The Young Governess

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The Young Governess Page 7

by Phoebe Gardener

  “Under pain of death!” murmured the assembled women.

  “Then let her trials begin…”

  It started with the Handmaidens, who remained clothed in their white cassocks, adjusting Kate’s thighs to expose her sex to its best advantage. This time, her torso was lower than her shoulders, so that her genitals were generously displayed. My cunt, she thought to herself, they’re all looking at my cunt! She felt a sting on her breasts and saw that one of the Handmaidens, a pretty, big-breasted, redhead, was holding a flail with silken cords. She brought it down again and again, Kate felt the sting of the delicate silk fronds on her nipples. The sensation was wonderful, and it almost instantly triggered a shameless lust in her and she knew that she was getting wet, very wet indeed, between her thighs.

  Her dark, intense eyes growing a little softer, Mrs Pike reached down to cup her hand over the curly mass of pubic hair between Kate’s outstretched legs. The brunette gasped as the naked cleric’s wife applied pressure with her bony fingers, then moved in slow sensuous circles, lovingly massaging the young woman’s hairy, moistening cunt. The fact that yet another, unfamiliar female was touching her in such an intimate spot brought colour to Kate’s cheeks. Suddenly she longed to touch her pendulous breasts, to feel the soft mounds of forbidden flesh under her fingers.

  Moaning, Kate’s hands reached up to cup the twin, dangling, pear-shaped breasts. The firm smooth flesh felt pleasant and Kate found her hands moving in slow sensuous circles. Almost as if they possessed a will of their own, her fingers kneaded the ivory, pink-tipped dugs, the delicate nipples tightened under Kate’s attention and the excited governess let her fingers slide across the pink rosettes. Mrs Pike’s stiff nubbins felt delightful under her fingers, and Kate was gratified by the way they rose in quick response. Eager to bring Mrs Pike still greater pleasure, she opened her hands to aim her palms at each distended nipple. Moving her hands in quick circles, she rubbed her palms across each fiery nub. She heard the older woman gasp, then felt her fingers move downwards to slip ever more deeply into the swollen folds of Kate’s inner sex. Kate’s legs trembled and she split them even further to accommodate Mrs Pike’s busy, inquisitive fingers.

  While the mistress of ceremonies fingered her throbbing cunt, a Follower, a slim, small-breasted, blonde woman reached from behind to seize Kate’s generous breasts in her hands, kneading them vigorously, making her breath come in hot little gasps. Craning behind her, Kate could see her face; she saw that her eyes were glazed over with lust and the tip of a pink tongue had slipped out between her lips in a way that suggested pure erotic enjoyment. Kate abandoned the palming of Mrs Pike’s distended nipples in order to reach upwards and grasp the newcomer’s pert little breasts the way the Follower was grasping hers, good and hard. Whimpering, Kate squeezed the twin hills of flesh enthusiastically, her excitement mounting. She heard laughter and felt the lash of the flail on the inside of her thigh, but suddenly it did not matter who was laughing at her, or whipping her, or why.

  Nothing mattered now except the wonderful way that Mrs Pike was exploring her throbbing cunt while the other woman played with her tits. The combined carnal treat, along with the thrilling experience of fondling another strange woman’s breasts, was almost more than the excited girl could bear. Her heart pounded and her breathing grew ragged. She forgot everything but the frantic beat of her streaming cunt. The blonde Follower’s fingers moved to her nipples, twisting and pinching the sensitive caps while Mrs Pike’s fingers toyed with her oily slit. Finding the stiff bean of her clitoris, the gaunt woman squeezed and nipped it between her fingers. Kate’s hips began to move in heated circles while catlike mewlings came from her throat. Encouraged, Mrs Pike flicked her forefinger back and forth across the fiery nub until Kate arched her back and cried out in an abrupt orgasm, her hands still spastically kneading the blonde’s small breasts just as she was squeezing hers. The brusque climax she experienced took her almost by surprise. “Ahhh! I’m spending!” she cried in astonishment, her pelvis bucking.

  It was only a beginning.

  Mrs Pike took the Punisher from her belt and, fixing Kate with her glittering stare, beckoned a Handmaiden to her side.

  “Lick this until it is well and truly ready for its purpose.”

