Sweet as Sin

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Sweet as Sin Page 10

by Felix Baron

  It took him a moment to understand. He reached down with one hand, laid two fingers together between her pussy’s lips, then spread them wide, opening her sex up and further exposing her clit.

  ‘That’s so good,’ she gritted out. ‘You’re so much fun, Lover.’ She stretched a hand out towards him, to the waist of his Speedo, and shoved it down. Rolf gulped. It was a public place and their kids were fooling around not a hundred feet away. Still, he reasoned, no one could see and if anyone came close, he and Trixie could be decent in seconds.

  Her fist closed around his shaft. Her eyes misted, as if she were intent on the sensations she was enjoying. She pumped him, hard and fast for half a dozen strokes, then gently and slowly for half a dozen more. Her fingers tightened on him, and tightened more, as if she was intent on strangling his cock. Rolf thought of complaining but the expression on her face was so rapturous that he couldn’t bring himself to spoil the moment for her.

  She said, ‘Oh fuck!’ and slumped.

  Rolf thought she would have slid underwater if it hadn’t been for her grip on his shaft.

  After a while, she told him, ‘That was so nice. Your turn, Lover.’

  ‘My turn?’

  ‘Try it. Here.’ She shimmied over, pulling him after her.

  It wasn’t easy, getting his cock to the same level her pussy had been at, but with her encouragement, he managed. She pointed the eye of his cock directly into the pulsating stream of water. It was nice, but men aren’t built the same as women. A clit is far more sensitive than the head of a cock. The vibrations would never have taken him to climax, but the way she was stroking him at the same time would have, and that moment was getting very close. Rolf was in conflicted torment. His cock was desperate but his conscience would never forgive him if he climaxed in a public pool.

  He was still struggling with the dilemma when Trixie said, ‘Oops!’ and yanked his Speedo back up over his straining shaft. ‘The kids. They’re coming.’

  Rolf timed it very carefully, so that as Penny got in, he was climbing out, with his back to her. There was no other way to hide his erection. He executed a long flat dive into the shallow end, against the posted rules. Rolf really needed cool water to flow around his cock. An icy shower would have been even better.

  He’d swum ten vigorous lengths and his cock was beginning to soften when he found Trixie swimming beside him.

  She gave him a wry smile. ‘Another few minutes and you’d have been there, huh?’

  ‘That would have done it,’ he agreed. ‘The kids?’

  ‘Still in the whirlpool.’

  ‘They’ll be all right in there?’

  ‘I’m sure they won’t be doing anything we wouldn’t do.’

  ‘Or that we would, I hope.’

  ‘They’ll be necking, no more, except maybe a little fondling. Nothing serious. I trust my Penny. Rolf?’

  ‘Yes, Trixie?’

  ‘If you were to hang onto the side, I could finish off what I started. I hate to think of you suffering.’

  He shook his head. ‘I’ll be OK. I couldn’t enjoy it, wondering if we’d be interrupted at any moment.’ Rolf couldn’t reveal his real reason, because he didn’t want to pollute the pool. Trixie’d likely think he was being silly.

  ‘Maybe later?’ she asked him.

  ‘Maybe. I can wait.’

  ‘Tough guy, huh?’ She eeled away and down to the bottom of the pool, to reverse and shoot up like a dolphin, so close to Rolf’s body that her fingers trailed up his legs and over the front of his trunks.

  ‘You’re a terrible tease, Trixie.’

  ‘Yes, but I always deliver in the end, and you love to be teased, don’t you.’

  He grinned. ‘Lust feeds on lust, doesn’t it.’

  ‘True. The more you want me, the more I want you, and vice-versa. That’s the way it works.’

  ‘Then you must be horny as hell right now, Trixie, because I want you so badly, it’s agony.’

  ‘Poor Rolf. The minute we’re alone, I’m yours, anyway you want me.’

  He glanced towards the whirlpool. ‘But we’ve got the kids.’

  ‘Yours will be away at university next week.’

  ‘Can we find some course or something for Penny to take?’

  ‘We’re awful, Rolf, wishing our kids away.’

  ‘Yes, we are. We’ll find a way to be alone, Trixie. Love can’t be denied.’

  Her eyebrow lifted. ‘Love? I thought we were talking about raw lust.’

  ‘Lust, for sure, but you’ve come to mean a lot to me, apart from that, Trixie.’

  ‘I don’t want to trap you with my “feminine wiles”.’

