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Crave Page 7

by Felicia Fox

  Alex sighs heavily and comes to sit on the end of the bed. I scoot up into a seated position to make more room. She moves in closer, and puts a hand to my face, it is a delicate stroke, and I nuzzle into it. “What’s wrong, Alex?”

  “Do you not want to be with me, Felicity? It always seems you are trying to find a way to be done with me.”

  I think about what she said, trying to come up with some instances, and there were a few that could have been taken in that manner.. I must have been quiet too long. She drops her hand into her lap. “No, Alex, I want to be with you. I love you.”

  “Then why do you not want to have the ceremony.”

  “Is that what this is about? I’m just tired and want to fall into a coma-like sleep for a few weeks. We can have it after that, I promise. Please, just let me settle. Let me meet some of these people so they don’t tiptoe around me. Let me get comfortable. If you can do that, I’ll live here with you as long as we get me a car. I refuse to be stuck here with no way to run to a gas station for chocolate, even if it does nothing else for me. I love chocolate.” The last phrase I mutter mostly to myself.

  She smiles her Siren’s smile, and I lean forward to kiss her gently. “Will you really stay here with me?”

  “Yes, I will Alex.”

  “Goddess, I fucking love you so much.”

  “I love you too. You are the fire I always wanted in my life.”

  “Then lets stoke it higher.” and with that she proceeds to make love to me until I’m shouting her name to the rafters, and we are both glowing brightly.

  Two weeks later

  “Roderick, I want to want you dead for what your actions caused; because of your assistance with Marius, I almost lost my Mate. I, and the rest of our people, lost Gideon, and I lost you. I look to you like family. Besides Gid, you were all I had in this world that loved me, that cared for me despite my shortcomings.” He sits there just looking at me.

  “Alexandria, I am surprised it took you this long to come and demand my head for my crimes,” he says sadly.

  Pulling out my most treasured possession, I show him.

  “Is… Is that your mother’s journal?” he reaches a hand out, and I pull back slightly, worried he would take it and never give it back. I own only a few of my mother’s possessions, and they are worth more to me than the air I breath.

  “Yes, it is. She wrote about your love for her even though she didn’t return your affections. She saw you as a brother of sorts. You promised you would care for her regardless, and that you would watch after me until your last dying breath, as if I was your own.”

  He looks away from me, his face red in frustration.

  “Why did you not just let me and Felicity find some peace together? Why go through all this, especially after he had already attempted to take my life? You saw how I was after he got his hands on me.” I try not to think too hard on the time I spent with Marius, and what it did to me.

  “I have never felt so betrayed. Even my father treating me indifferently all my hundred years of life does not compare to what you attempted.” My voice is soft. I can’t bring myself to yell at him. He was like a father to me and I hurt over this enough as it is.

  I watch tears gather in his eyes, and it takes everything in me not to break down and hold the second man in my life to ever truly care for me. “I asked my father to send you to another Nest. I love you too much to take your life, and he has agreed. We will be sent another Captain as a transfer. I am here to say goodbye. I don’t want to see you again after this, and if I do… I will run a dagger through you like Marius did to Gideon.” My stomach churns at the declaration, but damn it, my mate is the world to me and she will come first, always.

  Roderick’s tears now fall in a steady stream, and the anger and pain I have been harboring begins to prickle in the backs of my eye, letting me know they are shifting to red. He destroyed my trust. So fragile is trust, it’s a wonder why I put faith in anything. I have Felicity, and she reminds me daily that I am good and deserve good in my life. I turn and leave, breathing deeply of the musty air here in the dungeons.

  My sweet Fe, Goddess how I need her. I need to lose myself in her body. We haven’t been together intimately since the night Roderick took Marius’s head, and that was ‘all about therapy’ as she calls it. Not even after our bonding ceremony did we make love.

  The ceremony was a very small engagement with just my father and the guard and their mates. I have never been happier than in that one moment as she smiled at me, her lips a beautiful rosy red from my kiss. Knowing I get to kiss Fe still fills me with childish glee. With her lips pressed against mine, and my body wrapped around her, I know she is what I have been looking for all my long life. She is home.

