Dare To Win (Sex, Sin and Secrets Book 1)

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Dare To Win (Sex, Sin and Secrets Book 1) Page 5

by Williamson, R. G

  “I do know how to do romance you know, I choose who gets to see the romantic side of me that’s all. Anyway, I haven’t heard anything from her so maybe she knows she wouldn’t be able to keep her hands off me, so is going to invite me round for a home cooked meal instead, so she can pounce on me in private.” The thought of Miss West pouncing on me is running straight down to my groin and I have to adjust myself under the desk.

  “Aw, Connor that’s so sweet. You must like her a lot to go to all that trouble of sending flowers,” she chuckles.

  “Very funny, you know picking up the phone isn’t a lot of trouble. Now bugger off out my office and go and do whatever it is I pay you to do.”

  We are interrupted by the intercom buzzing, it’s the receptionist letting me know my client is here. She also tells me that there’s a delivery at the front desk for me. My client’s needs come first so I head to the meeting, the delivery will have to wait till later.


  I’ve just said goodbye to my newest client. Again, he’s going to be a challenge to defend but I must admit to kind of liking him. He had been dragged in by his very angry Mother and he sat looking very sheepish while his Mother went all Top Gear rant at me over his escapades. Sometimes I do find it difficult not to laugh because I remember what it’s like to be young and bored and having to make your own entertainment. Unfortunately, when you get a bunch of kids all bored, you can bet your bottom dollar that the entertainment they find tends to be on the wrong side of the law.

  It took at least twenty minutes before his Mother ran out of steam. I assured her that her son had the best man on his side, namely me, and I would do my utmost best to make sure he would be home in time for tea after his court appearance.

  I stroll into the lift and hit the ground floor button. I wonder what’s been delivered. I never deal with deliveries, that is why I have Susie, but she’s already been down to check it out and it had very clear instructions that I was to collect it in person.

  The receptionist hands me a fairly large parcel which clearly has my name on the front with Private and Confidential written at the top. I shoot the girl a smile, pick up the mysterious package and go back to my office. I have to say I’m not impressed with the wrapping. Edward Scissorhands could have done a better job.

  What the fuck?? Inside the parcel are the flowers I had sent to Miss West but every single one of them has been beheaded in some kind of sick Henry the Eighth type rampage! I look amongst the world’s most expensive potpourri and find a note.

  The enclosed vegetation shares my enthusiasm of your win. You may have won the case but you lost at winning a date.

  Susie walks into my office, sees the mess on my desk and falls about pissing herself laughing. I can’t help but join in. Say it with flowers they say, but fuck knows what this abomination is saying!

  “Susie, get me Miss West’s mobile number. In fact scrap that, I have a better idea.” I don’t think a phone call from me is going to go down well with Miss West. I just don’t understand what the fuck was wrong with the flowers. Maybe she has hay fever or something.

  Hmmm onto plan B.

  I leave the office and head down into town. I walk into the chocolate shop and find the biggest box of the finest chocolates I can and take it to the till.

  “Would you like this gift wrapped, Sir?” the girl asks from behind the counter. I nod and I’m soon on my way and sitting in my car. I take out a business card, write a message on the back and start the engine. Plan B is almost complete.

  It hasn’t taken me long to drive to Miss West’s office block, traffic was light, thank fuck. I double park outside the building, as this won’t take long and I walk into the main reception and up to the front desk.

  “Can I help you Sir?”

  “Yes, can you see that Miss West gets this gift at the earliest opportunity?” I smile at the young girl and I’m not sure she is even listening to what I am saying as she is drooling a bit. Yep, she’s affected by me too.

  With my delivery done, I throw the receptionist a quick wink and leave. As I get to my car, I see that I’ve got a fucking parking ticket from a bastard ninja traffic warden. Ripping it off the screen, I head back to the office and wait.


