Sergio's Obsession

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Sergio's Obsession Page 3

by Fel Fern

  “What are you talking about?” Sergio collapsed on the sofa in the living room, feeling exhausted. Jared scavenged in the kitchen and found some beers. He handed one to Sergio, who accepted it gratefully. Alcohol wouldn’t affect him much, but it could help dull his senses a little. Take that edge off him.

  The day had been full of surprises. Ron complicated the situation immensely. If Sergio was a logical Alpha like everyone claimed, someone who listened to reason and did whatever it took to protect his pack, he’d forget all about Ron. Safer for Ron and he if they acted like nothing happened. Once this charade played though and Sergio would be back home in Darkfall with his new bride, he knew he’d replay the events repeatedly. How he’d lost his one chance at a shot at love and finding his real happily-ever-after.

  Sergio could be wrong, but he trusted his wolf enough to never make mistakes. He and his beast had gotten out of numerous rough patches and he trusted its instincts.

  “Everyone saw, the way you reacted to that male Omega, Sergio.” Alessio sat himself opposite Sergio. “You sniffed at him, practically marked him with your scent in front of Brendan and your damn fiancée.”

  Sergio closed his hand over the bottle. Hard. Cracks broke through its body, before it shattered to pieces. Silence. Everyone’s gazes were on him. A growl tickled out of his throat. He stared at his brother with unforgiving eyes. “Remember who is Alpha here.”

  “Don’t use that fucking card on me, brother.”

  Sergio cracked his knuckles. He was aware infighting neck-deep in the enemy’s territory was a fucking bad idea. Bringing Alessio had been a bad idea. He should have bought Michella with him instead. Maybe, she’d understand better, too late for that now.

  “Go ahead. Beat me to a pulp. Show everyone here how you lost your mind all because of a fucking pretty boy toy, a—” Alessio couldn’t continue.

  No playing around this time around, Sergio lunged at Alessio’s throat. Alessio anticipated his move. The armchair Alessio sat on toppled over. They tangled on the ground, fists sailing, snarling at each other. It took all the wolves with them to rip them apart.

  “He’s no one’s toy.” Sergio growled. He’s mine, but doesn’t know it yet. Sergio kept the forbidden thought to himself though.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” Alessio demanded, wiping the blood off his lips with a bruised hand.

  Outside, someone knocked on the front door, asking if everything is all right. No avoiding it. The damage was done. Brendan would know they had a squabble. Christ. Alessio was right. Sergio wasn’t acting like his usual self. He took deep breaths. “Jane.”


  “Tell whoever the fuck is out there, everything is fine and they should mind their own business.”

  “Of course,” Jane answered. No one moved or said a thing until Jane came back and the presence outside was gone.

  Sergio knew he owed his brother an apology, but pride prevented him from saying the words. “I need air. I’m going for a run.”

  Alessio grunted. His gaze focused on Sergio. “Not alone. You’re the fucking Alpha. Take one bodyguard.”

  Sergio snarled at the suggestion. He wanted some time alone, not have someone shadowing his every move, but fine. Sergio would show Alessio he could compromise. “I’ll take Jared.”

  Alessio frowned, probably wondering why he’d pick Jared. Jared grinned. “Happy to let off some steam, too, Sergio.”

  They headed outside. Before coming here, Sergio knew the Silverback property was huge. Natural and untouched woods bordered the mansion. High walls and state-of-the-art security systems kept outsiders out. At the start, Sergio hesitated, not liking being caged in on enemy soil, but he had no other choice. Silverback wouldn’t kill them without a valid excuse. If they slaughtered Sergio and his men, word would get out to the supernatural community and no one would deal with them.

  He and Jared stripped down. Sergio knew Jared well, as did his sister. He’d given them the gift of the bite after finding the twin eight-year-olds on the roadside thirteen years ago, the only survivors of a car crash. Sergio and his siblings practically raised the twins like their own pups, but it wasn’t Jared’s loyalty that made Sergio pick him. Unlike his sister, Jared followed his heart rather this head. He’d understand why Sergio acted out of impulse.

  They didn’t speak. Sergio didn’t need to give instructions. They changed forms. Once on fours, Sergio raised his head for a howl and darted into the cluster of trees. Jared kept a respectful distance behind him, understanding his need for space. Perfect.

