Claimed By The Publisher: An Instalove Possessive Alpha Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 159)

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Claimed By The Publisher: An Instalove Possessive Alpha Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 159) Page 1

by Flora Ferrari


  Claimed By The Publisher


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8


  Extended Epilogue












  Copyright © 2020 by Raquel Quintanar Hernandez

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  The following story contains mature themes, strong language and sexual situations. It is intended for mature readers.



  Something about Roxanne Young captured my attention before I even met her...the second I read her romance novel, I knew she was something special. Little did I know that she was going to be a familiar face from my past...


  I always knew I was going to write under a pseudonym...after all, Roxanne Young is much more experienced in the language of love than me...a complete virgin at the age of twenty-one. But I guess my older brother’s ex-best friend - and the CEO of the publisher I just submitted to - might be able to step in and give me some inspiration.

  *Claimed By The Publisher is a SHORT insta-everything standalone instalove romance with an HEA, no cheating, and no cliffhanger.


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  I can barely believe my eyes. As I’m curled up on the couch with a coffee in my hand, checking my emails, I see something I wasn’t expecting at all.

  A response from a publisher.

  I blink to see if my eyes are playing tricks on me, but the email remains firmly in my inbox. I feel a twist of excitement in my stomach. With shaking hands, I move my cursor to open the email.

  To Roxanne Young,

  I would like to reach out personally as the CEO of King Press to let you know that we very much enjoyed the manuscript that you delivered to us. We’re very excited about the potential it holds and I would like to meet you for dinner in order to discuss how to proceed further with this. Please let me know a time and a date when you’re available to meet.


  Kingsley Collins

  CEO of King Press

  My heart skips a beat at the sight of my own pseudonym. It feels so strange to use a fake name, but I wanted to keep this whole thing private...I’ve never been one for being in the limelight. And now, my alter ego is being given the chance to meet with a publisher and have her work recognized.

  The name of the CEO seems so familiar to me, though I can’t figure out why. It must just be because the company is so huge and well-respected. I can’t believe that King Press wants anything to do with me! And yet here I am, practically swooning over the email as I fantasize that I might soon become a published author.

  I need to keep a level head thought. I email back with my availability and I get a quick response from the CEO’s assistant arranging for us to meet at a fancy Italian restaurant in town...tonight. She even tells me to dress up for the occasion. I sink back in my seat, allowing it to wash over me. If this goes well, then this is going to give my career the kickstart it so sorely needs. If this goes well, I might finally be able to give up my crappy part-time job, move out of my father’s apartment and make a life for myself. I read the email to myself over and over, allowing warmth to fill my heart. This is it. This is my moment.

  I have to find something to wear. I want to impress whoever this man is...Kingsley Collins...the man in charge of my future. I rush to my tiny bedroom in my father’s apartment and look for something suitable to make me look good tonight. The only thing that seems suitable is a little red dress that hugs every curve of my body. I try it on with a leather jacket and stare at myself in the mirror, wondering if it’ll be enough to seal the deal. Surely they’re looking for someone as interesting as the manuscript I submitted? With my dirty blonde hair and mud brown eyes, I need to do everything I can to stand out.

  But I’ve always been a little nervous about being a bigger girl. I know that my body gets judged wherever I go. I think I look good...but will Kingsley?

  I tell myself it doesn’t matter. He’s meeting me because he likes the way I think, not the way I look. But part of me is hoping he’ll like both. Something about this man Kingsley has me hooked already...I get the feeling there’s something special about him. I guess I’ll find out when I meet him for dinner.

  There’s just one problem. My father and my brother are both watching a soccer match in the living room. I’ll have to walk past them to get out of here. No doubt they’re going to want to know where I’m headed, and I really don’t want to have to tell them. I’ve always been pretty private about my writing, and if they find out I’m meeting with the CEO of a publishing company, they’ll want to know details. For once, I want to keep my business to myself.

  Still, I’ll have to offer some explanation at least. I’ve always been a good girl. I come home from work each night, make dinner for my brother and father and then head into my bedroom for the evening, staying up late to write or going straight to bed. I never do anything to disrupt the system. I never go out on dates or head out once it’s dark outside. I never wear tight-fitting dresses to meet and impress men I know nothing about. And yet tonight, I’m doing all of those things.

  Seven o’clock approaches, and I need to be at the restaurant for half-past. I take a deep breath, checking myself in the mirror. It’s now or never. Clutching my bag and trying to ignore my nerves, I leave my bedroom. Both my brother and my father turn around to see me entering the room.

