[2016] Widow Finds Love

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[2016] Widow Finds Love Page 11

by Christian Michael

  Ben didn’t answer her. He must be really angry with me…that I’ve put him out like this. “Ben, I need to talk to you…privately. There are things you don’t know about me. I’m not here by accident – I am supposed to be meeting someone in Denver. Someone who advanced me the travelling money to come out here. He’ll be waiting for me.” She tried not to tell the entire story; it was simply too painful. She believed he had feelings for her, as well, and it would be hard for him to hear how she had disgraced herself.

  “Come with me,” he repeated and ushered her into the house through the open doors.

  At this point, Laura was completed confused. The room they entered had vaulted ceilings and thick, Turkish rugs covered the floors. Sturdy, beautifully-carved wood furniture, upholstered in tapestry fabric was set in groupings but something looked out of place.

  On the far wall sat a long table and it was covered in a white linen tablecloth. There were matching silver candelabras and bowls of fresh flowers trailed down the table’s center. A man in a white coat stood next to the table and he nodded and smiled at her. Tricia and Gerald stood to one side and Tricia’s face held a huge smile as well.

  Laura looked up to Ben’s face in bewilderment. He smiled down at her and then suddenly bent and dropped to one knee. “Laura, will you marry me?” he asked, holding out a beautiful diamond-encrusted ring.

  Laura’s face fell and her world came crushing down upon her. This was not happening. “I can’t, I can’t…” she whispered. “I’m promised to someone else,” she barely managed the words and if it hadn’t been for Ben holding her hand, she would have fled from the house entirely.

  “I know,” he grinned. “To me,” he said simply.

  Laura shook her head. “No, no, you don’t understand. I’m a mail order bride! I’m engaged to a man named Rory Newton. He’s waiting for me in Denver. He paid my way here. I gave him my word…took his money! I never counted on meeting you, Ben. I swear, I don’t know what happened, but you made me feel safe and cared for; it was the first time in my life…” she was sobbing now, pulling away from his hand.

  Ben stood, but he was not angry. He put his arm around Laura, drawing her hard against him so she couldn’t escape. He looked at Tricia and nodded. “Tell her, Tricia.”

  Tricia’s smile grew even bigger and she walked toward Laura, stopped and look first to Ben and then into Laura’s eyes. “Laura, please allow me to present Mr. Ben Dallas, sometimes also known as Mr. Rory Newton.”

  Laura stared, uncomprehending. “I don’t understand,” she managed to get out.

  Ben nodded and drew Laura over to a sofa. “Here, I think you need to sit down and let me explain. This isn’t exactly fair to you.” Laura sat down but Ben continued to hold her hand.

  “My dear Laura… my real name is Ben Dallas. I put the ad using the name Rory Newton for privacy. The coach is mine and the driver works for me. I put the ad in the paper out East to find a cultured, pleasant woman who would bear children for me and could school them here at home until they’re ready to help me on the ranch or go out into the world. I own a few thousand acres and most of it is for the cattle. I don’t like livin’ alone and that was another reason I wanted a wife. When you answered, it seemed the perfect arrangement. I knew you could bear children because you were already with child.” He stopped and let the words sink in.

  Laura sat there, her head shaking at what he was saying.

  “I wasn’t completely convinced and this is a big step, of course,” he began again. “So, I came out East and arranged to be next to you on the train, so I could get to know you without pressure on either one of us. I couldn’t be more happy and even if you weren’t my mail order bride, well I’d ask you to marry me. You’re beautiful, cultured, sweet, lovin’ and everythin’ I would ever want in a woman. But…you understand, I had to be certain. A lifetime is a long time. Don’t be angry…”

  Laura’s mouth opened and she realized he wasn’t the sort of man who was used to asking for forgiveness. “I’ve been feeling so guilty because I knew I was falling in love with you and it wasn’t something I was free to do. I belonged to someone else, even though when I realized I loved you, I made up my mind to tell Rory I refused and to pay him back for his travel expenses. I can’t be angry with you, sweetheart…how can I be anything but in love with you?” She hugged him then with both arms around his neck.

  Laura looked at Tricia, “You knew about this?” she asked.

  Tricia nodded and laughed. “Ben is my brother. Gerald and I came along because I have a medical background; in fact, I’m a midwife. He wanted to be sure you would have someone with you in case anything happened during the journey.”

  Laura was amazed. “I don’t know what to say,” she began.

  “Well, you might want to start with ‘I do’ because Sam, over there, is a preacher as well as a chef and as soon as he marries us, the guests will begin arriving for the wedding barbecue, Ben teased her.”

  An hour later, Laura, dressed in a beautiful, full-skirted white wedding gown Tricia had shown her in the closet, walked out into the shade of the oak trees in the back of the house. Ben waited for her and held out his hand. Preacher Sam married them and no more were their “I do’s” uttered, then the wagons began rolling up. Tricia and Gerald had served as their witnesses and their only guest was the driver of the coach.

  Ben was evidently quite well respected in the community because the wagons and horses rolled in by the dozens. Somewhere musicians began playing, a huge bonfire was lit and tables laden with food were set all about the yard.

