Alpha Bait

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Alpha Bait Page 9

by Sam Crescent

  “When will you mate me?” she asked, wanting more than anything to be his mate.

  “We’ll mate after all this crap is finished. I’ll not be taking you before then. I don’t want to risk being vulnerable.” He lifted her chin up. “Make no mistake, Tori, you’ll be my mate, and I’ll never let you go again.”

  “You’re not scaring me. Are you going to make love to me or not?” she asked, wanting his loving touch more than anything else.

  He picked her up in his arms and carried her back through to the bathroom.

  “Are you trying to tell me I stink?” she asked, sitting on the toilet seat as he left the shower settling for the bath.

  “Honey, I’ve been running three days straight. I need a shower. I fucking stink. You’re just going to be keeping me company, naked.”

  Lifting her shirt up, she started getting undressed as Scorch filled the bathtub with bubbles and plenty of hot water. He climbed in waiting for her to join him.

  She grabbed the soap, getting in the hot water behind him.

  “This is not how this works,” he said.

  “Nah, you’ve been running for three days. Let me take care of you.” She kissed his neck, soaping his back.

  Victoria took her time bathing his skin and washing all the mud from his fingers.

  “Were you in human form or wolf?” she asked.

  “Wolf. I run faster. I didn’t want to leave you behind.”

  Smiling, she listened to him talk, washing his body. When she’d finished his hair, he pulled her in front of him and did the same.

  By the time he picked her up out of the bath and carried her to the bed Victoria was aching for his touch. Closing her eyes, she cried out as he opened her legs, sliding his fingers through her slit. He opened her up sucking on her clit. They were both soaking wet from the bath.

  “So fucking tasty. I missed this pretty little pussy,” he said, sliding down to fuck her with his tongue.

  Gripping the sheets, she wrapped her legs around his neck, holding on as his tongue did wicked things to her. She’d missed him for more than his sinful body.

  “I want to suck your cock, Scorch. Please, I want to give you pleasure.”

  He released her, turned her so that her head hung off the edge of the bed. Scorch gripped his cock and slowly fed the tip into her mouth. She felt his hands either side of her hips. His hips slid forward sending his cock deeper into her mouth.

  Opening her lips, she swallowed him down relishing the taste of his cum.

  Hands gripped her legs, and then she felt his wicked tongue circling her bud. Crying out, she bobbed her head on his shaft, wanting him to lose control and come.

  He didn’t force more of his dick into her mouth. Holding onto his legs, she thrust up to his tongue at the same time as taking his cock deeper into her mouth until she swallowed the tip of him down.


  Victoria’s essence exploded on his tongue, and Scorch moaned at the taste. She really was a tasty female. Feeling her lips suck down on his shaft made it hard for him to concentrate on pleasing her. With her lips wrapped around him and her cream coating his tongue he was able to forget about all the problems he faced in the coming days.

  Circling her bud, he slid down to fuck into her tight cunt. It had been too long, and he could no longer smell his cum inside her. He’d take care of that. Replacing his tongue with his fingers, he pressed three inside her as he tongued her clit. She shook underneath him. Never letting up his touch on her clit he fucked her with his fingers.

  Seconds later, she shook as her orgasm coated his fingers. He held her down with his body over hers, stopping her from fighting him.

  Pulling out of her mouth, he wiped her juices from his chin.

  “You didn’t come,” she said, pouting.

  Chuckling, he climbed on the bed, turning her around so her head rested against the pillows. “I’m not going to come in that sweet mouth no matter how tempting you are.”

  She still pouted. Gripping his length he slid the tip between her creamy slit, coating his cock with her natural cream. When he bumped her clit she jerked, moaning. “You’re not being fair.”

  “I’ve spent the last three days without you. I’m making up for lost time.” He slid down, pressing the tip to her tight hole. She cried out as he slowly sank into her tight cunt. “That’s right, baby, take it all.” Slamming in deep, he fucked her hard with five harsh thrusts before he stopped, looking down at her.

