Love Under Two Financiers

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Love Under Two Financiers Page 13

by Cara Covington

  Neither had she realized exactly how stressed out she’d been since that moment she’d heard the words that had come out of her so-called army buddy’s mouth. Was that barely an hour ago?

  I don’t even care that I might be considered a traitor to my gender. She didn’t. Leesa Jordan was so damn glad she had these two wonderful men to rely upon she didn’t know if she had words to convey her gratitude.

  But she certainly had actions she could use, and she would. Later.

  “Do you mean to tell me that you told that asshole where to find Leesa? That you set her up for the sole purpose of getting him in a position where you could, quote unquote, legally arrest him for breaking the law and interrogate him?”

  Jason’s voice must have dropped an entire octave during the course of his question. Each word had been crisply enunciated, as if had been cut from sheer, diamond-hard ice.

  Note to self. Pray he never speaks to me that way.

  Not that he would, because Leesa felt certain that tone was reserved only for the total dipshits of the world.

  “I don’t know why everyone here is so upset. This is a federal operation, and I can assure you that every precaution will be taken to ensure Ms. Jordan’s safety.”

  Corporal Arnie Bates, U.S. army, had turned out to be Arnold Bateman, a DEA agent currently assigned to the Dallas office. When she’d known him, he’d been imbedded with the army for, she’d just learned, a multi-year undercover assignment.

  Leesa had let Peter’s attitude toward the man be her guide until Phillip and Jason had joined her. Now she understood that every one of the men who were not named Bateman in this office held the same distain she’d read in Peter’s expression. And the jerk had no one to blame but himself.

  “Had you actually even been wounded during that sniper attack?” The question had just occurred to her. The word had been at the time that the man had been hurt badly and needed to be medevacked out.

  “No. Reporting me as wounded was just a convenient way to get me out of there. It had been time for me to move on.”

  “Was there even an actual sniper attack on the base?” Phillip asked. “Or was that another federal operation, with ‘every precaution taken,’ all just to get you out of the unit?”

  Leesa felt her eyes go wide. She looked at Phillip, who was glaring at Bateman. And because none of the other men present—Jason or Peter or even Adam—looked anything other than pissed, she snapped her attention back to the worm to see what he would answer.

  He held both hands up, palms out. “I swear, we did not engineer that event. We merely used it. We’re not animals.” He looked over at Peter. “You especially should know better.”

  “Oh, I do,” Peter said. “Trust me, I have never baited a trap using an unsuspecting, innocent civilian.”

  “Not so innocent. She was married to the man, I’ll remind you.”

  For the first time in her life, Leesa could actually feel the release of testosterone into the air.

  “You watch your fucking mouth, moron,” Jason said.

  “As soon as that asshole showed his true colors, Leesa divorced him,” Phillip said. “And I can damn well guarantee you she didn’t know he was involved in the drug trade.”

  “If she had known that,” Adam said, “she would have told the prosecutors in advance of his court-martial.”

  “Fine,” Bateman said. “But the only reason he married her was to have access to the food services delivery schedules.”

  His words hit her right in the gut. Well, that answers that question. Leesa inhaled deeply, pissed at herself that the truth would hurt her so badly after all this time.

  She felt the grip of her men’s hands and felt their trust and their love. “I had wondered,” she said. “I mean he acted as if I was the only woman in the world—until I said, ‘I do.’ I really had no idea why he married me. And for the record, I did not give him any scheduling information. What I did do was give him hell for even asking me.” Leesa frowned. “I guess I should have reported the question, but at the time…Actually, now that I think about it, that was pretty much the beginning of the end for us.”

  Her men—and Adam and Peter—were still staring daggers at Bateman. He sighed. “We know you didn’t give him any information, Ms. Jordan. He wound up using another stooge to get what he needed with regard to the delivery schedules.”

  “Enough of this. Adam, this prick has put Leesa in danger. What do we do now? How do we protect her?” Jason turned his focus on Lusty’s sheriff.