  I am sure Fe’s aunt’s words still bother her, even though Caius gave us his own history lesson about how we revered her people. To know that Marius’s torment of others started so long ago makes me wonder how many victims there really were. Or did he just snap after seeing my Fe?

  For now, I am trying to make it a point to not give in to my needs. Not to fuck her until all she can do is make those incoherent sexy sounds that affect me so. I realize I’m growling while thinking of diving into all her sweetness. “Damn it, I want my Mate.” I want to feel her soft skin under my hands. Goddess, the taste and smell of her when she is aroused makes me want carry her over my shoulder and chain her to my bed. I want to pull every orgasm I can from her body. I do not want her for only feeding though the buzz that comes with it is mind blowing. I want her because I love her. I want to give her more pleasure and passion then anyone on the face of this planet has ever had, put my succubus to good use. I always hated what I was, I felt like a parasite sucking the life from others just to keep my miserable-self living another day. I tried so many times to not give in to the hunger. Pheromones start to leak from me and my body changes to lure its prey, refusing to let me just kick off. A fail-safe mechanism that kept me alive. Thank the heavens too cause without it I never would have met my Fe.

  Fuck, I am practically panting thinking of her. I can go another week before I need to feed, and I don’t want to just be with my Love because I need to feed. I just want her. I crave her constantly, even if it’s just to touch her hand. My want for her trumps the need I once had for Demon Flower. She is my new addiction, one I never want to be rid of. I’ll keep taking all she has to give until our lives end and on into the hereafter, forever in love. Shit, she has turned me into a sap. I smile to myself. “Only Fe.”

  I remember the first time I laid eyes on her. She was walking home from work. She looked agitated. Her hair was pulled back from her beautiful face in a ponytail, her outfit conservative enough to cover that luscious skin, but it fit her curves like a glove. I was surprised to find pure unadulterated want for this human woman. My hunger had just been sated the day before and still I yearned.

  I watched her body move and wanted to discover every part her clothes kept hidden, tracing my hands and tongue across every inch of her. She walked into her apartment building and I flashed to the roof across the street. It gave me an unobstructed view into her apartment. I made it just in time to watch her kick her shoes off and pull the band out of her hair, fluffing it wild like a mahogany lions mane, and I felt my hands clench at my sides with a need to run my fingers through the those locks. To see if they were as soft as they looked. Bury my face in her hair and inhale her deeply. I wanted her so bad that day, and every day after was a test in restraint. Now I wake up next to her, feel her warm and safe against me, and go to sleep with hands cupping her possessively. Goddess I want her even more now than I ever imagined wanting anyone.

  She has acted odd the last week or so, probably thinking of running, and here I can’t go a damn day without at least looking at her. She is such a beautiful person, so caring and strong, a lesser person would have succumbed to everything that was thrown at her. I felt a kinship to her in our shared loneliness, and begged for the week to move faster for Thursdays a
nd our time together.

  I need to know we are okay right now. She feels distant, and it’s making my Neanderthal tendencies show. The need to take her hard, over and over again, and remind her who she fucking belongs to is becoming a steady pounding of blood rushing through my veins.

  Rounding the corner to our corridor, I smell Mara and my heart picks up speed. What in the hell is she doing here, and with me not present? Fe has been trying to mix in with my people, and they are warming up to her quickly, both the males and females enjoying her intelligence and smart-ass humor. She is an infusion of youth in this stuffy compound. Felicity breathes life into everything that surrounds her.

  I slowly push the door in and shiver at the new ward I had put up soon after Marius and Roderick messed with the one I had already had in place. I used a mixture of Fe’s blood and my blood to make it only accessible to her and me for flashing. It will even stun a person if they try to walk in with ill intent. I smirk to myself about that one. I know I am powerful for a Cambion. In the last few weeks, my father has finally started to see me with the help of Fe’s not-so-subtle meddling, and is teaching me how to reach my full potential. Our past relationship will always be hard to swallow, but my need for a paternal figure will keep me patient as he slowly comes around.

