Dare To Win (Sex, Sin and Secrets Book 1)

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Dare To Win (Sex, Sin and Secrets Book 1) Page 1

by Williamson, R. G


  R.G. Williamson


  Phoebe Parkes


  Sex, Sin and Secrets #1

  Copyright © 2015 by R.G. Williamson & Phoebe Parkes

  Cover Image via Ingimage © Phoebe Parkes

  All rights reserved.

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author. Characters and names of real persons who appear in the book are used fictitiously.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any other means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the author. Any person who does any unauthorized act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages.

  ** WARNING **

  Dare to Win contains explicit language, sexual content and scenes or situations that some readers may find offensive. The material in this book is intended for adult readers only, aged 18 +


  R.G. Williamson

  This is my first ever dedication in my first ever book and to be honest, it’s been harder to write than the actual book!

  Firstly, my Gramps. He was always my biggest advocate and taught me anything is possible if you put your mind to it and want it badly enough. RIP Gramps. I miss you but your words of wisdom will always stay with me.

  Ikita, my beautiful wife. The day you said yes was the day I felt like the luckiest man in the world. We have had our trials and tribulations but together we continue to grow. You are the very essence of my soul and I will chase the dawn for eternity with you. I love you.

  Linda, my best friend in the whole wide world. A friendship that has spanned 35 years and even when we are thousands of miles apart, you are always there for me. You are my rock, my saviour, my everything.

  My children, I love each and every one of you unconditionally and strive to be the best Daddy I can be because you deserve my best and nothing less. You all have a piece of my heart.

  Finally, Phoebe. You are an awesome friend and although we only met a year ago, I can honestly say, I wouldn’t want to write a book with anyone except you. Thank you for coming along this mad writing journey with me.

  I have had such a blast writing this book. From my ramblings on Facebook to putting the first words down on paper, never in a million years did I ever think this book would ever be written. But thanks to the support and encouragement of my nearest and dearest, here it is. I wanted to write a book of the same quality that I like to read and I hope I have captured all the elements of a good book.

  I hope you all enjoy Connor’s story.

  Phoebe Parkes

  To my dad, may you be laughing and raising your eyebrows in heaven at what your daughter has been up to and still be proud. I love you and miss you.

  To eight fabulous women who I spent nigh on 8 years one night a month with, talking about books for oooh, all of five minutes! – Hahaha, yes, there was little bit of book talk and then a lot of drinking wine – ah good times. We were an awesome book group! We did read some amazing books though but we also read some chronically bad ones too! But it was great fun. You girls fired my imagination and fed my creativity and gave me back the urge to write myself. Thank you ☺

  I also have to mention a special friend. Without him the book world wouldn’t be quite so illuminating, so colourful and so much fun. Rob, you are a brilliant friend, your personality is pure gold as are your one liners. I thank that sharpie for bringing us together, life hasn’t been the same since, and to our friendship and what we’ve achieved, well, it’s bloody brilliant and I too wouldn’t want to write with anyone else. Thank you x



  The Morning after the Night Before


  You Win Some, You Lose Some


  A Smug Impression


  Pub Indecency!


  A New Friend


  How Hard Can It Be?


  An Ordinary Night Out


  A Not So Ordinary Night Out


  Plan What?


  Houston We May Have Lift Off!


  The Morning After The Night Before

  Waking up to the sun screaming through the window is not the best thing when you’ve got the hangover from hell. When your head’s banging like a motherfucker and even a pin prick of light is like needles in your retinas. Where’s a fucking cloudy day when you need one? Or better yet, magic fucking curtains that close with the command of a simple hand gesture or a groan! The dawn chorus is sounding very similar to a kid smashing bin lids together and even the radio beside me, is spewing some heavy metal shit, punishing me further.

  I’m laying here with my arm thrown over my face to block out the unfriendly light, wishing I had the ability to switch off all the fucking noise and that includes the hammering going on in my head, then I’d call someone with a shotgun to shoot the chirpy fucking birds. I’m a grumpy bastard when I’m hung-over and I’m trying to piece together the events of last night. Small flashbacks of my antics are seeping through the fog and succeeding in making me wince. When will I ever learn?

  The evening was spent sinking Jacks in the pub with the wrong uns. We got awarded that title because I suppose it was kinder than just calling us all a bunch of twats. You get a group of lads out on the pull and things do tend to get a bit out of hand and a bit loud. If you chuck copious amounts of alcohol into the mix then yes, we turn into lairy fucking cunts.

  Ah yes, I’m beginning to remember some more stuff which makes me feel a bit sick.

  The girl… The girl I fucked in the car park. The girl that I probably should have bypassed like all my friends had the right mind to do. The girl that I think is going to get me on a five day course of antibiotics judging by the foreign feelings surfacing in my passed out cock.

