Wild Ride [Werewolves of Forever, Texas 11] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Wild Ride [Werewolves of Forever, Texas 11] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 6

by Jane Jamison

  Had she really felt the connection with both of them? Not only with Declain, but with Nolan?

  But that couldn’t be right. At least not according to everything she’d been told. She was half-werewolf. That was supposed to make it impossible for her to have the connection with even a werewolf, much less a human. And yet, wasn’t that why she’d come to Forever? Because she’d heard that it was possible and that she’d had to find out if the rumors were true?

  She hugged herself, thrilled to think that Rick and his father had lied to her all these years. She was so excited that she wasn’t even angry about it. A man, a werewolf, did want her. In a way, Harland’s and Rick’s lies had done her a favor. If she’d known she could get the connection, she might’ve sat around and waited for her mates and never have gotten the urgency to discover if what others said about Forever was real. Besides, what good would it do to hang on to the past?

  She’d heard women talk about the connection before. She’d listen as a child would to fairy tales, and had dreamed. But she’d never thought the dreams could happen to her.

  It’s the connection. It has to be.

  Having the connection with Declain made sense. He was, after all, a werewolf. The bond with Nolan, however, was different. Although just as intense, she wasn’t sure that he felt it. Could humans feel it? Or did they have to go through the transformation first?

  Since the Clayton Pack had never allowed any humans to enter the pack until after their mate had already changed them, she’d never had the chance to witness the initial connection happening between a werewolf and a human.

  And yet the years of lies still haunted her, bringing doubt to her. If Declain had felt the bond between them, why hadn’t he come to her bed last night? Werewolves didn’t hold off once they found their mate. At least, none of the pack ever had. Could it be that Declain hadn’t felt it after all? If so, what did that mean?

  No. It has to be something else. He wanted me and he felt it, no doubt about it. I saw it in his eyes.

  She fluffed her hair and opened the door, ready to run to the men.


  Damn, if they string out my name any longer, it’ll sound like they’re calling a hog.

  “Hang on. I’m coming.” Yet instead of rushing downstairs as she’d started to do, she took her time. If it made them stew a little, then so be it. Anticipation was half the fun.

  She found them in the kitchen, chowing down on breakfast. One bowl was piled high with eggs while steaks, most of them oozing juicy blood, rested on a platter. Biscuits were still cooling on a baking sheet on the kitchen counter.

  “Wow. That looks terrific.” She paused, realizing that they hadn’t invited her to join them. In the Clayton Pack, women often ate after the men, and as a half-werewolf, she’d had to eat after the women had taken their fill. Sometimes there hadn’t been anything but scraps left.

  “Grab some biscuits and dig in. The food’s getting cold.”

  Before she knew it, she’d licked her lips and taken a seat at the other side of the table. If she got any closer, she was afraid she might want to act out her fantasy. Until she knew for certain that Declain—and Nolan?—shared the connection, she wasn’t willing to risk it. They passed her the food, and she took a larger amount than she would’ve ever dared to do in the pack.

  They ate in silence for a while, doing the food justice. She glanced at them every so often, getting caught doing so more than she’d have liked, but she couldn’t resist. They were so delectable, so masculine, so downright sexy that she even forgot to chew at one point.

  “Did you have a good night’s rest?” Just like the day before, Declain was the more sociable one of the two men.

  “Yes, thanks. It was really nice of you two to force me to stay.” She added a small smile.

  Nolan ignored her joke, took a big drink of his coffee, then grumbled. “Damn straight it was. Considering you plugged me yesterday.”

  She refused to let him bait her. “How’s your leg today?” He grumbled again, and she would’ve sworn that he hated to tell her the truth.

  “Doing better.”

  “Don’t let Nolan bother you. He’s always a grouch before he gets his first two cups or so of coffee.”

  “Oh. Sure. I understand.”

  “Tell us about yourself, Zoey. You said you’re from Atlanta, but why did you come to Forever? It’s not exactly a tourist spot.” Nolan popped half a biscuit into his mouth.