  Sergio scented prey nearby. A doe. A fresh kill would help clear his mind, and besides Brendan had given his permission they could freely hunt in his woods. Catching its scent, Sergio ran after it. For a while anyway, until an unmistakable scent hit him.

  Ron. Sergio abandoned the doe, seeking a different kind of prey. He picked up speed. Jared let out a surprised snarl behind Sergio, but Sergio paid him no attention. Dirt and unfamiliar terrain greeted his paws. These weren’t the Darkfall woods, weren’t home. The tiny details reminded Sergio reckless actions had no place here, but his wolf didn’t give a fuck. All that mattered to the beast was the fact they already let go of Ron once. Losing a second time hadn’t been an option.

  The unique scent Ron gave off—sharp and tangy musk, made it easy for Sergio to close the distance between them. Ron turned his head to peer at Sergio. In wolf form, Ron was lean and slender, like his human half, his coat a startling shade of honey. Sergio showed Ron his teeth. Ron’s tail swung to and fro, before he broke off into a sudden run.

  Not in fear. Ron wasn’t running because he was terrified of Sergio. No, Sergio smelled the Omega’s heady mixture of excitement and healthy fear. Come catch me, Ron seemed to say. The game was on. Sergio took after Ron. Using his lighter frame, Ron sped up drastically, occasionally letting out whooping yips. If wolves could smile, Sergio would have a grin plastered on his lips. Damn. He couldn’t the last time he had so much fun like this.

  He gave Ron a head start, before ending the romp. Sergio pumped energy into his paws and erupted into a sudden burst of speed. He tackled Ron before the playful Omega could disappear into the next thicket of trees. They tangled, not the kind of fight Sergio had with Alessio, but the teasing sort. Eventually, Ron lay on his belly, and offered Sergio his throat. Sergio nipped at the tender line of fur, and then decided he wanted to feel skin-on-skin.

  Chapter Four

  Seeing Sergio trade forms, Ron reluctantly shifted back to human. A huge mistake, Ron realized a second later. His back dug against the hard dirt. Above him, Sergio blanketed his body, hands on either side of his head. Holy shit. Up close, Sergio’s expression looked intense, like he was looking at something good to eat. Him, and that hadn’t been the frightening part. Ron wanted to be devoured. To know what it felt like, having another man want him this much.

  Ron wasn’t a virgin. He’d dated, learned most shifters only saw him as a fuck buddy and nothing else. Ron grew bitter. Decided it was better to expect nothing and want nothing. Dreaming got him nowhere, but Sergio made all those stupid dreams of wanting to find a mate who saw him as an equal and a partner, resurfaced.

  “Get off me,” Ron said. Not the most romantic words in the world, but he couldn’t go through this again. Sergio wouldn’t be interested in taking him as a mate. Maybe, Sergio only wanted a bite, before taking Diana.

  “Do you want that?” Sergio asked.

  His calm reaction and the fact Sergio asked and didn’t take like most dominant cocky shifters, surprised Ron. Ron swallowed when Sergio leaned in close to whisper against his ear. “Go on, little Omega. Lie to me again. Tell me you don’t want this as badly as I do.”

  “I—” Ron faltered when Sergio rubbed his erection against his belly.

  How could Ron lie, when Sergio could feel Ron’s cock, thickening at the contact of skin? Oh boy, did the hard solid contrast of Sergio’s body feel damn good against his lean one. Perfect.

can’t,” Ron admitted. His cheeks burned at the admission. Pleasure lit Sergio’s gray eyes. Ron had been wrong about them being cold, because right now, they burned—with want, with a hunger that scared him shitless.

  “I’m pleased by your honesty, little wolf.”

  “Ron. My name’s Ron,” he whispered.

  “Oh, I know. Your name tastes fine on my lips, Ron. So does little wolf.”

  “Do you know what you’re doing? What anything between us, can lead to horrible consequences?” Ron asked.

  His wolf didn’t like him reasoning with Sergio. The cold logic of reality would push the primal need to mate back, or it should. The allure of the forbidden made Ron painfully rock hard.

  As the runt of the litter, Ron did his best to never cause trouble. He’d been on exemplary behavior for most of his life. The good little wolf, staying in the shadows, out of fear. After all, the Silverback Pack was the only family he’d ever known. Besides, Brendan always said if Ron decided to leave, he wouldn’t last a second on his own. Brendan had a point. Without a protector or the power to defend himself against stronger and larger predators, Ron was essentially, walking prey.

