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Renaissance Page 37

by Oliver Bowden

  Minerva bowed down to him, close to him, and he felt a mother’s warmth embrace all his weariness, all his pain. ‘I do not wish to speak with you but through you. You are the Prophet.’ She raised her arms above her and the roof of the Vault became the Firmament. Minerva’s glittering and insubstantial face bore an expression of infinite sadness. ‘You’ve played your part… You anchor Him… But please be silent now… that we may commune.’ She looked sad. ‘Listen!’

  Ezio could see all the sky and the stars, and hear their music. He could see the Earth spinning, as if he were looking down from Space. He could make out continents, even, on them, a city or two.

  ‘When we were still flesh, and our home still whole, your kind betrayed us. We who made you. We who gave you life!’ She paused, and if a goddess can shed tears, she shed them. A vision of war appeared, and savage humans fought with handmade weapons against their former masters.

  ‘We were strong. But you were many. And both of us craved war.’

  A new image of the Earth appeared now, close by, but still seen as from Space. Then it receded, becoming smaller, and Ezio could see it now as just one of several planets at the centre of whose orbits stood a great star – the Sun.

  ‘So busy were we with earthly concerns, we failed to notice the heavens. And by the time we did…’

  As Minerva spoke, Ezio saw the Sun flare into a vast corona, shedding unbearable light, light which licked the Earth.

  ‘We gave you Eden. But we had between us created war and death and turned Eden into hell. The world burned until naught remained but ash. It should have ended then and there. But we built you in our image. We built you to survive!’

  Ezio watched as from the total devastation that seemed to have been wrought upon the Earth by the Sun, a single ash-covered arm thrust skyward from the debris. Great visions of a windswept plain swept across the sky, which was the Roof of the Vault. Across it marched people – broken, ephemeral, but brave.

  ‘And we rebuilt.’ Minerva continued. ‘It took strength and sacrifice and compassion, but we rebuilt! And as the Earth slowly healed, as life returned to the world, as the green shoots thrust up out of the generous earth once more… We endeavoured to ensure that such a tragedy would never be repeated.’

  Ezio looked at the sky again. A horizon. On it, temples and shapes, carvings in stone like writing, libraries full of scrolls, ships, cities, music and dancing – shapes and forms from ancient times and ancient civilizations he didn’t know, but recognized as the work of his fellow beings…

  ‘But now we are dying,’ Minerva was saying. ‘And Time will work against us… Truth will be turned into myth and legend. What we built will be misunderstood. But Ezio, let my words preserve the message and make a record of our loss.’

  An image arose of the building of the Vault, and others like it.

  Ezio watched, as if in a dream.

  ‘But let my words also bring hope. You must find the other temples. Temples like this. Built by those who knew how to turn away from war. They worked to protect us, to save us from the Fire. If you can find them, if their work can be saved, then so, too, might this world.’

  Now Ezio saw the Earth again. The skyline of the Roof of the Vault showed a city like a vast San Gimigmano, a city of the future, a city of towers crushed together which made a twilight of the streets below, a city on an island far away. And then all coalesced once more into a vision of the Sun.

  ‘But you must be quick,’ said Minerva. ‘For time grows short. Guard against the Templar Cross – for there are many who will stand in your way.’

  Ezio looked up. He could see the Sun, burning angrily, as if waiting. And then it seemed to explode, though within the explosion he thought he could discern the Templar Cross.

  The vision before him was fading. Minerva and Ezio were left all alone, and the voice of the goddess now seemed to be disappearing down a tunnel of infinite length. ‘It is done… My people must now leave this world… All of us… But the Message is delivered… It is up to you now. We can do no more.’

  And then there was darkness and silence, and the Vault became a dark underground room again, with nothing in it at all.


  Ezio turned back. He re-entered the antechamber and saw Rodrigo lying on a bench, a dribble of green bile oozing from a corner of his mouth.