  Was he trying to trip her up like Declain had tried the night before? She found it hard to remember exactly what she’d told them, but she knew she hadn’t told them the real reason she’d come there. “I, uh, just wanted a change of scenery, is all. Plus, I have relatives in Oklahoma.”

  “Yeah?” Declain poured himself another cup of the steaming brew. “Where at?”

  Shit. She didn’t know the name of one single town in Oklahoma. The pack had never insisted anyone go to school, much less study geography on their own. She had to fake it and said the first thing that came to mind. “Macon.”

  “Macon, Oklahoma?” Declain smiled. “I’ve heard of Macon, Georgia, but not Macon, Oklahoma.”

  Nolan’s snort was anything but flattering. “Are you kidding me? Do you really think we’re going to buy that lame story? There isn’t any town in Oklahoma called Macon, and you’re not some stranded hitchhiker passing through. You were hitching off the main roads. So quit beating around the bush and give us the straight stuff. Why’d you come to Forever?”

  She felt the color drain from her face. “I already told you, I didn’t mean to. I just got a little lost.”


  Couldn’t Nolan give her a break? Would he be acting this way if she hadn’t shot him? “Look, maybe I should leave. I’ve obviously overstayed my welcome.” She pushed her chair back and stood. “I’ll get my backpack and get out of your hair.”


  She followed Nolan’s abrupt command and sat without thinking.

  He drew in a slow breath. Declain waited, too, and dropped the biscuit he was about to eat back onto his plate.


  The man was good with commands if nothing else. Not that she wasn’t used to it. She’d taken enough commands from the males in the pack. “I don’t think I should.”

  “That’s bullshit, too.” Nolan stood, not bothering to push in his chair. “All three of us know you and Declain felt something last night. That’s why you need to stay.”

  Declain found her gaze. “He’s right. At least for me. I felt it. The connection.” He sat back, his green eyes sparkling. “You felt it, too.” He wasn’t asking. He was telling.

  She bit her lower lip then decided to admit the truth. “Yeah, I did. Or at least I think so. I don’t have much experience in these things.”

  Declain’s laughter eased the tension setting up shop in her neck. “Well, I’d hope not. You’re only supposed to have that connection with your mates.”

  Mates. He said mates, not mate.

  She glanced at Nolan and decided not to press that issue. One man at time was enough for now. She let more of the truth come out.

  “It’s not that. It’s just that I’m not sure I believed that the bond between mates was real. At least not until last night.”

  She met his gaze again and felt the powerful surge flow into her as though an intangible line hooked between them. The lust that whipped through her had her shaking. She gripped the arms of the chair and held on, afraid that if she didn’t, her body might fall to pieces. Forcing herself, she glanced at Nolan and felt a similar wrench of emotions.

  “Funny thing, Zoey.” Declain slid his fingertip along the rim of his cup. “Until last night, neither did I.”

  Nolan shoved in his chair. “Okay, so now you both know. It’s real. The thing is, what do you want to do about it?”

  She couldn’t answer. Too much rode on whatever was said next.

  “We take it slow and figure it out.” Declain’
s expression changed, showing more sadness than she wanted to see.

  Take it slow? What the hell for?

  The ringing of her phone had her jumping to her feet again. The caller ID said that it was Trish. Zoey lifted a finger then hurried toward the front door. She was outside before she answered the call. “Trish?”

  “Where the fuck are you, cunt?”

  She’d never understood how a person’s blood could run cold, but now she did. The icy clutch of Rick’s hand seemed to snake through the phone and into her body, wiping away the heat she’d felt with the men. She wanted to ask him if he was in Forever, but couldn’t summon the courage. If she’d been wrong about the car, then she’d be telling him where she was.

  “Where’s Trish?”

  “You listen up, you little whore. I know where you went and I’m going to get you.”

  She clenched her teeth. “What did you do to Trish?” If he’d hurt her one and only friend, she’d do her dead level best to take his head off his shoulders.

  “You don’t need to worry about that bitch. She’s learned her lesson just like you’re going to learn yours.”