  ‘But I want to be trapped.’

  ‘Are you sure?’

  He paused a moment before saying, ‘Sure I’m sure.’

  She cocked her head on one side and gave him a sadly considering look before turning and swimming away from him. Rolf cursed himself. His hesitation had hurt her feelings, he thought, and she was the last woman on earth that he wanted to hurt. How to make it up to her? He knew, of course, but acknowledging what he knew was hard. Somehow, he had to show her that he had genuine feelings for her, apart from lusting after her body. That’d mean holding back on the physical side of their relationship while still showing her lots of affection.

  He could do that, he decided. Of course he could.

  Rolf swam for another introspective half hour, planning how to ‘make nice’ to Trixie, before he realised she wasn’t in the pool with him. Hell! That wouldn’t go down well.

  He found her back in the whirlpool with Andrew and Penny.

  Trixie said, ‘I’ve had enough. I think I’ll go up.’

  Fearful that she was avoiding him, Rolf said, ‘Me too.’

  Simultaneously, Andrew said, ‘Not me,’ and Penny said, ‘I’m coming too.’ Andrew pouted. ‘Well, I don’t want to stay down here all alone.’

  It was a little awkward, riding up in the elevator. Back in the apartment, the women seemed in no hurry to get changed out of their swim things, so the men took the lead. Rolf busied himself with the food he’d brought, opening pots of pâté, unwrapping cheeses, cutting the pie and the cake. Trixie mixed martinis. As they nibbled and sipped, the atmosphere defrosted, or so it seemed to Rolf. Perhaps the coolness had been in his imagination.

  Penny suggested, ‘Scrabble?’

  ‘Not in these clothes,’ Trixie said. ‘Let’s all go get dressed first.’

  When the men emerged from the bathrooms, the women were already waiting, to Rolf’s surprise. Penny was in Capris, with a cropped top that left just a four-inch band of her svelte torso bare, innocently sexy, unlike her mother. Trixie had changed into a brief blue polka-dot sundress with what would have been a modestly high Peter Pan collar, if it hadn’t been unbuttoned to deep between her braless breasts.

  They sat boy-girl-boy-girl around the card table. Trixie sorted her tiles with one hand and rested the other on Rolf’s thigh. It seemed he was forgiven, if he had offended her. Perhaps he’d imagined it. Perhaps her warmth had returned as a result of the drink beside her being her third or fourth martini since their swim. Whatever, he was glad it was back.

  Penny got off to an excellent start with ‘comment’, with a fifty-point bonus for a seven-letter word.

  Rolf said, ‘Wow! What a way to start!’

  Andrew scowled.

  Trixie said, ‘My daughter is brilliant. Didn’t you know that?’

  Penny mock-slapped her mother’s wrist.

  Trixie added ‘hun’ to the ‘t’ to make ‘hunt’ and leaned to whisper in Rolf’s ear. ‘I could have built on the “c” but it’d have made a naughty word.’

  Penny said, ‘No swear words allowed, Mom.’

  The first game ended with Penny a clear winner, followed by Rolf, then Andrew, with Trixie a distant fourth, perhaps because of the number of martinis she’d consumed. She said, ‘You and Penny, Rolf, best at bridge, best at Scrabble, maybe you two . . .’

nbsp; Penny interrupted with a quick, ‘Let me get you another drink, Mom.’

  Rolf and Andrew exchanged embarrassed looks.

  By the time the second game was halfway through, Trixie was slurring her words, dropping tiles and would have been earning penalties for words she’d made up, if they’d been counting penalties.

  Rolf looked at his watch. ‘It’s after nine. We have an early start tomorrow, Andrew. We’d better say goodnight.’

  Andrew opened his mouth as if to ask ‘what early start?’ but Penny put a finger to his lips. At the door, Andrew turned his back on his Dad and Penny’s Mom, to kiss Penny goodnight. Rolf took advantage of the private moment by stooping to kiss Trixie. He was half-holding her up by then. She wasn’t too tipsy to return his kiss with passion, though. She took his hand and pulled it up under the short skirt of her dress, directly onto the shocking hot wetness of her naked pussy.

  ‘It’s all yours, Rolf,’ she hissed into his ear. ‘Any time you want it.’

  On the drive home, Andrew asked, ‘What do you think of Penny, Dad?’

  Rolf composed his thoughts before he replied. ‘I think she’s a sweet girl, son, very bright and very pretty. Why do you ask?’

