One Night Stand with a Billionaire

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One Night Stand with a Billionaire Page 10

by Ayla D. Viktoreva

  “No offense, but your hips are too small. Therefore, I think that you might need a C-section because there’s a high chance of your pelvis creating a problem during labor. Who knows maybe it’s possible for it to go the natural way? Though, we should talk with a doctor,” he spoke, and I tilted my head in confusion.

  “You seem to know a lot about pregnancies,” I pointed out. “Why?” I asked, making him groan with a sour expression on his face.

  “Well, when you have a gynecologist as your best friend who talks a lot and whom you stayed with for nights while he was preparing for exams…A lot of things can be learned that way,” he explained, and I laughed. “I’ve been helping him with his studies quite often, so I got to pick up a thing or two.”

  I shivered at that. I didn’t want to know about it anymore.

  “And who is he?” I asked instead, changing the point.

  “I think you know him. From what I could understand, he likes to annoy you…Max,” he said, and my mouth dropped.

  Of course, why was I confused? He came at my workplace with him, and Mel is good friends with him…It’s obvious that he knows Max. And in the hospital when I fainted…Could it be Max who told Melissa about my pregnancy? If it were Melissa who asked, then it would be no wonder.

  “Yup, and we’re going to him tomorrow. I trust only him when it comes to this situation.”

  Overprotective much? Nope, more like “I’m the boss, and I have only one person who I will make you visit because I’m a hysterical moron who wants to have it all his way.”

  “Wait, what? I’m not going to your friend, mine as well. Get me another gynecologist. Why would you think I’d let him check me down there? He’s a guy!” I immediately protested. There were no chances that I’d let something like that happen. Why were guys into that job, anyway? I want a woman for my doctor!

  “You are not being reasonable, Kaley. It doesn’t matter if he’s our friend or not. The point is that I have trust in his skills. You would eventually need to go to one, but if it’s your doctor, I’d rather prefer someone we can both trust than some stranger.” And again, the truth of his words stung like a bitch.

  “Fine.” I sighed in defeat and dug into the food he gave me. It was macaroni with cheese, and he got up from his chair and handed me a bottle of ketchup from the fridge.

  “Try it with ketchup. It’s much better if you ask me,” he said, and I decided to trust his cooking advice. He made the best chicken with mashed potatoes, and that said something. At least there was some use in living with Blake; he made meals to die for.

  One thing that bothered me was Blake told me that since I was pregnant and was going to live with him, there was no way in hell I would be working.

  “Again, really?” He groaned, slamming his hand down on the table I was eating at. “Stop zoning off!” he said, and I glared at him.

  “It’s not my fault that you’re very boring,” I told him nonchalantly, and this time, he was the one glaring at me. I couldn’t understand myself. Why was I so easygoing with him like nothing ever happened, like we were friends for a long time?

  “Very funny,” he said sarcastically before leaving me alone with my meal I enjoyed, forgetting about my internal battle once again. He was right; it tasted much better with ketchup.

  It wasn’t even that long before Ayden came rushing to me. The thought of me doing something wrong struck me again.

  “Sis, sis, you need to see my new room. It’s so huge. And I have my own train rail and baloney.” He still couldn’t say balcony, which I found extremely cute.

  “Ooh, come here.” I lifted him up, letting him sit on my legs as I hugged him tightly.

  “Did I ever say how much I love you?” I asked him and giggled. I was way too emotional for my own sake. I kissed his cheek as he tried to wiggle out of my grasp, but to no avail.

  “Eww, nooo. Let me go!” He tried to escape while laughing, but I really wanted to hug someone and had found a perfect target.

  “Let me go. It’s not cool for a hero like me to be hugged and kissed. Let go, sissy!” He continued to wiggle around, but I only continued to land kisses on his face even more.

  “You do know that behind every great man stands a strong woman?” I asked him, and he huffed.

  “Well, I’m a boy, not a man,” he said, and I grinned. Smart indeed. “And I’m way more cool than you.”

