Sleepless Fate

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Sleepless Fate Page 7

by Janae Keyes

  “Is there a problem, Mr. Bailey?” I questioned.

  “There are plenty of problems, but they have nothing to do with business. Gerald is still very pleased with our presentation yesterday. A few members of the board have requested a meeting with you at around 10AM. I have other meetings to attend for most of the day, but you should be out of here by lunch,” He explained to me. His honey eyes looked right into mine as he spoke. I couldn’t help, but feel connected with him in that single moment.

  I glanced over to a clock, noting that it wouldn’t be long until it was 10AM and I would be going into a meeting with a few members of the board who apparently were impressed with me.

  “It is nearly ten. I should go, but I will see you later if we are still on for dinner with Mr. Oliver and your mother,” I stood as I spoke.

  Patrick cleared his throat and I looked at him. “Yes, dinner. I guess I will see you in passing or around then,” I nodded and made my way out of the office. I didn’t want to linger too much longer. I didn’t want to give him the option of trying to work his magic. I just wanted to finish this trip off and allow some space between us. I needed to regroup my feelings and rededicate myself to Keaton.

  APPARENTLY, THE BOARD was more impressed with me than I thought. Just from that meeting I knew a decent raise and possibly a promotion could be in my future. I was very excited to get back home to tell my family and Keaton about my trip and the potential opportunities that might be presented because of it.

  Standing outside of Buckingham Palace I snapped a few photos. This trip was a dream come true and I was soaking up every single moment. Sadly, this was my last stop of the day and I would have to head back to the hotel in order to get ready for dinner with Mr. Olivier and his wife, who was Patrick’s mother. I thought of Patrick as I strolled along the road. I thought of his voice that flowed like velvet, his smile that made my knees go weak, and his touch that felt like nothing I’d ever felt before. All of it was a part of his magic and the trance, he seemed to constantly put me under.

  I heard a jingle come from my purse and pulled out my cell phone. Right away I saw the name PATRICK BAILEY. It was funny as I was just thinking about him, but when was I not thinking of him. He seemed to occupy every vacant space in my mind. He’d sent me a text message. I swiped my finger across the screen a few times to access the text.

  PATRICK BAILEY: Dinner reservations are for 7. We can walk from the hotel. See you soon.

  ME: Sounds good. I am on my way back now.

  I sent my text and made my way to a taxi line so I could get back to the hotel as quickly as possible. I wanted to have enough time to change and do my make-up. I already knew the exact dress I had in mind to wear for dinner tonight. It was a black dress with white collar and very Kate Middleton and appropriate for a dinner out in London.

  It wasn’t long before I was back at the hotel and changed into my dress. I walked out of my room and into the sitting room where I found Patrick on the couch with a glass of whiskey in his hand again. He looked as attractive as always wearing a navy blue suit, light blue button up shirt, and dark red tie. His dark hair was slicked back and he was clean shaven. I cleared my throat and he looked up at me. His mouth formed into a grin right away as he studied me carefully with his eyes.

  “You look beautiful,” He breathed out.

  “Um… thanks,” I answered, breaking out of his gaze. “You said we could walk from here?”

  “Yeah, the restaurant is only a few minutes away,” He informed me as he sat his glass down on the table and stood.

  He walked to me and placed his hand on the small of my back as he always did. I could smell his delightful scent of cinnamon and I felt my stomach nervously clench as I inhaled. I tried to ignore the feelings I was having, but they were getting stronger with each passing moment.

  We left the hotel together and started our way to the restaurant. We didn’t talk much as I took in the sights around us. The evening was still very light and I watched the glow of the sun on the river as we walked along the waterfront. I could pinch myself over and over again, this trip was everything.

  We stopped in front of a small, but fancy looking restaurant that sat right on the river. Patrick opened the door for me and allowed me inside first. He came in right behind me and led me with him to the hostess’ podium.

  “Welcome, do you have a reservation?” The young hostess with dirty blonde hair inquired in her thickly accented voice.