  I’m going over some case notes in my office. Chopin is playing quietly in the background and I am lost in the legal world of prosecution. At times like this, I really love my job. Of course it was too good to last, as all too soon I’m interrupted by the office phone. After Happy Hour last night I’m pleased to say I feel fine. I will own up to having a glass of wine more than I usually would on a work night but I still kept it to a minimum. I’m not a big drinker.

  I can’t believe that it’s Nicole from Reception again. I don’t often get direct contact from her and all calls normally go through Tara. This time it was a quick call to check that I’m in my office. I’m now wondering what she could possibly want me for this time. I soon find out as two minutes later she’s knocking on my door, popping her head round and grinning at me like an idiot. I’m surprised at how quick she got here.

  “Miss West, I just took another delivery for you. I must say the deliverer today was a bit of a charmer. Very well dressed too. He asked me to give you this at the earliest opportunity. So here I am and here it is.”

  Well that answers why she was so quick. “Seriously? Don’t tell me more flowers?” I don’t even know why my immediate thought goes to more flowers, surely he would have taken the hint with the first bunch. And why am I even thinking that it’s Mr Dare? Grrr, that bloody bloke!

  “No Miss West, it’s a smaller package but weighs quite a bit.”

  Well of course I am intrigued. It’s got to be him again, because hell, if it’s Keith, I’m going to join a nunnery!

  “Okay, please hand it over Nicole. Let’s see what he’s sent this time,” I hold my hand out beckoning for her to pass over the gift. Am I mad that I’m a weeny bit excited to get another parcel? I am dubious though as to what words I might be about to read. I wonder what he has said this time.

  Nicole hands me the package and like she said, it is smallish in comparison to yesterday’s gift. But nonetheless it is still sizable. It’s around the size of a large widescreen laptop as it fits snugly on top of mine on my desk. I tentatively start unwrapping. I have to say whoever wrapped this has far better skills than me. Inside is a box of exquisite chocolate assortments. I know immediately that they must be from him again. Wow this man, well he seems to know his gifts! Which then has me wondering how often does he do this sort of thing? Maybe each chocolate is injected with cyanide or some concoction to get his own back for the flowers. Think about it, I don’t know this man at all, should I be scared?

  Nicole is salivating over the tempting treats like she’s in heaven. She might have them all to herself in a minute depending on what’s inside this envelope that I’m gripping the life out off. I look at it as though it has horns, because let’s face it, it probably has.

  Oh well, here goes nothing.

  Excellent potpourri skills! I will think of you as I bury my nose in the petals and smell their sweet aroma, wondering if it will be as sweet as your… ☺

  Surely every lady loves chocolates?


  ~ Connor Dare.

  Okay, so that’s not as bad as yesterday’s, but pffft is everything a joke to him? Am I a joke to him? I don’t think I can accept these chocolates, one, they are too much as in way too expensive, and two, I am very confused at his true meaning. Is this for a laugh or does he truly want to have dinner or am I just something to win now?

  “Tara,” I yell, “get in here.”

  “Where’s the fire?” she shouts as she flies, very unladylike, through the open door way.

  “Look what’s just been delivered.”

  “God you get all the wicked gifts, that’s a box and a half of chocolates right there. This is really not fair you know, I take it they are from your ne
mesis Mr Dare?” Jesus both her and Nicole are now drooling over the chocolates. Though even I have to admit they do look tempting.

  “But look Tara, I’m not sure this is much better than his first attempt.”

  She grabs the card from me and laughs.


  “He wants to smell your …”

  “Wait! What?” I screech, grabbing the card back. Oh my God, how did I miss that innuendo! “What the hell!” I feel irritation surfacing and settling on top of my confusion.

  “Hahaha, he’s certainly got a way with words! I bet your thoughts were in the gutter and all he’s probably referring to is your perfume you know. Dirty girl Karina for thinking the worst. You’ve got to give him some credit for witty lines.”

  I shoot her the evil eye. “No.”

