And Respen wouldn’t be fooled for long.
Leith hunched in his seat in the meeting room.
King Respen’s dark eyes sliced them. When he spoke, his deep voice rumbled like boulders tumbling down the sides of the Sheered Rock Hills. “You have failed me, my Blades. Of the eighteen Blades I sent out, only four succeeded in their goal. Eight Blades failed to return. The rest of you crawled back here licking your wounds.”
Respen banged his fist on the table. Some of the Blades jumped, touching hands to bandaged heads. “You were supposed to strike fear into the hearts of my enemies. Instead, you have emboldened them! They believe they can stand up to my Blades and succeed! And right now, they would be right.”
Would Respen have them all whipped to punish them for their failure? Leith steeled himself. He could take it, if that was the consequence for his decision. He’d set up this ambush. He’d have to face the results.
Many of the other Blades quaked in their seats. Even the two Blades that had stayed behind sunk low in their chairs.
Respen called the Nineteenth Blade, the lowest ranked Blade to survive. Nineteenth Blade Altin shook as he gave his report. He’d sneaked into the lord’s room, only to be surrounded by fifteen guards. He’d jumped from a window, twisted his ankle, and spurred his horse into a gallop.
When Respen pronounced his failure, Altin shook harder. Leith’s stomach knotted. It was Altin’s third failure. Leith would be as responsible for Altin’s death as he was for the deaths of the eight Blades that hadn’t returned, including Vane.
King Respen slashed the third mark on Altin’s left arm. “Return to your seat.”
Altin, now rapidly promoted to Twelfth Blade, glanced at Respen with wide eyes. He opened his mouth, as if to ask why Respen had spared him, only to snap it shut and rush to his seat before the king changed his mind.
The other Blades sat mute, as if knowing any reaction would push Respen to keep his ultimatum that three failures meant death. Leith let out a long breath. As much as Respen ruled the Blades with an iron hand, he had to spare the twelve Blades he had left.
The rest of the Blades gave their reports. Leith gripped his chair when the four Blades reported their successes. Lord Emilin, Lord and Lady Spencer, Lady Dawson, and Lord and Lady Westin had been killed. He'd done his best, but the failure still burned.
Leith glanced around the room. They wouldn’t be the last lives lost before this war was over. Respen still had twelve Blades, four more than he’d had when he’d taken over Acktar. All twelve were well-trained and deadly, though only eleven of them remained loyal.
Respen boomed Leith’s name. Leith knelt, met Respen’s eyes, and gave his report. “The First Blade insisted we sneak into Walden and execute our orders a day early. Inside, I discovered that Lord Alistair had been warned. The First Blade turned on me. We fought, and he threw a knife. I took it in my left shoulder.”
Leith pulled back his shirt and showed Respen the bandage. At Respen’s wave, Leith undid the bandage so he could see the knife wound. It still burned red, oozing blood and liquid.
Respen twisted Leith’s shoulder so the light from the candles fell on the wound. Leith struggled to keep a straight face as pain shot through his body.
“You cauterized it.”
“Yes.” Leith’s voice wiggled through his tight throat.
Respen let go of his shoulder. “So the First Blade betrayed me.” He stroked the arms of his chair.
Leith held his breath. The evidence pointed to Vane. Vane had suggested they separate within Walden Manor when they’d spied on the nobles’ meeting. Vane had volunteered to return to Walden to kill Renna and Brandi. It had been Vane who’d failed to kill the girls four years ago.
Respen’s hard eyes narrowed. “How did you escape?”
“They let me go.” It was the truth, and the only answer that could explain how Leith, wounded as he was, could’ve escaped a traitorous First Blade and Walden’s angry guards. Reaching into his shirt, Leith pulled out the letter Lord Alistair had given him. “Lord Alistair wanted me to give you this.”
Respen broke the seal and scanned the contents. Growling, he ripped the paper and tossed the shreds on the table. “He thinks he can make demands of me. I am the king. I control Acktar. I will destroy this religion of his and show him that his imaginary God is no match for me.”
Still, Leith wasn’t afraid. The God that Respen challenged was very real, and very powerful.
Respen turned back to Leith. “You have failed, my Third Blade.”
The words didn’t frighten Leith as they might’ve three months earlier. He had to work to appear contrite as he pulled up the sleeve of his left arm, the top of his shoulder unmarked.
As Respen leaned forward and sliced his arm, pressing harder and deeper than he did for a success, Leith suppressed a rush of satisfaction. In Respen’s eyes, this mark represented Leith’s first failure. For Leith, it marked his first success in standing up to Respen. It didn’t mark a life lost but lives saved. Leith dropped his sleeve.
Respen lashed forward and gripped Leith’s face. Forcing his chin up, Respen leaned closer until his breath slapped Leith’s skin. Leith froze. His heart pounded in his throat as he stared into Respen’s eyes.
Respen’s voice deepened into a low growl, the sound a wolf made before it struck. “Listen to me, my new First Blade. You have failed me once. Do not fail me again.”
As Leith met Respen’s eyes, a shiver crawled down his spine. Respen knew. He didn’t know exactly what Leith had done, but he knew something was not as it should be.
When he discovered the truth, Leith was going to pay in blood.
Character List
Abel Lachlan (LACK - lan) – Renna and Brandi’s uncle
Abigail Alistair – third child of Lord and Lady Alistair. Friend of Brandi’s.
Blane Altin – the Nineteenth Blade
Blizzard – Leith’s horse
Brandi Faythe (BRAN - dee) – Renna’s younger sister. Her full name is Lady Brandiline Faythe.
Esther Alistair – fifth child of Lord and Lady Alistair.
Harrison Vane – the First Blade
Jeremiah Alistair – fourth child of Lord and Lady Alistair.