  “We have our ways, Jason, don’t you worry about that.” Adam sat back and looked at Peter. “Can you find out how important the information Bryce Jordan is suspected to have is to the powers that be and what this secret case Bateman’s working on is all about?”

  Bateman’s face turned red. “I already told you…”

  “You told us shit, Mr. Bateman. You insist that everything is classified, fine. But so is this town, and her people, to you.”

  Sheesh, Adam can be downright scary when he wants to be.

  Bateman got to his feet. “You’ve no idea how much trouble I can call down on you, Sheriff, on you and your little pissant town. But you’re about to.”

  Adam sat back, his expression saying far more than words about how he regarded DEA agent Bateman. “Bring it.”

  The man stormed out. Leesa saw him yank his cell phone out of his pocket as he strode out of sight.

  She looked back at Adam. “Don’t worry about him,” Adam said. “He’ll be back with a better disposition. I can guarantee it.” Then he looked over at Peter. “Do you want to make the call, or will I?”

  “You can do it.” Peter grinned. “Not that I would mind, particularly, but the man you’re about to call is up my chain of command.”

  Adam nodded. He pulled out his cell phone. He was whistling softly, and Leesa recognized an old Queen classic, “Another One Bites the Dust.”

  “Good afternoon, Mr. Garwood, this is Sheriff Adam Kendall, from Lusty, Texas. I’m well, sir, and you? Excellent. Yes, thank you, Mrs. Benedict is well, too. You know Grandma Kate. She loves to keep very busy. Sir, I’m calling you because I’ve just had a rather interesting visit from one of your men out of the Dallas office, and I have to tell you, he was neither polite nor strategic in his approach to us.”

  Leesa felt her eyes widen for a second time as Adam cut to the chase and told Garwood—presumably someone in the management of the DEA—everything that had transpired with Bateman. She looked from Phillip to Jason. They appeared as confused as she felt.

  Of course, she had heard some stories about the head of the combined families and that the nonagenarian enjoyed a particularly long reach of influence. I guess they weren’t just stories after all.

  When Jason tilted his head as he looked at her, she winked. She was pretty certain he understood that gesture to mean that she’d tell them all about it what she’d been thinking. And she would. It would be the second thing on her agenda, once they were alone.

  Kind of a later, later.

  * * * *

  As soon as the door closed behind them, Leesa turned toward them. Jason and Phillip stood side by side, which was perfect. She opened her arms and flung herself at both of her men.

  “My heroes! Both of you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” They tucked her in, and she couldn’t hold back her sigh.

  “You don’t have to thank us, sweetheart.” Jason nuzzled the right side of her neck, kissing that ear, giving it a little lick. Of course, her body shivered in response.

  “You never have to thank us for defending you, love. It’s what we will always do, and gladly.” Phillip kissed her other ear, and Leesa got a glimpse of what heaven was really like.

  The urge to share, to tell them, rose up, a long overdue eruption of truth that she could no longer hold back. “You don’t know…you couldn’t possibly know.” Leesa believed if she didn’t let everything out right then, she’d explode.

  “What don’t we know, sweetheart?” J
ason asked. “That you’re honest and kind, with the biggest heart in the world?”

  “What don’t we know, love? That your patriotism is as deep as your heart is wide and that you’re the most wonderful woman in the world?”

  Here, right here, was every dream she never dared to dream and every hope that she’d never allowed to grow in her heart.

  Leesa realized in that moment that it was easier to go without if you believed there was no chance to ever have. But here it all was, right here, just waiting for her to accept it.

  How did I ever get so damn lucky?

  “What you don’t know is I love you. I love you both so much, and it’s the most wonderful feeling I’ve ever known.”

  Jason closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against hers. “Thank God. Oh, thank God.” Then he lifted his head, opened his eyes, and used trembling hands to cup her face. “I love you, Leesa Jordan. I love you with every fiber of my being, and I will until the day I die.”

  He laid his lips on hers, and she opened wide, not only needing all he could give but desperate to give all that he needed in return.

  Phillip pressed close, and when Jason lifted his lips from hers, both men turned her so that she faced Phillip.