  She suddenly found it hard to breathe. “Is she…all right?” She couldn’t bring herself to say the word alive.

  “Zoey-girl, you get your ass on the road back here right now. You hear me? If you don’t, there’ll be hell to pay. And not just for you.”

  Did he mean Trish? Or could he have found out about the Sawyer men?

  She gripped the phone until her knuckles turned white. “Trish didn’t have anything to do with my leaving. And as for shooting you? You were damn lucky I didn’t use silver bullets.”

  His laugh was filled with anger and evil. “You know what they say, Zoey-girl. You always hurt the ones you love.”

  Her hand shook as she thought about what he meant.

  “You loved Trish, didn’t you?”

  Loved? As in past tense? Her words came out in a whisper. “What did you do to her?”

  His cackle sent chills down her spine. “Let’s just say old Trish doesn’t have to worry about being friends with you any longer.”

  She couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think. She had to know. “What did you do to Trish?”

  “She’s lying in a ditch with maggots crawling in and out of her bloody corpse, Zoey-girl. All because she was friends with you.”

  Her scream shattered the world around her, sending the birds in a nearby tree into flight. A wave of dizziness hit her as her body gave out and darkness swam in front of her eyes.

  * * * *

  “How’s she doing?”

  Declain didn’t bother glancing back at Nolan. He heard Nolan coming into what had become Zoey’s room. It had made sense to move her back into the room. After all, they’d saved it for their intended mate, never once sleeping in it.

  Declain held her hand between his, and as he’d done so many times before, tried to will her into opening her eyes. The sound of her scream still echoed in his head a day later. They’d found her lying on the front porch, the phone still clutched in her hand. Declain had scooped it up, but whoever was on the other end was gone.

  “About the same, although she seems to be resting better.”

  “Do you think we should call the doc now? It’s been over twenty-four hours since we found her like that.”

  “No. There’s nothing he can do. Trust me on this. We need to give her more time.” He didn’t know why, maybe it was because of that mystical invisible connection they shared, or maybe it was a werewolf thing, but he knew a doctor couldn’t help her. She was in shock, but it was a shock that only she could fight her way out of.

  Nolan eased to a seat on the other side of her. “Still no word when you call that number? Whoever called her should know what happened.”

  Declain didn’t believe that, either. “Whoever called may have caused this.”

  “How’s that possible?”

  “I think whatever they said came as a major blow to her.”

  Nolan didn’t argue. When it came to werewolves, he’d always defer to Declain. “Have you gotten her to eat anything today?”

  “Just a little broth. And water. But it’s enough for now.”

  “Good.” Nolan tipped his head toward the doorway. “Go on and get some rest. It’s my shift now.”

  Declain nodded. They’d taken turns since they’d brought her upstairs. After undressing her, they’d slipped her into one of Declain’s old nightshirts and placed her in bed. Getting a good look at her naked body had taken its toll on them. As he’d imagined, she had a bangin’ body and one he couldn’t wait to get his hands on. But everything had its own time and this wasn’t the time for lustful thoughts.

  He’d had to force his inner werewolf to leave her alone. Of course they’d never do anything to her while she was recovering. But that didn’t keep them from exchanging knowing looks with one another. Right now, however, her health and well-being were all that mattered.

  He felt helpless. Useless to help the mate he’d finally found.

  He lifted her hand and pressed a kiss to her palm. Two days earlier, if Nolan had seen him act in such a romantic manner, he would’ve ribbed him from sun up to sun down. Now Nolan wasn’t saying a word, and had, in fact, adopted his own caresses to give her.

  Declain moved toward the door, and as it had happened so many times before, felt the pull of her clinging to him. He hated to leave her, but knew Nolan wanted his time alone with her, too. “Call if you need me.”

  “Will do.” Nolan turned to look at him then faced her again.

  Declain studied the way Nolan took her hand. Ever since they’d found her, Nolan had changed, growing less distant with her with every passing hour. He frowned, the reality of what was happening between his cousin and Zoey getting clearer.