  He stuck his tongue out at me.

  “Wait, if you’re cooler than me, does that make me hotter than you?” Ha, take that. I heard Melissa using that against Max once, and it turned out to be a powerful weapon against everyone.

  “What does that even mean?” he mumbled in confusion, making me chuckle. I so missed having fun with Ade. Ever since his surgery, we haven’t had time for ourselves. Except for today with ice cream, but Blake interrupted that.


  It was really surprising since it never snowed before Christmas, and Christmas was in three days. It was relieving to know that I will finally be able to spend time with Ade on that day. I should go and buy him a present now that I thought about it.

  I should have probably thanked Blake as well, although I still didn’t like him, and this alone wouldn’t be able to fix our relationship, if we even had one.

  “Kally!” Ade screamed my nickname.

  “Yes, Addie?” I returned his special nickname, and he groaned.

  “That’s a girl name,” he protested.

  “So? It’s cute, just like you.” I tapped his little nose, smiling.

  “I’m not cute!” he protested even louder this time.

  “You are.” I threw back at him.

  “No, I’m not!” He thrashed his tiny feet, making me put him down on the ground as he jumped few times in place.

  “Are too,” I continued in a sing-song voice, leaning on the chair and enjoying the way I annoyed him.

  “Am not!”

  “Blake!” I called him once he entered the kitchen, realizing that it was the first time I called him by his name. “Ade is cute, right?” I asked, and he nodded with a frown, obviously not understanding what was going on in there.

  “I’m not! I’m very manly!” he argued, and Blake laughed.

  “You should never say to a guy, even if he’s just a kid, that he’s cute,” he said, and I grinned. Boy, oh boy.

  “Why? You can’t bear the fact that you’re cute, unlike other guys, huh?” Blake glared at me and before grinning with mischief, realizing something.

  “So you think that I’m actually cute, unlike other guys. Do you now?” he said, and my mouth dropped. That little…I mean tall!

  “Well yeah, most guys I see are either hot and sexy, but you, on the other hand, are cute.” Two can play this game.

  “Why thank you. I think you are a cute girl as well.” Did he just? “Unlike other women I’ve been with who were hot and sexy.”

  I don’t know why but his words made me speechless and made me want to cry. They shouldn’t. There was no need for that. He made a fair statement, no different from what I did. I just got up, muttering a weak “excuse me” as I made my way to the bedroom, but before I got far, Blake got a hold of me. He took my hand before spinning me so that I was looking at his eyes.

  “But unlike them who only had a hot body and a horrible personality, you are actually beautiful.” And with that he moved away from me, leaving me speechless once again.

  Whether he said that as an excuse for his mistake or because he really meant it, it made me feel relieved.

  I really didn’t know just what was the real face of the man who I thought was a monster for last few weeks.

  I accepted everything, believing that it was the right way of living life. But little did I know that just accepting things makes me no different from those who don’t know how to live because the true way to shaping oneself lies in having opinions.

  Opinions I didn’t know how to voice out.

  Chapter 12

  Visiting Max and Ryan

bsp; No one knows what the future is going to bring us, so it’s pointless to fear the unknown.

  “Wake up,” a rough voice interrupted my sleep.

  “Go away,” I replied and yawned.

  “Wake up. Food is ready.” There it is again.

  “I don’t want to…”

  “You must get up. It’s ten in the morning. We’ve got to hurry up, or we are going to be late,” the voice said again. Wait, that voice.


  Late for what? Why did just remembering his name bring shivers to my spine?

  “Where are we going?” I immediately regretted standing up so quickly. Somehow I got my foot tangled in the blanket, and I tripped off the bed and onto Blake, taking us both down. If I were into wrestling, I’d be a pro.

  “Ouch,” I weakly said, preparing myself for his scowling because the third thing I learned about Blake was that he’s either extremely protective or really pessimistic of what would become of me if he were to leave me alone.

  “What the hell, woman?” And there it was. “Are you crazy? You could’ve killed us both, made one of us break something! Who the hell rushes like that when waking up? Goddamnit!”

