Protector (Little Death Bringer, #2)

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Protector (Little Death Bringer, #2) Page 20

by Banks, Catherine

  My brain finally put the pieces together and I realized he must be asking to court her. Instantly tears sprang to my eyes and I felt a physical pain in my chest and stomach. “I’m sorry I interrupted,” I muttered before striding into the tall fields and disappearing from their sight.

  “Marin!” Favian yelled, “Wait!”

  “Marin, please come back!” Emily called.

  I ignored them both and started running, heading towards the back of the fields where I knew a secret portal stood. The portal transported you to the stables and thus far away from them.

  “Marin please!” Favian yelled, “Let me explain!”

  I didn’t need him to explain. His mother had just explained Elf courting etiquette. I knew I had no right to be upset that he wanted to date the beautiful elf, yet I felt betrayed and hurt. I smacked myself mentally for ever thinking an elf could have wanted me, especially the freaking Prince of the Elves. Hadn’t I been telling myself for two years that I would never have his love in return? So why did it hurt so bad to have that proven to me? I stepped into the portal and then appeared in the center of the stables right in front of Alex. He blinked and then smiled. “Marin, what brings you back?”

  I looked at the King’s stallion and said, “I’m borrowing him.”

  Alex bit his lip. “The King didn’t say anything to me.”

  I grabbed the bridle from the stall door and looked into the stallion’s eye. “I’m begging you to please take me from here for a few hours. I will groom you and not ask anything of you again for at least a year or more. Please.”

  The stallion met my gaze a moment and then bobbed his head.

  I bridled him and then hopped up onto his back. “Thank you.”

  He trotted out of the stables just as Favian appeared inside. “Marin!”

  “Now would be good,” I whispered.

  The stallion bobbed his head and then we were flying across the ground, his hooves only touching down long enough to propel us forward again. He was the fastest horse in the world, which is why I took him instead of Fire. I held on with my legs and had a fistful of mane and somehow managed to hang on as he galloped. He ran at a full gallop down the road and then dove into the forest on the side, hiding us from the guards’ sight so Favian could not ask where we had gone.

  The forest thinned and then we galloped into the center of the Elves’ sacred meadow. I didn’t understand why he had brought me here until he dumped me off of his back, right in front of father. “Oh, Marin. I had thought we were past you stealing our steeds,” Father said in a chastising tone.

  I stood up and brushed myself off. “I didn’t steal him, I borrowed him. I was only trying to disappear for a short while.”

  Father tugged my hand and forced me to sit down beside him in the meadow. Power like a warm wind filled me and eased my tension. “What has caused you to run away?” he asked as he watched me with half opened eyes.

  “I…” I was going to say I didn’t want to talk about it, but I knew I couldn’t hide anything from father when he asked. “Favian is courting Emily,” I blurted.

  “And this upsets you,” he said as a statement instead of a question.

  “I know it shouldn’t because I always knew he’d start looking for a mate, but…”

  “But you love him.”

  I stared at him in disbelief. “No, I, uh…”

  Father laughed and ruffled the hair on top of my head. “You and Favian may be blind, but Amadis and I are not. You’ve loved Favian since he vowed to always protect you when you were first brought here. It just took you a lot longer to figure it out.”

  He was right, but I knew it was pointless. “It doesn’t matter how I feel,” I muttered.

  “And why not?” he asked.

  “Because I can’t have a family.”

  “You can’t?”

  “No! Alexandre tried and look where that got him! Everything I do is about killing and if I let anyone love me they will only end up dead!” I yelled.

  “Am I dead?” he asked softly.

  I looked into his kind eyes and frowned. “No.”

  “Is Amadis dead?”


  He grabbed my chin and stared into my eyes. “Do you not love us?”

  “Of course I love you, but…”

  “Then why do you believe that anyone you love will die?” he asked as though it was the silliest question he had ever heard. And it might have been.

