Love in the City, an erotic romance novel

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Love in the City, an erotic romance novel Page 5

by Hall, Heather

  She raced the five blocks over to the bakery. Sure enough, it was lined up. She waited in line, looking at her watch every two minutes. The lined moved slowly. It was a busy day for the area’s favorite bakeshop. She knew Piccadilly’s was well worth the wait, but time was speeding by. Twenty minutes later she made it to the front of the line and placed her order.

  “That’s going to be a fifteen minute wait. We just ran out of coffee and are brewing a new batch.”

  “Uh, okay,” she said, again looking at her watch. It was almost 1:15 p.m. already.

  “Next!” the woman at the counter yelled.

  Anabelle shuffled over to the side to wait. She fixed her makeup up a bit while she waited. She hoped she’d be able to track down a cab. They could be hard to come by. It was all timing.

  Finally, they called her order. “Thanks,” she said as she paid the bill. “A receipt please.” She took the receipt, then piled the items in her arms. It was going to be tricky hailing a cab with an armful of goods. She prayed she’d have some luck.

  She stood out on the sidewalk in front of the bakery watching for a cab. One rounded the corner, heading her way. She dashed out between two parked cars to wave him down. No luck. He sped past her with two people in the backseat. A couple of minutes later, another cab. Another dash to hail him. Again, no luck. He didn’t even look her way. She sighed and went back to the sidewalk. Her load was growing heavy. Two more cabs, two more strikes out. She was starting to panic and was feeling sweaty from holding the items that were growing heavier by the minute. She spotted another cab. This time she was determined to stop him. She darted out in between the cars and stepped into the lane.

  The cab driver slammed on the brakes and started yelling at her. “Are you crazy? You’re going to get yourself killed!”

  “I really need a ride,” she groaned as she shifted the items in her arms. “This stuff is heavy and my boss is waiting for them for an important meeting. If I don’t get there on time, I’ll be fired. Homeless!” She was going to work it.

  The cab driver rolled his eyes. “I’ve heard it all. I’m sorry, but I’m on another call.”

  “Where?” she asked, her desperation growing.

  He told her the address.

  “Perfect, my office is on the way. I’ll give you a big tip if you drop me off,” she said, giving her best sweet smile.

  “Oh, alright. You’ve got spunk. That’s got to count for something. Get in.”

  “Thanks,” she said as she set some items on top of the cab so she could open the door. She loaded her items in and sat down, closing the door.

  The cab driver sped off towards her office.

  She picked up her phone and called the main line. The receptionist picked up. “Jennifer? Hi, it’s Anabelle. Can you meet me out front? I’ve got an armload of stuff and I could use some help with the doors.” She explained what Raquel had asked her to do.

  “I can’t believe she sent you to get all that stuff alone,” Jennifer replied. “What a jerk!”

  “I know. See you in a few minutes? …Thanks.”

  “Tough day?” the cab driver asked.

  “Yup, just like every other day.”

  “Tell me about it,” he said. A couple of minutes later they reached her destination.

  “Thanks a bunch,” Anabelle said as she paid him and left a generous tip.

  “You bet,” he said, as she unloaded her boxes. He drove away.

  She looked up the stairs leading to her office. Jennifer was there waiting. She waved and headed down the stairs to help with the boxes.

  “Thanks, my arms are killing me, it took forever to get a cab.”

  “I’m still choked she made you do this by yourself,” Jennifer said as they headed into the office. She sported a chin-length light brown bob, was 5’2”, and a little on the heavy side. She was twenty years old, with a handful of college classes under her belt. She was taking night classes as she could afford them to continue her business education.

  “Yeah, I think I’ve just been demoted to office lackey.”

  They brought the items in and set them down in the conference room.

  Raquel stomped in. “You’re cutting this pretty close aren’t you?” She gave a long dramatic look to her watch. It was closing in on 2:00 p.m.

  Anabelle wiped the sweat from her brow. Her hair was covered in flyaways. “It was pretty busy there and I had a hard time getting a cab.”

