Wild Ride [Werewolves of Forever, Texas 11] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Wild Ride [Werewolves of Forever, Texas 11] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 1

by Jane Jamison

  Werewolves of Forever, Texas 11

  Wild Ride

  Zoey Wate’s been brainwashed into believing she can’t have a mate. When she leaves her pack, she runs to Forever, determined to see if the rumors of a town where werewolves live free are real.

  Declain and Nolan Sawyer have always talked of sharing a woman. But being human, Nolan’s not sure half-werewolf Zoey will want him. He’s ready to give her up to his werewolf cousin, but Declain refuses, determined to get Zoey and Nolan together.

  Convincing Nolan to mate her isn’t Zoey’s biggest problem. When her former pack leader shows up demanding that the Forever werewolves hand her over to him, she doesn’t know whether to run or to fight.

  Before she can answer that question, the pack leader attacks, threatening not only her life, but Nolan’s and Declain’s. Will the Sawyer men start a pack war to keep her?

  Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation between or among cousins.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 45,838 words


  Werewolves of Forever, Texas 11

  Jane Jamison


  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  IMPRINT: Ménage Everlasting


  Copyright © 2013 by Jane Jamison

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-530-0

  First E-book Publication: September 2013

  Cover design by Les Byerley

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.


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  Thank you, Readers, for continuing to love the Werewolves of Forever, Texas as much as I do.

  Jane Jamison

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  About the Author


  Werewolves of Forever, Texas 11


  Copyright © 2013

  Chapter One

  Zoey backed up, using the wall to keep the pack from surrounding her. The fact that she’d hidden the gun behind the pile of boxes stacked against the wall where they’d cornered her was a lucky break. She’d squirrelled it away thinking she’d never have to use it. Still, a girl liked having a little reassurance in the form of a bullet when she was up against the shit that might hit said proverbial fan. It wasn’t as though the bullets were silver. She never wanted to kill one of her pack. Maim, yes, if she had to. But kill? Only if her back was really against the wall.

  And here she was, back against that damn wall.

  She forced herself not to look for the gun. If it wasn’t there, then she was dead meat anyway. There was nothing she could do about it now.

  “Zoey-girl, you’re being unreasonable.” Rick Clayton, the new leader of the Clayton Pack following his father’s death, crossed his arms and gave her the now-familiar what am I going to do with you look. “We’ve talked about this a thousand times.”

  He was right. They had talked about it over and over throughout the past twelve years. And the answer was always the same. Almost from the first month she’d come to the pack at the age of fifteen after getting kicked out of her mother’s home, Rick’s father had told her that, being half-werewolf, no full werewolf would ever want her as a mate. Hell, he’d barely accepted her into the pack. Half-human to Harland Clayton was the same as being full human and Harland had no use for humans. Except, of course, as either sport or food.

  And as for a human male wanting her? That was forbidden by pack rules. Having a half-werewolf take a full human male for a mate would only further dilute the werewolf bloodline. Even the male werewolf pack members had to claim and change a prospective mate before they could bring her into the pack. No human was ever allowed inside the pack until they were a true werewolf.

  Rick, who had been eighteen when he’d brought Zoey to that first pack meeting, had caught hell for it, but because it was his only son, his father had finally agreed to make an exception. It hadn’t gone over well with the rest of the pack, but no one was stupid enough to cross Harland Clayton. People had a way of ending up dead when they did that. They knew it’d be smarter to wrestle with a den of cobras.

  Naïve, Zoey had thought that Rick was a savior of sorts. Her mother had never wanted her after her father had run out before she was born. She’d taken to the streets when her mother had wanted her to “start treating my boyfriends to some blow jobs.” That had been the final blow to Zoey’s dream that her mother would ever learn to love her.

  However, she soon learned that Rick wasn’t what he seemed. He’d brought her back to the community pack home with the ult
erior motive to make her his before he took his real intended mate. Riling his father with the presence of a “half-breed” was simply icing on the cake.

  The two Clayton werewolves had never gotten along well and their arguments were legendary, often disintegrating into physical fights until the other pack members pulled them apart. There was even a rumor that Rick was involved in Harland’s untimely death in a car accident. But again, no one was stupid enough to confront Rick.