  “I love you, Leesa. I never knew I’d be able to find a woman who’d love me and my best friend in equal measure. But I did. I found you, and by God, I’ll never stop loving you.”

  Phillip’s kiss intoxicated her every bit as much as Jason’s had. She let herself drown in them, in their passion and their fire and their hearts.

  Hearts that had just been handed to her. Hearts she would carry with her and guard for the rest of her time on this earth.

  Then Phillip drew back, gave her one of his sexy, sassy grins, and ran for the stairs. Jason grinned, reached for her hand, linking their fingers, and followed.

  Leesa giggled as she ran up the stairs behind Jason, as eager as they apparently were to get naked and to just be. She had a sense what was coming next. She shivered with anticipation, and then she firmed with resolve.

  “I need to show you. I need to give to you…” Her heart was so full, she was having trouble forming the words.

  They stood in their bedroom. Phillip had just taken her right hand in his, brought it to his lips, and kissed it. She was overcome by the intensity of their gazes, the heat of their bodies, and the aroma that said to her inner woman just two words—my mates.

  “What do you need to show us?” Jason’s voice had taken on that change, that edge that turned her on. She’d never believed a man’s voice alone could do that to her, but here she was, quivering with need.

  A deep, feral need to give.

  “I need to show you what you both mean to me. I need to give you what I never imagined I would need to give—until I met you. I need, very much, to suck your cocks and pleasure you both.”

  Her men exchanged a look—just one brief look—and then Jason faced her and nodded.

  “Strip, then get on your knees.”

  A hot, lusty shiver racked her as she did exactly as she’d been asked—no, commanded—to do. She didn’t give a damn about where her clothes fell. She only wanted to obey as quickly as possible.

  “Phillip first,” Jason said. “I need to watch as you service him, wench.” The wink he tossed at her with that outrageous word sparked a smile. With each passing day, her Jason was becoming more comfortable with the relationship the three of them were building.

  Neither he nor Phillip had been raised in Lusty. Yet they both clearly enjoyed sharing her.

  It’s not the air or the food or the water at all. It’s in the genes. And in the heart.

  Then Phillip dropped his pants and sat on the end of the bed. His cock stood, awaiting her attention. The drop of pre-cum on its tip caught the overhead light, and damned if it didn’t sparkle like the most desirable gem she’d ever seen.

  Leesa barely noticed the pillow Jason tossed onto the floor by his cousin’s feet. She sank down, and the scent of his sex—hot, clean, Phillip—made her mouth water, her nipples peak, and her own nectar begin to flow.

  She raised her gaze to Phillip’s. The way he stared down at her just sent her own arousal soaring.

  “Do it.”

  Leesa fisted Phillip’s cock. She loved the sensation of his velvety hot flesh in her hand, loved the way it felt when she pumped and he flexed in response. Then she leaned closer and licked that dewy drop off. She took one moment to savor his taste, and then she opened her mouth and sucked him in.

  Leesa loved this, loved the presence of his cock in her mouth, the tasty drops he awarded her, and the deep masculine sounds of pleasure that emerged from his throat. She suckled and licked, moving her head and using her tongue to caress his shaft. She finished that motion with a slight caress of her tongue across the top.

  With his hands on her head, he combed his fingers through her hair and gripped hard. His hands flexed, releasing and grasping, and that action sent waves of pleasure through her. Leesa closed her thoughts to the world. Only this moment mattered. Only Phillip mattered, and she set out to destroy him—in the best possible way.

  The more she pleasured him, the more she felt his tremors and heard his groans, the hornier she became. The sensation of heat on her back alerted her, and when Jason leaned forward and licked her shoulder, she moaned.

  “Hands and knees, sweetheart. Your delicious juices are calling to me. Watching you suck Phil’s cock has got me horny as hell.”

  “Hands on the floor, babe,” Phillip said. “I’ll protect you.”

  Leesa obeyed, releasing her hand from his flesh, bracing herself for whatever Jason chose to do with her.