  For the first time in his life, Ron wanted to turn rotten. To see what it was like, breaking the rules with a man who genuinely lusted after him.

  “I know the risks,” Sergio said after a moment of silence. “This, whatever this is, will ruin both of us. Create friction between our pack, but enough fucking politics.”

  Ron stared up at him, shocked. “Excuse me? We haven’t even done anything.”

  Sergio’s eyes gleamed with mischievous intent. “Exactly my point. Shouldn’t we at least commit the crime?”

  Ron let out a nervous laugh. “Being with me is a thrill. It’s a crime? Does that get you off?”

  Sergio growled in warning. His silver gaze turned a slight shade of amber. A chill crawled down Ron’s spine. Reminded him it wasn’t just any shifter with an ego he was dealing with, but an actual Alpha.

  “This isn’t a game, Ron. I don’t have a tolerance for them.”

  Ron swallowed. “Okay. What is this then?”

  “I don’t know, but I intend to find out.” Sergio dispensed with words and finally took Ron’s lips.

  He took Ron by storm, and Ron stopped fighting. His insides melted. The searing heat and rich taste of Sergio flooded down his throat. Ron felt Sergio’s hands roaming across the length of his body, hungry as his mouth.

  Christ. No one ever made Ron feel sexy about his body like Sergio did, or so desired. Sergio grinded his body against Ron’s, refusing to let Ron’s mouth go. He nipped and sucked, kissed tender and rough, like he couldn’t decide how he wanted to take Ron—so he became greedy.

  Ron reached out, traced the firm planes of Sergio’s pectorals, the brickwork of his abs, the fine hairs disappearing to Sergio’s hard member. Before Ron could close his fingers around that massive dick, Sergio gripped them, finally releasing his mouth. Ron drew out a shaky breath. Sergio imprisoned his wrists above his head.

  “Keep them there. Don’t move, or do I have to tie you up?” Sergio demanded.

  At those words, the image of Ron restrained and helpless against Sergio’s attentions surfaced in his mind, an unbelievably erotic sight. Sergio’s lips tilted to a smirk, as if he could read Ron’s mind.

  “You’re full of surprises, little Omega.”

  “Is that a good or bad thing?” Ron asked.

  “Very good. Will you keep your hands there?”

  “Why?” Ron couldn’t help but ask.

  “Because I asked.”

  “Okay,” Ron said, blowing out a breath.

  Sergio let him go. It was incredibly hard to keep his hands still, especially when Sergio continued where he left off. Sergio pelted kisses down the length of his throat, his collarbones, and finally took one of Ron’s nipples in his mouth. Ron buckled when he felt that delicate balance of teeth and heat. He groaned when Sergio bit down, silver gaze fastened on him, enjoying his reactions.

  What was this man, this Alpha, doing to him?

  The answer came to Ron a second later, when Sergio left his teeth marks on his other nipple. Sergio wanted, no, Sergio would certainly claim him, inch by inch. Each kiss, each bite Sergio left behind weren’t just souvenirs for Ron to remember after. They were permanent scorch marks, so Ron wouldn’t forget only Sergio could reduce his body to a panting mess.

  Ron couldn’t keep his hands still when Sergio’s mouth began moving downward. Sergio wouldn’t, would he? In Ron’s experience, dominant males, Alphas especially, didn’t give. They took, sometimes without asking, so it shocked the hell out of him when Sergio kissed the tip of his cock. Even licked the pre-cum gathered there.

  That one gesture made Ron’s entire body shudder. Jolted his entire body and made him aware how incredibly aroused he was, how full. Close to bursting even before they started—God, Ron couldn’t have that. He refused to react like some horny pup who couldn’t even keep it in.

  “Sergio,” Ron whispered. He bit his lip when Sergio palmed the inside of his thigh.

  “Don’t you dare come without my say-so, little Omega,” Sergio warned, voice hoarse and rough.

  “I—yes, I won’t.”

  “You better, or else.”

  “Or else?” Ron asked, defiance creeping back into his voice. “Are you going to smack some sense into me?”

  Sergio’s smile widened. “No. I’m going to suck you over and over again, until you can’t take it anymore.”

  “Oh Christ, you can’t be serious.”

