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BLAZE (The HEAT Series Book 3)

Page 7

by Deborah Bladon


  I set the box in my hand on the kitchen island when I hear Sophia's key in the door. I'd taken a detour on my way back from Magari, stopping to pick up a gift that I should have bought a long time ago.

  "How did it go?" She's breathless as she approaches me from behind. "Is everything good? Did you two get along?"

  I pivot on my heel to face her. I push a breath of air out from between my lips.

  Her eyes skim my face. "You've been crying, Den. Tell me what it is. What the hell happened?"

  "We talked about the past." I kick off my heels. "I understand more now. I think he does too."

  She reaches up to run the pad of her thumb over the skin under my eye. "Your mascara smudged a bit. I can clean it up for you."

  I shake my head. "I'm going to shower soon. I need to wash today away."

  "I'll be here to talk if you need me." The worry in her blue eyes matches her voice. "I'm a great listener, Den."

  "You're the best listener," I say with a small smile. "Are we having dinner together tonight?"

  She hesitates, her eyes scanning my face. I know she wants to know more about what happened between me and Sergio but my heart feels like it's been slivered into a thousand pieces. Talking about it won't help. I need to absorb it quietly, on my own.

  "Do you want to go out?" Her face brightens. "We could go eat greasy cheeseburgers and then catch a movie."

  "If I eat a cheeseburger and popcorn will I fit in the dress you made me for Nova's launch?"

  "It'll fit," she shoots back. "There's not much to it, so you're good."

  "There's not much to it?" I grin. "It's not a club, Sophia. It's the opening of a restaurant."

  "I got that memo, Chef." She turns on her heel. "Trust me. You'll look like a million bucks."


  "I didn't expect to see you before tonight." I step back from the open door of my apartment to let Tyler in. "I thought you'd be rushing to get everything in order for the soft launch."

  "I am." He kisses me softly before he walks toward the kitchen. "I needed to see you. I've missed your beautiful face."

  I've missed his face too, and not just because it's handsome. We've talked on the phone a few times since my lunch with Sergio. I didn't tell Tyler about the baby because stealing his focus from launch night would be selfish. We'll have plenty of time to talk once tonight is over. The restaurant doesn't officially open for another week. Tonight is a test run to work out all the bumps and setbacks, even though I seriously doubt there will be any.

  "How are you feeling?" I ask excitedly. "Can you believe you'll be serving food at Nova tonight?"

  "It's surreal." He looks around the room. "Will you cook for me here on the weekend? You can make that trout dish that I love."

  "I'll make you anything you want, Chef." I circle my arms around his neck. "I might even bake another cake to make up for the missed birthday celebration."

  "The naked missed birthday celebration?"

  "That's the one." I tap my fingers on the front of his shirt. "It will be a birthday and Nova launch private party just for the two of us."

  He closes his eyes as he draws in a heavy breath. "Someone fucked things up, Cadence. It was one of the people from the PR firm."

  "Shit," I wince. "Is it bad? What happened?"

  "I gave them a list of people in the industry I want there tonight." He inches back, his hands dropping from my waist. "Trevino's coming."

  "Brendon?" I feel an instant flood of anxiety. "No. That's messed up. Did you tell him not to come?"

  "The guest list was sent out to the press." He shrugs his shoulder. "His name is on there. He's been posting about it on Axel's social media sites, saying how pumped he is to be there to support Hunter."

  "Fuck," I mutter under my breath. "I can call him and tell him not to come."

  "It'll look bad. He'll post about it. Call me out for making things personal." His tone is stern. "The bastard is coming. I have to deal with it."

  "We'll deal with it together." I bite my lower lip to try and curb my nervousness.

  He sucks in a deep breath. "I'm worried about what he'll do when he sees you. I'm going to be preoccupied."

  "I can handle, Brendon," I say assuredly. "He'll be so busy telling everyone there how great he is that he won't notice me at all."

  "Do you still think it's a good idea for you to be there?"