  “Mr. Bailey and Ms. Elliot here joining Mr. and Mrs. Oliver. Have they arrived yet?” Patrick spoke to her and I took in the small, but beautiful space. The walls were brick and lined with old black and white photographs of London.

  “Yes, they have arrived. I will take you back to their table,” The young woman informed Patrick. His magic was working on her as it seemed to work every woman. I could see her physically fawning over him. He allowed me to walk in front of him as we followed the hostess to a table set up for four. Sitting at the table was our CEO and Patrick’s stepfather, Gerald Oliver, but with him was a woman with long, silky dark hair. I couldn’t believe that she could be old enough to be Patrick’s mother. This woman didn’t look a day over 35. She didn’t have wrinkles at all and her face was bright and vibrant. Her dark hair sat on her shoulders. Right away, she jumped up and gave Patrick a hug.

  “Oh, Patrick. I’m so happy you could have dinner with us,” She squealed with pure delight, planting a kiss on her son’s cheek. Patrick looked completely embarrassed and I thought it was an adorable look on him. “You must be Brielle?” She questioned as she came around the table and also pulled me into a strong hug.

  “Yes, it is a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Olivier,” I politely said to the woman.

  “Call me Patricia, please,” She insisted right away. I watched as Patrick shook Mr. Oliver’s hand and I did the same before Patrick pulled out a chair for me and allowed me to sit. I gave him a polite smile as a thank you while he took his own seat.

  “My dream team,” Mr. Oliver boasted.

  “We are doing our best to be,” Patrick commented.

  “Brielle, I am so happy to finally meet you. When Patrick was in school he was always talking about this girl who was so smart and had the beauty to match,” Patricia started. I glanced at Patrick, who seemed a little flustered with his mother revealing this. “I think it is great that Gerald hired you and here the two of you are together again,”

  “I remember not long after hiring you, you got engaged,” Gerald mentioned.

  “Yes, I still am though there was a bit of a snag in the wedding plans,” I acknowledged as I looked down at my ring.

  “Oh dear, what kind of snag?” Patricia leaned forward as she questioned me. I’d gotten so used to telling the story that I knew the short and long versions by heart. I took a deep breath before I continued.

  “My fiancé was in a car accident. He’s still hospitalized. It’s been two years. He has been unresponsive for two years,” I explained, trying to keep it short and sweet. I couldn’t wait to get my hands on a glass of wine at this point.

  I watched as Patricia threw her hands over her mouth in shock. This was a reaction I was used to and it didn’t even make me flinch. “Oh my. That’s terrible. So you’ve been waiting for two years?”

  “Yes, two years of waiting for him to wake up. It has been a long two years, that’s for sure, but I’m hoping for a miracle,” I breathed out feeling tears burning in my eyes. Today was one of those days where I was going to have a difficult time getting through the story.

  “I sincerely pray you get your miracle,” Patricia gave me a weak smile and I smiled back. I felt Patrick take my hand in his under the table and give it a reassuring squeeze.

  LEAVING THE RESTAURANT, I was surely inebriated after all of the very expensive wine we had over dinner. No matter how drunk I was, I could say that this was the best I’d felt in a long time. I strolled along with Patrick by my side. The two of us walked on a bridge that crossed the river. Patrick at once
stopped walking and I turned to him.

  “What’s up?” I asked as he walked to the railing and looked down at the water.

  “It is all so amazing you know,” He continued to look at the water as he spoke. “It is so amazing how you can be so dedicated to a man who may never wake up,”

  “He would do the same for me,” I insisted just hoping it would be true. Inside I felt like it could be. I felt as if the tables were turned that Keaton would wait for me.

  “Are you absolutely certain of that fact?” Patrick questioned, finally no longer looking at the water, but looking at me directly in the eyes.

  “Yes… no… I just know that he and I love each other. I have hope that he would wait for me,” I admitted my uncertainty out loud.

  Patrick chuckled. “Has anyone ever told you that you are bat-shit crazy?”