  ‘I – um . . .’

  ‘Out with it, son. You can talk to me.’

  Andrew blurted, ‘I proposed to her, Dad.’

  ‘You haven’t known her long.’

  ‘Long enough.’

  ‘OK. What did she say?’

  ‘She said that if I still felt the same when I finished university, and if I asked again, I could probably guess what her answer would be.’

  ‘You took that as a deferred “yes”?’


  ‘Then, congratulations.’

  ‘You’re OK with it?’


  ‘It has to be kept a secret, Penny says, just you, me, her and her Mom.’

  ‘My lips are sealed. Son, on the same subject, how do you feel about Trixie?’

  ‘Trixie? She’s a bit of a ditz and she seems to drink a lot, but she’s fun, and nice. Dad? Dad, do you mean . . .?’

  ‘Yes. I’m thinking of proposing to her. I think she drinks out of nervousness.’

  ‘That’d make Penny my sister!’

  ‘Stepsister, son. And if you married her, she’d be both my stepdaughter and my daughter-in-law. That’d funny but it’s no problem.’ And, Rolf thought, Penny being married to his son and being the daughter of his wife should put an end to the indecent feelings he’d had for her but had been denying, shouldn’t it?

  The next day, Rolf waited until noon to call Trixie. The tell-tale for the first line was lit, so Andrew had to be on the phone. When Rolf dialled on the second line, he got a busy signal. So, Andrew was on the line with Penny.

  At four, when Andrew was still on the phone, Rolf decided not to wait any longer. He rapped on the boy’s door. ‘Son? I want to talk to Trixie – see if we can all get together this evening.’

  His son said something that Rolf couldn’t hear and then called out, ‘Tonight’s no good, Dad. There’s a party of some sort at their co-op – like a welcoming party or something – for residents only. Trixie’s still asleep but Penny says they’d like to come to the airport to see me off tomorrow, OK?’

  ‘Sure.’ Rolf felt a chill in his gut. If that was the effect not seeing. Trixie for one whole day had on him, he’d better do something about making her a permanent part of his life, and soon.


  People are expected to hug and kiss at airports. Andrew and Penny took full advantage of that licence. While the youngsters were embracing, Trixie turned to Rolf and in a loud theatrical voice said, ‘I’ll be heartbroken until you return to me, my darling. Stay safe. Come back to me as soon as you can.’

  Rolf blinked. He wasn’t going anywhere. What on earth . . .? Oh! Right! Joining in Trixie’s little game, he said, ‘Six months isn’t so very long, darling,’ and scooped her into his arms for a lingering kiss.

  The loudspeaker announced that Andrew’s flight was boarding. Penny thrust a gift-wrapped box into his hands. He gave her a bulging plastic shopping bag. Andrew stole a final kiss goodbye. The boy turned to shake his father’s hand and disappeared through the gate.

  Rolf asked, ‘If you ladies aren’t busy for the rest of the day . . .?

  ‘Sorry, Lover,’ Trixie said. ‘We have some boring legal stuff to take care of. If you could drop us off on Madison Avenue?’

  ‘Of course.’ It wasn’t so far from his office and he knew there was work backed up, waiting for him. Work would keep his mind off Trixie – and off Penny.

  ‘It was nice of you to give my boy a going-away present,’ he said to Penny.

  ‘It’s a camera – a Nikon D80, the same model that I use. He doesn’t have a good camera, does he, Rolf?’

  ‘Not one that good. That’s very generous of you, Penny.’ He put his arms around both of the women’s shoulders as they walked towards the exit. ‘So, if I may ask, what was Andrew’s present to you, Penny?’

  She hugged the plastic bag and blushed.

  Trixie chuckled and said, ‘I know!’


  ‘Don’t be ashamed. It’s romantic, I think.’ Trixie turned to Rolf. ‘It’s nothing, really, just an old shirt of Andrew’s she asked him for, as a keepsake.’ Leaning close, she whispered, ‘To keep under her pillow, I think.’

  Penny was obviously embarrassed by her mother’s revelation so Rolf changed the subject. ‘After your “boring legal stuff”, what are your plans?’

  Penny said, ‘Our lawyer insists he’s taking us out to dinner. He has quite a thing for my Mom, Rolf, but don’t worry. I’ll protect her for you.’

  Trixie snorted. ‘He’s seventy, bald and obese. I hardly need protection.’

