedrich ref1
Hebel, Johann Peter ref1
Hebrew language ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6n
Hebrew University ref1, ref2, ref3
and Brod’s estate ref1
and National Library ref1; see also National Library of Israel
Hedeyat, Sadeq ref1n
Hefer, Haim ref1
Heidegger, Martin ref1n
Heine, Heinrich ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7n
Heinrich Mercy Verlag ref1
Heller, Erich ref1
Heller, Meir ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
Hermann, Gerti ref1
Hermann, Leo ref1
Herzl, Theodor ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6n
Hess, Moses ref1
Hesse, Hermann ref1, ref2n, ref3, ref4, ref5
Hillel, teachings of ref1
Hilsner, Leopold ref1
Hitler, Adolf ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Hoffe, Esther (Ilse) [mother]:
and access to Brod’s and Kafka’s papers ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
birth and background of ref1
and Brod’s estate ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13
Brod’s relationship with ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
death of ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
estate of ref1, ref2, ref3
financial gain from sales of papers ref1n, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10n
Gedichte aus Israel (Poems from Israel) ref1
inventory of manuscripts in possession of ref1
Israel’s suit against ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7n
and Kafka’s papers ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15
and National Library of Israel ref1, ref2
reparations from Germany to ref1
safe-deposit boxes of ref1, ref2, ref3
will of ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8
Hoffe, Eva ref1
birth and early years of ref1
and Brod’s estate ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11
and Esther’s will ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
finances of ref1
and first appeal ref1
and first trial ref1, ref2
and inventory of manuscripts ref1
and Kafka’s papers ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10
and last appeal ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8
memories of Brod ref1, ref2, ref3
and request for new hearing ref1
and safe-deposit boxes ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
and sales of manuscripts ref1, ref2, ref3
in Tel Aviv ref1, ref2, ref3
Hoffe, Otto [father] ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Hoffe, Ruth (Weisler) [sister] ref1
and Brod’s estate ref1, ref2, ref3
death of ref1
and Esther’s will ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
and first trial ref1
and Kafka’s papers ref1, ref2, ref3
Hoffe family ref1, ref2
and Brod’s estate ref1, ref2
escape from Prague ref1, ref2
and Kafka’s papers ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
safe-deposit boxes of ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Hoffmann, Camill ref1n
Hoffmann und Campe Verlag ref1n
Hofmannsthal, Hugo von ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Hölderlin, Friedrich ref1, ref2
Brod’s family members murdered in ref1, ref2, ref3
and German language ref1, ref2
guilt connected to ref1
horrors of ref1
and Jewish cultural legacy ref1, ref2, ref3n, ref4
Kafka’s family members murdered in ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4n
postwar writings on ref1
survivors of ref1, ref2, ref3
and Yad V
ashem ref1n
see also Nazi Party
Horkheimer, Max ref1
Howarth, Herbert ref1n
Howe, Irving ref1, ref2
Hughes, Ted ref1
Hugo, Victor ref1
Husák, Gustáv ref1n
Hyperion ref1
Idel, Moshe, Old Worlds, New Mirrors ref1
I. G. Farben, Offenbach ref1
Ionescu, Eugène ref1
Isak, Haim ref1n
Archives Law (1955) ref1
and Balfour Declaration ref1
cultural legacy of ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16; see also National Library of Israel
Declaration of Independence ref1n, ref2
and Diaspora ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8
emigration to ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5n, ref6, ref7
and German language ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
and German reparations ref1