  “My parents and Alexandre they were attacked…”

  “They were humans my dear. What I’m saying is that you are destined for great things and as such you require a family of hardier stock than a human.”

  “So you’re saying I can never have a human mate?”

  He shrugged. “Probably not, but do you really want a human mate?” No, but that wasn’t the point. “Your life is centered around violence, but you have happiness and merry things happen as well. We have watched you dance at our balls and go an entire night without killing anything or anyone. You have spent the winter solstice with us and restrained from getting into any fights. You are not just the Death Bringer, Marin. You are a young woman who simply needs a more resilient mate.”

  “So you’re saying because I am so prone to violence that I need an eternal mate?”

  He nodded his head. “Yes.”

  I guess that I had always known that.

  He held out his hand and an apple appeared, which the stallion quickly took in his mouth and chewed on. “Have you figured out who your father is yet?”

  “I know he is a god, but he has not shown himself to me. I am assuming he is the God.”

  “Did you talk to Alexandre about it at all?” he asked.

  “A bit. He is a demigod as well, his mother was the Goddess, but he was not nearly as strong as me,” I said.

  “You were raised by very strong beings so it makes sense that you are tougher than he who was raised around humans.”

  “That’s why he wasn’t able to defeat the ogres?” I asked softly as I recalled the night he was stabbed. It felt like it had been so long and yet I knew it was only a few days.

  “Because he was not trained as you are and because he is not as adept at fighting as you are.”

  This all made sense, but… “What does this have to do with why I came here?”

  “You think you are not good enough for my son because he should be with an elf when it does not matter since you are not completely human as you thought you were. And an eternal is better adept at staying alive and keeping you alive which would make him an ideal mate for you. Plus you will live a much longer life, honestly we have no idea how long demigods live. You could live as long as Favian.”

  “He doesn’t want me for a mate, Cesar.”

  “And you’re going to give him up that easily? What happened to the girl who challenged Alice to a duel for a doll which had been stolen? You are one of the strongest women I know and yet you think you should cower and let another have him?”

  “If he doesn’t want me, why should I try to take him from her?” I asked as I angrily got to my feet.

  Father sighed. “You’ve always been a stubborn girl.”

  “He needs to be happy and if another makes him happy then so be it.”

  “What about your happiness?” Cesar asked.

  I mounted the stallion and whispered, “My happiness is achieved when killing. After my birthday I will have to start my life away from here and find happiness.”

  Father watched me go as the stallion returned to the stable. When we arrived Alex exhaled in relief. “I was starting to get worried.”

  I returned the stallion to his stall and started brushing him. “Why? I was only gone an hour?”

  “An hour?!” Alex asked in shock. “Try four hours!”

  I looked out the stable doors into darkness having not paid attention when we had come this way. “Does time move differently in the Meadow?”

  Alex nodded his head. “Yes.”

  “I w
as there speaking with Cesar. I hadn’t really paid attention to my surroundings as we returned. I’m sorry that I worried you.”

  Alex wiped off the bridle with a soft cloth. “Thank you.”

  “Thank you,” I said to the stallion who dipped his head in acknowledgment. I walked from the stables and wandered around the back of the castle. I knew it didn’t make a difference, but talking with father and hearing him say I needed an eternal made me feel a little better.

  “There’s my daughter,” mother said from a short distance.

  I turned and found her standing in the back doorway with Emily beside her. “I was speaking with Cesar in the Meadow,” I said, “If you will excuse me I need to get ready for the celebration and find a snack since I missed lunch.”

  “I can get you something,” Emily said with a smile.

  I smiled, but knew it wasn’t pleasant. “I think you have enough.”

  Emily’s mouth opened in shock and mother frowned at me, but I walked passed both of them and up to my room. Favian stood beside my door. “Marin, where did you go? I looked everywhere.”

  “I was speaking with father in the Meadow,” I answered, “Now if you’ll excuse me I have to get ready.”

