Dragon Rebel (Immortal Dragons Book 4)

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Dragon Rebel (Immortal Dragons Book 4) Page 5

by Ophelia Bell

  “She’s hungry and hot and flips you over to ride you, her cunt squeezing and tightening on your cock over and over. She’s so fucking wet her juices flood over your belly and thighs, coating you. She smells like rain and you wonder if she tastes as good, and the second you even think it, she’s off your cock and spun around, that sweet pussy of hers spread above your face, just beckoning to have you bury your tongue in it. Then her sweet, heavenly lips are around your cock, her cunt against your mouth, and she does taste as good as she smells … better, even, with her clit against your tongue as she fucks your face and sucks your cock and it’s all you can fucking do to hold on, to stay in control long enough to make her come. And then you’re fucking there, flying over the fucking edge into her sweet mouth, and she swallows every drop while she’s coming all over your face. She lets go of your cock, her cunt spread over your lips, her juices flooding your mouth and she says your name …”

  He opened his eyes at the rolling growl Silas made, his balls tightening against Gavra’s own aching shaft. Silas’s aura crackled hot against his skin, flooded with lust and potent power, tinged with the telltale green of a full-blooded ursa well-connected to Gaia’s magic. He was at the razor’s edge of climax, his jaw clenched and his eyes blazing, his hand madly working his cock.

  A shadow filled the doorway and Silas flinched, but he was too far gone to stop now. The single word uttered from that figure sent him over like a shot.


  Gavra’s own cock pulsed in response to her voice, but it was Silas she’d called to. They both turned their heads to the doorway where Assana stood as though conjured from his very words. She was just how he remembered her, just how he’d described, her lips shining as though she’d just licked them, her nipples hard and showing almost blood-red through the useless scrap of fabric she called a garment. And he could scent her need from there, through the shimmering barrier.

  Chapter Six


  Assana had requested she go alone to speak with Gavra, self-conscious enough that she might have to endure the scrutiny of his guard. She didn’t want the added onlookers of the clan leader and her daughter when she faced the dragon meant to be her mate and told him it was her own mother who had demanded his imprisonment.

  The sounds that flooded from the open door to the room piqued her curiosity. Male voices, moans of obvious pleasure, and then she’d distinctly heard her name spoken and her body responded instinctively. The rush of awareness of Gavra’s proximity awakened every cell, put her on alert. Her primal being was aroused, too close to the surface. Her control wavered as she approached, the buzz of sudden arousal flushing her with heat, and she struggled to keep it in check. She needed to remain rational to speak when she saw him.

  There was no guard outside his room as she’d been told, but there were two distinct voices coming from inside.

  “Tell me more,” the new voice said as she came to stand outside the doorway. That gruff, lust-filled voice sent a tremor of raw need down her spine and deep into her core. The primal power inside her reacted instinctively when she saw the pair of them. It had been one thing to face Gavra in the flesh so recently. She’d controlled her urge to be with him in favor of her larger goal, but had seen his own struggle. He was only one half of the pair she knew together would complete her.

  A magic barrier stood between her and the pair. She forced herself to stand and watch. She had appreciated the multitudes of ursa males she’d met so far. All of them had behaved in a respectful and deferential manner, more than thrilled to be offered the chance to become the solo mates of nymphs as cock-starved as her sisters.

  She hadn’t admitted to herself that she was every bit as hungry for a taste of male sexual power—there were only two males in existence who would truly fulfill that need, but she couldn’t indulge so soon, not when the Sanctuary was in danger and her own Thiasoi sisters mind-controlled by her mother’s blood meld.

  Her self-control wavered at the sight before her. The fierce and cocky red dragon she’d met a week ago was on his back in a position she’d never imagined she’d see him in. Above him hovered a beautiful, dark-skinned male ursa with black hair falling across his face. He gripped his cock in his fist and pumped it while he stared down at Gavra, who continued to speak, describing the most explicitly dirty scene featuring none other than Assana herself.