Gift Law in ref1n
and Holocaust ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
and Jewish identity ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
and Kafka’s works ref1, ref2, ref3
lawsuit for possession of Kafka manuscripts ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8; see also Supreme Court of Israel; Tel Aviv District Court; Tel Aviv Family Court
and Mecelle law ref1
Six-Day War (1967) ref1
State Archives of ref1
Succession Law (1965) ref1, ref2, ref3
War of Independence (1948) ref1, ref2, ref3
James, Henry ref1
Janáček, Leoš ref1
Jelinek, Elfriede ref1
Jesenská, Milena ref1, ref2n, ref3, ref4, ref5n, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13
Jewish National Council ref1
Jílovská, Staša ref1
JNUL, see National Library of Israel
Job, Book of ref1, ref2n
Joel, Issachar ref1
Johst, Hanns ref1
Jokl, Anna Maria ref1n
Jonson, Ben ref1
Joubran, Salim ref1
Joyce, James ref1, ref2n
and Zionism ref1; see also Zionism
Jüdische Verlag ref1
Kadishman, Menashe ref1
Kafka (film) ref1n
Kafka, Elli [sister] ref1, ref2n, ref3
Kafka, Franz ref1, ref2
aging and illness of ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Amschel (Yiddish name) ref1
and anti-Semitism ref1
and Brod, see Brod, Max
cult of ref1
and cultural legacy ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11n, ref12, ref13, ref14n, ref15, ref16, ref17, ref18, ref19, ref20
death of ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
diaries of ref1, ref2, ref3n, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8n, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16
elegy for ref1
family background of ref1
family members killed by Nazis ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4n
and German language and culture ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
in Germany ref1, ref2
Hebrew studies of ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8n
and his father ref1, ref2
influence of ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4n, ref5n
influences on ref1
and Jesenská, see Jesenská, Milena
and Jewishness/Zionism ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16, ref17n, ref18, ref19, ref20, ref21, ref22n, ref23n, ref24n, ref25n
last wish of ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6n, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13n, ref14n
library of ref1
living heirs of ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
on music ref1
papers of ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14, ref15, ref16, ref17, ref18, ref19, ref20, ref21, ref22
personal traits of ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14
poor self-image of ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11, ref12
in Prague ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
qualities in work of ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
reputation of ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4n, ref5, ref6n, ref7
will of ref1n, ref2, ref3n
and women ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8
and Yiddish theater ref1
Kafka, Franz, works:
Amerika ref1, ref2n, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6n, ref7, ref8n
“Before the Law” ref1n, ref2, ref3
Beim Bau der chinesischen Mauer (The Great Wall of China) ref1
The Blue Octavo Notebooks ref1, ref2
“Blumfeld” ref1
“The Burrow” (“Der Bau”) ref1, ref2, ref3n, ref4, ref5
“The Cares of a Family Man” (“Die Sorge des Hausvaters”) ref1
The Castle ref1, ref2n, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6n, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10, ref11n, ref12n
Collected Works ref1n
A Country Doctor ref1, ref2, ref3
“Description of a Struggle” ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
“The Giant Mole” ref1n
A Hunger Artist ref1, ref2, ref3
“An Imperial Message” ref1
“In the Penal Colony” ref1, ref2
“Investigations of a Dog” ref1, ref2, ref3n
“Jackals and Arabs” ref1, ref2
“Josephine the Singer, or the Mouse Folk” ref1, ref2, ref3
“The Judgment” ref1, ref2, ref3n, ref4, ref5
Letters to Milena (Briefe an Milena) ref1n