  His cursing was on. How I loved to call it “soft mode.” Told you he was extremely pessimistic.

  “Sorry, but you were the one rushing me to get up,” I sheepishly said. He sighed.

  “Get off me. We have to hurry,” he said again, and I nodded, getting up and offering him a hand, which he gladly took.

  However, even after he stood on his feet, he didn’t let go of my hand, which only made it more awkward by staring at it. I once again asked myself why were we so close and why wasn’t I running away.

  “Umm, Blake…You can let go now.” He snapped off his daze before grinning.

  “I was just wondering what type of the wedding ring would suit you the best, and I think I’ve found the perfect one,” he said, making me blush.

  Did I just blush? Why? I had no reason to. He was probably just being considerate of something I’d have to carry all around for as long as I was going to be his wife. It’s not like he—

  Shut up!

  Thoughts of mine, shut up for a second.

  “Oh, well…” I trailed, not knowing what to say as he let go of it.

  “Go ahead and take a shower. I’ll be waiting for you in the kitchen before we leave,” he said.

  “And what about you? Shower, I mean?” I said as he looked at me with that passive look of his before suddenly grinning like a Cheshire cat. I didn’t even need to hear his next words to know what he had in mind.

  “Are you asking me to join you? For as much as that sounds inviting, I already had one, so enjoy your shower alone,” he said with a sexy smirk on his face.


  Did I really just use that word to describe his smile? What is going on in my head? Pregnancy was bad for me. It was turning me into a horny teenager.

  “I…I wasn’t, I mean not that…Ugh, why…Damn it,” I said in frustration as he burst out laughing.

  “Whatever floats your boat,” he said, leaving me alone to prepare myself for…What was I supposed to hurry and prepare for? It took me at least another two hours to function properly after being up on my legs, and it was by no means possible with half that time with shower included.

  Once I prepared myself, I headed downstairs and found Blake swinging Ayden around. For a second, I wondered if he was going to play like that with our kid before I realized how dangerous it actually was. Ayden might fall! Blake might drop him!

  “Kay, look! I’m Superman,” Ayden shouted, and I giggled, forgetting my worries for a second. How couldn’t I when he looked so happy? Everything I did was for his sake so that he could smile another day. I was satisfied. Maybe the thing wasn’t as bad as I thought it to be.

  “Yes, you are. But slow down with your powers,” I told him, and Blake put him down. I still had that feeling that he might’ve slipped from Blake’s grasp and fall down…I swear, Blake’s pessimism was rubbing off on me.

  “Why? Afraid that his awesomeness is going to surpass yours?” he asked, and I huffed.

  “No, my awesomeness is unsurpassable.” I pursed my lips before digging in the pancakes that were the only ones untouched on the table, not caring that I probably used a nonexistent word.

  “Don’t listen to her buddy. She’s just jealous,” he told Ade, who only agreed with him. Then I remembered the reason why I was woken up and turned toward Blake.

  “Blake, where are we going?” I asked him, and his reply came with a frown. What? Was I a magnet for frowning? In 80 percent of situations he had been with me, his frown was prominent.

  “Max. Where else? We have to check on you and our baby.”

  “Oh right.” I almost blushed when he said “our baby.” It didn’t take him long to get to the whole “our” deal?

  “Finished?” he asked, referring to my breakfast. I took the last bite as I nodded. That was good. Looking around, I noticed that Bridget wasn’t around, so I guessed that it was Blake who prepared them.


  Definitely the most delicious food I tried, even more than Ryan’s. That reminded me I should’ve properly quit the job.

  “Blake, do you think that we can stop by my workplace? I need to properly say goodbye,” I asked, and he nodded.

  “Then let’s go if we plan to be done in time.” He grabbed his leather jacket and car keys. In his garage, he opened the doors, showing me an eye-candy of a car collection. He got into the driver’s side of his black Audi, leaving me to open the door for myself.

  “The chivalry died here I see,” I mumbled once I got in.