  She almost didn’t want to give herself away. She’d happily stay here and watch them, enjoying the sight of the two males pleasing each other. She wasn’t quite sure what to do with a male anyway, not in detail, though her body had plenty of ideas.

  But her empirical reasoning crumbled at the sound of Gavra’s words and the way the other male responded as though he were experiencing exactly what Gavra described. She pictured the scene as vividly as if she were experiencing it too. Her core ached and flooded with wet heat and her nipples pricked, pushing at the gauzy wisp of her dress. The males’ scents managed to reach her through the barrier—a spicy heat mixed with a rich, earthy aroma, bear and dragon together.

  When the ursa growled, rich and throaty, she could stand it no longer.

  “Silas,” Assana said, hearing the name whispered in her ear as the River’s power flooded her with visions of the dark-haired ursa Gavra so easily submitted to. This was the other male—the one meant to complete their triad, to combine his seed with the dragon’s in her womb and create the child who would finally give her the control she needed over the unpredictable power that plagued her.

  She reached out a hand and placed it in the field of the barrier to Gavra’s room. She could go inside, could be with them now, and knew neither male would object. The words on Gavra’s lips told her as much—his dreams vividly wrought for Silas to see, the power of his breath potent enough to conjure images in her own mind that set her juices flowing. She could make that dream come true with only a few steps through that door.

  Silas and Gavra both turned their heads at the disturbance … and she realized she’d said Silas’s name aloud. At the sight of her, the ursa let out a rough groan and his head flew back. His body tightened and arched as he gripped his cock tighter and a white stream of semen erupted from his tip.

  Assana gasped and her core clenched in a sympathetic spasm. By Dion’s blood, she wished she could feel the pulse of him inside her now, or taste the salty seed he’d just coated Gavra’s own cock with.

  As she watched, Gavra’s red gaze heated. He kept talking, describing the continuation of the scene of her mouth on his cock and her pussy hovering over his tongue while he fucked her with it. He reached down between himself and Silas and coated his cock with the other man’s fluid, pumping his fist along the length.

  She held her hand up to the barrier, her palm grazing the transparent sheen of it until she felt it nearly give. It was crafted of Gaia’s magic, which a nymph like her could manipulate to pass through if she chose, but it would not allow a fire creature like Gavra to escape. She could go inside … She swallowed harshly, imagining how he’d taste, how that glorious cock would feel between her lips all coated in the spend of the other man, how she would suck him until …

  “Assana …” Gavra groaned. His eyes remained fixed on her and her upper thighs drenched with arousal. His nostrils flared and he let out a rough yell.

  She turned away, but not before she saw Gavra’s hand shoot up and tangle in Silas’s thick hair, yanking his head down. The other man didn’t resist, letting himself be pushed to Gavra’s groin and opening his mouth to take the shining cock between his lips.

  Her mouth watered and she licked her lips. Her entire body ached for release, but she didn’t dare let herself indulge for fear that her primal nature might come to the surface. She didn’t trust herself when she was pure nymph and not bound by the tenuous magic of her human shape. She could be rational within the confines of this illusion. And she had to be, if she were going to set things right.

  It only took a moment of Silas’s mouth on Gavra’s cock before the dragon cried out and bucked his hips. He clutched hard at the ursa’s head with both hands, forcing him to take his entire length until Assana winced, wondering how Silas could keep from choking. But the ursa’s gaze flashed up once to look at her and his eyes were filled with triumph as he swallowed what Gavra gave him. Somehow that look seemed to challenge her, to say, “See what I have and you don’t?”

  Then it was over, and Silas slipped his mouth slowly off Gavra’s cock and sat back with a smug smile. He licked his lips, then moved off the bed, grabbed a garment off the floor, and approached the door.