  “Hey, sis. What’s for dinner tonight?” my brother, Jasper asks me. He’s got a beer in one hand and looks pretty relaxed. That is until he spots me with my red dress on and a pair of heels making me taller than before.

  “What the hell are you wearing?” my father asks, looking me up and down. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you out of jeans before.”

  “I’m...I’m meeting some girls from work for cocktails. We’re meant to dress up,” I say, my voice barely a squeak. I can’t believe I just lied to them, but I know I have to. For now my meeting with Kingsley has to remain a secret. It feels awful, but it’s the right decision.

  Jasper tsk’s at me. “You’re usually so unsociable...what’s going on, hmm? What are you up to?”

  I blush, hoping that I won’t be caught in my own lie. “I’m just trying to make the most of my life...I never really do anything fun.”

  Jasper is barely even listening. He shrugs, turning back toward the TV. “Okay, have fun. Text me if you want me to pick you up, okay? But let me know as soon as possible. I’ll need to sober up.”

  I nod and sneak out of the apartment without another word. My chest is so tight with anxiety that I can barely breathe. The whole thing just feels so lie to them both, to go out with a man who is definitely older and richer than I am...without even knowing what he looks’s all very new and wild for me. I fan myself with my clutch bag and head out into the street, hailing myself a cab and giving the address to the driver. This is it...I’m carving out my own future.

  The restaurant we arrive at looks beautiful inside, lit up by fairy lights and with a pianist playing soft instrumental music as I enter. I stand nervously in the doorway, unsure of what to do with myself in such a fancy place. A waitress approaches me.

  “May I help you?”

  “Um...I’m meant to be meeting Kingsley Collins? I think we have a reservation…”

  The woman looks me up and down, seeming surprised. I blush, feeling as though she’s judging me for my appearance. She must’ve seen Kinglsey earlier and is now struggling to pair the two of us together. It makes my stomach tighten with nerves. Does that mean he’s incredibly handsome? Yet another reason to be nervous about this.

  “Please follow me, Miss. He’s already seated.”

  My legs are wobbling as I follow her through the restaurant. But before we even arrive at my table, my eyes land on Kingsley and my heart flails inside my chest. There’s a reason I recognized his name. I’ve met Kingsley Collins before.

  He’s my brother’s ex-best friend…


  Heat courses through my veins as Roxanne Young approaches me...or should I say, Ivy Miller. I recognize her right away, it’s been a while since I last saw her. The last time was at her father’s birthday party three years ago. The night I first lusted after her.

  And now, she’s got my cock rock hard in my pants within seconds. She looks incredible in her tight red dress, especially with her red lips parted in shock at the sight of me. She’s put two and two together and realized where she knows me from. I don’t blame her for not noticing me before...she was just walking by me on her way out of the party when we last met. But I never forgot the sashaying of her wide hips...or the smell of her perfume...or the beauty of her dark brown eyes.

  I can barely believe she’s here. She must be using a pseudonym to protect her identity. Her mouth is hanging open in shock even as she reaches out to shake my hand. I want to grab her and kiss her and let her know that she hasn’t left my mind for the past three years, but now that she’s here, I can’t afford to mess this up.

  “Good evening, Ivy,” I growl, unable to tear my eyes away from her. She blushes.

  “Kingsley...I haven’t seen you since I was a kid…”

  I feel some kind of relief. I’m glad that she didn’t see me at the party where she last caught my eye. If she’d been able to forget me so easily after that, then I’d know I’m wasting my time with her. But as she looks me up and down anxiously, I sense that there’s lust on her part too. She seems so shy, but I can see she wants something from me too.

  “You must’ve missed me at your father’s sixtieth birthday party,” I say, filling in the gaps. She nods a little absentmindedly. Our hands are still locked together in a handshake, but I don’t want to let go.

  “Yeah and you haven’t really been around since.”

  “Your brother and I had a...disagreement. I guess we stopped being friends at around that time. But we’re not here to discuss that. Roxanne.”

  She blushes again and our hands finally let go of one another. I pull out her chair for her to sit down and she thanks me as I return to my seat. She clears her throat.

  “If I’d known it was you I was meeting. I would’ve used my real name...I’ve just never really wanted to use it for my writing. I guess I’m shy.”

  “I can’t think why that would be. You’ve just delivered us a masterpiece,” I say. I feel strangely protective of her. I want to reassure her of her brilliance. I want her to realize how much she’s worth. But she just keeps blushing and it’s evident that convincing her she’s good is going to take more than a few compliments. I offer her a smile.

  “Order anything you want. Dinner is on me. I’ve already ordered a bottle of champagne. We’re celebrating you tonight.”