  I ignore the pounding of my heart as I look into his eyes. "This is the second time you've told me I don't have to come to the soft launch. Do you want me there, Tyler?"

  He hesitates. It's brief but it's there. "This is a big night for me. My family's going to be there. I want you there, it's just …"

  "It's just that drama follows me around like a shadow?" I snap. "You think my relationships with Sergio and Brendon are going to ruin your big night. Is that what this is about?"

  "No," he answers harshly. "I want to protect you. I want to keep you safe. I can't do that if I'm busy with critics and reporters."

  "I can take care of myself," I say calmly. "Things with Sergio are improving. Brendon won't make a scene in public."

  His gaze shifts from my face to the counter. "I spoke to Sergio this morning. He called Nova to congratulate me on the launch. He's bringing me a signed cookbook as a gift."

  It's a thoughtful gesture. It's typical of my dad. He spreads his good will with his own work. He knows how much value is placed on a signed copy of one of his cookbooks. I've seen them displayed in a few restaurants in Manhattan.

  "I need to go home to shower before I get ready for tonight." He leans down to cover my mouth with his in a slow, deep kiss. "I love you. I'll see you in a few hours.


  "You should totally tell him you love him tonight." Sophia tugs on the zipper at the back of my dress. "It would make the launch extra special."

  It's been my plan all along. I envision the end of the night, when everyone has cleared out and it's just the two of us left inside Nova. I downloaded a song to my phone that I'll play so we can dance and that's when I'll tell him that I love him too.

  "I agree." I smile at her reflection in the mirror. "This dress is seriously stunning, Soph. I think it's my favorite so far."

  It's strapless, black with a shimmer to the fabric. The hem falls above my knee giving it a refined feel. It's snug and when I turn to the side, it's obvious that I'm just the right amount of curvy. I've pinned my hair up so my shoulders are bare. I look sophisticated, confident and in love.

  "I love it, Den." She adjusts the fabric on my hip. "I'll take some photos of it before we leave, if that's okay?"

  "Sure." I turn to the side. "You look amazing too."

  She does. Her red dress is form fitted on top with a full skirt. It's vibrant and immediately draws the eye to her tiny waist.

  "It's safe to say I'm hot." She giggles. "I need some snaps of this one for my portfolio too."

  "Let's get on it." I start down the hall toward her room. "We need to leave soon."

  "Wait." She stalls in place a few steps behind me. "I just heard your phone. It chimed. You have a message. You should check that, right?"

  I should. Barbara has been texting me non-stop most of today. We're arranging a meeting with a butcher in Connecticut. It's not happening for another four days but Barbara is on top of it. She wants me to prepare a list of questions for him and she's eager to know what I'll be cooking with the beef I bring back with me.

  "It's my boss." I roll my eyes. "She's all about meat today."

  "Meat?" Sophia's brows wiggle. "I have a million jokes for that, Den."

  "Don't start." I thrust my hand in the air as I pass her on my way back to the kitchen.

  "Just one?" She whines as she steps behind me.

  I shake my head, my attention focused on my smartphone. It's a text message from Tyler.

  Sergio's at my place. There were some crossed wires. He brought the cookbook here and a bottle of Hennessy.

  "My dad
is at Tyler's apartment." I look back at Sophia. "How random is that?"

  "What's he doing there?"

  I type back a response to Tyler.

  That's the good stuff, Chef. Toast to your success tonight and then get your ass to your restaurant.

  "Sergio brought him a signed cookbook as a gift." I turn to look at Sophia. "They're going to have a drink."

  I look down again when my phone chimes.

  That's what we're doing right now. I'm going to catch a ride with him to Nova. I'll kiss you later. Er…see you later, Chef.

  I smile at the sweet sentiment.

  "You're in love, Den." She taps her finger on the edge of my phone. "I see it in your face."

  "I feel it in here." I rest my hand over my chest. "I've never felt it before. I never want it to go away."