  Assana stumbled back when he passed through the barrier. The field of magic made a little hissing pop as it reformed behind him and he bent to put on his pants. Her head swam at the potent mix of scents that surrounded him. He was awash in Gavra’s essence as well as his own, and the addition of a fresh surge of immortal dragon magic made his skin glow with a faintly ruddy sheen, as though he’d just been sunburned.

  Once dressed, he regarded her with only the barest flash of desire that he quickly hid.

  “You didn’t see that,” he said.

  Assana frowned, confused for a moment until she regained her bearings and realized what he meant.

  “You’re his guard. Why would they send you to be his guard?”

  Silas swallowed and looked back into the room where Gavra was now sitting up, naked on his bed and glaring at them both.

  “No one else knows about us,” Silas said. “And it needs to stay that way, all right? At least until I know what the fuck is going on here. If he’s a traitor to our alliance, there’s no fucking way I’m letting him mark me.”

  Gavra stood and stalked to the door, fists clenched. With a frustrated yell, he pulled one fist back and punched the barrier. It flashed with light and thrummed in a discordant rhythm. Assana jumped back, startled.

  “Let me fucking out, you sonofabitch!”

  “No!” Silas yelled back.

  Gavra tilted his head back and let out an incoherent, frustrated yell. Panting to catch his breath, he stared at them again, sneering at them both.

  “Thanks for the fucking blowjob, asshole,” he said, then slammed his door shut.

  Assana was as rattled by the display as she was aroused, and the presence of huge, virile ursa male in the corridor with her didn’t help. She moved to walk away, to give herself some space, but Silas reached out and grabbed her arm.

  “Wait. I need to know if it’s really you. Was he telling the truth?”

  Assana kept her eyes fixed on the window at the end of the hallway, her arm twisted uncomfortably in his grasp. It was bad enough that her head was filled with the scent of them both; to try looking at him now as close as he was would be too much.

  She swallowed and nodded. “If you mean the lovely little picture he painted for you to get off to, yes. I have seen the dreams he has of me, and he was very true to the details of them.”

  Silas squeezed harder, pulling back on her arm. “So it’s really you?”

  She closed her eyes and pulled away. “Yes, it is. Please don’t come any closer to me.”

  “But if it’s you … he wasn’t lying. Why won’t you look at me?”

  She winced at the hurt in his voice and held up a hand, palm out. “Just … stay over there, all right? It’s too much. The two of you, your scents are too much.”

  “All right,” he said, his footsteps retreating.

  Slowly she opened her eyes and took a hesitant breath. The overwhelming aura of both men had dissipated and Silas stood at the far end of the hallway now, leaning against a windowsill.

  “Thank you,” she said.

  Silas crossed his arms and nodded. “I need to know.”

  “And I’ll tell you everything, but I need a blade first, and a witness.”

  From a pocket in his cargo pants he produced a bone-handled knife and withdrew it from a sheath.

  “Will this do?”

  She stared at it, then at him. “Ah … can you throw it?”

  “I can come hand it to you.”

  “Any chance you can bathe and come back?”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Last time I checked, there was no water to bathe in. What’s remaining in our cisterns needs to be saved for drinking.”

  She let out an exasperated sigh. “Just toss it. I can catch it.”

  He slid the knife back into its leather scabbard and lobbed it at her. She snatched it out of the air and moved back to Gavra’s door. She gripped the latch and was relieved to discover he hadn’t locked it from the inside.

  The barrier tingled against her skin, feeling as though she’d pushed her hand through the surface of a pool when she pushed the door open slightly.

  She let out a little yelp when a huge hand gripped the edge of the door and pushed it open the rest of the way. Gavra stood there, completely nude, with his long, red hair wild and tangled around his shoulders. He stared down at her with a deep frown.

  “Couldn’t get enough of an eyeful of your captive dragon, eh? You planning to break in and molest me too? I promise the next fucker who tries that, I’m not going to lie down for.” His face relaxed slightly after he eyed her for a second. Then he smiled. “Although, I might make an exception for you, Assana. If you come in, I’ll lie down for you. I’ll do whatever you ask me to.”