  ‘I am dying,’ said Rodrigo. ‘I have taken the poison I kept back for the moment of my defeat, for there is no world for me to live in now. But tell me – tell me before I leave this place of wrath and tears for ever – tell me, in the Vault – what did you see? Whom did you meet?’

  Ezio looked at him. ‘Nothing. Nobody,’ he said.

  He walked back out, through the Sistine Chapel and into the sunlight, to find his friends waiting there for him.

  There was a new world to be made.

  List of Characters

  Giovanni Auditore: father

  Maria Auditore: mother

  Ezio Auditore: second son of Giovanni

  Federico Auditore: eldest son of Giovanni

  Petruccio Auditore: youngest son of Giovanni

  Claudia Auditore: daughter of Giovanni

  Mario Auditore: brother of Giovanni

  Annetta: Auditore family housekeeper

  Paola: sister of Annetta

  Orazio: servant of Mario Auditore

  Duccio Dovizi: ex-boyfriend of Claudia

  Giulio: secretary to Giovanni Auditore

  Dottore Ceresa: family doctor

  Gambalto: sergeant in command of Mario Auditore’s guards

  Cristina Calfucci: girlfriend of the young Ezio

  Antonio Calfucci: father of Cristina

  Manfredo d’Arzenta: son of wealthy family, later married to Cristina

  Gianetta: friend of Cristina

  Sandeo: Cristina’s father’s clerk

  Jacopo de’ Pazzi: member of Pazzi family, fifteenth-century Florentine bankers

  Francesco de’ Pazzi: nephew of Jacopo

  Vieri de’ Pazzi: son of Francesco

  Stefano da Bagnone: priest, secretary to Jacopo

  Father Giocondo: priest in San Gimignano

  Terzago, Tebaldo, Capitano Roberto, Zohane and Bernardo: soldiers and guards in the service of the Pazzi family

  Galeazzo Maria Sforza (Galeazzo): Duke of Milan, 1444–76

  Caterina Sforza: daughter of Galeazzo, 1463–1509

  Girolamo Riario, Duke of Forlì: Caterina’s husband, 1443–88

  Bianca Riario: daughter of Caterina, 1478–1522

  Ottaviano Riario: son of Caterina, 1479–1523

  Cesare Riario: son of Caterina, 1480–1540

  Giovanni Riario: son of Caterina, 1484–96

  Galeazzo Riario: son of Caterina, 1485–1557

  Nezetta: wet-nurse to Caterina’s baby

  Lodovico Sforza: Duke of Milan, brother of Galeazzo, 1452–1508

  Ascanio Sforza: cardinal, brother of Galeazzo and Lodovico, 1455–1505

  Lorenzo de’ Medici, ‘Lorenzo the Magnificent’: Italian statesman, 1449–92

  Clarice Orsini: wife of Lorenzo de’ Medici, 1453–87

  Lucrezia de’ Medici: daughter of Lorenzo de’ Medici, 1470–1553

  Piero de’ Medici: son of Lorenzo de’ Medici, 1471–1503

  Maddalena de’ Medici: daughter of Lorenzo de’ Medici, 1473–1528

  Giuliano de’ Medici: brother of Lorenzo, 1453–78

  Fioretta Gorini: mistress of Giuliano de’ Medici

  Boetio: servant of Lorenzo de’ Medici

  Giovanni Lampugnani: conspirator in murder of Galeazzo, d. 1476

  Carlo Visconti: conspirator in murder of Galeazzo, d. 1477

  Gerolamo Olgiati: conspirator in murder of Galeazzo, 1453–77

  Bernardo Baroncelli: conspirator in murder of Giuliano de’ Medici

  Uberto Alberti: Gonfaloniere of Florence (chief official of the Council of Magistrates)

