Sergio's Obsession

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Sergio's Obsession Page 5

by Fel Fern

  “Don’t be frightened. I’ll take good care of you. I promise,” he said. She looked at him from beneath her long lashes. Her lips quirked to a frown, and Sergio smelled uncertainty on her now. This wouldn’t do. Brendan would sense something was up.

  “Continue,” Sergio told the priest in a cold voice. That startled Diana. She bit her bottom lip and nodded.

  They said their vows—vows neither of them would be keeping if things went as planned. Sergio kissed her, deep and rough. Not chaste, so Brendan would be convinced. He led her to the reception. Sergio played his role to the hilt. He spoke cordially with guests who wished them well. They danced. Cut the cake, and engaged in more political drivel. The hours tickled off, agonizingly slow. Brendan made a toast, to the “happy union.”

  Sergio cut the night short. “I apologize for the rudeness, Brendan, but I’m eager to ride my new bride and make her mate.”

  Brendan nodded in approval. “Make way for the Alpha and his bride.”

  He offered his arm to Diana, who looked at her father with dismay, before looping her arm tightly around him. Diana might be scared of him, but she wasn’t stupid. They endured the giggles, yips and crude jokes. Entered the manor and up the stairs to the wedding suite specially prepared for them. Sergio had Jane sweep the room for bugs and cameras. She found seven, but he didn’t let her take them down. Jane hacked into Brendan’s security, and assured Sergio she’d cut the feed the moment he gave his say so.

  “Frightened?” Sergio asked, closing the door behind them. He locked it. Diana breathed hard. Sergio wondered if her sorry excuse of a father was watching the feed now, eager to see his bloodline continued.

  “A little,” Diana admitted. She sat on the edge of the bed, wringing her gloved hands.

  “You will find it hard to love me, lady wife. But that’s fine. This isn’t a relationship based on love, but it can be one of respect.” Sergio approached her. Trembles ran up and down her body.

  Sergio decided he was sick of dragging this out any longer. He went straight for the kill. “Take off your dress.”


  “Don’t make me repeat myself. You know your duty. Do you prefer I take it off you?” Sergio asked in a steady but hard voice.

  She shook her head. Panicked, Diana fumbled for her dress. Sergio pretended to lose his patience. He took off his jacket, practically jerked the tie and buttons of his white shirt. She gasped, hands frozen as he stood in front of her, half-dressed.

  “Lie down. I’ll rip off you myself.”

  Sobbing, she lay on her back. Sergio climbed on the bed, wondering if Brendan watched them from the edge of the seat.

  “Lights off,” Sergio said. It was his signal for Jane, so she would shut off the video feed. Did it work?

  “What?” Diana asked, eyes wide as he got off her.

  “Finish undressing. There are more comfortable clothes. A dress won’t work when we’re climbing down trees and running.” Sergio heard the figure rolling from under the bed.

  He grinned when Ron got to his feet. The punch Sergio didn’t expect. Ron’s fist hit the side of his face. The Omega wanted to hit him again, but Sergio caught his wrist. Ron glowered at him.

  “Did you have to be such a cold-hearted bastard?” Ron demanded.

  “Ron. What are you doing here?” Diana asked. The bathroom door opened, revealing Hale. He had an overnight back in his hand. Sergio didn’t miss the relief on her face, and the genuine affection there. She did feel something for her father’s enforcer. Interesting. “Hale? What’s this all about? What the hell’s going on?”

  “Plan B, baby sister,” Ron explained. “We’re all busting out of here, before Brendan’s men come bursting in, wondering why their cameras went off.”

  “There are cameras in this room?” Diana whispered.

  “Diana, one thing at a time. Dress,” Hale commanded.

  Leaving the two alone, Sergio focused on Ron.

  “Can you let go of my hand?” Ron asked.

  “Not yet.” Sergio pulled Ron to him for a kiss.

  God. He didn’t realize how he missed his sassy Omega. Their tongues and teeth tangled. Fought for dominance, but Ron eventually yielded, letting Sergio deepen the kiss.

  “Wow,” Ron said after, licking his lips.

  “Missed me, baby?” Sergio asked, amused to find Ron sporting an erection underneath his jeans. Seeing his own trousers bulge with need, Sergio couldn’t say much.