  “Well, get this set up. Our clients are going to be here soon and I want to have it ready for them.” She stomped back out.

  Jennifer and Anabelle looked at each other.

  “Thanks for your help, wench,” Jennifer whispered to her.

  Anabelle nodded. “I’d better get this set up.”

  “I’ll help.”

  “Thanks, I really appreciate it,” Anabelle said.

  Fifteen minutes later they had everything set up nicely in the conference room. Anabelle had just dropped her purse off at her desk and was changing back into her heels, when Raquel came by. “They’re here. Come on.”

  Anabelle nodded and quickly tossed her running shoes under the desk. She brushed her hands over her brown and cream-colored paisley V-neck, button-down blouse and camel-colored knee length skirt. She then grabbed a Kleenex and wiped the perspiration from her brow and her cleavage. She tried to smooth her hair back into place as best she could. She was a bit winded still, but ran to catch up to Raquel.

  She stopped in her tracks and gasped. Oh my God, she thought, panicking. It was HIM.

  Chapter 6

  Anabelle was dumbfounded. She felt like she was going to faint. Her face turned beet red and she felt herself starting to perspire again. Her mind swirled in a heightened state of shock and panic.

  Giorgio made eye contact with her, the look of surprise clearly spreading across his face. His lips broadened into a smile.

  Anabelle just looked at him. She felt frozen in place.

  Giorgio introduced himself to Raquel, holding out his hand.

  “Delighted to meet you, Mr. Tsarkopolis,” Raquel said, noticeably impressed. She took in his tall, well-built physique, grinning like the proverbial cat that was about to eat the canary.

  “Please, call me Giorgio,” he said. His dark hair, still slightly mussed up, was tamed a bit for the meeting.

  “Of course. Giorgio,” Raquel said in a low, seductive voice. “Welcome to Kinetic Advertising.”

  Anabelle’s heart fell through to the floor.

  Jennifer stood there, wide-eyed, admiring the tall, dark and handsome, and obviously successful Mr. Tsarkopolis.

  Raquel was then introduced to Giorgio’s assistant, Bernard, who appeared to be about the same age as Anabelle.

  Anabelle immediately recognized him as the man who had seen them after she had spilled her coffee on Giorgio that morning. Great, she thought, his boss. I’ll never escape the embarrassment of that day. Anabelle wanted to disappear through the floor.

  Raquel turned to her. “And this is one of our ad reps, Anabelle Parker. She’ll be sitting in on the meeting, mostly as an observer.”

  Giorgio extended his hand to her. “We meet again, Ms. Parker. Delighted,” he said holding her hand a moment longer than custom dictated. He then held her hand up and kissed it lightly. He had a hint of facial hair growth, which only served to enhance his masculine good looks, giving him a roguish appearance.

  Anabelle was speechless.

  Raquel frowned at the exchange, especially since he hadn’t kissed her hand. “You two know each other?”

  “Yes, we met just recently,” Giorgio said. “Small world.” He let her hand go, but continued to gaze at her. His wide-set blue eyes sparkled with delight, his smile framed by those luscious full lips.

  “Very small,” Anabelle said, her throat feeling constricted.

  “Really?” Raquel said, looking to Anabelle. “Where?”

  “Coffee shop,” Anabelle said, staring at his lips. “We don’t really know each oth
er though. Just crossed paths.”

  “Serendipity,” Giorgio said, still smiling at her.

  Bernard gave Anabelle a knowing smile as they were formally introduced next.

  She blushed.

  Raquel was put off by the exchange. She wasn’t used to not commanding all of the attention from men. “Shall we?” she said, motioning towards the conference room.

  Anabelle nodded. She wanted to die. Being in a business meeting with the gorgeous and wealthy Giorgio Tsarkopolis, a CEO of a Fortune 500 company was beyond intimidating for her. He’d see what a lowly office worker she was and the charm would wear off. Maybe I’ll feign an illness and run home, she thought as she trudged along behind them.

  Her heart pounded as feelings of panic and anxiety flooded her system. She also thought about how well put together Raquel was, and here she was having just returned, sweaty and disheveled from getting coffee. Real impressive, she mused. This is going to be just great.