  “Plenty of times,” I answered with a straight face. I knew April told me at least once a week and she insisted that I try and move on with my life.

  “Brielle…” he breathed my name out. “You are one of a kind and I’m trying here. I am trying to just be your friend, but damn it… I’m hooked on you. Tell me I’m crazy,”

  “You are crazy,”

  “I’m crazy about you. That is for sure,”

  “Patrick, I..,”

  “I need to know if this could be real. If the feelings I am having are justified. Kiss me and tell me you don’t feel a thing. If you don’t I’ll leave you alone,” He was now giving me some sort of ultimatum.

  “I’m not doing that,” I shook my head fiercely. “I’m not--,” I didn’t get a chance to finish as Patrick’s lips were pressed roughly against mine. I could honestly say I’d never felt anything like this kiss before. My heart was pounding and every nerve-ending in my body felt so alive and filled with raw electricity. I craved more of what he could give me. I threw my arms around his neck and his hands gripped tightly at my waist. His tongue slipped between my lips and I allowed it in. I needed all he could give me and I was going to take it all in.

  Drip Drop, Drip, Drop… it started to rain. We ignored the drops of wetness that were falling faster and harder with each passing moment. We were too caught up in one another. He nibbled at my bottom lip, eliciting a moan from deep inside of my throat. No kiss had ever made me react this way. There was no doubt that my panties were wet and not from the rain. Patrick at once broke the kiss and took me by the hand. I loved the way his hand seemed to cradle mine.

  “Come on,” He said giving me a smile.

  We ran together through the rain, right back to the hotel. Though we were both soaking wet, we were on fire for one another. I watched Patrick fight to get the room key from his pocket. He unlocked the door and allowed me inside. He nearly kicked the door closed before he grabbed me by the hips and pulled me back to him.

  We kissed fiercely as he worked to shimmy me from my soaking wet dress. I worked my fingers along the buttons of his shirt and undid them all before I grabbed at his belt fighting to get it unbuckled.

  I stepped back from him for a moment and there I could finally see him. His abs were sculpted and toned up to his chest. My breath caught as I took in the sight before me. He grinned as he dropped his pants and stepped out of them. It took no time before he was pulling me towards him. His hands slipped along my curves, taking them all in.

  I wondered if this night would be like any of my dreams. The dreams that had been haunting me, but also enticing me for weeks now. With every dream I had I wanted him more and now I finally had him.

  The only things left covering my body were my bra and panties. Patrick lay me down on the couch and came over me. I wrapped a leg around him and felt his arousal pressing against me. He was craving me as much as I was craving him. His lips were on mine once again and a growl erupted from his throat. I smiled against his lips running my hands up his toned chest. I opened my eyes determined to look into his eyes, but a distinctive sparkle caught my attention and I froze.

  The sparkle was from my ring, my engagement ring. The token of love and devotion given to me by Keaton, but here I was about to give myself to another man. Dread, disgust, and hate spread through my body as I pushed away from Patrick. I scurried off to my dress and picked it up off the floor.

  “Brielle, babe. What’s happened?” Patrick asked with confusion written all over his face.

  “I’m fucking engaged. That is what happened,” I asserted. I couldn’t believe that any of this had happened. I’d allowed it to happen and for that I was wrong.

  “Tell me you didn’t feel anything in all of that,” Patrick was begging for my answer and I knew the answer he was hoping for, but I wasn’t going to give it to him.

  “I felt nothing!” I spat before I rushed off to my room. Once there, I locked the door behind me. I felt gross because as much as I knew it was a mistake, I wanted it badly. I’d let things go too far and I was wrong to allow it.

  “Brielle… Please,” I could hear Patrick’s voice plead from the other side of the door.

  “Please nothing. I’m engaged. I will be ready for our flight in the morning. Goodnight,” I stated before I went off to my private bathroom. I needed to wash my filth away. I started to run a hot bath. As the water filled the tub I looked at my engagement ring. There was no doubt that I felt so much passion, emotion, and wanting in those kisses with Patrick. I’d felt things that I’d never felt in kisses with Keaton. I was so confused and lost in an avalanche of pure and unfiltered feelings.