  “Very,” Ron admitted. “You don’t know how hard it has been, pretending I’m no longer interested in you. Did you get word to your brother and your other wolves?”

  “Alessio has my back, and Jane knows I have plan when I told her to hack the system. Never mind the details. Don’t you think you owe me more than a kiss, Ron?”

  Ron looked at him like he’d gone insane. “Why do I owe you anything? You’re the one strutting around with my little sister the past three days.”

  Sergio couldn’t help but grin. “Jealous? Well let me assure you, there’s only one Omega I’ve been thinking about.”

  “Me?” Ron asked reluctantly.

  “You. Mine,” Sergio said simply.

  Ron shuddered. “Yes, I’m yours from the moment we first met.”

  “Good pup,” Sergio said approvingly. Ron scowled at him.

  Diana was staring at them in fascination. Hale cleared his voice. “If you lovers are done with the poetry, we don’t have much time.”

  Sergio reached for the pack bonds connecting him to Alessio and all his wolves. He tugged, and knew each one of them were there, waiting, and ready to spring into action. He nodded. It was time for this sick little charade and for him to take Ron and his wolves back home. Sergio could almost see it his mind’s eye. Ron and he getting a bigger apartment, and waking to the snarky Omega’s face each morning. Doing mate things Sergio scoffed at for so long like running side by side together during the full moon, or tucked together in his couch in front of the TV during movie nights, with a huge bowl of popcorn tucked between Ron and him. Sergio wanted it all.

  “Let’s go,” he said.

  Chapter Seven

  Ron nervously rubbed at his hands. Sergio and Hale pried the single window in the room open. Noticing Diana looked apprehensive, Ron took her trembling hands in his. “Everything’s going to be alright. We have Sergio and Hale doing the heavy lifting for us. All we need is to stay close.”

  Diana cracked a smile at his joke. “Why didn’t you tell me Sergio and you are…” she hesitated. “Together?”

  “We couldn’t risk giving ourselves away.” Ron’s ears caught the sound of footsteps. Moments later, there was a knock on the door.

  “Everything alright in there?” a gruff voice demanded. The four of them stole worried looks.

  Sergio growled. “I’m busy, fuck off.”

  Leaning close to Diana, Ron whispered. “Fake some groans or moans.”

  Biting her lips together, Diana pitched her voice to mimic lovemaking sounds. The knocking stopped, but Ron sensed the werewolf’s presence behind the door, clearly not leaving any time soon. Giving Diana a thumbs-up, she gave him a weak smile.

  “No time. Hale you first then Diana,” Sergio said in a quiet voice.

  Nodding, the big enforcer clambered to the big tree outside. Ron heard him drop, and then the startled gasp below. How predictable Brendan blocked all possible escape routes. Sergio peered out the window.

  “Diana, you go next.”

  The front door started rattling. More knocks.

  “Something isn’t right,” said the shifter outside to someone else. “Open the door, Alpha.”

  Gritting his teeth, Sergio told Diana, “Hurry.”

  After his half-sister shimmied down, Sergio gestured to Ron. Nearing the window, Ron glanced down to see Hale helped Diana down.

  “You first,” Ron stubbornly said, surprised to feel Sergio’s hand on the back of his neck.

  “Now, Ronald.” At that authoritative voice, Ron s
crambled to obey. Now wasn’t the time to be a brat. He’d have fun playing that card for kicks once they were out of this hellhole. Halfway down the tree, he heard the splinter of wood and a gun firing.

  “Ron, hurry up. Sergio’s fine,” Hale hissed.

  Ron stole a look upward. Relieved to see Sergio following, with only a red blot on his left shoulder, he hurried down. Sergio dropped the last few steps. Above them, two angry goons poked their face through the window. They scurried out of range as the wolves fired more shots.

  “Come on, we’ll lose them in the woods. My wolves are waiting,” Sergio explained.

  Impressed Sergio managed to get wolves assembled in such a short time, Ron scrambled to keep up. They exited the well-tended grounds and disappeared into the natural woods. Hale was instructing Diana to strip and shift. It still amazed Ron how he missed the enforcer’s unmistaken affection for Diana. He didn’t know Hale much, but he trusted the big man to keep his half-sister safe.

  “How’s your shoulder?” Ron asked Sergio worriedly.