  Scorch wasn’t in a hurry to be over with their time together.

  “You’re going to make me beg, aren’t you?” she asked.

  Her nails sank into his arms. Seeing the light bruising dotting her neck, Scorch felt the shame of not being able to protect his mate. Wolves were always supposed to be there to help their mate, and he’d failed.

  We’ll deal with him.

  Scorch was going to make sure he got a front row seat at Chain’s death.

  Stop thinking about it.

  Cutting the thoughts off immediately, Scorch stared down at her naked breasts. They were so full and round. He took one red tipped nipple into his mouth, sucking the bud in deep.

  Moving onto the next nipple he gave it the same attention. She arched up, feeding her tits to his mouth. Her moans were driving him wild with need.

  Pulling out of her pussy, he moved back seeing his slick prick straining to get to her. Turning her onto her knees easily he slid into her from behind. Coating his fingers with her slick arousal he pressed two fingers to her ass.

  Victoria didn’t tense up as he pressed his fingers to her ass. Taking his time, he worked his fingers inside her at the same time he fucked her pussy, ramming in deep. When she was taking both of his fingers to the knuckles, he pulled out of her pussy to slide his cock into her ass. He felt possessed with the need to claim her, to show his domination over her.

  She thrust back onto his cock as he glided into her ass. Her arousal, along with his pre-cum leaking out, made it slick enough.

  “That’s it, baby, feel me fuck your ass.”

  Her moans urged him on, sliding in deep. There was no stopping him as he forged into her ass, over and over again. She fisted the bed as he took her hard. The last three days without her in his life had been a nightmare. Scorch couldn’t stop even if he wanted to. There was nothing to stop him from fucking her, taking what he wanted but giving her what she needed.

  “Fuck, Scorch, please.”

  “Touch your clit. I want you to come again. Give me your cum, Tori.” She didn’t argue with him. Sliding a hand between her thighs, she started to work her clit. He felt the answering tightness around his cock.

  Pumping away inside her, he moaned as his balls tightened. “Hurry the fuck up, baby. I can’t hold on much longer.”

  Her pleasured cries were the sweetest sounds he’d ever heard. Closing his eyes, he fucked her ass feeling his pre-cum leaking into her. When her orgasm hit, Scorch forged inside her feeling his own release claim him.

  Possessed by the need to mark her with his scent, he pulled out of her ass and coated her back with his cum. The white drops coated her back, and with his other hand he rubbed his seed in to her skin needing to feel like he’d marked her in some way.

  “Why did you do that?” she asked.

  “I needed to.” He collapsed against her body knowing he’d take her back in the shower in a minute. The need to mark her was ebbing away, but it was taking its time.

  Opening his eyes, he stared up at the ceiling. Victoria turned over, wrapping her arm around his chest.

  “I love you,” she said. “I’d love you no matter what you did. I don’t care about Chain or the protection you’re giving me. What I feel for you is real, and it feels alive inside me.” She circled his heart with the tips of her fingers.

  “I love you, too, baby.” His wolf was humming, satisfied. Scorch noticed whenever she was close, his wolf eased from all tension. When they were together he felt whole. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he he
ld her close never wanting to let go. The danger would be coming to them in the next couple of days. “I’m going to hurt that bastard for trying to kill you.”

  He felt her tense on him. “Don’t hurt yourself or risk you turning into some kind of monster. I couldn’t handle that. You’re so much better than him.”

  “How do you know?” he asked.

  “Your pack adores you. When you see the pack I come from you’ll see the difference. You’ll be shocked at it in fact. They deserve a lot more peace than they’re getting from him.” She shrugged, circling his nipple with her fingertips. “I’m sorry for making our time together morbid.”

  “It doesn’t feel morbid to me.” His seed coated her skin satisfying the animal part of him.

  “I’m covered in your cum. I’m not surprised you don’t feel morbid.”