  DISTANT MEMORIES OF minutes ago haunted me. She knew everything and she wanted everything. Those moments of having her to myself and in my arms, my lips kissing her, those were the moments I’d waited for. Her skin was just as soft as I’d always imagined it to be and her vanilla scent that seemed to haunt me, it took me for a ride.

  So much perfection for one person and for one moment in time, but that perfection came crashing down. I don’t know what happened, one minute I had her and she was giving herself to me and the next she was screaming at me about being engaged.

  I stood at the bar with a glass of whiskey in my hand. I didn’t know what else I could do. I needed to vent and let everything out. Brielle knew exactly how I felt about her and from the way she kissed me, I knew she felt the same, but she was denying her feelings. She was denying them for a man who was in a hospital bed. A man who may never wake up. I drowned my glass and set it on the counter. I wondered who I could talk to, I didn’t want to bother my mom and Gerald with my stupid girl problems. Letting my breath go, I thought of a buddy of mine. He’d been in London for a few weeks on business. I slid my phone from my pocket and shot him a text, I hoped it wasn’t too late for him.

  I considered pouring myself another drink, but I was on the fence. I looked towards the door of her room. She’d slammed it shut. I wanted to break it down and shake her into her right mind, she wasn’t thinking straight, she was blinded by this illusion that her fiancé would wake up. I heard my phone chime.

  STEVEN WILSON: Hey, what’s up Patrick? Are you still in London?

  ME: Yeah, I’m staying at The Savoy.

  STEVEN WILSON: I’m at the Waldorf Hilton not far. Want to have a drink?

  ME: Sounds good.

  STEVEN WILSON: I’ll come there. We can meet at the bar in 15.

  NEARLY FIFTEEN MINUTES later I staggered down to the bar. I spotted Steven right away. He was much taller than I and had short blonde hair. He waved me over. It was good to connect with a friend, life had been busy and I hadn’t seen Steven in a couple years.

  The bar wasn’t too full and I was quickly at my friend who already had a drink for himself. As soon as I approached him, he waved the bartender over to us.

  “You look beat up man,” Steven commented right away. I let out a chuckle, I didn’t think I looked that bad, but with everything going on, I knew I looked a little on the used side.

  “Work and women problems,” I admitted, taking a seat at the bar.

  “What can I
get for you, sir?” the bartender asked me.

  “Whiskey, neat,” I instructed right away. Though I’d had wine at dinner and the two drinks I drowned in my room, I needed something else to take the sting off. Brielle had me not being able to see straight.

  “Women problems, eh?” Steven looked intrigued. “Please don’t tell me it is that blonde bimbo from Germany again.”

  “No, not her. I haven’t spoken to her in a bit. She called me over the weekend, but I only talked to her for a couple minutes. I’m done with her.” Of course he would think of my ex first, she and I went through a lot. Our relationship was always on the rocks and we were constantly on and off. I’d left her back in Germany and didn’t plan to ever have anything going with her again. “This girl, she’s upstairs right now. She is everything. I’ve loved her since grad school, but she always had this boyfriend. She works at my stepdad’s company and I’ve been working with her. Tonight, I let her know that I wanted her and she seemed to want me too. Things were going great until she freaked out. That boyfriend of hers became her fiancé, but he’s been in a coma for two years. She is keeping herself dedicated to this guy, but I know she felt something between us. I just don’t know what else to do.” I explained it all to Steven as the bartender placed a glass of whiskey on the counter, I gave him a nod of thanks.

  “Is she hot?” Steven asked. I rolled my eyes. Of all the questions he could have had about my entire situation, his first question was about how she looked. How she looked wasn’t the point of anything, yes, she was beautiful, the most beautiful girl I’d ever laid eyes on, but she was so much more than that.

  “She’s beyond the definition of hot.” I answered truthfully.

  “And you want to fuck her?” Where was Steven going with any of this.


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