  He feels it, too. So why is he denying it?

  He started to ask Nolan to tell him why he’d said otherwise, but then stopped. Nolan must have his reasons for pretending that he didn’t care for her, for claiming that he didn’t have a bond with her. Whatever that reason was, Declain knew now wasn’t the time to push for answers.

  Right now, only Zoey mattered.

  * * * *

  Zoey couldn’t get away from Rick. He grabbed her, digging his fingers then his claws into her skin. She cried out, knowing it was useless, and hating herself for letting him see just how frightened she was.

  “Let me go, you asshole.” The bite she’d wanted to put into her words didn’t happen. Instead, she’d sounded pitiful and weak.

  “Go fuck yourself, bitch.” Rick’s fang-filled grin enveloped his face. “Oh, wait. That’s what I’m going to do.” He shifted more, his face changing from human to wolf in seconds. He threw her to the ground.

  She looked up to find the rest of the pack watching, their amber eyes glowing with glee and fascination. “Please, someone help me.”

  They ignored her plea, and instead, moved closer. Old Casai, his mouth open and showing the gaps in his rotting fangs, smacked his lips. “Yeah, Rick. Fuck her. I want to see her virgin pussy.”

  Rick snagged her by the hair and dragged her onto her hands and knees. “Don’t worry, old man. Once I’m finished ramming it into her ass, I’ll let the rest of you have your fun.”

  Drool fell from Casai’s mouth, splattering droplets on the ground. “You’re a good leader, Rick. I always knew you would be even when you were just a pup.”

  She tried to scramble away, but Rick took hold of her shirt and tugged her back. The material ripped away, exposing her braless breasts. Howls erupted around her as the males moved even closer. Even the women called for them to take her.

  Still holding her by the hair, Rick yanked her upward then fondled one of her breasts. “She has pretty good tits, don’t you think?”

  Their howls melted together to form one resounding answer.

  Taking hold of her jeans by the waist, he shifted a little more, then shredded them from her body. Her panties followed as the roar of
the crowd deafened her.

  “Now we’re talking.” Rick disrobed, throwing his clothes to the side as he knelt behind her. He laid his body over her back then whispered in her ear. “Are you still a virgin, Zoey-girl? Or did you let them fuck you? Is my pack going to get sloppy seconds? Or would it be sloppy thirds since there were two of them?”

  The slap on her ass rippled through her flesh. “Do you like that, Zoey-girl? Trish didn’t like it much.” He chuckled then slapped her butt again. “But she stopped complaining once I tore her throat out.”

  She cried, letting the tears fall.

  “Don’t cry, bitch. At least not yet. Save your tears for when I fuck you so hard your ass will bleed.”

  She dropped her head, resigned to her fate, wanting to die. Still, his growl made her crane her head around. What she saw pushed her over the edge of reason. “No, Rick. No.”

  But Rick the man was no longer there. In his place, Rick’s lean werewolf reared its body over her, ready to take her as an animal.

  Zoey woke up, screaming, even as hands tried to take her arms and hold her down. She flailed outward, fighting against too many assailants.

  “Zoey, open your eyes. It’s me, Nolan.”

  His voice brought her out of the horror. When she saw him, then Declain next to her, she took both of them by the arms and pulled them to her.

  “You’re safe now. It’s okay. It was just a bad dream.”

  She wanted to tell Declain that he was wrong. That what she’d seen was a foretelling of what would happen to her if Rick found her. But she couldn’t. Not yet.

  She could trust them. She knew that in her heart, but the years of listening to Rick and his father still held her hostage. Instead, she leaned her head against Nolan’s chest and cried.

  They held her, murmuring words of comfort, telling her that they’d protect her against anything and everything. At last, exhausted, she lay back on the pillow and fell into a dreamless sleep.

  * * * *

  She woke up later to find Declain stretched out at the bottom of the bed. His chest rose and fell with his light snores and his arm was tucked under his head. He looked peaceful, and even in his sleep, sexy as all get-out.


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