  Scorch took her through to the bathroom, washing them both thoroughly before taking her back to the bedroom. Wrapping a blanket around them, he carried her toward the window. They lay together in each other’s arms looking outside. “It’s so totally beautiful,” she said, sighing. “How has my life changed so much?”

  “What do you mean?” He caressed the curve of her stomach wishing for more time with her. There never seemed to be enough time to him, and all he wanted to do was take her to bed, make love, eat, and rule a happy pack.

  “Less than a month ago I was terrified of being noticed. I tried to stay out of Chain’s way because I knew what he was capable of. Everyone was always on tenterhooks. Now, I’m so happy. I’m scared for what we’re going to do, but I know we’re going to get rid of them.”

  “Without Chain sending you to me you’d still be living in a nightmare,” he said, pushing the red hair off her shoulder.

  “Yeah, I can’t help but feel weird about that. I hate him for everything he’s done, but at the same time he brought us together.”

  Kissing her shoulder, he stared up at the night sky. “He’s a monster, Tori, and he’d make sure you would suffer if you didn’t give him what he wanted.”

  “I know. I’m not going to ruin things. I love you too much and this pack too much to risk hurting you.”

  Sitting in the darkness of the room, he slid inside her core feeling the heat of her cunt grip him tightly. Scorch made love to her, neither of them rushing to find completion. They were together and in love, and when they finally found release they found it together, crying out in harmony.

  Taking her to bed, Scorch held her tightly as he started to relax after the long run.

  Protect her first, then lay claim to her.

  Scorch thought about the coming days and knew he would need to bring the rest of his pack up to speed before he went out and risked the whole of his life with what he was about to do.

  Chapter Ten

  It was the day, and Victoria was panicking. Scorch was outside chopping some firewood, and she knew what she needed to do. Mandy sat on the edge of the bed waiting. Victoria continued to pace up and down the room wishing there was something she could do to bring her whole world into focus.

  “Your pacing is starting to hurt my head,” Mandy said.

  “I can’t help it. I’m thinking, and I can’t think sitting down. I have to pace.” Pushing some hair out of her eyes, she looked up at the ceiling then down at the floor. Her mind was all over the place, scaring her.

  “Scorch is waiting for you. So are David and the rest of the alphas. You need to do this, or you’re never going to be free of him.” Mandy was her voice of reason. Victoria couldn’t believe it took her so long to finally have a friend in her life.

  “I know. I know. I know. I know.” This entire day was driving her insane. Last night she’d been in Scorch’s arms as he made love and fucked her. He’d taken her pussy twice and then her ass once. “This is fucking insane. He’s putting his life at risk by doing this.”

  “If you don’t do this, Victoria, your parents and everyone you know would have died for nothing.”

  “I know that,” she said, yelling the words and wincing. Her heart was racing. Glancing down at the front yard she saw Scorch pause in chopping wood. He looked up and smiled at her. Shaking her head, she looked at Mandy. “I can’t do this.”

  “If you don’t do this then you’re risking everyone at your old pack along with all of us here. Chain will come for us, and then you’ll be regretting not taking this chance today.”

  Tears fell from Victoria’s eyes as she stared at her friend.

  “I could lose David today if this all goes wrong. He’s my life-mate, and I can’t stand the thought of living without him.” Mandy stared at her showing the real fear. “Please, put us all out of our misery and be the queen we all know you can be.”

  Biting her lip, Victoria lifted the phone in front of her and typed in the number she remembered for most of her adult life. Placing the cell phone to her ear she listened to it ring. All the time she listened to it ring she couldn’t help the need to hang up, go to Scorch and run.

  No, no more running.

  “Hello,” Chain said. His voice sent a shiver up her spine. He scared the living daylights out of her.

  “It’s me. It’s Victoria,” she said, wincing at the strain she heard in her own voice.

  “Ah, Victoria, I’ve missed you. I take it our meeting has finally caught up to you.” Gritting her teeth, she stared at the silver chain on the bed beside Mandy. Picking up the chain she recalled the silver chain wrapped around her throat as Chain threatened her.