  She understood Phillip’s promise of protection when he grasped his own cock at the base to stop her from taking him too deep, and then he began, ever so gently, to rock his hips. She kept her tongue on his shaft but slackened her lips, forming a soft, pliant circle around his cock. She’d never dreamed she could cede control in this sort of situation, but doing so now, with him, felt natural and right.

  Soft kisses on her thighs warned her of Jason’s presence, and she moaned in anticipation. Then Jason gave her pussy a long, luscious lick.

  “You taste so damn good to me.”

  His words left a puff of warm air on her dripping cunt. Then he moved, and mouth, teeth, and tongue nuzzled and tasted, caressed and suckled and drove her steadily higher. Pops and sizzles exploded, sending electric shocks all over her body.

  Mindless, with no desire except for more, Leesa took and she gave. The first wave of her orgasm took her at the same instant she swallowed the first ejaculation from Phillip’s cock.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Leesa hummed with contentment as their heat surrounded her and their scent and their strength enveloped her.

  This is my favorite place in the world to be.

  Jason and Phillip cocooned her in the bed, and she nestled in. A tiny sound emerged from her soul, and she thought that, just maybe, she was purring.

  “Thank you, baby.” Phillip hugged her then gave her a sweet kiss. “You completely blew my mind.”

  “You’re welcome.” Leesa avoided the joke about that having been his mind. Though she did wonder if making love was supposed to have funny—or, in her case, sarcastic—moments.

  If the occasion didn’t feel quite right for humor, it nearly cried out for complete honesty. “I really get a lot of pleasure from giving both of you fellatio.”

  “Not as much as we do,” Jason said. She heard the humor in his voice. Phillip did, too, if his grin was any measure. Then he winked at her and gave her just a slight nod.

  Leesa knew exactly the message Phillip was giving her. She grinned then moved. Rolling over, she gained her knees and looked down at Jason. His face still bore the wet evidence of her most recent orgasm. Bending close, she said, “Wanna bet?” Then she covered his lips with her own.

  He didn’t grab her, which told her he had a sense of what she intended to do. He did return
her kiss, and man, could Jason Benedict ever kiss! She drank down the flavor of them together and marveled that what once had seemed an unappealing act was now craved, even necessary to her.

  She lifted her head and met his gaze. Licking her lips, Leesa relished Jason’s visceral reaction. His eyes widened, his nostrils flared, and damn if his hot body didn’t get even hotter.

  Then she winked and lowered her head once more and began to kiss, nibble, and lick a path down his chest, destination that wonderful hot, hard, and tasty cock she knew awaited her.

  Along the way, she paused to lick and then suckle each of his nipples. She grinned at the shiver that overtook him. She swirled her tongue in his navel. Jason made a sound—half growl, have curse—that filled her feminine heart with a sense of accomplishment. In response to that primitive sound, her nipples turned rock hard, and her sex began to quiver. Fresh nectar trickled, announcing that her body was preparing her for her men.

  Leesa grinned as she neared Jason’s cock. It was harder than she’d seen it, and the heat pulsing off him sent her waves of his delicious aroma. As always when she inhaled that scent, her mouth actually watered. Inhaling deeply, she took his scent into herself, relishing it. Leesa nuzzled his cock at the base of the curls that nested it, breathing deep and, yes, purring.

  “God, woman. You’re torturing me!”

  “No, baby. I’m loving you.”

  The emotion and the action became one as she lavished a long, slow lick on his cock, base to tip. When she sucked his cock into her mouth, she hummed her delight.

  “Oh, yes.” Jason’s hips undulated, and Leesa applied herself to his pleasure, stroking and licking his cock. Kneeling between his spread legs, she used her right hand to cup and caress his balls while her left fisted his shaft. Tiny drops of jism coated her tongue, and she suckled and swallowed and wordlessly begged him for more.

  A hand brushed the inside of her thighs, and Leesa opened her own legs and moaned when Phillip slid between them and then used his lips and tongue on her pussy.

  This was heaven. This was love. The give and take, the sharing, the caring, this was an ideal of love that she’d sensed could be but had never known before these two men.


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