letter to his father ref1n, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9
“A Little Woman” ref1
Meditation (Betrachtung) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4n
“The Metamorphosis” (Die Verwandlung) ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5n, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9n, ref10n
obscure character types in ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10
ownership of ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10
posthumous publication of ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
“The Problem of Our Laws” (parable) ref1
“Prometheus” ref1
“The Rejection” ref1n
“A Report to an Academy” ref1, ref2, ref3
Sämtliche Erzählungen (Raabe, ed.) ref1
sketches and doodles ref1, ref2, ref3n
“Speech on the Yiddish Language” ref1, ref2n
“The Stoker” ref1n, ref2, ref3n, ref4
translations of ref1, ref2n, ref3n
The Trial ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6n, ref7, ref8, ref9n, ref10n, ref11, ref12, ref13, ref14n, ref15, ref16, ref17, ref18n, ref19, ref20, ref21, ref22, ref23, ref24, ref25, ref26n, ref27n, ref28n
“The Village Schoolmaster” ref1n, ref2, ref3
“Wedding Preparations in the Country” ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Kafka, Hermann [father] ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
Kafka, Ottla [sister] ref1n, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5n
Kafka, Siegfried [uncle] ref1
Kafka, Valli [sister] ref1
“Kafkaesque” ref1n
“Kafka’s Last Story” (film) ref1
Kallen, Horace ref1
Kant, Immanuel ref1
Kaufman, Gerti ref1n
Kepler, Johannes ref1
Keren Ha-Yesod ref1
Kern, Christian ref1
Keshet, Yeshurun ref1n
Kiepenheuer, Gustav ref1
Kierkegaard, Søren ref1, ref2
Kilcher, Andreas ref1
Kisch, Egon Erwin ref1, ref2
Kittl, Julius ref1
Klausner, Joseph ref1
Kleist, Heinrich von ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
r /> Klíma, Ivan ref1, ref2n
Klopstock, Robert ref1
Klossowski, Pierre ref1n
Koch, Hans-Gerd ref1
Kohn, Hans ref1
Kolár, František J. ref1n
Kollek, Teddy ref1
Kopelevitz, Jakob ref1n
Kopelman Pardo, Talia ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
Koralnik, Eva ref1
Kornfeld, Edna ref1, ref2n
Kostrouchová Davidová, Helena ref1
Kracauer, Siegfried ref1n
Kraft, Werner ref1, ref2n
Kraus, Karl ref1, ref2n
Krauss, Nicole, Forest Dark ref1, ref2
Krueger, Michael ref1
Kruk, Herman ref1n
Krupp, Alfried ref1
Kuehn, Heinz ref1
Kulka, Otto Dov ref1, ref2
Kundera, Milan ref1n, ref2
Testaments Betrayed ref1
Kurzweil, Baruch ref1
Lachower, Fischel ref1n
Lamdan, Yitzhak ref1
Langer, Georg ( Jiří) Mordechai ref1, ref2
Larkin, Philip ref1
Lasker-Schüler, Else ref1n, ref2, ref3n
Lavry, Marc ref1
on acquisition of papers from living authors ref1, ref2, ref3
cultural heritage protection ref1, ref2
on gifts vs. inheritance ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9
and judicial violence ref1
Kafka’s motif of ref1, ref2
Mecelle law ref1
and ownership of art ref1
posthumous handling of literary estates ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9, ref10
and private property rights vs. public interest ref1, ref2, ref3
on “successive heirs” ref1, ref2, ref3
Lehár, Franz ref1
Lenz, Siegfried ref1n
Lepper, Marcel ref1
Lessing, Doris ref1n, ref2
Lev-Ari, Shimon ref1
Levi, Jacques (Löwy) ref1
Levi, Primo ref1n
Levi-Korem, Yaniv ref1
Lewin, Rabbi Joshua Heshel ref1
Lewy, Tom ref1
Leyris, Pierre ref1n
Liblice conference ref1n
Lichtheim, Richard ref1, ref2
Lieger, Leopold ref1
Liepman Literary Agency ref1
Lindström, Carl ref1
Lintdberg, Leopold ref1, ref2
Liska, Vivian ref1
Litt, Stefan ref1, ref2
Lowell, Robert ref1
Löwy, Juliet ref1, ref2, ref3
Löwy, Yitzhak ref1, ref2, ref3
Lozowick, Yaacov ref1
Luther, Martin ref1, ref2
Lydenberg, H. M. ref1
Maariv ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Magnes, Judah ref1
Maimonides, teachings of ref1
Malek, Nayrouz, Kafka’s Flowers ref1n
Mandelstamm, Max ref1n
Mann, Heinrich ref1, ref2n, ref3, ref4
Mann, Klaus ref1
Mann, Thomas ref1n, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6n
Maor, Zohar ref1n