  The Handmaiden, the redhead who had plied the whip, started to lick and suck the rubber dildo, coating it with her saliva. Kate did not have to use great powers of imagination to guess what its intended use was. The girl returned it to her mistress. Grasping the phallus firmly, Mrs Pike slid its shiny, spittle-slick head between the lips of Kate’s sex. Kate wanted it. She thrust her hips forwards and upwards, and the head slipped into her vagina.

  “Fuck me. Fuck me with that thing!” Kate heard someone say… unaware that the words had issued from her own mouth.

  “Oh yes, my pretty one, we will. The Punisher and I will fuck you until you beg for mercy, then afterwards…”

  Then, in amazement, Kate watched as her woman-lover stepped into an arrangement of fine leather straps that could effectively receive the black monster into place over her hips, causing the phallus to lance out from her loins in an almost realistic reproduction of a man’s hardened cock.

  She saw that its base was more or less flat and nestled in against Mrs Pike’s vulva, making it look as though it belonged there. But it had to be said; there was a certain ludicrous appearance to the whole ensemble. The hard maleness of the artificial prick so suited the angular frame of the woman’s body that it would have been laughable, had not Kate’s need for sexual satisfaction been so real. There was no time to consider its more amusing aspects.

  Now more for the effect than anything else, a grinning, strangely ithyphallic Bella Pike was sadistically thrusting that huge, substitute penis into the redheaded Handmaiden’s mouth and halfway down her throat as the young girl knelt submissively before her. Next the cleric’s wife turned and kneeling down herself, and positioning herself between Kate’s legs, spread the girl’s saliva along the enormous India rubber cock.

  Unconsciously, she spread her thighs wider, expectantly, wanting it, now! Oh, God! This is wrong, but I don’t care. But even in her mildly drugged state, Kate suspected that there was a condition attached to what Mrs Pike was doing for her. Afterwards! Oh, God! Afterwards, she had said... she must mean that I’ll have to... let her use her… her sex… on me!

  But that was in the future. For it was then she felt that huge substitute cock, as Mrs Pike guided it up and down the juicy furrow of her cunt, rubbing it against her throbbing clitoris.

  “Oh God! Put it inside me! Shove it in!” she begged, lifting her churning hips up to it.

  Kate could almost imagine that it was Sir Bradley’s massively stiffened penis that was going into her once again, to rob her once more of her maidenhead, as the scrawny woman wedged her hips down between the young governess’s legs and guided the surrogate cock straight into her trembling, apprehensive vagina.

  “Do you like that...?” she asked, gazing down impassively into the face of the girl she now pinned to the prie-dieu.

  “Ahhh!” Kate moaned. “It’ll tear me apart!”

  As the dildo drove into her vaginal sheath, Kate vainly attempted to back away from it, its great girth stretching her cunt’s mouth cruelly. God! It feels almost like the real thing! It wasn’t, of course. Even a hardened prick is somewhat flexible, and there is that special heated warmth of its blood-engorged length, its throbbing heartbeat, its vibrant aliveness, which was missing from the rubber substitution; however, Kate closed her eyes, her imagination allowing her to believe that it was real… that it was Sir Bradley’s penis that clove her cunt so effectively.

  Above her Bella Pike began to flex her hips, imitating the fucking motions of a man. She smiled her own secret smile of triumph. Deep and hard, far up into the girl’s seared vaginal tunnel, she continued to drive the rubber cock, while beneath her, moaning unceasingly, her hips undulating against the thrusting dildo, fucking back wildly, Kate was on a voya
ge of unexpected sexual delights.

  “Oh, God! Drive it hard... and deep!” she whined pleadingly.

  “OOOoooohhh ...”

  Her words were stopped by Mrs Pike’s mouth descending upon hers. Greedily, she accepted the other woman’s warm wet tongue, sucking and nibbling on it wantonly, as it surged in and out of her mouth in imitation of the artificial fucking action below. Spurred on by her imploring cry, Bella Pike plunged the rubber cock in and out of the younger woman’s cunt almost as wildly as a man might have done.

  Kate’s body responded wildly. Her eyes glazed and her breath was coming in rasping, laboured gasps now. In just a few moments, she knew that she would spend. God! It was going to be beautiful. Just as if a real man’s penis were going in and out of me!

