SEALing The Victory

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by B. Angelica Ellmoor

  © Copyright 2016 by B. Angelica Ellmoor - All rights reserved.

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  SEALing The Victory:

  Military Sports Romance

  By: B.Angelica Ellmoor

  Includes 37 Bonus Romance Stories For Your Enjoyment!

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  Table of Contents

  SEALing The Victory

  The Billionaire SEAL’s Secret Baby

  My Forbidden Navy SEAL Cowboy

  The Navy SEAL’s Secret Lady

  The Navy SEAL Cowboy’s Baby

  The Navy SEAL Cowboy

  The Brooklyn Billionaire’s Jewels

  Knocked Up By The Russian Mafia Billionaire

  The Russian Billionaire’s Baby

  My Secret Italian Billionaire

  Ball So Hard: A Baltimore Love Story

  Scars Of A Highlander

  Child Of Two Clans

  Warrior Of The Highland

  Sisters Of Faith

  The Amish Arrangement

  The Texas Billionaire’s Bride

  Faith in A Cowboy

  The Cowgirl’s Child


  Murder In Montana

  A Baby For The Bride

  Two Dukes One Scandal

  Only Way To Tame A Rake

  The Duke’s Pregnant Maid

  The Duke of London’s Baby

  To Marry The Prince Or Love The Duke

  The Rogue Duke: Scandalous Nobility

  First Time With A Cowboy

  The British Biker’s Baby

  The Prince of Flames

  His Very Own Omega

  The Fire Within

  Finding My Cowboy

  Studying Her Body

  Her Roommate’s Little Secret

  First Time’s A Charm

  The Protégé

  Taming The Alpha Wolf

  At Ponderosa Publishing, we’ve studied a great deal of relationship dynamics and we’ve come across some amazing information about the ONE thing all men CRAVE hearing!

  Head over to Ponderosa Publishing author Cassandra Michael’s Blog and check out the article on The One Thing Every Man Needs His Woman To Say (It's Not What You Think)!

  Read it here:

  SEALing The Victory


  He snapped to like a rubber band, her voice bringing him out of his reverie. “Yes?”

  “You OK? You zoned out there for a second.”

  He looked up and into her face. She wore a small, sympathetic smile and her green eyes twinkled from behind her cat-eye glasses. Admittedly, it was hard not to smile back at her when she looked at him like that. He wondered if she looked at all her patients that way.

  He shook his head, not wanting to pursue his current line of thinking any further than he already had. “I’m good.”

  “Where did you go just now?”

  He was silent for a moment. No matter how hard he tried – tried to move on, tried to forget – they always ended up back here. He always ended up back here.

  As if he’d never left.

  “Back to the desert.”

  “And what happened? What did you see when you went back there just now?”

  “I don’t know. I couldn’t see anything. There was fire and smoke everywhere. I couldn’t breathe.” He rubbed his neck – he could feel his throat starting to constrict even though he was nowhere near a desert to smoke or fire.

  She put her pen and paper down, and then took her glasses off, revealing a smattering of tiny red freckles dancing on her nose and cheekbones. She leaned forward in her chair a little, closer to him somehow. “We keep coming back to this point,” she said. “Why do you think it’s so hard for you to get past this?”

  He felt a flash of anger rise and rip through him. It came out of nowhere. Zero to sixty, just like that. He tried to suppress it, but it had snuck up on him. He gritted his teeth. He didn’t want to take it out on her; it wasn’t her fault. “As if it’s that easy to just get past it when people are dying all around you?”

  She was taken aback by this; he could tell. She’d always known the exact response to give, but here, she hesitated a second. “I’m sorry,” she started.

  Jackson held his hand up. Just like that, he was his old self again. Or as close to his old self as he was going to get for the time being. Maybe ever. “No apologies necessary,” he began. “I’m the one who’s sorry. I didn’t mean to snap at you like that.”

  She nodded, but he noticed that she leaned back in her chair, somehow taking some of the warmth in the room with her.

  “People died,” she continued. “Were any of them close to you?”

  “One was my best friend.” He said it as a simple statement of fact. Without emotion. Just as one would say, “the sky is blue.”

  “Is that it then? You feel guilty that you are he and he is not?”

  He shrugged. “Maybe.”

  “Maybe is a yes.”