  Giorgio held back to walk beside Anabelle. His height and strong build were once again having a powerful effect on her. “I’d like to talk to you after our meeting,” he leaned down and whispered to her in his deep voice.

  She felt her face flush and felt hot. “Sure,” she said as she caught a whiff of his intoxicating cologne.

  They all took their places around the long conference table. Anabelle sat as far away from the group as possible, wanting to disappear into the woodwork as her feelings of intimidation grew by the minute. She carefully avoided eye contact with Giorgio and his assistant. She tried to marshal as many defenses as she could.

  Raquel gave her a pointed look.

  She didn’t understand.

  “Anabelle, would you please get drinks for everyone?” she asked, which sounded distinctly more like an order than a request.

  Anabelle raised her eyebrows, surprised at the request. “Me? Uh…okay,” she said, growing ever redder in the cheeks. Being treated like the office waitress was just further humiliation. Realizing she had no choice, she proceeded to ask what everyone wanted.

  “Black coffee, please,” Giorgio asked politely, giving her a warm smile.

  She nodded, avoiding eye contact.

  Giorgio watched her carefully, a compassionate look on his face. He could read her discomfort. He didn’t blame her.

  Raquel took note of his attention. She’d see to it that it was re-directed where it belonged. On her. She had initially planned to have Anabelle pass out the introductory information on Kinetic Advertising, but she decided to do it herself.

  Raquel got up, straightened her silk gold-colored blouse that was tucked into her form-fitting dark brown skirt with a slit, lowering the blouse’s neckline in the process. Her Chanel perfume had been artfully applied to her décolletage. She picked up the pamphlets, sashayed over to Giorgio, and leaned over seductively. “Something so that you can get to know us a bit better,” she purred as her glossy red lipstick coated lips curved into a flirtatious smile. Her hand brushed across his shoulder as she then passed a pamphlet to Bernard. As she walked back to her chair at the head of the table, her hips swayed conspicuously in her tight, well above the knee-length skirt.

  Giorgio’s eyebrows rose at the brazen display.

  Bernard looked bewildered.

  Anabelle thought she was going to be sick.

  “So, Giorgio,” Raquel said, flipping her perfectly coifed, long red hair over her shoulder, then dipping her chin to look up at him through her thick false lashes, “how can I be of service to you…to your firm?” She grinned like a Cheshire cat.

  Anabelle didn’t know whether to scream or throw up. She did neither and just silently fumed.

  Giorgio looked from Raquel to Anabelle and back again, sussing out the dynamics of the room. He took a sip of coffee, savoring it for a moment. “Mmmm, good coffee. Thanks, Anabelle.” He smiled at her. He then leaned back in his chair and turned to Raquel. “We have a unique problem that we’re hoping your firm can help us with.”

  “You have me intrigued,” Raquel said as she leaned forward, putting her ample cleavage back on display. “Do tell.”

  “First off,” Giorgio said, not batting an eye, “I’d like some assurances that what is discussed here will remain confidential.”

  “Of course,” Raquel said, “we’re professional and very discreet. You’re in good hands.” As she said that, she wove her fingers together, her long manicured nails painted blood red. She brushed her thumb along her forefinger for emphasis. On what, Anabelle knew exactly.

  Giorgio looked to Anabelle.

  She nodded. He had a powerful presence. The type of man it was hard to take one’s eyes off of.

  “Good. Well, to begin with, my family has been in the investment and venture capital business for over thirty years. We’ve had a very successful run.”

  “Splendid,” Raquel said, shifting in her seat, then leaning forward a bit more. More cleavage on display.

  Anabelle rolled her eyes.

  Giorgio gave no indication of taking note of her posturing. He continued, “We thought so, too, until a couple of months ago.” He nodded to Bernard.

  “I had been doing some due diligence, ensuring our company’s messaging was consistent across all of our platforms, when I came across a disturbing and somewhat alarming series of anonymous comments to a recent news article that was posted. The article was meant to showcase Tsar Enterprises’ financial track record and provide insight into its various business arms.” Bernard pulled out some paper and handed one to both Raquel and Anabelle. “These are copies of what they wrote.”