  Nova is buzzing when we arrive thirty minutes later. The dining room has been transformed, the lights subtle but warm. The tables that Tyler was fretting over the other day have been pushed aside to allow space for the crowd to gather. Servers are expertly weaving their way through the mass of people, offering small plates of food along with glasses of champagne and sparkling water.

  I recognize several food critics and a few celebrities. I scan the room for Tyler but I don't see him. My gaze stalls on Maribel.

  "I'm going to go say hi to Maribel." I lean close to Sophia so she can hear me above the noise. "Do you want to come with me?"

  "There's a reporter from a fashion magazine over there." She tilts her chin slightly to the right. "She's been to the office to see Mr. Foster. I'm going to go chat her up. Hopefully she'll notice my dress."

  It would be impossible for anyone not to notice it.

  "I'll meet you back here in fifteen." I point at floor beneath my feet. "If you need me, call, okay?"

  She gives me a wave as she takes off into the crowd.

  I turn back but Maribel is gone. I walk around several people, looking over their heads. I'm wearing my highest heels tonight. I still can't see Maribel's long black hair. I move past a gathered group of women before I finally reach the back of the room.

  Brendon's gaze catches mine as soon as I look to the right. I curse inwardly knowing that he's going to come over and talk to me.

  "Brendon," I whisper as soon as he's close. "Don't cause a scene. Please don't."

  "Your dad is in New York." His voice is cold. "Your precious secret is going to come out, Den. Monroe's going to find out what you did to Sergio's wife."

  When I told Brendon about the incident with Asta, his first question was whether I pushed her or not. I brushed it off as his insensitivity showing. That's not what it was. It was doubt. He doubted me when I followed it up by telling him that I hadn't meant to hurt her.

  Instead of comforting me, he used my pain as currency to control me.

  "Tyler knows that Asta was hurt." I face him directly. "He understands that it was an accident."

  "You told him?" Skepticism laces his tone. "Why would you tell him?"

  "Tyler and I don't have secrets." I look to where Maribel is standing in quiet conversation with another black haired woman. "I have someone I need to talk to, Brendon. Enjoy your night."

  He doesn't respond. What could he possibly say? It's over and now he knows it.


  I reach in my purse for my phone. I scan the screen hoping to see a text message from Tyler. He needs to be here. The restaurant is reaching capacity and I can hear the whispered questions about whether he's going to show up or not.

  I decide that sending a text won't hurt.

  You're missing out on the party of the year, Chef. You need to be here and when the night is over I have a surprise for you.

  He responds almost immediately.

  Traffic is slow as fuck. We're eight blocks away. I'll be there soon and what's the surprise?

  I survey the room before I text him back.

  You'll have to be patient, Chef. I promise it'll be worth it.

  I giggle as I wait for his reply.

  You're always worth it. You're worth everything.

  As I slide my phone back into my purse, my fingers catch on the box I tucked in there before I left my apartment. I pull it out.

  I don’t need to open it to know what's inside. It's a gold watch, an exact replica of the one that I gave Sergio when I was fourteen-years-old.

  After having lunch with him I went to Times Square to the same jeweler that was there when I went in to buy the watch for the first time. It's not expensive. There isn't a designer name attached to it. It's a gold plated watch that will mean more to Sergio than anything else I could give him. It's a Father's Day gift, for each and every year, we spent apart.

  Someone clears their throat next to me. I drop the box with the watch back into my bag as I turn toward the sound.

  Maribel is next to me, her face flush from the glass of wine in her hand. She had the same look in her eyes the night that Sophia and I met her at the club.

  "Are you having fun?" I ask. "It's a good turn-out, isn't it?"

  "I think Tyler is going to flip when he walks in." She exhales in a rush. "His family is on their way. It's going to be a night to remember."

  I look over at the woman she was talking to when Sophia and I arrived. I can only see her profile but it's marginally familiar. I bring my attention back to Maribel. "Tyler deserves it all. You all do. You've worked so hard to get Nova back up and running."

