Ride or Die: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 4)

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Ride or Die: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rejects Paradise Book 4) Page 36

by Sheridan Anne

  After peeling ourselves off the floor and taking a needed hot shower together, we both go crashing down onto his bed. As he pulls me into his arms, I know that nothing will ever have the power to tear this away from us.

  Colton Carrington is my end game.

  He’s my ride or die, and I’ll never have it any other way.

  His hand falls to my waist, and his thumb rubs back and forth over my skin. “You know the day you walked into this house was the best day of my life.”

  “If only you knew it back then.”

  His laugh rumbles through the room. “I fucking did, babe. You’re the one who didn’t know.”

  I roll my eyes. “What can I say?” I laugh. “I’m stubborn like that, but you love me anyway.”

  “I sure fucking do,” he says, dropping his lips to my forehead.

  “Will you still love me when I’m nine months pregnant with stretch marks and a fat ass?” I ask, glancing up at him, knowing the question is ridiculous but loving how he always insists on reassuring me.

  “Fuck no,” he says, trying hard to fight the smile that tears across his face. “You know me, I’m shallow as fuck, but you might just win me over if those perfect tits of yours keep growing at the rate they are.”

  “You’re an asshole,” I laugh, snuggling into his side. “But I love you anyway.”

  “I know,” he murmurs. “I’m irresistible. Now, go to sleep so I can wake you up early and eat that delicious pussy all over again.”

  My, oh my. How is a woman supposed to say no to that? So, like a good little girl, I close my eyes, knowing damn well that I’ll be having sweet, sweet dreams tonight.


  Four Months Later

  My leg bounces with nerves as I listen to the doorbell ring. “It’s going to be fine,” Mom says from the doorway of the formal dining room, as Colton sits beside me, doing his best to keep me calm. “They’re going to be perfect, and if you don’t like them, just send them on their way.”

  “I know,” I murmur, listening to Harrison’s footsteps as he goes to answer the door. “But what if they’re just putting it on and only look good, but behind closed doors, they’re assholes? How can I be sure?”

  My hand drops to the seven-month baby bump that’s hidden beneath the table as Colton’s hand falls to my thigh. “You have a sixth sense for picking out assholes, Jade. You’ll be fine,” he tells me. “Besides, I might have had a background check done on them before they got here.”

  My eyes widen. How can I be surprised by this still? “And?” I prompt.

  “And they’re everything that I wish I had growing up.”

  My heart instantly swells, and I suddenly feel a million times better. That is until I hear Harrison at the door, followed by their voices. There’s a man and woman, just as I expected. The woman has a kind voice while the man is firm but not demanding.

  I hear her heels against the floor, and as they get closer, I stand, taking a deep breath and slowly blowing it out. Colton stands beside me, slipping his hand into mine as Mom discreetly moves to the back of the room, wanting to be here as a voice of comfort but not wanting to overstep. This decision is completely up to me, but she’s fooling herself if she thinks that her opinion isn’t going to help.

  The couple arrives at the entrance of the formal dining room, and I straighten my back, not wanting them to think any less of me for making the decision to give up my child. As the woman lays her eyes on me and drops her gaze to my swelling stomach, tears instantly fill her eyes.

  Her husband steps in closer and curls his arm around her waist in the same way that Colton does to me, and just like that, I know this couple is the one. But I’m not stupid enough to announce it to the world until I’ve had a proper chat with them and get a feel for who they are. All I know is that by looking at the way they stand together, I can tell they love each other in the same, all-consuming, forever and for always kind of way that Colton and I do.

  What more could I ask for the child growing inside of me?

  “Miss Ocean,” Harrison says, putting on his professional hat for our guests. “May I introduce Rebecca and Bryson Bates.”

  I give them a warm smile, trying not to be too over the top and keep my cool. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” I say. “May I offer you any refreshments? Tea, coffee, water?”