  I follow the scent of my Fe towards the office. I can smell her arousal and my heart picks up speed, double time. My limbs loosen and I can feel my hips begin to sway with each step I take. Her sex is like night blossoming flowers, petals that open to the moonlight, fragrant and enticing the mouth to water. I feel my pussy instantly slick with arousal. I am going to fuck her until she can’t stand.

  Pushing the curtain to the side was like opening a fucking gift. “Oh. My. Goddess.” I murmur out loud and unintentionally. Fe is sitting on my desk, her long shapely legs crossed. I start a slow perusal of her body, taking in every inch of the vision before me. I begin at her feet in heeled Maryjane’s and white lacy fold over socks. I follow the line of those sexy legs that I love to have draped over my shoulders. Felicity is wearing a navy blue scrap-of-fabric school uniform skirt, barely covering as it rides high on her thighs.Her white button up shirt pulls tight against her plump breasts, I see her nipples have already hardened and swear to myself now that I am going to feast on them. My succubus wants to devour every inch of her. Fe’s face, her beautiful face, is mesmerizing. I walk over to her close enough to really soak in the rolling waves of sexual energy she is giving off.

  Now I know why Mara was here. She must have taken Felicity to go pick this up. I am going to buy that female all the damn jewels she wants, waiting on her hand and foot in thanks.

  “Alex?” Felicity speaks in question, the timbre of her voice is like a slow caress along the nerves of my body, making me shiver.

  My voice is breathy, “Yes, baby?”

  “Are you hungry?” Fe says while bringing a hand down her neck, tilting her head back as it travels down the middle of her chest, circling her breasts. Her movements are hypnotic.

  “I’m ravenous, Fe.” And with that, I reach out, fisting either side of her shirt in my hands. With controlled strength, I rip the flimsy material open, listening to the buttons ping off the surrounding area. Her breasts bounce from the movement, making me tingle from my core throughout my body. The creamy mounds of her tits sit high and perky. I take them into my hands, feeling the rough scrape of lace from her bra on my palms. I massage them firmly. I try to dampen the ferocity of my ever mounting lust before I end up throwing her to the ground and take everything from her.

  “Oh Alex…mmm…I have missed you…mmm… yes.” Her moaning is my undoing. Grabbing a fistful of hair at the nape of her neck, I pull her face forward and frantically kiss her sensual lips. She gasps and I thrust my tongue into her mouth, our tongues writhing and teeth clashing.

  I push her back further onto the antique desk, hearing it creak over the sound of the desk’s belongings crashing to the ground. I don’t know if the desk can handle our combined weight, but we are about to find out. My leg is planted firmly at the apex of her sex. She is wearing no panties, and I can feel the heat of her as she dampens the thigh of my slacks. I push against Fe in a steady rhythm, biting at her bottom lip while I feel her legs tremble underneath me. I am making my way down the side of her throat, feeling her nails digging into my shoulders as she pants her way through the start of her first quickening, sending bursts of energy to explode in a steady stream through my blood.

  I reach down to the drawer while I distract her with a sharp bite in the tendon where shoulder meets neck.

  “Yes Alex God Yes!” she cries out.

  When my hand meets the smooth cold metal of what I am feeling around for, I pull myself off of her and quickly sweep Fe up to drape over my shoulder. She yelps in surprise. I walk her to the far wall of the office and slap shackles around her wrists, slipping the links over the hook drilled into the stone, all within the shortest beat of time. Her face shows absolute shock, and I smirk at her. Her nipples bead even harder, and I can see her arousal begin to slip down her thighs. I trace a finger through it, placing it in my mouth and sucking the decadent flavor away. Her eyes drop to half-mast, following my tongue as I roll it around the digit.