  Rodrigo Borgia: Spaniard, cardinal, later Pope Alexander VI, 1451–15

  Antonio Maffei: priest, conspirator in murder of Giuliano de’ Medici

  Raffaele Riario: Pazzi sympathizer, nephew of the Pope, 1451–1521

  Francesco Salviati Riario, Archbishop of Pisa: involved in Pazzi conspiracy

  Lodovico and Checco Orsi: Orsi brothers, mercenaries

  Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli: philosopher and writer, 1469–1527

  Leonardo da Vinci: artist, scientist, sculptor, etc., 1452–1519

  Agniolo and Innocento: assistants to Leonardo da Vinci

  Girolamo Savonarola: Dominican priest and political leader, 1452–98

  Marsilio Ficino: philosopher, 1433–99

  Giovanni Pico della Mirandola: philosopher, 1463–94

  Poliziano (Angelo Ambrogini): scholar and poet, tutor to de’ Medici children, 1454–94

  Botticelli (Alessandro di Moriano Filipepi): artist, 1445–1510

  Jacopo Saltarelli: artist’s model, b. 1459

  Fra Domenico da Pescia and Fra Silvestro: monks, associates of Savonarola

  Brother Girolamo: monk at the abbey of Monteciano, cousin of Savonarola

  Giovanni Mocenigo: Doge of Venice, 1409–85

  Carlo Grimaldi: member of Mocenigo’s entourage

  Conte de Pexaro: patron of Leonardo in Venice

  Nero: official assistant to Conte de Pexaro

  Emilio Barbarigo: Venetian merchant, allied to Rodrigo Borgia

  Silvio Barbarigo (‘Il Rosso’): state inquisitor, cousin of Emilio Barbarigo

  Marco Barbarigo: cousin of Silvio and Emilio

  Agostino Barbarigo: younger brother of Marco

  Dante Moro: Marco’s bodyguard

  Carlo Grimaldi: in Doge’s entourage

  Bartolomeo d’Alviano: mercenary

  Gilberto the Fox, la Volpe: member of the Assassins

  Corradin: the Fox’s assistant

  Antonio de Magianis: head of thieves’ guild in Venice

  Ugo: member of thieves’ guild

  Rosa: member of thieves’ guild

  Paganino: member of thieves’ guild

  Michiel: member of thieves’ guild

  Bianca: member of thieves’ guild

  Sister Teodora: brothel owner

  Glossary of Italian and Latin terms

  abominato filth/wretch

  accademico academic

  accompagnatrice companions, chaperones

  addio goodbye

  Ahimè Alas

  Aiutami, Dio! Help me, God

  Aiuto! Help!

  Al ladro! Stop, thief!

  Altezza Highness

  amici intimi close friends

  amico mio my friend

  amministratore administrator, manager

  amore mio my darling

  anche also, too

  anch’io me too, same here

  Aprite la porta! Open the gate!

  Arcivescovo Archbishop

  aristocrazia aristocracy

  artiglierie artillery

  Assassino Assassin

  bacino basin (in a dock)

  bambina baby

  Basta! Enough!

  bastardo, bastardi bastard/s

  bello handsome

  ben fatto well done

  benvenuti welcome

  Birbante! rascal, rogue

  biscotti biscuits

  bistecca beefsteak

  bordello brothel

  buona fortuna good luck

  buona sera good evening

  buon’ giorno good morning, good day

  buon viaggio safe journey

  caffè coffee

  calma calm down

  campo area

  Cane rognoso! Mangy cur!

  capitano captain

  Capito? Understand?

  cappa cloak, cowl

  carcassa carcase

  Carnevale Carnival

  caro, cara, carissima dearest, darling

  casa, dolce casa home, sweet home

  castello castle

  cazzo! prick/shit

  Che vista penosa! What a painful sight!

  chiudi il becco shut up

  ciao goodbye

  ciccione fatty

  cimice bedbug

  codardo coward

  coglioni balls

  commandante commander, captain

  Commendatore Commander

  compagno comrade

  condottieri hired soldiers, mercenaries

  coniglio! coward, chicken


  corno ducale traditional hat worn by the Doges of Venice

  così like this

  Creapa, traditore! Die, traitor!

  crepi il lupo may the wolf die

  Curia the Roman law courts

  diavolo devil

  Distinti saluti sincerely, faithfully (in a letter)

  dottore doctor

  ducati ducats

  duce leader

  duchessa duchess

  Duomo dome (meaning the cathedral in Florence)

  Evviva! hurrah

  fidanzato fiance

  figa vagina (slang)

  Figlio d’un cane! Son of a bitch!

  finanziatore financier, backer

  fiorini florins

  fottiti! fuck you!