  “Oh, no, dear,” Rebecca says, walking deeper into the room with her husband at her side. She offers me her hand, and I instantly take it. “I honestly don’t think I can drink anything. I’ve been so nervous about meeting you that I’ll somehow embarrass myself.”

  I can’t help but laugh. “Trust me, that’s not possible around here.”

  Bryson offers me his hand next, and I get the warmest feeling from him, the same feeling I used to get with my dad growing up. Though unlike my dad, I'm sure this guy isn’t hiding any horrible secrets. “It’s a pleasure,” Bryson says. “I just want to thank you for taking us into consideration and giving us this opportunity to meet with you today. This means the world to Becca and I.”

  “Of course,” I say as Harrison discreetly moves around the room, wanting in on the action and finding every excuse under the sun not to walk out. But in all honesty, once they’re gone, I’m going to be asking his opinion on them too, so he better be ready with a full report.

  Rebecca and Bryson take a seat on the couch opposite me, and I do some quick introductions. “As Harrison said, I'm Ocean, and this is my boyfriend Colton,” I say before leaning around Colton to seek out Mom in the distance. “And this is my mom, Maria.”

  They give warm smiles as Bryson glances at Colton, clearly knowing who he is. After all, his face is splashed on every news channel and magazine in the country. “Thank you for inviting us into your home.”

  Colton nods. “Of course, but now that we’ve gotten the introductions over and done with, why don’t you share a little bit about yourselves. What brings you here today?” he questions, sounding as though he’s interviewing for a new lawyer.

  Rebecca takes the lead, glancing back at me and quickly dropping her gaze to my stomach with longing before realizing what she’s doing and looking back up at me. “My husband and I met as children, and before I knew it, we were high-school sweethearts. Everything was happening for us, one thing after another. One minute we were dating, then he was taking me to prom. Soon enough he was down on one knee, and as if I blinked, the next thing I knew, we were happily married and buying a big home to raise all our children in, but then everything stopped. Our world slowed down. One year turned into three, and before I knew it, nearly ten years had gone past, and there were still no children filling those rooms. We would try every month, I would go to the doctor and get the right medications, and every single month without fail, my hopes and dreams would crumble.”

  Rebecca glances at her husband, who takes her hands, giving her the strength to continue. A single tear rolls down her cheek. “Two years ago, we looked into IVF, and after three failed attempts, I finally fell pregnant. Then at sixteen weeks, we found that my little baby boy no longer had a heartbeat. Due to complications, I was told that I wouldn’t be able to try again and had to come to terms with the fact that I would never be able to birth a child of my own. It crushed me and took quite some time to move on from.”

  She goes to continue but struggles to get the words past the lump in her throat, which is when Bryson takes over. “Last year, we started looking into our options, which is how adoption fell onto our radar. We put our names down, had every single check and application form handed in, and every single day since then, we watched the phone, waiting for the call to say that we might have a shot. Then you called.”

  “And then I called,” I repeat, feeling the baby starting to kick. Tears fill my eyes as I look at the two sitting before me. I’ve met with four other couples, but these are the only ones who give me this feeling I can’t describe, but somehow I know that these people are the right parents for my child. They’ve fought for this and I kn
ow that they’re going to adore this sweet baby.

  “Look, I, um … I don’t want to get your hopes up or anything, but the baby is moving, and I was wondering if you might want to feel?”

  Rebecca’s eyes fill with tears, and she nods, instantly throwing herself to her feet. “Are you sure? I really don’t want to make you uncomfortable in any way, or overstep.”

  I shake my head. “I’m not uncomfortable in the least,” I tell her, taking her hand and gently placing it over the foot that’s sticking out just above my belly button. “That’s his foot,” I murmur, knowing in my heart that this woman will be a mommy in two months. “He gets really active once I’ve been sitting down for a while. I think he finds it soothing when I’m moving around.”

  Rebecca’s bottom lip quivers. “He?” she questions, hopeful.

  I shrug my shoulders. “I don’t actually know, I just have a feeling.”