  “Wait, let me explain.” I ignored him and shut the door in his face, locking it in case he decided to storm in. “Marin, I’ll just talk to you through the door,” he said.

  I ignored him, making loud noises as I opened and closed drawers and doors to get out the items I needed for the ball. I had just stripped out of my clothes when Favian popped into the bedroom using a magic stone that let you teleport to and from a specific location. “Did you really think…”

  “Favian!” I screamed in shock as I tried to cover my body.

  He stared at me a moment and then closed his eyes and turned away. “I didn’t think you would actually be changing.”

  “Get out!” I yelled angrily. He squeezed his hand and disappeared, using the charm he’d made to bring himself to me to leave. I squatted down on the floor as my heart tried to slow. How could a man seeing me naked be more frightening than a horde of ogres jumping me?

  I finally managed to calm myself and stared at the dresses in my armoire. Mother always made sure I had the most beautiful dresses handy should I ever choose to wear them. I rarely wore dresses, which was why I had a billion I had never worn. I stared at a dark blue dress which would contrast drastically with my blonde hair and yet highlight my blue eyes wonderfully since they were the same color as the dress. It had a plunging neckline that I hadn’t dared to wear before, but suddenly felt the desire for.

  After a few minutes of squirming and inventive curses, the dress finally hung on my body as it was supposed to. I stared in shock at my reflection as I saw myself as a woman for the first time. And a beautiful woman at that. My eyes did match the dress and yet they were so much more vivid than the dress that I looked stunning and I could actually see the blood other than human within me. I brushed my hair until it was tangle free and then slipped on high heels I’d only ever worn once.

  I twirled in front of the mirror and smiled in satisfaction. Tonight I was definitely going to turn a few heads. I opened my door, expecting to find Favian, but found the hallway empty. I would have had a horrible time walking if it hadn’t been for the slit which went all the way to my knee and allowed me to walk almost freely. I held on to the railing as I walked down the stairs in case I decided to become a klutz, but I made it down without incident.

  Mother stepped out of her chambers and smiled approvingly at me. “You look beautiful.”

  I curtsied. “You look stunning as always, Your Highness.” And it was true. Mother wore a red silk dress that hugged her curves and made me look like a rag doll in comparison.

  “We must hurry. Cesar is waiting on us since we are the last guests to arrive,” she said as she tugged me along beside her. She stopped at the door to the ball room and smiled at the guard who prepared to open the door. “Stand up straight, Marin.”

  I adjusted my posture and took a deep breath. The guard opened the door for mother who walked inside looking every bit of the Elf Queen that she was. The guard closed the door behind her and smiled at me. “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you, sir,” I said with a curtsy.

  He listened to the voices inside a moment and then opened the door for me. It was custom for the Queen and King to arrive alone so I had had to wait until she was at her throne before I could walk in. I stepped into the ballroom and every eye turned to look at me. I was thankfully used to that so I strode forward confidently and sat at the table just beside the Royal table in a chair between an older male called Aaron and the oldest female, Mary. Father smiled happily at me and then raised his hands to quiet the murmuring which had started after I walked in. “Tonight we celebrate Marin’s eighteenth birthday! She has become a woman and in her short life span has been noticed by all which earned her the titles Death Bringer and Protector. We are proud of the woman you have become, Marin and we love you. Happy Birthday!”

  Everyone yelled “Happy Birthday!”

  “Bring in the food!” he boomed.

  Servants flowed into the room and opened the covered platters on the tables. I inhaled the wonderful smells and couldn’t decide which I wanted to try first. I remembered my manners and stood up. “What would you like, Mary?” I asked so I could serve her food. She was a very old elf who could barely get around anymore.

  Mary frowned at me and pulled me down. “Sit down, girl. You don’t serve.”

  I stared at her in shock. “What?”

  She looked up and I realized someone was standing in front of our table. I looked up and Maddock smiled at me before looking at Mary. “What would you like this evening, Mary?” She pointed out the things she wanted and he gave her a small portion of each thing and then he turned to me. “What would you like this evening?”