  “Why are you bringing it up again, Zoey-girl? It’s useless for you to seek out a mate. Just let it go before you get into any more trouble.”

  Rick’s words cut into her more than any knife ever could. She’d believed him all these years, and damn it to hell, part of her still did. Until recently, she’d simply given up on having her own mate. As Rick had told her often enough, it just wasn’t in the cards for her. Yet another part of her, the part that had dreamed of finding a man who would truly love her, couldn’t be silenced. Then, in the past few weeks, she’d heard of other half-werewolves finding their mates. So why couldn’t she? The Clayton Pack didn’t allow such unions, but if the rumors she’d heard about Forever, Texas, were true, other packs did.

  The more she thought about it, the more she realized that she had no choice but to leave the pack. Problem was, there was only one way to leave the Clayton Pack. Laid out flat and carried out. Either she was one of them or she was dead. It didn’t matter much to them which way.

  Looking at Casai, the oldest member of their group, that might not be true. He definitely had his druthers. Casai’s stringy gray hair fell around his face as he pulled his human lips back in a way that reminded her of his wolf. He knew he’d never have a chance to taste her juices between her legs, but he was raring at the chance to taste her blood. Her gaze slid over the others’ faces. It looked like Casai wasn’t the only one ready to sink his teeth into her.

  So much for pack loyalty.

  “Let me go, Rick. Then I won’t be a bother to anyone.”

  Rick tilted his head to the side and curved his mouth into the fuck you smile that she’d seen way too often lately. “You know I can’t do that, Zoey-girl.”

  Damn, how I hate being called Zoey-girl.

  That’s what Harland had called her. When she was young she’d kind of liked it, taking it as a term of fatherly affection. Later, however, the term had changed, getting spoken in a hard, unfriendly way that had made her skin crawl. Now Rick had taken to calling her that, too, with an even worse bite to his tone.

  “Yes, you can.” She tried to soothe his ego, betting that would make him relent and let her walk out safe and sound. “You can do anything you want.”

  His eyes gleamed at the flattery, and for one precious moment, she thought it had done some good.

  “Nope. Besides, it’s not so much a matter of can’t.” His grin grew. “It’s a matter of don’t want to.”

  She swallowed then lifted her chin, determined not to the let the pack see her fear. They had to have picked up the scent, but she couldn’t do anything about that. “You can change the rule. All you have to do is say so. You know you can.”

  Damn him for laughing at me.

  She was dangerously close to either begging him to let her go or chickening out and asking his forgiveness.

  “You know I can’t do that either, Zoey-girl.”

  “Stop calling me that. I hate it when you call me that.” Years of kowtowing to him and the others along with frustration at getting caught trying to sneak out pushed her to her limit. She could sense her inner wolf crawling toward the surface.

  If only it would come out. If only I’d shift.

  But she couldn’t count on that happening. She couldn’t shift. As a half-werewolf, she just simply couldn’t. Harland had explained that to her a long time ago, and since it had never happened, she knew he was right. She’d tried enough times, closing her eyes and calling to her inner wolf, only to fail.

  Rick’s expression hardened as amber flared in his eyes. Unlike hers, his wolf didn’t have any trouble rising to the surface. He was, like the rest of the pack, full werewolf. In fact, if she didn’t watch out, he’d shift all the way, a signal to the rest of the pack that they could do the same. And if that happened, she was as good as dead.

  Rick’s patience was gone. “You will stop this right now. Do you understand me?”

  “Of course I do.” She leaned against the boxes as though trying to appear nonchalant and almost moaned with relief when her fingertips touched the butt of the gun. “The thing is, you’re not understanding me. I’m leaving and that’s that.”

  I might as well go down with my dignity intact.

  “You can’t speak to Rick that way.”

  Zoey didn’t give Marla the satisfaction of looking at her. Marla was a few years older than Rick, a washed-out bleach blonde with big saggy boobs and a scrawny butt. Marla kissed Rick’s ass every time she got a chance.