  “Fine,” Sergio grunted. Ron stared as the Alpha stripped down, then pushed his fingers into the open wound. Gritting his teeth, Sergio managed to yank out the bullet after some trial and error. Seeing Ron’s concerned look, Sergio stole a kiss, then showed him the bloody bullet. “The bullet’s made of lead, see? No harm done.”

  “You’re crazy.”

  “That’s one of the things you’ll love about me, baby,” Sergio had the gall to say. Ron would have punched his healing shoulder, too, admonish him after, but they didn’t have the time. He shifted, joining the three other wolves. Once on fours, they sprinted through the woods. Ron heard the shouts behind them, and scented the smell of other wolves and guns.

  Heart pounding, he picked up speed. Three of them knew the forest, so they took every short cut they knew, but unfortunately, their pursuers knew it, too. A gun roared a couple of feet from them. Ron’s head jerked, but the bullet narrowly missed, hitting the trunk of the tree to his right instead. He started doubting his ill-conceived plan.

  What would happen if Brendan’s men would catch up to them? A cocky Alpha like Brendan wouldn’t show mercy. Would he decide to kill all four of them out of anger, and risk the wrath of the Darkfall wolves? A nudge to his side startled Ron—a larger wolf, Sergio, slowed his pace to run alongside run. The brush of his coat against his was comforting.

  His human half might be worried as hell, but his wolf liked running alongside Sergio just fine. What would it be like, to disappear into the deep forest beside his mate, under the lull of the full moon? To run free and unfettered, knowing after their adventures, a home awaited them. Warm bed and their own apartment, with Sergio pulling Ron close in bed?

  Damn. Ron shouldn’t be getting ahead of himself. They weren’t out of the frying pan yet.

  The trees thinned and the terrain straightened as they reached the borders of the woods, close to the wall encasing the entire estate. Well-paved roads ran the edge of the wall, for cars to go in and out. Spotting the two cars awaiting them, Ron let out a joyous yip. He ran forward, spine prickling. His wolf was telling him something wasn’t right, but Ron couldn’t care less, until he felt Sergio’s teeth on the scruff of his neck.

  Not a painful tug, but one a she-wolf mother would do to an errant cub. Ron bristled, but his heart leap in this throat when Sergio’s men appeared. They weren’t alone. His Beta and brother Alessio had his hands up, a Silverback goon pointing a rifle at his head. More Silverback wolves had weapons pointed at Sergio’s men. Ron counted more than a dozen. They were outnumbered.

  Their sad little party stopped in front of the captives. Stealing a look at Hale, Ron saw Hale using his larger frame as a shield to protect Diana. Sergio fared no better, placing himself in front of Ron. Damn overprotective males. Ron replayed the events in his head. Hale hadn’t betrayed them, and Sergio certainly wouldn’t. Diana didn’t possess the cunning either, so what the hell happened?

  “They were waiting for us,” Alessio told Sergio, silenced when the wolf holding the gun shoved it against his head.

  “Shut it,” the goon said.

  A third car joined them, heightening the tension.

  “Well, well. If this is how you repay the kindness of your allies, Alpha, then I don’t think I want your bloodline mingling with mine.”

  Ron froze. He recognized that voice anywhere. Brendan stepped out, flanked on either side by his most trusted lieutenants. A look of distaste colored his features like this was an unsavory task he had to do.

  Brendan turned his attention on Ron. “You ungrateful cur. I should have killed you when I could. Did you think you can get away with turning my faithful enforcer on me?”

  Hale snarled at that, making some of Brendan’s wolves focus their weapons on him. Behind him, Diana whimpered.

  “No, I know your nature, and knew you’d conceive some pathetic plan, so I had cameras installed in your room after you slipped out the window.”

  Ron vaguely wondered if Brendan liked hearing himself talk.

  “What will I do with you four?” Brendan mused, looking thoughtful. “I assume Sergio hasn’t taken your flower, Diana. Come to me, you’re still useful. Hale, if you’re playing the martyr hero, you’d know she’s better off alive.”

  Hale hung his head, and let Diana passed. Unfortunately, Diana didn’t move, only pressed her muzzle against Hale’s coat, telling everything there where her alliance lay. Seeing her first act of rebellion, a surge of pride filled Ron.

  Brendan let out a sound of disgust. “Fine, you’ve made your loyalties clear. You are no daughter of mine, Diana. Shoot them all.”