  Another tear rolls down her cheek, and I can’t help but look back at Mom, who gives me a proud smile, tears of joy in her eyes, clearly seeing what I’m seeing. She gently nods, telling me that it’s okay to trust myself, and as I glance up at Colton he does exactly the same thing before pressing a kiss to my forehead.

  I place my hand over Rebecca’s, moving it around as the baby moves inside of me. “I have an appointment for a check-up this afternoon, and the doctor was planning on doing another ultrasound. I was wondering if maybe you had some time and would like to come along? I know there are some things that we would need to discuss first, but I wouldn’t want my child’s mother to miss seeing him.”

  “Your child’s …” she sucks in a gasp, her eyes going wide as Bryson steps into her back, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Are you saying … do we… is this my child? Am I finally going to be a mommy?”

  “Yeah,” I whisper. “I would like it very much if you two would be the parents of my child.”

  Rebecca breaks into sobs and throws her arms around me, instantly sending a wave of emotions crashing over me. Bryson steps into Colton and offers him his hand only to pull him right in and clap him on the back. “Congratulations,” Colton says to the both of them. “You’re going to make incredible parents. This baby is lucky to have you.”


  Two Months Later

  My fingers nervously drum against the cheap plastic table as I watch all the guys in orange jumpsuits come through the door in chains. Their wrists and ankles are cuffed, and I can’t help but stare.

  I see this stuff in movies all the time, but nothing prepares you for the real thing, especially when it’s someone that you care for.

  Nic walks into the room with a guard at his back, and I watch with wide eyes as he does exactly what he’s told, being on his best behavior as his wrists and ankles are freed. As I watch him, I can’t help but notice the way that he holds himself. It’s almost as though I’m seeing a new person. The Nic I saw six months ago was haunted, he was jumpy and nervous, but the guy I’m looking at now is strong, proud, and healthy. He looks almost familiar, almost like a carbon copy of the old Nic that I once knew, and I can’t help but wonder what his time in here is doing for him. Is he finally at peace and forgiven himself for the horrible things that he’s done, or is he just living life in denial?

  Once Nic is free from the chains, he begins scanning the room, trying to figure out who brought him here, and as he does, nerves pulse through me. I haven’t seen Nic since I was sitting across from him in court, watching as he confessed to a jury about all the things that he’s done. Well, by all, what I mean is just a few things that meant he wouldn’t get life in prison. Though, just as I knew it would happen, the judge made an example out of him and gave him ten years behind bars. His only hope is that he behaves and can apply for early release when the time comes.

  Nic’s eyes come to mine, and I watch carefully as surprise flashes across his face. I’ve been so nervous that he’s been blaming this all on me, and well, honestly, for some parts of it, he’d be right. I am responsible for putting him here, but he’s the one responsible for the things he did that lead him down this path.

  Nic instantly starts making his way toward me, and I quickly glance around at the other inmates, trying to figure out what’s the correct protocol here. Am I allowed to touch him, or do I just sit still and wait for him to come to me?

  Nic laughs as he makes his way to me. “Don’t make it so obvious that it’s your first time here,” he teases, giving me a brilliant smile that warms me.

  “I just … am I allowed to give you a hug?”

  “Of course you are,” he tells me, walking around to my side of the table and offering me his hand.

  I take it greedily, and he helps pull me up. The second my bump becomes visible out from under the table, Nic’s eyes bug out of his head. “Holy fuck, Ocean. I knew you were fucking pregnant, but damn. I guess I’d lost track. You look like you’re about to explode.”

  “Gee, thanks for the reminder,” I grumble, stepping into him and curling my arms around him, squeezing tight as he tries not to do anything, fearing that if he squeezes enough, the baby might just pop out.

  I quickly return to my seat, not wanting to get in trouble with the guards, and as Nic does the same, he keeps his eyes on mine. “Fuck, I missed you,” he says, his eyes shining bright. “How are you? I’m assuming Richy Rich ain’t far away?”