  “Change the subject,” he said, sounding a bit more short than he meant to.

  “We can change the subject if you want to, Jackson, but you always do this when we broach this topic.”

  He took a deep breath. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “OK let’s talk about your future plans. What are you thinking of doing? Are you planning on going back?”

  Jackson was silent for a long time, staring at nothing. “I should,” he said finally. “I mean…I feel like that's what I’m supposed to do. But I can’t bring myself to do it. It’s like I get anxiety every time I even think about it.”

  “Well don’t force yourself. Take the time off that you need.”

  He looked at her face again. She was encouraging him. She believed in him. Not just in a professional way, but genuinely. He relaxed a little. Her presence was calming. It was why he chose her over the therapist everyone else recommended for his extensive experience treating ex-soldiers with PTSD. Jackson had been to see him once, but he made up his mind early on that he simply didn’t like the guy. But Abigail. Abigail helped quiet his mind, even if it was for only an hour or two a week.

  “What about alternatives?”

  Jackson hadn’t thought much about this. Truthfully, the Navy was the only thing he was ever good at.

  The Navy and football.

  He’d been a star quarterback in college. Everyone was positive he’d get drafted over to the NFL.

  But then the towers fell.

  And the feeling nagged at him for weeks until, at the last minute, he decided to enlist. He loved football. But he just wasn’t sure he still had it.

  “Our time is up,” Abigail said. Was there a tinge of regret in her voice?

  Jackson nodded. “Same time next week?”

  She stood and started to arrange some papers on her desk. He stood and walked over to her. She turned to face him, looking up, as he was an entire foot taller than she was. He looked her straight in her eye so she would know he was sincere, but it took him a minute to find his words. “I want to apologize.”

  She started to stop him, but he continued.

  “No,” he said. “Let me…le
t me finish. You’ve been a real help to me; I want you to know that. And I don’t mean to snap at you. I’ll do better next time. I promise.”

  “Jackson…” her voice trailed off.

  He didn’t realize he was touching her hand until she looked down. When she looked back up at him, her cheeks were red.

  He pulled his hand away.

  She smiled but took a small step back. “Sure,” she said. “We’ll talk more next week.”

  He nodded. He felt like he should say more, but he couldn’t figure out what, so he turned and left.


  Something explodes nearby.

  The sound is unbelievably loud, and the ground shakes under his feet.

  The heat wears on him like thick, heavy chains, made even more unbearable by all the gear he's wearing.

  Protective gear, he repeats to himself. He has to tell himself this in order to keep from peeling everything off, layer by layer, and exposing his bare flesh to the scorching sun.

  He hits the ground, just as he's done more times than he possibly could have counted. Then he begins to crawl, slowly and so low to the ground that he’s practically dragging his belly through the endless stretch of sand. His vision is obstructed by the thick cloud of dust the explosion has kicked up.

  He looks around frantically for his partner, but he cannot find him. He wants to call out for him but he knows making even the tiniest of sounds right now could mean a swift and certain death.

  Another explosion occurs somewhat farther off.

  He ducks and covers his head with his hands. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees a large boulder, and he dashes behind it to take cover.

  When his ears stop ringing, and he can open his eyes again, he takes another look around, trying to figure out exactly where he is. He sees booted feet sticking out from the around the other side of the boulder. He gets on all fours again, crawls over to them. He can see the patch of camouflage tucked in before he gets all the way there.

  It's Marty.

  His partner.

  And he's dead.

  His stomach turns and a painful knot forms in his throat.

  He lets out a cry of pain.

  A howl really.

  His lament is cut short by the sound of the bullet piercing him through his uniform. It comes from behind and though at first he doesn’t realize what has happened, the feeling of hot blood, surely his own, oozing down his back brings it all to reality.

  He falls over, on top of Marty, and then rolls over onto his back in the hope of getting a glimpse of his assailant.

  The last thing he remembers seeing is the large rock seemingly floating directly above him before it comes crashing down onto his head.


  Jackson woke up in a cold sweat. His heart felt like it would pound clear through his chest.

  He couldn’t see at first; it was the middle of the night and particularly dark in his bedroom.

  He started to count backward from one hundred. After a minute, his eyes adjusted to the darkness around him, and the sweat [S1]covering him cooled, causing a prickling feeling to crawl up his skin.