  ‘He’s not seventy by several years and he’s heavy-set, not obese,’ Penny corrected her mother, and drove a spike of ice into Rolf’s heart.

  First the co-op party, now this damn lawyer? Trixie seemed to have a full social life, apart from him. There were predatory men everywhere. Trixie, being the way she was, giving off the vibes she did, would have those wolves sniffing around her like she was a bitch in heat, which in a way . . . He didn’t finish that unworthy thought.

  When he let them off, Rolf looked intently into Trixie’s eyes and told her, ‘I’ll call you tomorrow. How early will be OK?’

  ‘I’ll call you, Rolf, but it won’t be very late, I promise. Our lawyer keeps early hours. I expect us to be home and in bed by ten-thirty.’

  ‘Then perhaps we could talk on the phone, tonight, say about twelve-thirty?’

  She grinned wickedly. ‘Not tonight, Lover, but . . .’

  An impatient horn blared behind Rolf’s car. He was holding up traffic. Rolf blew Trixie a kiss and pulled away. In his rear-view mirror, he saw that they were waving and blowing kisses after him, both Trixie and Penny.

  The next day, Rolf was up at seven instead of his usual eight. He was showered and shaved and cologned and dressed by seven-forty. He toasted a bagel and made a pot of coffee, which he took to his table with the New York Times, a pen, and the phone. The crossword would keep his mind busy for a while. After that, he’d find a book. He wouldn’t keep checking the time. That’d be pointless. She’d said, ‘Early’. With her, that could be any time, even ‘early’ afternoon.

  His phone chimed at four minutes after nine.

  Trixie’s molten-caramel voice said, ‘Good morning, Lover. Guess what? Penny’s off to some dull old museum. I’ve given her a fistful of money to go shopping with, after. She won’t be back till five, at the very earliest. Are you busy?’

  ‘No. I’ll be there as fast as I can. Is there anything I can bring?’

  Trixie’s voice dropped to a low purr. ‘Your stiff cock, Lover. That’s all I need, but I need it bad.’

  It hadn’t been stiff until she’d said that, but it stayed hard as he brushed his teeth for the second time that morning, splash
ed on more cologne, dropped a pack of mints into the pocket of his Otterburn tweed jacket and rushed out. It was still hard when he rapped on her door. It was amazing, and delightful, how often he got erections, and quality ones at that, since he’d met Trixie and her daughter.

  When Trixie opened the door, Rolf’s cock suddenly got a lot harder.

  She posed like a pin-up, as he’d learned she always did when she thought she looked particularly sexy. One hand was on her hip, where the towel she was wearing was loosely knotted. Apart from that towel, all she wore was her pom-pom mules. ‘As we don’t have a lot of time,’ she said, ‘I was warming myself up for you. I hope you don’t mind.’

  She turned. Her towel fell. Trixie’s lush hips swayed like a harem dancer’s as she led Rolf towards her bedroom. In six steps, he managed to shed his jacket and tie. He was still unbuttoning his shirt when he heeled her bedroom door closed behind him.

  ‘We don’t have a lot of time?’ he asked.

  ‘Like I said, just till five.’

  ‘Oh.’ That was a relief. Seven hours of love-making seemed ample to him, even if it wasn’t to her. He kicked off his loafers. Rolf hadn’t worn socks. No man can look sexy while taking socks off. His shirt sailed across the room. His pants fell for him to step out of.

  ‘Nice!’ Trixie exclaimed, her eyes on the bulge in his boxers. Those followed his shirt. Trixie clapped her hands in glee at the sight of his wagging erection. ‘That’s just what I need!’

  Rolf felt strangely awkward. He’d enjoyed some pretty wild sex with Trixie before but here they both were, stark naked, and they hadn’t so much as touched each other yet. He felt as if he was on public display.

  ‘Remember when I said I’d like to watch you play with yourself, Rolf, and you said the same about me?’

  He nodded, voiceless.

  ‘Can we do that, please?’

  Trixie’s exhibition at her door had driven an essential part of Rolf’s mission out of his head. Belatedly, he remembered. ‘I’ve got something important I need to talk to you about, Trixie.’

  ‘Is it really important?’

  ‘I think so.’

  ‘Then it should wait till later. I’m horny. You’re horny. We shouldn’t talk about important things while we’re horny. Horniness makes it difficult to think. Maybe that’s why I’m always chattering such nonsense, because I’m always so damned hot. Can we play first and have our important talk after?’


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