  Why hadn’t Rick already taken Marla as his mate? It was obvious that they shared the connection all werewolf mates did. She’d heard about it and even witnessed it often enough.

  Yet she knew the answer. Rick wanted them both. He couldn’t claim Marla as his mate until he took Zoey first. Taking Zoey after he’d claimed Marla would be the same as cheating on her. Even Rick couldn’t break that rule. Still, once Marla was his and under his complete dominance, he’d force her into accepting Zoey as his second mate and be able to officially claim her. In fact, he’d make it seem like he was doing Zoey a favor by taking the “un-matable female” under his care. He still needed Marla’s acceptance, though. It rarely happened, and only the true mate could agree to let her male take another female as a second mate. But if he could get Marla to agree, then Rick would have what he really wanted. Both of them.

  He’d have taken Zoey by force before now just for sex and not to claim her as a mate, except Marla had gotten some of the pack on her side. She didn’t want Rick to share Zoey’s bed, either for sex or to include her as a second mate. In fact, if anyone would be happy that Zoey left the pack, it’d be Marla. Until she could leave, however, she was right in the middle of a stand-off between Marla and Rick.

  Then, in an unusual show of solidarity for Marla, the pack had stood up to Rick and had told him that he couldn’t take Zoey by force. That, at least, had given her some kind of safety. But it hadn’t kept Rick from trying to get her to spread her legs willingly for him.

  Somehow she’d managed to keep him at bay, but the last month had been the hardest one she’d ever had to suffer through. She’d had to hide out several times when Rick had come looking for her. Each time he’d given up when Marla had found him and coaxed him back into her bed.

  Still, Zoey’s luck was due to run out. Each day he said or did something to show her that her only hope of having a mate was to submit to him. So far she’d put him off with excuses of “not being ready,” but yesterday he’d pressed harder than ever. She could still feel his hands sliding over her breasts, then along the curve of her ass.

  He’d flung her around, then shoved her face against the wall and forced her arms above her head. Pressing against her, she’d felt his hardness stretching the limits of his slacks. His hot breath against her ear had done the opposite of turning her on. Instead, it had finally made her realize just how much she detested him.

  Although she’d planned on leaving before that had happened, his cock against her ass had been the final straw. He was getting closer and closer to taking her by force, no matter what the pack said. She could still smell the foul odor of his breath.

  “Come on, Zoey. You know I’m the only one who’ll have you.”

  She’d played it cool, not wanting to evoke his anger. “And you know we can’t. Not until you get Marla to agree, then mate her, and then change the rule about a half-werewolf mating a full one. Do you think you can do all that?”

  She worried about leading him on, but what other choice did she have? To flat-out refuse him would mean an “accidental” d
eath. Or worse.

  His hand had slid around to caress the place between her legs. Thankfully, he hadn’t noticed that her pussy wasn’t heating up her jeans.

  “I’m getting there. Until then, how about we find out how good it’s going to be?”

  The fact that he was still asking and not forcing her was a good sign. He was still leery of doing anything to anger the rest of the pack. But the longer he was leader, the more power he’d gain. It wouldn’t be long before he’d have so much control that he could do whatever he wanted, including taking her before the rule was changed.

  She’d tried to take shallow breaths, not wanting to make her chest rise and fall too much and grab his attention. “You know Marla won’t go for it. No, Rick. I don’t want you to get into trouble.” What a crock that was! She couldn’t care less if the others wanted to boil his balls in hot lava.

  He’d pushed away from her as Marla had come around the corner, but Marla wasn’t stupid. Her black eyes had narrowed, not at Rick, the real offender, but at Zoey. No love was lost between them. Zoey had slipped away from Rick, leaving him to deal with his intended mate.

  And here was Marla sticking up for the jerk even after catching him red-handed copping a feel. Rick paid no attention to Marla, aside from brushing her hand off his arm.

  “You’re blowing it, Zoey-girl.”

  She knew what he was talking about. She almost laughed at his warning that she might blow her chance to have him as her mate.

  Good. If they never change the rule, it’s fine with me. In fact, thank God for the damn rule. And in a strange way, thank God for Marla.


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