  I shake my head. “He’s sitting out front waiting for me. Do you have any idea how hard it was to get him to be alright with me coming here? If he could sit here beside me, he would, but he knew I needed this time alone.”

  Nic nods. “So, what took you so long?” he questions, a seriousness coming over him. But seeing as though we only get an hour, it’s probably best to get all the bullshit questions out of the way.

  I press my lips into a tight line. “Honestly,” I murmur. “A part of me was still very angry with you. It took me a while to even wrap my head around it all, and by the time that anger had started to fade, months had gone by. But for the most part, it’s the guilt. I hate that you’re here and that I had a part in putting you here.”

  “Don’t do that,” he tells me. “I’m the only one responsible for putting my ass here. I had a choice, and I did what I had to do. And to be completely honest, I get plenty of sleep, I get fed, someone else does my fucking laundry, and I don’t have to deal with other bastards’ problems all fucking day. Life’s pretty good.”

  “You’re such a liar,” I laugh. “It fucking sucks in here, and you know it.”

  He grins wide, and I shake my head, appreciating that he at least tried to make me feel better about it. “What’s going on with you?” he asks, glancing down at the bump. “What did you decide? Are you keeping it?”

  I shake my head, knowing he would be happy with this decision. “No,” I tell him. “I found a couple who are going to be the new parents. They’re great. I mean, they’re certainly not your cup of tea, but as far as amazing parents go, they’re going to give this baby the world.”

  “Good,” he says. “I’m glad. But what else? I’m assuming the Wolves are pleased that you’re giving it away?”

  I give him a tight smile. “I honestly don't know what the Wolves think. After your arrest, I spoke with Christian and handed him the reins. He took over everything and Colton handed over the deeds to a new place, they’ve been rebuilding ever since. He promised that he was going to deal with all the rotten eggs and turn things around, just like Kai’s been doing with your Widows.”

  Nic rolls his eyes. “Don’t get me started on Kai,” he says, a smirk pulling at his lips. “He’ll have my men prancing around in fucking tutu’s with girl guides, knocking on doors, and helping sell those fucking charity cookies. I thought I told you to keep him in check.”

  “Nope,” I grin. “You practically told everyone else to watch me while telling me to watch myself.”

  “Yeah,” he grumbles. “That sounds about right.”

  I can’t help but laugh, and before I know it, a
buzzer sounds through the small room, and the inmates start getting to their feet. “Why don’t you come back every now and then?” Nic suggests. “It might make my time in here pass a little quicker.”

  I give him a warm smile as I stand up and walk around to him, throwing my arms around his neck. I can’t help but laugh. “Sure thing,” I tell him. “But you better make it worth my while. Next time, I want a full rundown of the guys you’re in here with and what fucked up shit they did to get themselves locked up.”

  “You’ve got yourself a deal,” he tells me, and just like that, he walks away.

  I watch as he goes and gets himself locked back into the cuffs, and as the guard bends down in front of him, the fucker gives me a dirty wink, making me snort so loudly that not only do I scare the people around me, but I scare myself too, jumping and making my fucking water break all over the floor.


  Colton speeds through the streets, trying to get our asses back to Bellevue Springs. I had a plan. I was supposed to get induced at the hospital next week with Rebecca and Bryson at my side. I was going to get all the drugs in the world and push this baby out like any other September day. But noooo, here I am on the freeway, screaming at my boyfriend to drive his multimillion-dollar car faster because my fucking vag hurts.

  “Fuck, babe,” he says, glancing at me while desperately trying to keep his eyes on the road. “It can’t go any faster.”

  “Then what kind of moron pays that much for a car that can’t teleport a bitch to the fucking hospital?”

  “I know, I know. I swear, in the next car I get, that’s going to be the very first feature that I have installed.”

  “You fucking better,” I cry as another contraction tears through me. What the fuck is this? It’s supposed to take hours. I was having pains all through my visit with Nic, but I assumed it was just the Braxton hicks contractions that I’ve been getting every few days. I’m not sure yet. I still have another week. How was I supposed to know that it was go time?


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