  Suddenly, she convulsed, her climax breaking over her as if it were a great wave, her ecstatic body accepting it, revelling in it, enjoying every moment of its brief existence.

  “Ohh!” she cried in rapturous joy. “Oh yes, yes! I’m spending!” Then in a full throated scream, she thrust her hips up hard against the pistoning rubber cock and released her pent-up sexual tension in blessed orgasm.

  The shudders of her lovely body became less and less violent. Opening her eyes, she looked up into the dark, glittering depths of her seducer’s eyes that watched her closely, and she was aware of the soft fullness of Mrs Pike’s dangling breasts mashing down hard against her own firm orbs, now sprinkled with the sweat of her passion.

  “You really enjoyed that, my girl didn’t you... I fetched you, did I not?” she asked.

  “Oh, yes!” Kate panted with rapturous enthusiasm. “You did, and it was wonderful.”

  “Well, now, it’s my turn… and you must fetch me.”

  With swift expertness, Bella Pike shifted her body’s position; she straddled Kate’s face, her thighs spread wide, her head coming down naturally in a classic soixante-neuf position over the young governess’s still quivering loins.

  Kate was suddenly looking up, startled, into the moist, coral-pink cleft of Mrs Pike’s demanding cunt. It hung there only inches above her face tantalizingly, and she could see the dense black forest of wiry pubic hair that surrounded it. Above the loose-hanging, lust-swollen lips, an unusually large clitoris had emerged from under its hood, throbbing with desire, while below the wrinkled brown expanse of her anus seemed to wink lewdly at her. The older woman’s drooping inner lips dripped with the viscous exudate from the walls of her vagina, and Kate could see the pulsing contractions just inside the opening. Sweet Lord, thought Kate! She wants me to... to use my mouth on her, on this monstrous… thing!

  A surprisingly agile, swivel-hipped wriggle brought Mrs Pike’s hot, pulsating sex down against the young girl’s face, as at the same time her mouth moved down to Kate’s tender cunt below.

  Kate felt like screaming, at first. She felt trapped... almost as though she would suffocate, but then she felt the flicking tongue on her own quivering clitoris, so sensitive and ready for renewed action. A moan of surrender and delighted sensuality escaped from her mouth, and without thinking, wanting to do it, now, as repayment, she probed out with her small, pink tongue experimentally. Unerringly, her tongue’s tip found the throbbing head of the large, phallus-like clitoris and licked at it voraciously.

  Dipping her searching tongue into the moist warmth of the woman’s cunt-mouth, Kate discovered that its flavour was slightly pungent but not at all distasteful; then as she followed her older lover’s lead, she became more bold, more dexterous in her sucking and licking. Mrs Pike’s writhing hips pressed down against her face and the laboured breathing of the woman on top of her told the young governess that the other woman must be feeling the same things she felt; it was all so deliciously sensual: her arousal became complete in a matter of moments, ascending from a plateau to the highlands of imminent orgasm in a dizzying spiral of excitement. Dear Lord! Don’t let it stop… ever!

  Together, the two women mounted towards the heights of their ecstasy as tongues lashed and licked, hands roamed caressingly, and mouths gasped out soft little screams and moans of mutual joy.

  Then, Kate was mumbling words up into the moistness of the other woman’s cunt. “Oh, that is so wonderful! Don’t stop! Please don’t ever stop... licking me... like that!”

  And, voice muffled from down between her thighs she heard Mrs Pike moaning, “Oh, merciful heavens, girl, you are a natural cuntlicker! More, more, do it harder!”

  Mutually giving and receiving, limbs intertwined in the sixty-nine position, feasting on each other’s cunts with licking, sucking mouths, drinking one another’s juices, their bodies’ sexual tensions built beyond reason, as electrifying sensations surged through them, the two women came to the apogee of sexual orgasm together.

  Kate felt it begin for her in the long shuddering convulsions that shivered through her body deliciously, the intense climax causing her legs and pelvis to jerk spasmodically as wave after wave of welcome release surged through her for the second time within minutes. It was a symphonic rhapsody of sensuality, leaving her satisfied and relaxed, and she didn’t recognize her own voice screaming an incoherent litany of obscenities…

  Above her, and almost simultaneously, Bella Pike ground her demanding cunt down into the young teacher’s face with wild abandon, her voice coming from down between the girl’s thighs, muffled, as from a great distance announcing the arrival of her moment of rapture. “Oh oh my! I’m going to... spend! Now, now now! Ahhhh!”