  “You taste very good my sweet.” Her body visibly trembles. I come in close, grazing my fingers over the skin of her abdomen, the light touch making her arch her back into my hand. I turn her around, as there is enough slack in the restraints to do so. Her arms cross as her forearms settle against the wall. Such an inviting picture, I slowly undo the button and zip on the side of the skirt and watch as it falls around her ankles. Her bared ass invites my hand to cup and squeeze, and I give in to the temptation. I pull her hips out and extend her arms. Fe is all lovely curves, very beautiful trussed up against the wall. The mass of mahogany silk that is her hair sways against her back, and I press my face against the luscious locks, breathing in her scent, and feel my sex become drenched. I wrap my arms around her to pull and play with her breasts, hardening her nipples with almost-painful pinching. The heat of her skin seeps past my clothes, ratcheting up my hunger. I step back, and in a heartbeat, I have my clothes off and discarded. I press my body up against hers and I hiss at the searing feel of Fe’s warm skin. She is beginning to glow, and it pings on my desires because that glow is all mine. She belongs to me. I pull her head back, peeking over her shoulder to watch her breasts scrape against the stone wall, knowing that the friction on her now sensitive and throbbing nipples will make her even wetter.

  My hands travel down her sides, my heavy breathing blows her hair away from her ear. “Why, Fe?”

  “Why what… oh God… yes!” she sputters out as I move my hands around to her front to play with the bud of her sex. Slow, steady circles, firm against her clit.

  “Why have you been denying us this?” I ask more firmly.

  “I haven’t, you just never … Oh God Alex Please let me come.” I pull away from her and it goes against every instinct I have.

  “No, you will come when I say.” My words are harsh, trying to coax a response from her.

  “Oh fuck me.” Fe cries out.

  “In time. Now be a good girl and tell me why you have been distant and I’ll let you come.” Slowly I push my way into her sopping wet pussy and stroke in and out, causing her to whimper, and putting me right on the edge of giving in to her needs.

  “I…I… wa… wasn’t trying to b…be distant.”

  “Then what is it baby? Tell me.” I slip my other hand around her to flick at her clit

  “Alex, please!” she screams. I can feel her walls start to tighten on my fingers, her desperate need to come is obvious. I pull them out and hear her whimpering for more.

  “I needed to…to make su…sure.”

  “Make sure of what, Baby?” I turn her around and see tears are slowly slipping down her face, making my heart clench so painfully in my chest that I clutch at it, wondering if I can survive the tears in her eyes.

ad of making her answer, I smash my lips against hers. I force my tongue into her mouth, and she trembles against me. The wonderful flavor of her mouth, seasoned with the salt of her tears, fills me. I push my fingers into her once again, circling her clit with my thumb. She moans into my mouth.

  My entire body is vibrating with her oncoming release. Fullness starts to infuse me, fire racing through my veins, the feeding beginning to take hold of me. My sex throbs with every pump of blood that travels throughout and I move my hand against her faster, taking every drop her body gives over to me. Her orgasm is spectacular to watch, her face lax in ecstasy, her body strung tight as the waves pulse through her, her inner walls spasm against my fingers. I release her from the bonds, and gather her in my arms, lowering both our bodies to the ground. I stroke her hair gently, my guilt for upsetting her dimming the glow that feeding from Fe usually gives me. Remorse heavy in my voice, “Please forgive me Fe. I’m sorry to have pushed you.”

  “I enjoy being with you like that.” She blushes prettily. “It’s just… God, I was hoping this would be easier to tell you and to be honest every time I open my mouth to talk to you about what’s going on it gets harder and harder.”

  My stomach fell somewhere around my feet as I struggle to keep my calm. “Do you want to leave me, Fe? Do you want to move away from the compound? Was all this a way to soften the blow?” I say, waving my hand around like a mad woman to encompass everything, including me.

  “No, Alex! God, do you always have to think the worst where you and I are concerned? If I wanted to run, I had plenty of reasons to have done that just a couple of weeks ago.”

  Indignantly, I say, “For all I know, it just hit you now and you are just too kind to say, ‘fuck you, succubus, jump off a cliff.’”

  I watch her take a deep breath. She shakily turns around in my arms, straddling my legs to face me. “Alex … I’m pregnant…” I am quiet, letting it soak in for a moment, and it must have been the wrong reaction because she started crying again, ripping me to shreds.


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