  They read them in silence. The comments were accusing the company of financial indiscretions including padding the books, setting up fictitious accounts, misleading entries meant to make their profits look larger than they were, and of hiding losses in certain segments.

  “Whoa,” Raquel said. “These are pretty serious allegations.”

  “By anonymous commenters,” Anabelle said. “That’s a bit suspect.”

  “Agreed,” Giorgio replied. “Obviously, what these comments are saying is untrue. We’re looking into where they might be coming from, but we haven’t found anything definitive yet.”

  “I did look into it further,” Bernard said, “and there was more. Lots more. I’m not sure yet when it started or why, but it’s continuing.”

  “Someone has it out for your company,” Anabelle stated. “Do you have any known enemies?”

  “Well, in the financial services industry, our enemies could be our competitors and potentially anyone who’s ever been burned by a bank or brokerage firm.”

  “That’s a lot of people,” Bernard added.

  “Indeed,” Raquel said. “How can Kinetic help you?”

  “We want to get a series of clear messaging out there about our company’s long history of solid returns for our investors, our ethical investment strategies, some of our big wins, and our diversified portfolio. We want the public to get to know us on our terms. Showcase our strong track record. Trump this nonsense that these internet trolls are spreading about us. We’d like to run a series of ads in the major financial papers, both print and online, highlighting these various aspects.”

  “Well,” Raquel smiled, “you’ve come to the right place. The financial services sector is one of my specialties.”

  “So Bernard has told me,” Giorgio said.

  “I did some homework,” Bernard said, “made some calls. Kinetic came highly recommended.”

  “Well, I’m happy to hear our reputation is solid. Our results are solid, too. We can definitely help you. You’ll be in good hands.” She winked at Giorgio.

  “Wonderful,” Giorgio said, looking away. “Bernard has brought some information along to help get you started in the direction we’re hoping to go with this campaign.”

  Bernard handed Raquel a thick folder.

  “Excellent,” she said as she took it. “I’ll review this information right away. I’ll call you if I have further questio
ns or need any more information before we begin preparing our proposals for you. Once I have all of that in place, I’ll set up a time for a formal presentation on our proposed strategies for Tsar Enterprises.”

  “Sounds good to me,” Giorgio said. “I look forward to it.”

  “I’m certain we can provide ideas that will impress you,” she said, giving a playful raise of her eyebrows.

  “Great, I thank you for your prompt attention to this.”

  “It’s my pleasure to be of service to you and your firm,” she said, a hint of seduction tracing her words.

  Bernard looked to Giorgio. He was starting to feel a little uncomfortable.

  Giorgio took note of his assistant’s reaction. “Well then,” he said as he pushed his chair out. “We will leave you to it.” He got up and Bernard followed his lead.

  They all gathered to leave, following Raquel back to the reception area. There, hands were shook, assurances were given again of follow up calls, then Raquel did something surprising. She leaned in to give Giorgio an air kiss. Anabelle saw that she had pressed her bosom into his chest just ever so slightly, and lightly ran her fingers down his arm. “I look forward to talking to you again,” Raquel said, her voice low. “Call me anytime if there’s anything you need in the meantime,” she said as she handed him her business card. “My cell number is on there as well.”

  Anabelle knew this was not her usual way of saying goodbye to a client.

  Jennifer sat by watching the exchange. She motioned to Anabelle, trying to point out how hot Giorgio was. Anabelle ignored her.

  He took the card, showing no reaction to her come-on. “Thanks, I appreciate that.” His voice was clear, professional, to the point. He nodded at her.

  Just as they were leaving, Giorgio took a step back. “Anabelle, can I have a moment?”

  Raquel looked at him in surprise, then at Anabelle. She looked her up and down, taking note of the discount clothing and messy hair and scant makeup. She crossed her arms in annoyance.

  “Um, okay,” she said nervously, feeling Raquel’s glare burning in her direction.


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