  Collapsing then, Bella Pike rolled from her topmost position and reversed her direction to stretch out beside her new, young conquest, clamping her soft mouth to Kate’s in a long, probing kiss, holding her close until the last tiny shudders of her orgasm quivered through her body.

  Kate kissed her back, her own arms going around the older woman to clamp their ecstatic, sweating bodies close together, and she tasted the essence of her own loins remaining moistly on the older woman’s mouth.

  The women surrounding them clapped softly in appreciation. It had been, after all, a superb spectacle.

  Bella Pike arose from the prie-dieu.

  “Lady Fordham, Ellie, will you take your turn now?”

  Alice answered for both of them.

  “Thank you, Bella, but we prefer to wait. We will take our turn later.”

  Mrs Pike surveyed the group of expectant women. “Then I suggest that you other ladies take your pleasure with Miss Spencer now. She can service two of you at once, I’m sure. Can’t you my dear?”

  Kate was struck dumb. All of them?

  But service them she did – over the next two hours. Her bed of lustful torment was adjusted so that it was easy for anyone to either kneel between Kate’s legs or, if they preferred, bring their sex down on her mouth. Some used the Punisher on her, strapping on the dildo’s harness and pushing it in and out of her by thrusts of their hips; others preferred to use it by hand. Some opted for a soixante-neuf position, while others merely availed themselves of her sex or her mouth. Mrs Beveridge was one of the latter and Kate watched as her grizzled cunt was lowered onto her mouth. She did her best for the woman who spent copiously. “Thank you, my dear girl,” she muttered as she awkwardly disengaged herself, “I shall not forget this… kindness!” The thin, flat-chested blonde who had so enjoyably tormented her breasts before, now returned for another bout, only this time she simply slid her sex back and forth over the painfully erect nipples of Kate’s tender bosoms until she achieved her little crisis in that peculiar way.

  Kate serviced them all: there were large women, small women, fat and thin; mothers and spinsters, highborn and servants. There were those who delighted in wresting from her yet another token of Kate’s orgasmic passion, those who were only interested in using her lithe young body to achieve their own. Some were greedy for all of Kate’s charms, others more fastidious and selective in their approach. Some were kindly and loving, others predatory and harsh. And finally it was the turn of Alice and Ellie,

  As they
approached the prie-dieu, Kate realised that they had purposely waited until the other women had used her, though why this should be, she could not guess. Her body gleamed in the hall’s soft, golden light with sweat and the juices of the numerous lesbian couplings. She was utterly spent and used, her hair unruly and plastered to her face, her mouth bruised with the force of many long and passionate kisses, her breasts and nipples swollen and tender from prolonged mauling. The whole area between her thighs, from anus to clitoris, was hypersensitive and the lightest touch, the softest exhalation even, could cause her to jerk and twitch in a sort of involuntary sexual spasm.

  Grasping the Punisher, Alice brought it to where her daughter’s fingers were already provocatively delving.

  “Oh, Mama, what a pretty cunny she has, do you not think?”

  So saying, Ellie removed her hand to allow her mother to slide the grooved dildo into her governess’s cunt and nimbly straddled her upturned face. Once more Kate looked up to receive a descending vulva. When it came to pretty ‘cunnies’, Ellie’s was, she thought, the prettiest she had seen that night: the delicately formed outer labia with their light covering of downy golden hairs; the neat little inner coral lips peeking out so impudently and leading to the sweetest little hood of an as-yet-unrevealed clitoris; at the base of a flat tummy she could see Ellie’s soft powdery-blonde bush, and when Ellie raised a thigh to shift her position slightly, the delectable pinky-brown star of her anus. Ellie’s cunt had a sweet, flowery aroma. Its juices were also sweet, and although Kate’s tongue was weary from licking so many women, she redoubled her efforts so that she could taste more of the honeyed syrup that dripped down into her mouth.

  Alice’s manipulations were deft and skilled. Working with the large black dildo, she knew just how to bring her young employee to the boil. While one hand worked the grooved rubber phallus in and out of Kate’s vagina, the other retracted her clitoral cover, and she craned her neck down to lick the highly sensitized little organ.


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