  “Well, I’m the gentleman only when I’m wearing a suit. Or when there’s a lady around me, and I see none,” he replied, and I rolled my eyes, not seeing anything wrong with that. Well, at least one part was true; I was by no means a lady.

  “Do you think that Ade is going to be alright alone with Alfred while we’re away?” I asked Blake, not feeling too pleased with leaving Ayden behind.

  “Yes, he’ll be fine. Stop worrying.”

  “Telling me to not worry is like telling a priest to not pray,” I said.

  He just ignored me.

  Once we got to the hospital, I got a bit nervous because I had to meet with Max and because I was once again about to enter the place I was not too fond of. I wondered what would Max think of me. And what if there was something wrong with my baby? What if there was more than one baby? What if there were complications?

  What if—

  “Everything is going to be alright,” Blake’s voice interrupted my worries as he squeezed my hand tightly. I could only sigh. It was easier said than done.

  “But what if—”

  He interrupted me once again, placing a finger on my lips. “There’s no if. With our awesome genes, there won’t be any problem,” he said, making me smile a bit. My worries dissolved.

  “You mean my awesome genes?” I weakly grinned, and he chuckled.

  “Yup, my awesome genes.”

  “I didn’t mean yours, but mine,” I complained, which only made him shake his head in amusement. Fourth thing: he loved to play with words.

  “Exactly, mine and not your genes. Now hush and move. It will be alright,” he said, ending this conversation, and I smiled. For someone I didn’t like, he surely knew how to make me laugh.

  “Alright, alright, whatever you say…And thanks.”

  “Did you just thank me?” He lifted his eyebrow in amusement. I would never have guessed that he was that interesting and amusing. Seeing as he often wore suits, rarely spoke, and glared all the time, I took him for a serious, I’m-not-to-joke-with type of person. To each their respective ways, I guess.

  “Shut up. This is the only time you’ll ever hear that from me.” I elbowed him as we continued to Max’s office. Blake was leading the way, which I honestly didn’t mind, as I didn’t even know where we were headed.

  “Dr. Max
, we have an appointment,” he said to a nurse behind a desk. She checked, and after a while, she spoke.

  “He’s been waiting for you. Just enter.” Nodding, he didn’t need to be told twice. He continued to lead the way. Once we reached the doors of I assumed was Max’s workplace, without knocking, Blake entered screaming, “Oh, Maxy, I’m home!” in an extremely pitched voice. I burst out with laughter as Max terrifyingly stared at him.

  “What the hell, Blake? Do you know, Kaley? What are you doing here?” he asked once he noticed me.

  “I’m here with that.” I pointed to Blake who just scowled. Why did he have to either frown or scowl whenever I said something?

  “Huh, with—You mean…She’s the one you impregnated?” he asked Blake in a lower voice. Yes, please talk about me like I was not standing right by your side.

  “Yeah, it’s Kaley,” he replied, looking at his feet.

  Well, that was awkward.

  “But…You only met each other a month ago…” He was trying to figure us out, feeling somewhat ashamed I joined Blake in looking at our feet. Now I understood why people found them so interesting in those situations.

  “Don’t tell me—” Then his tone changed. “I’m going to be an uncle, but I’m so young.” He sighed like he was thinking about something.

  “Whatever. Anyway, congratulations. Let’s check on the baby, shall we?” he asked before pointing for me to lie down on the bed as he asked us a few questions.

  It was all great until he put some cold gel substance on my stomach, which almost made me jump out of the bed before he told me that it was only normal in the procedure.

  “Alright, let’s see. Not, not, almost, there!” He pointed to a bean-shaped blip on a screen. “See this?” We both nodded. “That’s your little baby and my future niece or nephew. The baby looks perfectly healthy. Position is fine. Size is about right. Placenta seems developed just fine…” he started saying something, but I was too awestruck with the image to listen to him. It was my baby…Our baby.

  “Why does everyone stop listening to me once they see their baby?” Max snapped his fingers in front of my face, and I looked at him.


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