  There’s no two ways about it, my lawyer head is telling me that my impending course of action is justifiable and therefore it is going to happen. I have a plan.

  “Now I was thinking. We eat all the chocolates but,” I pause holding my finger up, “we only eat half of each one and put the other half back uneaten. Then I’m sending the box back.”

  “What?” Nicole exclaims.

  “You heard.”

  “Why?” Tara asks looking puzzled.

  “Because,” I deadpan.

  “Because why?” Tara whines in a huff, though it doesn’t escape my notice she is already in the box choosing her first treat.

  “Jesus Tara, can’t you see he mocks me every time with his silly little words. It’s all a joke to him. That man can’t take no for an answer. He’s desperate for a victory, and guess what? So am I!”

  “Crikey Kari. It’s not victory. He just wants a simple yes. It’s a blooming date not a major court case. How about this, let me reply and say I’ll go on a date with him. He can smell my...” She pauses and replaces the word that would come next with a wink and then continues with, “any day.”


  “Spoilsport,” she huffs. She seems to be doing that a lot lately.

  “Tara and you too Nicole, just get eating these chocolates and remember only eat half and put the other half back.”

  I hear a muffled “Oops,” from Nicole, followed by “Sorry, but they’re just too nice.”

  Well that was a fail. As we make our way through the contents it’s sadly not the only time I hear an oops floating in the air and one of them was my own! Oh dear.

  Half an hour later we are overloaded on sugar, buzzing from the cocoa content and feeling sick from the sheer quantity. I think I’ve gone off chocolates for life!

  The deed almost done, I shoot out of the room carrying my indoor plant sprayer and scoot to the cleaners’ cupboard. Finding what I need I swap out the contents of the sprayer and I head back to the box of chocolates. I lift the sprayer and liberally go to town on them, giving them a dose of the contents. The deed complete, I stand back with my hands on my hips and grin at what I’ve done. Both Nicole and Tara look at me incredulously.

  I give Tara the nod to wrap them back up while I write my reply. Five minutes later the courier is again on his way to collect.

  Eat this, Mr Dare.


  I’m on my way home. I haven’t heard anything from Miss West but she has my office number and I’m sure if she’s going to say yes to dinner then she will use it and phone me. This woman is infuriating. I don’t even know why I’m so bothered because I don’t have a problem getting my dick wet, but there’s just something about her. After the flower massacre, I’m glad I sent her chocolates. I mean what harm could she do to a box of chocolates?

  I walk into my house, kick off my shoes, trip over my sports bag again and go into the kitchen to see what there is to eat. Checking the contents of the fridge, other than beer there’s a whole lot of nothing, so it’s another night of take-away.

  I take my phone out of my pocket and check for any new messages from work, hoping that she’s tried to contact me. God I’m beginning to feel like I’ve picked the losing team. But there is a message from George.

  George - Whatcha up to Fri? Come 2 the club

  Me - I have no plans as yet but I’m hoping that will change

  George - Ahh u got a bird?

  Me - Not yet but I’m working on it

  George - Come 2 the club, guaranteed pussy

  Me - I’ll think about it

  George - Let me know for Fri and I’ll put ur name on the door.

  Me - Yep will do mate

  I’m seriously knackered tonight and I think I’ll have a shower and an early night. Maybe I’ll crack one off thinking about Miss West and what I know will happen eventually. Surely she won’t keep me waiting too long?


  I walk into the building and pick up my post and head up to my office. I smile at seeing the lovely Millie sitting in my office, waiting with two cups of coffee.

  “Good morning Millie, how did the exam go yesterday?”

  “Oh well it was harder than I thought but I think I did ok,” she smiles, looking very pleased with herself.

  “Excellent, I knew you would ace it. Trust me, I’m a solicitor,” I wisecrack and start laughing. No one ever trusts a solicitor.