  No movement. The wolves there traded uneasy looks, probably because their own were involved. While they didn’t have much liking for Ron, most of the younger guards were trained by Hale and many of them fawned over Diana. Ted, Brendan’s older brother and one of his loyal enforcers spoke up. “Diana, is a valuable member of the pack and your flesh and blood, and killing Sergio, Brendan? Think about this. We cannot kill the Darkfall Alpha. His wolves would want retribution and we’ve experienced too many recent loses.”

  Ted choked when Brendan’s figure blurred. Moments later, Brendan had a hand wrapped around Ted’s throat. Brendan snarled. “I am the Alpha here. My decisions are final, so fucking fall in line or die with the traitors. That goes for everyone here.”

  Ron took that opportunity to act. He vaulted, heading straight for one target. Brendan. An alert enforcer turned his barrel at him, and shot. Ron dodged the first and second, but snarled when he felt the impact of bullets hit him. He hit the ground hard, bleeding. Brendan whirled, letting go of Ted, gaze furious.

  Sergio let out a furious howl of rage behind Ron, the powerful sound rumbling through the woods. Perfect. Ron didn’t bother getting up. Unlike the bullet Sergio tore out of his skin, the ones embedded deep into his were silver. Brendan’s men were ready to kill, not injured. Ron didn’t set out, being a hero, because he knew he wouldn’t get to Brendan, much less touch him. Sergio would though. So would Hale.

  The Alpha sprinted, faster than the eye could see, tackling Brendan to the ground. He used his vicious teeth to literally rip out Brendan’s left arm, so the pain would distract Brendan enough he wouldn’t be able to shift. All the goons moved, turning their guns to Sergio. Sergio’s wolves reacted, disabling their captors, but Ron didn’t have time to watch them. Breath hitching, he watched Sergio, hoping his gamble would pay off.

  “Stand down! Don’t shoot!” Ted had the sense to hollers. Some itchy fingers pulled triggers, but none of the shots were focused.

  Hale padded to Sergio. The two wolves exchanged knowing looks. Ted regarded the situation, gaze sweeping to Ron. Ron didn’t know his uncle well, but understanding passed through both of them. If Sergio killed Brendan, it would be a declaration of war. On the other hand, if Hale did it, the pack could play it off as a much needed change of leadership.

  Everyone grew still and silent. Sergio stepped off
Brendan, so Hale could take his place. Hale looked only at one person. Diana came by his side. Brendan fumbled for the hidden gun in his jacket, but Sergio caught the gesture and pulled off his good arm for good measure.

  Wolves couldn’t cry, but Ron knew Diana was crying inside, but he knew she understood this had to happen. At her nod, Hale tore out Brendan’s throat. Sergio ran up to Ron just as the first Silverback wolf howled his acceptance of Hale being the new Alpha. Others followed. Ron could barely hear or see by then. He felt the warm brush of Sergio’s coat moments later. The curse falling from Sergio’s mouth as Sergio went back to human form. Ron grunted in pain, relieved to feel Sergio pulling him close to his lap.

  “Idiotic Omega,” Sergio muttered, hands checking his wounds. Then his voice turned soft and raw with pain. “Will you change for me, baby? Let me give you one last kiss.”

  Heart cracking, Ron forced the shift at Sergio’s urging. It hurt like hell, but if he got one last kiss before the afterlife took him, then all was good. Sergio didn’t demand explanations for his hasty actions, although Ron wanted to tell Sergio it had been the only way. Without his intervention, they would all wound up dead. Better him dead, so everyone else can live to see another day. Sergio pulled his weakening body to him, until he cradled Ron in an intimate embrace.

  “I,” Ron whispered, coughing out more blood.

  “Don’t speak.” Sergio brushed his lips over his forehead. With Sergio holding him close, Ron barely felt the pain or the poison working into his bloodstream.

  “Love you,” Ron rasped. Ridiculous and sappy last words to say, but he meant it with every fiber of his being. Sergio might have come late into his life, but the brief and treasured moments he had with Sergio had been worth it.

  “I love you, and I’m sorry,” Sergio whispered against his ear.

  “What?” Ron began, alarmed by Sergio’s apology. Sergio crushed his lips with Ron’s. Made a path of kisses down his jaw, and finally settled on the curve of his throat. Sudden understanding pierced through Ron.


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