  Time to stop running.

  “I hadn’t forgotten what I was doing. Your marks made Scorch worried. He’s by my side constantly.”

  “Where is he now?” Chain asked.

  “He’s chopping wood. I’m cold and needed to call you.”

  “And why would you do that?”

  Closing her eyes, Victoria couldn’t speak while she was looking at Mandy. She was so worried. What if all of the other alphas had made a mistake? Crap. She didn’t have the time to think of all of the options. “In two hours I’m leading him out to the woods, close to you on the western side.” She pressed her fingers into her leg, sinking her nails in deep. Victoria wanted to hurt herself before she put Scorch in danger.

  “My little wolf is giving me what I want.”

  “Yes. His protector will be away as his mate needs him. This is your only chance to get him to yourself.”

  She started pacing again feeling her heart pound. Chain chuckled. He paused over the line, and Victoria felt her stomach turn at the ear-piercing scream of a female.

  “I can pull myself away from this little slut. I’ll be there, and if you think to double cross me then I will warn you, I’ll kill you and let Scorch watch as I hurt you.”

  Victoria didn’t say anything as Chain hung up. Throwing the phone away from her body she felt violated by what she’d done. Collapsing to her knees, she sobbed. Mandy didn’t even try to console her. Seconds later she felt Scorch holding her.

  “You did good, baby. We can do this. The alphas are in place. Chain is not going to survive the day.”

  “Please don’t promise me anything. I don’t want to deal with any promises right now.” She pressed her hands to her face, wanting everyone to leave her alone to her misery.

  “You’ve got to get her settled, Scorch. If she doesn’t then he’s going to know something else is going on. This is for all of us,” Mandy said, moving out of the room.

  Once they were completely alone Victoria wrapped her arms and legs around his body. “I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

  “Nothing will. You’ve got to have some faith and trust in the alphas. They want us to do this, and I believe in them.”

  For the next hour she sat holding onto him. When they only had an hour to go, she pasted a smile on her face and followed Scorch out of the door. “We’ve got to do this, and you’ve got to act happy about this.”

  “I will. I won’t fail you. I promise.” Holding onto his hand she followed behind him, smiling. She
didn’t look around the forest.

  “We’re going out,” Scorch said. The pack was watching him. They all knew their part in this new battle. “I don’t want any of you following.”

  Mandy was hidden inside the house while David was with the alphas waiting for the right time to strike.

  We can do this. We can do this.

  They left the comfort of the house as Scorch led her through the thick forest. He pulled her in front of him, pressing her against the tree. His lips was on hers seconds later. Closing her eyes, she basked in his attention knowing she couldn’t wait for all of this to be over so she could mate with him.


  “I’m so relaxed.” She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing her body to his. “Come on, baby, make me ache.” He lifted her up in his arms, deepening the kiss. They both moaned, and then he had her on her feet.

  “Come on, let’s go.” He took her hand and led her deeper through the forest.

  She tried her hardest to ignore the racing of her own heart as Scorch took charge leading her out. When he veered off to the right, she pulled him up short. None of them knew if Chain would be watching so she made herself stop. If he was watching then she needed to lead Scorch astray.

  “No, not down there.”

  “Come on, Tori. We can have some fun down there. Don’t argue with me.”

  “Tell you what, do what I want, and I’ll give you everything you’ve ever dreamed about,” she said, sliding a finger down his chest. All of it was an act, and she saw Scorch give in.

  “Lead me where you need me.”

  She headed back in the right direction wishing she was stronger than Scorch and could take Chain out of the situation without any harm coming to Scorch.

  When they were in the right area she stopped and smiled at him. The smile didn’t reach her eyes, and she knew Scorch saw it. “What’s the matter, baby? You want to fuck here.”

  Using his incredible alpha strength he shoved her against the nearest tree. Fighting the urge to look around she held onto her man, kissing him.


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