  Voice shaking, she said, “I just need you to stand there like that.” She took a step back from the barrier, grateful for the shield it gave her from the full power of his scent. She was already familiar with his ancient spice, but the combination of his and the ursa’s scents could send her over the edge … and then he would get his wish.

  Taking a deep breath, she unsheathed the knife and drew the blade across the pad of her thumb. When the blood welled, she closed her eyes and dabbed a drop on each eyelid. Under her breath, she whispered the incantation to the flow of her life’s blood, the only fluid current that linked her to her mother now that the Source was blocked by her mother’s magic.

  Within a moment, her mind was invaded by the maelstrom of her mother’s psyche and she felt the other woman’s gaze peering out through her own eyes.

  “See, Mother? The dragon is captured. I’ve shown you all three now … please restore the Source to the ursa like you promised.”

  She felt her mother’s gaze move over Gavra’s naked body. Within her mind, Assana sensed an idea taking shape that wasn’t her own, one that made her ill to even ponder.

  “Bring the males to me, daughter. Both of them. I will restore the Source if the ursa repay me by sending the dragons to us as breeding stock. They are far more worthy as mates to my Thiasoi than those filthy ursa males who aren’t even allowed to fuck their females.”

  “Mother, no! That wasn’t the arrangement. They can stay here, locked up. You don’t need to do that!”

  Before her, Gavra’s brow creased, the taunting sneer disappearing the second she voiced her objection.

  “What is she asking for?”

  Assana shook her head. “She can’t do this. I won’t let her.”

  “If you want their precious Sanctuary to survive, you’ll do this. I want those dragons. I’ll even allow the ursa to release the female dragon and do whatever they wish with her. The males are mine. You have one chance. I will open the way at midnight for one hour. If you do not bring them, I am closing it again for good and you are no longer my daughter.”

  A wave of nausea hit Assana and her skin grew clammy as her mother’s presence slipped away. She wanted Gavra and his brother … to give to the nymphs for their seed. Or worse yet, to use as toys for her mindless drones of Thiasoi.

  “Assana, dammit, tell me what’s wrong!” Gavra smacked a palm against the barrier, making it reverberate like a huge drum.

  She bent over, shaking her head and st
ruggling to breathe. His and Silas’s nearness wasn’t helping. She was too overwhelmed by sensory input and her own distress.

  “Please, no …”

  Their scents washed over her again and a warm hand pressed against her back, another at her elbow, as Silas reached her.

  “Assana, come, sit,” Silas said, and she let him pull her to the bench across from Gavra’s door. He was gentle as he tugged her into his lap, the comforting warmth of his arms easing her anxiety even while his scent caused her need to spike.

  “Oh, Gaia, why is she doing this to me?”

  “What is Gaia doing?” Silas asked.

  “Not Gaia… my mother. She … ohhh …” Before she could get the words out, a fresh wave of primal need flooded her and she pressed her hands to her belly.

  “Assana, you aren’t coherent. What’s wrong?”

  “You …” She shook her head, the world tilting like a seesaw around her. On the other side of the hall, Gavra loomed in the doorway, still naked and glorious. “I need you, Silas … Gavra … the madness, the lust, it won’t stop. It’s too much. I need my mind clear, but I can’t … can’t let it out …”

  “Do something!” Gavra yelled.

  Her skin prickled with the sensation of her primal essence as though it dug at her human shape from the inside, seeking freedom. With clawed fingers she gripped at Silas’s bare shoulders and peered into his eyes, hoping he understood the desperation … She couldn’t let the beast she really was out. If she did, she would never recover in time to fix what her mother had done.

  “Please don’t let me hurt you,” she whined.

  His dark brows furrowed and a smile quirked at the corner of his mouth. “I highly doubt you could damage me even if you tried. If I can deal with a female ursa in estrous, I can deal with you. What is it?”

  She burrowed into his arms, pressed her nose against his throat, and inhaled.


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