  “Try me.” Sergio’s dark look told Ron he’d do just that. Reduce Ron to a quivering mindless doll. Sergio licked him, root to tip, taking his time. Oh hell, Sergio was serious Ron squirmed. He was terrified of wanting more, because he knew where this was going.

  “You haven’t given me an answer, Ron,” Sergio chided. “Do you need me to demonstrate?”

  Ron stubbornly shook his head.

  “Good pup.” Sergio took Ron’s dick in his mouth. The sensation of his tongue, and the suction he created, felt incredibly hot. Jolts of pleasure rammed into his chest and thickening member. The pressure inside him continued to build, threatened to crest over each time Sergio came out for air and dove back in.

  Shameless moans spilled out of Ron’s throat. Unable to keep his hands still, Ron sunk his fingers into Sergio’s thick crown of hair because he needed to hold onto something. Sergio didn’t seem to mind.

  “Sergio, please,” Ron murmured. The hard ground and the forest fell away. All that mattered was Sergio’s hot heat sucking his tender shaft in. Sergio pulled his lips away from his shaft.

  “Give it to me, Ron. Your release,” Sergio commanded, his warm breath tickling against his throbbing erection.

  Ron let out a shuddering gasp, as he spilled his load over Sergio’s chest and stomach. He saw stars, but the world righted itself back again when he saw Sergio on top of him, watching him with hungry eyes.

  “Fucking perfect,” Sergio said, making him blush. “But we’re not done yet.”

  “Yes,” Ron agreed, feeling languid.

  His gaze fell on Sergio’s rock-hard dick. Never before did Ron want to service another man’s cock so bad. To hold a powerful Alpha’s intimate part captive in his mouth and wrangle sounds of pleasure from him.

  A smile found its way on Ron’s lips. It died when Ron heard the rustle of bushes to his left. Panicked, he looked at Sergio. Sergio frowned, but he didn’t look alarmed when a wolf with a gray coat padded to him. Not any Silverback member Ron recognize, so it must be one of Sergio’s. He swallowed when the wolf studied him before turning his attention back to Sergio. Ron didn’t know where his irritation stemmed from.

  Wasn’t he afraid of crossing that line between flirtation and intimacy?

  “Leave us, Jared. You’re my enforcer. Watch my back, but don’t interrupt me again,” Sergio said in a dangerous voice. The command there made Ron shudder. Reminded him Sergio might b
e an unexpectedly considerate lover, but he was still an Alpha.

  Jared didn’t look happy about the order, but he went away. He didn’t go far, but he left Sergio and Ron to their privacy.

  “Where were we?” Sergio asked him.

  “Maybe, maybe this isn’t a good idea,” Ron whispered. “I mean, what if someone catches us? And Diana…”

  Sergio studied him closely now. “You are close with Diana?”

  “She’s my half-sister. We grew up together, and she’s the only one who gives a shit about me.” Sergio got off him, his expression unreadable.

  Panicked, Ron grabbed his arm. He didn’t know why he did that. Why did he feel so incredibly unfulfilled and needy? Because he caught a glimpse of something he never thought he could get? Potential happiness and a future with a powerful and strong mate—didn’t Ron deserve that?

  “You say one thing and do another. Tell me, Ron. What do you really want?” Sergio finally said.

  “I’m confused, alright? I’m sorry, but—”

  Sergio pressed a finger to his lips. “It’s not your fault. I understand your predicament now, and I admit I don’t have the whole story.”

  “I’ll tell you, anything you need to know,” Ron said. He was aware of how his words would sound to another member of his pack. Treason. Betrayal, but he couldn’t let his father and pack keep making decisions for him.

  Sergio nodded, looking alarmed when Jared came back to them.

  “What is it?”

  “Silverback wolves. Guards patrolling the woods,” Jared reported.

  Ron nodded, biting his lip. “That’s strange. No one ever comes this far. They usually stick to the wall.”

  “I don’t like this. We will talk again, Ron. Iron things out,” Sergio decided.

  “That sounds fair.” Ron didn’t want to let his disappointment show.

  He turned his back, about to shift again but he felt Sergio’s large hand on his shoulder. Sergio spun him. Ron opened his mouth, but Sergio silenced him with a kiss. It hadn’t been a flux. Ron didn’t imagine the passion between them. He practically melted against Sergio, but Sergio held him steadily, possessive hand wrapped around his waist, the other squeezing one of his buttocks.


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