Jolene Lorraine – Lady Lorraine’s daughter.
King Leon Eirdon (ee - EAR - don) – the former king killed by Respen
King Respen Felix (REH - spen) – king of Acktar. He was the lord of Blathe.
Lady Amber Dawson – lady of the town of Hendor
Lady Annita Faythe – Renna and Brandi’s mother. She was the sister of King Leon.
Lady Eve Alistair – Lord Alistair’s wife
Lady Paula Lorraine – lady of the town of Sierra
Leith Torren (LEETH TOR - ren) – the Third Blade
Lord Doughtry – lord of the town of Calloday
Lord Farthen – lord of the town of Keestone
Lord Hector Emilin (EHM - ih - lihn) – lord of the town of Dently
Lord Henry Alistair – lord of the town of Walden
Lord Laurence Faythe – Renna and Brandi’s father
Lord Philip Creston – lord of the town of Arroway
Lord Segon (SEE - gon) – lord of the town of Uster
Lydia Alistair – second child of Lord and Lady Alistair. Friend of Renna’s.
Mara Lachlan (MAR - uh LACK - lan) – Renna and Brandi’s aunt. She was the sister of Renna’s father.
Martyn Hamish (MAR - tin HAY - mish) – the Sixth Blade
Michelle Allen – Sheriff Allen’s daughter
Nonden Hess – the Second Blade
Queen Deirdre Eirdon (DEER - dree) – the former queen killed by Harrison Vane.
Quinten Daas – the Twelfth Blade
Ralph Chimb – the Twenty-Second Blade
Renna Faythe (REHN - nuh) – The lady of the town of Stetterly. Her full name is Lady Rennelda Faythe (REHN - nehl - duh).
Shadrach Alistair – Lord Alistair’s oldest son
heriff Allen – sheriff of Stetterly
Zed Burin – the Seventeenth Blade
Location List
Acktar (AHCK - tar) – a country mostly made up of flat prairie
Nalgar Castle (NAHL - gar) – the capitol of Acktar
Stetterly (STEHT - er - ly) – a town near the Spires Canyon
Walden (WALL - den) – a town near the Sheered Rock Hills
Uster (UH - ster) – a town near the Spires Canyon
Sierra (see - AIR - uh) – a town on the prairie between Walden and Nalgar Castle
Sheered Rock Hills (SHEERD) – the mountain range that forms the northern border of Acktar
Spires Canyon – the canyon that forms the eastern border of Acktar
The Ramparts – the section of steep cliffs that border the Waste
The Waste – the desert on the eastern side of the Sheered Rock Hills
Map of Acktar
A debut author's list of acknowledgements is extensive. Many people have been waiting for years to see their name acknowledged in the back of a book. In case you don't wish to read through the whole thing, here's my thanks to you, my readers. I'm still awed that I have readers. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy day to read Dare. May it have touched you as the characters have already touched me.
Now on to all the personal thanks. This book is dedicated to all the many, many people who have helped me along the journey to publication.
To my mom Maureen for teaching me to read and write. You encouraged my dream even when I was two years old and drawing books with my crayons.
To my dad Don for listening to my idea chatter and combing my books for plot holes.
My brothers Ethan, Josh, and Andy, who helped me get the male POV and banter right and didn't laugh (too much) at my questions.
To my sister-in-law Alyssa for your enthusiasm for this book and these characters. I wouldn't have pushed through the many, many drafts of character development without you.
For my alpha readers Briana and Paula. This book wouldn't have been written without you. Literally. Your frantic texts to Please write another chapter made all the difference between a half-finished draft and novel.
To Ashley, both good friend and amazing cover designer. Your patience with me is almost as amazing as the cover itself.
To the rest of my friends Jill, Gabby, Megan and Susan. You put up with quite a bit to have a writer as a friend. Thank you for being my early readers.
To Marcia, Bethany, and Jeff who replied to my frantic posts on Facebook asking for names. I'm sure you'll recognize many of the names throughout the book.
For my extended family who have been waiting for years to see my name on a book and believed it would get there eventually even when I was writing nothing but junk.
To Sierra, critique partner extraordinaire. I never would've guessed a comment about corsairs would lead to such a great critique partnership and friendship.
Nadine Brandes, amazing editor and friend. Your edits not only made Dare a better book but also taught me to be a better writer. I wouldn't have survived this book release without you.
For Angie Brashear and Jaye L. Knight, who both helped me with my indie publishing questions.
To Kim Moss, an author friend and encourager who came along at just the right moment.
For all the rest of the authors who signed up for the blog tour, answered my questions, and welcomed me into their midst as a fellow author.
To all of my English and writing teachers and professors through the years. Every class was a baby step along this journey. You each impacted me so much, and I hope if you read this book, you can smile when you see the results of your hard work.
Most of all, to my Heavenly Father who gave me the gift of writing that I may praise Him by it. All the glory be to His name alone.
All lies have consequences.
Promoted to the top rank among King Respen’s assassins, First Blade Leith Torren hides his involvement with the Resistance. How many lies will it take to protect his secret?
Renna Faythe has done nothing but survive for the past four years, but now Leith’s courage inspires her to try to be something more. If only she could figure out what that duty might be.
When the unthinkable happens, faith waivers. Friendships tear. What else will they be forced to deny?
But this time, Leith faces his greatest fear.
He can’t save everyone.
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Tricia Mingerink is a twenty-something, book-loving, horse-riding country girl. She lives in Michigan with her family and their pack of pets. When she isn't writing, she can be found pursuing backwoods adventures across the country.
To learn more about Tricia Mingerink and get a behind-the-scenes peek at her books, visit
Dare (The Blades of Acktar Book 1) Page 25