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by Tom Holland

  51 Herodotus, 9.41. A claim to the contrary is made a few paragraphs later (9.45), but it comes as part of a message from the inveterately untrustworthy Alexander of Macedon. The king is supposed to have crossed no man's land in person, alone and by dead of night, in order to reveal the Persian battle plans to Aristeides: a hugely implausible story. The whiff of self-exculpation from a man who had been a notorious mediser is palpable.

  52 Ibid., 9.39.

  53 Ibid., 9.49.

  54 Plutarch, Aristeides, 17.

  55 Herodotus, 9.62.

  56 Aeschylus, 816-17.

  57 Herodotus, 9.71.

  58 Ibid., 9.82.

  59 Euripides, The Phoenician Women, 184.

  60 Herodotus, 1.34.

  61 Aristotle, Rhetoric, 2.2.6.

  62 Herodotus, 8.109.

  63 As Green (p. 281) points out, this is the only explanation that can make sense of the claim, asserted unequivocally by the ancient sources, that the battles of Plataea and Mycale were fought on the same day.

  64 Herodotus, 9.100.

  65 Ibid. Literally,'. . . which prove the hand of things that are divine'.

  66 Diodorus Siculus, 11.36.

  67 Lycu rgus, Against Leocrates, 81.

  68 See Broneer.

  69 Aeschylus, 584-90.

  70 Ibid., 1024.

  71 Xerxes, inscription at Persepolis (XPc).

  72 It is all too depressingly typical of the general murk of Near Eastern history in this period that the revolt has also been dated to 482 bc.

  73 Herodotus, 9.106.

  74 Plutarch, Themistodes, 29.

  75 Pindar, fragment 64.

  76 It is unlikely — although controversy over the matter is endless - that this peace was formalised by treaty: the Great King was not in the habit of signing treaties with foreigners.

  77 For this date, and indeed the authenticity of the whole story, see Stadter, pp. 201-4.

  78 Plutarch, Pericles, 17.

  79 Herodotus, 8.144.

  80 Ibid., 7.228.

  81 Thucydides,2.41.

  82 Plato, Menexenus, 240e.

  83 Pausanias, 1.33.2.


  1 Palatine Anthology, 7.253.


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