  "We've been putting in insane hours." She glances around the room with a slight smile. "Chef brought on some new staff to help. Have you met any of them yet?"

  I shake my head. There's no reason for me to. I don't work here anymore. "I haven't."

  "There's one person you absolutely have to meet." She waves her hand above her head. "It's our new executive chef."

  "Tyler hired another chef?" I look behind me but nobody seems to take notice of Maribel's uncontrollable waving. "An executive chef?"

  "He needed the help." She shrugs. "He wanted someone he could depend on to run the kitchen for him."

  "Darrell does that," I say quietly. "Why wasn't he promoted?"

  "Tyler must not trust him enough." Her face brightens. "I'll introduce you to the executive chef now."

  I wait in place as she walks away, my heart thumping an uneven beat in my chest.

  "Cadence Sutton," Maribel tugs on the elbow of the petite woman I saw her with earlier. "This is Neela Norman, Nova's new executive chef."


  "Deep breaths, Den." Sophia rubs my shoulders. "Take deep breaths."

  I rest my hands on the back of a wooden bench outside Nova. Sophia brought me here after I pulled her into a corner inside to tell her about Neela. “He’s been working with his ex, Soph. Did I tell you that they were engaged? He was fucking engaged to her."

  "Engaged?" Her hands stall before she picks up the pace, her fingers kneading painfully deep into my flesh.

  "Stop." I swat her hand away. "Why the hell would he not tell me that she's here? This is why he didn’t want me here tonight."

  "You're making assumptions." She takes a step back. "There may be a logical explanation for all of this. I doubt that he would just start working with his ex and not say a word to you."

  I lace my fingers together in front of me. "I want to leave. I don’t think I can face him right now."

  "I can flag down a cab." She steps closer to the street, her hand darting into the air. "We can be away from here before he even shows up."

  "Tell me what to do." I grab hold of her forearm. "How can he tell me he loves me while he's working with someone he used to love?"

  "He doesn't love her anymore." She drops her hand. "I don't know why he didn’t tell you, Den but I know that from what you've told me, he's crazy about you."

  "She had no idea who I am." I pause. "I waited for her to say something about Tyler telling her all about me, but that never happened."

  "What exactly did she say to you?"
/>   "She mentioned seeing me on the morning show the other day. She thought I did a great job." I shake my head hard. "I didn’t respond. I couldn't. She was being kind, very complimentary."

  "Maybe she's a nice person," she says calmly. "Maybe she's just here to do the job Tyler hired her to do. You said she was dating a celebrity, right? If that's true, she's not going to chase after Tyler."

  "That's over." I push the palms of my hands into my forehead. "She joked about it when Maribel brought it up. She said she only loves men who can cook."

  "Shit." She studies me. "We need to go, Den. You can talk to him tomorrow. Let's get out of here."

  "You don't think I should stay?" I watch as she eases back toward the street, her hand in the air again.

  "There's a bunch of cabs heading this way. They're stopped at the light." She motions for me to step closer to her. "We'll go home and you can decompress. Tomorrow you'll talk to him."

  I reach into my purse to find my phone. "I should send Tyler a message. I should tell him I know about Neela."

  "You should chill for a minute." She dashes up to her tiptoes. "Let him have tonight, Den. Let him do this launch thing and tomorrow you'll ask him calmly what the fuck Neela is doing here."

  "All right." I nod as I open my bag to put my phone back. I immediately notice the square box. "I have a gift for my dad. I was going to give it to him tonight."

  "You can do that." Her mouth curves into a smile. "You should text him and tell him to come by the apartment after the party. Maybe seeing him will be good for you. You have his number, right?"

  "He called me from his cell when he told me what time to meet him at Magari." I look down at my phone. "Maybe I'll text him when we get home. I'm not sure I want to see anyone tonight."


  "We should get out, Den," Sophia may think she's whispering but she's not. We're in the backseat of a cab as it slowly inches up Lexington. We've barely moved a foot in the past thirty minutes. "We're paying too much for this. We can walk to the subway and take the train home."


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