  Millie starts telling me all about some holiday or weekend or something but my mind is on other things. In amongst my post is a package with Miss West’s distinctive scrawl on it. I open the parcel and pull out the card and read the reply.

  Mr Dare, the answer to your question is no, as I shan’t be needing dinner, I am too full from your chocolates. But look we saved you some too; I hope you enjoy their sweet aroma. ☺

  Enjoy - Miss K. West.

  She has returned the box of chocolates half eaten! Though her willpower must have failed a few times because the tray is speckled with empty spaces where there isn’t even a half-eaten one to mock me. But what the fucking hell is that smell? I lean forward and suck in a hefty whiff, wrong move! My nose is on fire! She’s doused them with some kind of toilet cleaner!

  “Fucking infuriating woman!” I shout, causing Millie to stop mid-sentence and jump about a foot in the air in utter shock.

  Well plan B was an epic fail, onto Plan C I suppose.

  I tell Millie all about my attempts to get Miss West to come out to dinner and she is clutching her stomach laughing like a drain.

  “Ok, you’re a woman, help me out here. What can I do to get her to agree to a date?”

  “How about something like a parachute jump and you could arrange it so that if she says no, you have it rigged so she falls to her death!” Millie is pissing herself laughing till she looks at my face and then she stops and looks a bit sheepish.

  “Not helping Millie and you do realise that would not even be possible?”

  “Well okay then, going by what you’ve told me about the flowers and the state of the chocolates in the box I would suggest an Art Gallery. She seems drawn to contemporary art going by her creative instincts and skills,” Millie offers.

  “She doesn’t need help with any more ideas Millie. Come on there must be something that will get her to agree? What would you want if you were in this situation?”

  “Well I don’t know. But I would say be careful of what you send next. Maybe think first about all the ways it may come back to you.”

  “Yes so I guess a cute kitten is out then?”

  “OMG! You’re scary!” Millie looks at me horrified!

  My decision is made. I’m giving up…maybe!


  An Ordinary Night Out

  I’ve been thinking for a couple of days what to do about Miss West. On the one hand I feel I can’t give up and walk away. She’s intrigued me and just thinking about her gives me the horn. But on the other hand, I’ve never known someone to be such hard work. It’s only dinner for Christ sake, not a proposal for wedlock and lifelong commitment. I’m seriously mulling over George’s offer to get me into the club for top quality no fuss p
ussy. This is precisely why I don’t bother to play the dating game.

  I grab my phone and fire off a text to George.

  Me - Night out tonight, I’m in the mood for a session

  George - You pulled that posh bird yet?

  Me - Shot me down like a phoenix in the flames

  George - Fuck, harsh mate. Meet at the Union at 8

  Me - Ok

  George - Drinks there then onto the club..yes or no?

  Me - Is that what you’re going to do?

  George - Yeh probs go to the club when the Union shuts. You in or out?

  Me - Undecided lol

  I send him a picture of Miss West that I’d taken covertly in the Court.

  George - I can see why you’re undecided!! Ok well think about it.

  Me – Ok

  This is exactly what I need. A night out with George and then maybe I will check his club out.


  Stepping out the shower, I walk past the mirror and check myself out. Yep, looking buff, looking good, someone is going to be lucky tonight. I throw on some black jeans and a black shirt, which I know I look good in. Fuck me I actually look good in everything I wear. Five minutes later, I lock the door and get in the taxi. No way am I driving tonight, I’m not planning on being sober later, whatever happens.


  I walk into the Union and check the bar for any familiar faces. No sign of George yet so I’ll just stand at the bar and have a few drinks. I like it here. The girls tend to be a bit classier although that’s not to say I’m not well acquainted with the Ladies toilet. I notice that there seems to be a DJ set-up in the far corner so I’m guessing the place is going to get busy later. Music tends to bring the girls out. Maybe I need to get laid to get over my failed attempts to woo Miss West into joining me for dinner. It niggles me though, I’ve never failed before, yet I may have to accept defeat on this one.


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