  I can feel the bile rise into the back of my throat as I recall more and more, because yes she was nasty and I feel a dirty shudder ripple through me. She’d been knocked back by everyone during the evening until she got to me and yes I’m the man-whore who decided he would take her on and take one for the team. I also didn’t want to be the one who went home without emptying their balls. In hindsight, it probably wasn’t my greatest moment.


  The girl ran her hand up my thigh making me totally aware of what her intentions were and it didn’t even illicit a twitch. This could be because I was stupidly drunk or maybe because she wasn’t my type. Hang on did I even have a type? Nah probably not. As long as they had a pussy, a pair of tits and a pulse then I was good to go. Standards don’t come into it at all. Fuck it, if she wanted sex, then it may as well be me. I’d been on a dry spell this week and fuck if I was going to be choosy now. Emptying my balls was more important than being a picky fucker.

  I grabbed her hand and practically dragged her outside. My mates were all cheering and hollering. I didn’t say a word but she was giggling excitedly and stumbling on her ridiculously high heels. Mmmm high heels, now I could work with that. More eager than even me, she pulled me up against a car and, fuck me, I don’t even know if it was my car or hers or someone else’s. She lifted her skirt up and wiggled her well-worn muff at me. She was trying to look sexy and fa
iling miserably. Even with beer goggles on, I wouldn’t rate her higher than a three.

  I looked at her face as she intently eyed me up. I could tell she liked what she saw. I mean who couldn't fail to be affected by the God that stood before her. She was about to be fucked by this devilishly handsome, dark haired, blued eyed beast of a man. She must think all her Christmases have come at once! She’s got this stupid inane grin going on, biting her bottom lip as if that’s some kind of sexy come on and would make all the difference. She should realise that she’s a sure thing anyway, whatever the fuck she does.

  Well here goes nothing.

  I unzipped my jeans and moved towards her. Nope, it’s not going to happen while she’s looking at me. So I flipped her round so she’s face down on the bonnet of some poor fucker’s car. Ok so her arse was probably her best asset and I had something I could now work with that would get me off. It was about to take a pounding as she was definitely more doable this way. I laughed because despite her moaning and panting, I knew that the only one going to cum in this car park tonight was me.


  I need a shower. I need a boiling hot shower to wash away the nasty that’s lingering from the night before. I raise my head off the pillow and look down at my cock and feel like telling him how he had betrayed me last night and it was all his fucking fault. He got hard and made me fuck that bitch. Ha ha talking to yourself is a sign of madness they say but what would they make of someone talking to their dick? I look at him again, all shit smeared and a wafting odour to match and think the nurses at the clinic are going to eye roll me for sure. Condoms were, as usual, furthest from my mind and I know that I’ll be cocky and smirking about it to them and that they will berate me as they write me out yet another prescription. Obviously I’d never admit to the standard of girl I’d fucked or the circumstances. The babe I would tell them about would be a playboy bunny type, curves in all the right places, a face that could harden the cock of the choosiest of fuckers and a body to die for. It would not be the scabby horse that I rode bareback thanking God I didn’t at least have to look at her face for long. I know they would ask me her name, but I don’t think I asked. I never usually do. What’s the point in that? Round Two was never going to be an option.

  I don’t really know what the nurses in the clinic think of me. Do they think I’m just unlucky with my choice of fuck buddy? I mean, I turn up in a very expensive designer suit so it’s not as if they look at me thinking I’m some kind of down and out. I know the younger nurses at the clinic find me attractive, in fact, fuck me, the older ones do too. But I’m sure as shit they would never date me. Most of them know me intimately but not from a sexual situation. Only ever after sexual situations.

  I really do need to stop this rinse and repeat of meaningless sexual encounters because I’m sure my body will become immune to the antibiotics eventually. But fuck it, while so many girls offer themselves up on a plate, flaunting and taunting, then I’ll keep on fucking anything with a fanny. Which no doubt will keep me a regular at the clinic and where I’ll probably be heading today.

  I groan as think of the day ahead. I’m going to be all day in Court arguing the toss about whether some little teenage scrote had nicked a car or whether his girlfriend had actually lent it to him. In all fairness, she probably did genuinely lend it to him, but because she caught him balls deep in her best friend, the claws have come out and she has changed her mind. Typical actions of a woman scorned. But this isn’t going to be a breeze because apparently the stupid prick was stoned at the time too. I watched his booking-in CCTV footage from the Police Station and the kid could barely stand up let alone be in a fit state to drive a car, nicked or not. I’ve got my work cut out for me and some Dare magic to perform to get him off. It’s nothing I haven’t faced a thousand times before, that’s the nature of my job, and dealing with this kind of idiot makes up a large percentage of my working week.

  On another groan I crawl out of bed and go for a piss but instead of having the satisfying feeling of emptying my bladder, I’m engulfed by the pain of razor blades slicing their way up and out of my japs eye! Jesus fucking Christ that actually brought on tears. I had a feeling it was imminent but now it’s a priority, my first visit of the day will be to the nurses at the clinic. There’s no way I can stand in Court and do my best for my now single client while it feels like my balls are on fire.