  Fra’ Brother

  fratelli brothers

  fratellino little brother

  funzionario da accoglienza reception, welcoming party

  grappa Italian alcoholic drink

  grassone bastardo fat bastard

  Grazie a Dio Thank God

  Grazie, amici Thank you, friends

  grullo silly

  hospitarius guest-master of monastery

  idiota idiot

  il Magnifico the Magnificent

  il Spagnolo the Spaniard

  in bocca al lupo! good luck!

  Infame Awful, shocking

  Infelix ego omnium auxilio destitutus Unhappy I, bereft of all comfort

  in perfetto ordine shipshape

  inquisitore inquisitor

  intensi certainly/understood

  liberta liberty

  ‘Libertà! Libertà! Popolo e libertà!’ Liberty! Liberty! The People and Liberty

  Luridi branco di cani bastardi! filthy bunch of son-of-bitches

  luridi codardi filthy cowards

  lurido porco filthy pig

  Ma certo! But of course

  Ma che? But what’s this?

  Ma che cazzo? What the fuck was that?

  madre mother

  Maestro Master

  maledetto cursed

  marmocchio brat

  medico doctor

  merda! shit!

  Messer Sir

  mia colomba my dove

  mi dispiace veramente I’m truly sorry

  miserabili pezzi di merda miserable piece of shit

  molto onorato very honoured

  nipote nephew

  no preoccuparvi not to worry, don’t worry

  novizia novice nun

  ora di pranzo lunchtime

  oste innkeeper

  palazzo palace

  passeggiata evening stroll

  Perdonate, Messere Sorry, sir

  piccina little one

  piccola small, little

  pistola pistol

  popolo the people

  porco pig

  porco demonio! spawn of the devil

  principessa princess

  promesso promise

  puttana whore

  Rallegramenti! Congratulations!

  Requiescat in pace Rest in peace

  ribollita Tuscan soup

  salute! bless you!

  Sancta simplicitas! What Blessed Simplicity

  Sangue di Giuda! Christ on a bicycle

  scusi excuse me

  se lo tu dici if you say so

  Ser Sir

  sfortunato unlucky

  sì yes

  signore Mr, gentleman

  Signoria governing authority

  signorina miss
  signorine plural of signorina

  soldo penny

  Sono grato del tuo aiuto I’m grateful for your help

  sorellina little sister

  Spero di sì I hope so

  Stai bene All right

  Stolti! Fools!

  stronzo asshole, prick, etc.

  su altezza your highness

  subito suddenly

  tagliagole cut-throat

  tartaruga tortoise, slowcoach

  terra ferma dry land

  tesora, tesoro sweetheart, treasure

  Ti arresto! I arrest you!

  traditore traitor

  Tutti per uno e uno per tutti! All for one and one for all!

  ubriacone drunkard

  uomo coraggioso brave man

  va bene all right

  vecchio old

  zio uncle


  Yves Guillemot

  Serge Hascoet

  Alexis Nolent

  Richard Dansky

  Olivier Henriot

  Sébastien Puel

  Patrice Desilets

  Corey May

  Jade Raymond

  Cecile Russeil

  Joshua Meyer

  Marc Muraccini

  The Ubisoft Legal Department

  Chris Marcus

  Darren Bowen

  Amy Jenkins

  Caroline Lamache

  Table of Contents


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  Assassin’s Creed























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