  His heart didn’t start to slow down until he reached the number twenty-three – his old jersey number.

  He sat up, then got up got a glass of water. He ended up drinking two glasses before attempting to go back to bed.

  It was no use. His eyes just couldn’t shut.

  He lay still in his bed, staring up at the ceiling in the hopes that other, more disturbing images wouldn’t come back into his head.

  After a minute or two, he reached for the phone, and before thinking too much about it, dialed Abigail Fox on her emergency line.

  The phone rang one…two…three times and then he almost hung up, but in the middle of the fourth ring, someone picked up.


  She sounded groggy, Jackson thought. He had woken her. Instantly, he felt bad about calling her in the dead middle of the night, but it was either this or…god knows what.

  “Ms. Fox? It’s me, Jackson.” He said nothing else. He wasn’t even sure what to call her. It felt like he shouldn’t be calling her at all, but she had given him the number, right?

  She had to know he’d use it one day…


  He didn’t answer, not at first. He wasn’t sure what he wanted to say to her, either.

  “Jackson, is that you? Are you there?” She sounded more alert now, an edge of worry in her voice.

  “I’m here,” he said quietly.

  “Is everything OK? What’s wrong? Did something happen?”

  “A dream…” he said, because he didn’t know what else to say. “I had a bad dream.”

  “It’s OK,” she said, and instantly he felt a little calmer. “Tell me what happened.”

  “So much blood…” he said squeezing his eyes shut. “The heat. And explosion.”

  “Jackson, take a deep breath for me.”

  He complied, filling his chest cavity fully with air before exhaling.

  “Good. And now another one.”

  Jackson took another long breath.

  “Keep breathing,” Abigail said. “Listen to me…it was just a dream OK? You’re OK. You’re safe. Nothing is going to harm you.”

  Jackson nodded, forgetting that she couldn’t actually see him.

  “Repeat it to me,” she commanded.

  “It’s OK,” he whispered. “I’m safe.”

  “Good,” her voice relaxed. “This is usually the part where I tell you to take some medication, and that we’d adjust your dosage on your next visit, but you’ve refused to take the meds I recommended in the first place.”

  “I told you,” he said. “I want to try and beat this thing without any meds.”

  “Jackson, there is nothing wrong with needing a little extra help. Taking medication doesn’t mean you’re crazy. You’ve been through a lot, much more than a normal person would be able to take.”

  “I appreciate your concern, Ms. Fox. But no medication for now.”

  Abigail sighed heavily on the other line. “OK,” she said. “Have you thought about getting one of those service dogs? I hear they’re really helpful in PTSD-type situations.”

  “I don’t have the time to take care of a dog, Ms. Fox.”

  “Lie down, Jackson.”

  Before he knew it, he had done what she’d asked.

  “Here’s another idea. Let’s figure out something else you can do, some activity you can partake in or project you can take on that will keep your mind occupied and give your life some meaning again.”

  He liked how that sounded, but didn’t readily know what that something might be. “Like what?”

  “Well, what are your hobbies?”

  He thought about this for a moment. He liked to cook – he would always cook for his buddies when he was in the service. He liked the beach. What else?

  “You mentioned to me that you used to play football, right?”

  Jackson froze. “Yeah. I used to play.”

  “Maybe you could find a neighborhood group and play again? For fun. Definitely thinking you should find more of a low-pressure situation. Not something too competitive.”

  Jackson was silent for some time. “I might try it.” He could hear her smiling through the phone.

  “Good. I want you to look into some options and tell me what you found out when you come see me next week, OK?”

  “OK, I’ll do that…I’m sorry again, Ms. Fox. For the call. I didn’t mean to scare you or worry you. It’s just…”

  “Don’t apologize, Jackson. It’s what I’m here for.”

  Jackson nodded again before catching himself.

  “How are you feeling now?”


  “Do you feel like you can go back to sleep?”

  “I can try.”

  “Well, try and get some rest. I’ll see you in a few days.”

  Jackson hung up.

  Then he smiled in spite of hims
elf and stretched out to get some sleep.


  Could he really do it? He didn’t want to fail at it. But he needed to do something.

  He was never one to take half measures. If he was going to do this, if he was going to play football again, it would be all or nothing.

  It was decided then.

  Fuck some small-time community game. He would go pro and try out for the NFL.


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