  As I approach the glass sliding doors at the clinic, I notice all the posters with the happy, smiling faces. Makes me laugh that they make it so welcoming to dirty bastards like me who have put their dick somewhere they shouldn’t. I arrogantly waltz into the reception area and up to the reception desk.

  “Morning Mr Dare, back so soon?” chirps a very cute, little red headed nurse. The familiarity of her knowing my name on sight isn’t lost on me because I know I’m a frequent flyer here.

  “I couldn’t keep away from my favourite nurses,” I reply with a wink and a grin. She giggles and looks away slightly flushed.

  Please, for the love of God, do not let her be the one who does the examination. I do not need the embarrassment of a stiffy this morning, nor the pain that would come with it. Just the thought of her bent over my couch is starting to make my balls tingle, or that could just be the infection.

  Battle-axe Brenda comes out of the door opposite reception, takes one look at me standing here, raises her eyebrows and sighs.

  “This way Mr Dare,” she says as she starts snapping on the sterile gloves before we’ve even gone through the door. She’s quite a scary person but I’m sure she has a soft spot for me. She’s a bit like a Grandmother figure and we’ve known each other for a few years now, on a professional level, not personal.

  “Good morning Brenda, can I say what a pleasure it is to see you this morning and also how nice you’re looking today.” I know she gets frustrated at me being here so often but I also know she loves a bit of flattery, all the older birds do.

  She pulls back her shoulders a little bit and I hear a small grumbly type mumble. I swear she wants to smile but she’s winning the fight to stay in mock pissed off mode. She sweeps out her arm to the open doorway and waits for me to go through.

  I go into a small room with Nurse Brenda hot on my heels. There are more happy posters on the wall, which I think you’re supposed to take notice off when you’re laying on the bed and being manhandled. I’ve seen them so many times now I don’t take any notice of what they say any more. I’ve been here on many occasions, so I know the drill and what’s coming next. Sexual history? Condom use? And a dozen more questions that, as per usual, I just know I’ve managed to tick all the irresponsible twat boxes and her long sigh confirms that I’m right.

  The next part never fails to amuse me because why does she bother to shove me in the corner next to the examination couch and close that crappy looking curtain on me and wait while I get undressed? Any modesty fled the building after my first ever visit and considering this is visit number… yeah I’ve lost count, she may as well just bark ‘strip’ and point to the bed. She’s seen my cock many times and in literally ten seconds she’ll be face to face and very closely acquainted with my oozing cock again. I would laugh but, right at this minute, it’s too fucking painful. Luckily, my dick is aware of the sterile tray with the individually wrapped instruments of torture and behaves.

  I lay back, clasp my hands behind my head, relax and think of England as Nurse Brenda feels her way round my aching sack. I feel her lightly grip my shaft, and in any other circumstance, with a slightly younger and better looking nurse, this would be very pleasurable.

  I feel the poke of the hook as it invades my dick. I feel the scrape and then it’s over thank fuck because holy shit that takes my breath away, and not in a good way. I swear she’s not as gentle as she could be to teach me some kind of lesson.

  In twenty minutes I have been medically assaulted, lectured, received a prescription and given a parting gift of a huge paper bag fu
ll of johnnys. Of course I know I’m never going to use them, so I gift them to the two youngsters sitting outside having the usual goading conversation of “you go in” “no you go in.” Their street cred still intact, they grin like Cheshire cats, clutch their bag of goodies and leg it, fast.

  No need to thank me, kids!

  It’s only just gone seven thirty and I’ve already practiced safe sex, nurse redhead would be impressed. Oh the irony. I smile as I saunter off towards my car.


  You Win Some, You Lose Some

  I arrive at work at eight o’clock, hoping to get a shit load of paperwork out the way before I get pestered by my eager assistant. Don’t get me wrong, she’s very easy on the eye but I learned a long time ago that you don’t shit on your own doorstep so she’s very much off limits. It’s a shame really because she would actually be a girl I might even be tempted to fuck twice. Mind you she’s got a gob on her and I’m sure she would drive me mad with her loud voice. She’s not what you would call a shrinking violet.

  It’s eerily quiet as I get in the lift and ascend the sixteen floors to my office. I can tell the cleaners have been in by the smell of polish that permeates the air. I can’t help but suppress a grin when I think of some of the things those poor sods have had to clean up, they would down tools and walk if they realised the half of it. I make a mental note to chuck some extra cash in an envelope for them this Christmas.

  I open the door to my office and my eyes are instantly drawn to my desk, or rather, what’s under my desk. I’d say a size eight arse and the soles of a size four pair of shoes. Between the arse and the shoes, is a rather nice pair of black stocking-clad thighs. I’ve been standing here just staring for maybe two or three minutes when the arse starts backing out from under the desk.


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