  She blushes yet again, hiding behind the menu. God damn, she looks sexy. It’s even sexier knowing that she’s just shown me the best manuscript our company has received in years. She’s a damn good writer and that’s a massive turn on. Looking at her now, I know I wasn’t crazy to lust after her three years ago. I wasn’t crazy to keep her in the forefront of my mind since then. She’s something special, this girl...and now all I want to do is prove that to her. Starting with offering her a publishing contract that will change her life forever.

  A waiter comes to take our order and then suddenly, it’s just the two of us. There’s no menu for her to hide behind anymore. This is it. We’re going to face exactly what’s going on here and I couldn’t be more thrilled. It feels like fate brought her here tonight. Now is my chance. Now is my opportunity to make her mine.

  “So. Let’s talk about your work,” I say. “’re something else, Ivy. Not many people would be able to produce something as accomplished as what you’ve shown us, especially as a debut novel. There’s something really special about it and we’re definitely interested in publishing it.”

  “For real?” Ivy says, widening her eyes. Her lack of faith in her own abilities is incredible, but the look of shock on her face is also extremely endearing. I can feel the urge within me to kiss her so strongly that I have to lean back in my seat to avoid temptation.

  “Yes, Ivy. I don’t normally read manuscripts personally, but my top editor told me to check out what you’d sent, and I was very impressed. The romance is sizzling, the emotion is raw, and the storyline is perfect. It’s got everything a romance novel needs and more. So don’t look so surprised. You’re exactly what I’m looking for.”

  In more ways than one, I can’t help thinking. I wish she was mine so that I could make her see how incredible she is. I need her to be mine so that I can worship her beautiful body and make her see how much she’s worth. I know our relationship must be kept entirely professional, and yet I want to do things to her that shouldn’t even be thought about in a work environment. What would her brother say if he knew she was here with me? What would her father say too? I’m sure her brother has made certain that her father is aware of how I feel towards her. Neither of them approve, but they’re not my concern. I want her...and her only. If she wants me back, then who am I to stop this from happening?

  “Cheers to you and your new career,” I tell her with a smile. She nervously raises her glass and clinks it against mine.

  “To my new career...and to working together.”

  I grin as I take my first sip. Now that’s something I can definitely drink to.



  I can barely believe I’m sitting here with my older brother’s ex best friend, about to get a publishing deal as if it’s the most natural thing in the world. Nothing about this is natural at all. I haven’t seen this guy in years and now, all of a sudden, I can’t believe what I’ve been missing.

  It’s not just that he’s incredibly handsome, or that he makes my skin tingle every time I look at him. It’s that we have so much in common, so many connections and a million reasons why we would be perfect for each other. Call me crazy, but sitting here right now with the chemistry sizzling between us, I think he might be the one.

  I’m feeling a little giddy at this point. With our meals finished, I’m on my second glass of champagne and I can feel sparks f
lying. I’m more drunk on him than I am on the champagne. When I look into his eyes I feel something stirring in me. I try to fight it. I try to be confident enough not to pull my gaze away. But it feels as though he’s set every single one of my nerve endings alight. It feels like he’s giving me no choice, but to succumb to his handsome smile and his sexy body. All I want is for him to tell me that he wants to get out of this place and find somewhere we can be alone together. But since that’s not going to happen, I know I should just enjoy this moment...especially when there’s no way in hell that he’s having the same thoughts as I am.

  “It’s good to be here with you,” Kingsley says to me with a smile that could melt butter. “I’ve missed having your brother around, you know. You’re like him in a lot of ways.”

  I blush. “I never thought we had all that much in common to be honest.”

  “I can tell you have the same sense of humor...he always was a good laugh. You’re just a little more shy than he is,” Kingsley growls, looking me up and down. I blush again. When he’s looking at me like that, how can I possibly do anything, but go weak in the knees for him?

  “I guess we do have that in common...Kingsley, can I ask you a personal question?”

  Kingsley leans back in his seat, his arm over the back of his chair in a casual way. He looks so relaxed. How is he so relaxed? Can’t he feel the tension building between us?

  “I just wanted to ask you about what happened with you and my brother...I mean, you don’t have to tell me if it’s something personal.”

  Kingsley smiles at me. “Hey, we’re going to be working together. We may as well get to know each other properly, ask me anything you want.”

  “I just...I want to know why he stopped talking to you. It just seemed strange to me. He used to talk about you all the time. You guys were thick as thieves.”

  “Yeah, I guess we were once.”

  “So what changed? It’s been how long? Three years? Since you stopped speaking, I mean. I seems so sad.”


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