  I looked at Mary for help and she whispered, “It is customary for children and men to serve the women.”


  “You’re eighteen now,” she said before I could continue, “So you no longer serve us.”

  “Marin, what would you like?” Maddock asked softly.

  I looked up into his shining eyes and realized he was flirting with me. “A little of everything, please,” I answered instead of flirting back. I would have, but I was in shock at the increasing changes in my life.

  He piled my plate high and then continued down the row, serving everyone until he got to his seat at the end of the table and then served himself.

  I looked up at mother who smiled cheerfully at me before turning to speak to father. Favian was staring at me, but I ignored him and Emily who was sitting beside him and ate my food. As always the food was delicious and as soon as everyone was finished the servants cleared away the tables so everyone could dance. I carefully and discreetly made my way to the back of the room to avoid being pulled into the dances. Aaron tsked at me. “You are supposed to be dancing, little Death Bringer.”

  “You know I’m terrible at dancing,” I reminded him.

  “I’ll make an exception since it’s your birthday. Just don’t expect a present.”

  “You could be nicer on my birthday than to say that!” I snapped. I exhaled and calmed myself. “I did not mean to snap at you. It is not your fault that I was ignorant of my bloodlines.” I curtsied to him and smiled. “I’m sorry, Aaron.”

  He patted my hand and smiled back. “Not to worry. I am used to women yelling at me.”

  I laughed and his mate, Erin, walked over and smacked his arm. “I heard that.”

  I smiled at the couple and then felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned and found Maddock behind me. He bowed and extended a hand. “May I have this dance?”

  I looked out towards the large dancing crowd and swallowed nervously.

  “I will teach you,” he said knowing what I was nervous about as he took my hand gently and led me through the standing crowd to the dancing elves. “You l
ook gorgeous,” He whispered as he turned me to face him and clasped our hands in the proper dancing holds.

  “Thank you,” I said with a flirtatious smile, “You look handsome as always.” A twirling couple caught my eye and I turned to realize it was Favian and Sarah, another beautiful elf girl around our age. I knew he always danced with the females, but tonight it made me angry and hurt. Before I could pull away to leave though, Maddock was spinning us onto the dance floor.

  He kept a hand firmly on my lower back and our other hands clasped together as he led me into the moves and surprisingly I was able to stay with him. “See, I told you I could teach you.”

  I smiled up at him happily and started paying attention to the movements, memorizing the patterns as if it were a test at the Academy. After a minute I had them memorized and moved with Maddock freely. He twirled me in a circle and I laughed merrily. The song ended and a finger tapped my shoulder.

  I broke from Maddock’s hold and turned to have Alex bow over my hand which he had picked up and kissed the back of softly. “May I have this dance?” he asked with a bit of nervousness. He smelled like hay, dirt and horses, which to me was wonderful.

  “I would be honored to.” I turned to Maddock and curtsied. “Thank you for the dance, I hope to have the opportunity to dance with you again this night.”

  He picked my hand up and turned it over, kissing the bottom of it. “I will certainly dance with you again.”

  Alex spun me around and right into the dancing group of elves. I giggled and stepped closer to him so he could lead. “I’m surprised you asked me, Alex,” I admitted.

  He spun us around Balon and Korteny who were dancing sinfully well together. “I’ve always thought you beautiful and smart, but didn’t think I stood a chance against the others.”

  I shook my head and twirled underneath his raised hand. “You are as attractive as they are and one of the kindest elves I know,” I said to him.

  He stared at me in shock a moment and then smiled. “Yes, but you are the Death Bringer and I’m just a stable boy.”

  I started to falter and he helped correct me, making it look as they we’d simply added an extra move to the dance. “You are not a stable boy, but the Horse Master which is an important job. Besides you’re the one that showed me that handy portal in the flower fields. It saved my life when I was nine if you recall.”


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