  Laura sat with Ben, held in his embrace as he introduced her to hundreds of neighbors whose names she would take time to remember. Lighted lanterns hung in the tree branches and it was hours after the bride and groom retired before the last guest left.

  Chapter Ten

  Laura’s face was damp with perspiration and flushed from the effort of pushing. Lilly was born into Tricia’s skilled hands and once bathed, placed into Laura’s loving and welcoming arms. Ben stood by, proud papa and nodded in approval.

  Laura had never felt such joy as she did in that moment. Her life was complete. So much lay ahead; babies with Ben, learning to be a rancher’s wife. One thing she knew…she couldn’t wait!


  Finding My True Love

  Mail Order Bride


  Chapter 1

  Melissa Thomas woke to the day she had long dreaded; she could feel it as soon as she opened her eyes. Even as the sun shone and glittered through the glass of her bedroom window, she knew this was not going to be a good day.

  At breakfast, her parents were quieter than normal, returning her greeting and not much more. She watched them for furtive glances or any sign that she might be right in her supposition. They didn't show any outward signs of the conspiracy they were part of.

  When breakfast was over her father folded up his newspaper and turning to her said with a broad smile,

  “We have good news.” Melissa’s stomach turned upside down and she felt like what she had eaten could make itself known in the room once more.

  “For who?” she managed to splutter.

  “For you of course darling,” her mother said laughing lightly.

  “M Turner has come to ask for your hand and I have accepted his proposal,” her father said, and then as if that was the end of the matter he stood up, pulled straight his waistcoat and was about to walk away when Melissa said,

  “You said yes, without even discussing it with me?” She was incredulous. Though she had suspected this was long coming she had not expected that it would all be decided without so much as a word of input from her.

  “I don’t need to discuss anything with you dear,” he answered her dismissively. She looked to her mother for some support but there was none coming from that quarter.

  “But I dislike that man immensely,” she whined.

  “You do not even know that man,” her father said. />
  “All the more reason why I shouldn’t be marrying him!”

  “I know him well; he is a decent man and he will provide for you. All that will be asked of you is to keep his house and cook for him.”

  “What about love?” she said.

  “This is not some fairytale,” he scoffed and this time, before she could say anything else, he did leave the room. Melissa looked to her mother for support,

  “This is the furthest thing from a fairytale,” Melissa said imploringly.

  “It is time for you to grow up Melissa,” her mother said. “You need to start a family of your own and Mr. Turner is very well thought of in town.”

  “Very wealthy you mean,” Melissa sulked. Her mother walked around the table and put a hand on Melissa’s shoulder.

  “I know this can be a scary time, but you will spend some time with him now and you will see what he is really like,” she said.

  “What if I still don’t like him after that?”

  “You will,” her mother assured her. “Now you run along after your breakfast and put on a lovely dress. Mr. Turner will be here to see you this afternoon.”

  “Today?” Melissa asked; it was all starting so soon, just like that.

  “Yes, you are courting now,” her mother said smiling.

  In her room after breakfast, Melissa looked through all of her clothes. She was trying to see which one looked the worst on her, gave her the most unflattering figure or showed up her pale coloring. She wanted to look as unappealing as possible for Mr. Turner in the hope that he would be turned off her and change his mind.

  Her mother arrived in her room at about midday and looked at the disarray of the bed and floor.

  “Have you still not dressed?” she asked seeing her daughter in a hideous dress that no longer fitted her.

  “I am dressed,” Melissa smiled back at her.

  “You are not wearing that horrid thing!” her mother said coldly.

  “Why not?” Melissa asked innocently.

  “I know what you are trying to do Melissa, and it will not work.”


  “Mr. Turner has seen you plenty of times before, he knows how you normally look, and I will remark in his presence today, if I must, that you have dressed poorly on purpose,” her mother said. Melissa conceded defeat and put on one of her nicer dresses and her mother tied up her hair and soon it was announced that Mr. Turner had arrived.

  They came down the stairs and into the drawing room where her father and Mr. Turner were waiting. Turner stood up smiled at the two women as they came in, but even in this Melissa could see nothing pleasant. She had always hated the habit Turner had of ordering the help in this house around as if it were his own and she saw his smiles more as sneers that anything benevolent.

  “Ms. Thomas,” Mr. Turner said, “You look splendid!” Melissa nodded but then felt a sharp jab in her back from her mother. It was so hard she took a step forward,

  “Thank you, Mr. Turner,” she said turning and scowling at her mother.

  “Why don’t we leave these two alone for a few moments, I’m sure they have much to discuss,” her father said. Melissa looked at both him and her mother as they smiled blandly and left the room. She turned back to Mr. Turner, who was still standing.

  “Why don’t you come and sit, dear?” he said indicating the seat her father had just vacated. She came over slowly and sat down not looking at him. “I dare say this came as something of a shock to you?” Turner said smiling.

  “Yes, sir,” she answered timidly.

  “You don’t have to be frightened of me,” he said.

  “I’m not,” she said looking at him. He was taken aback by her answer; it was clear he had not expected it. His face changed, he was not a man for surprises,

  “Perhaps you should be,” he said meanly. She blushed and looked at the floor again. “This is not an ideal match for me either,” he went on, “But, you are young and healthy and your father is not a poor man. You will do well around the house and I can have some boys to pass my business on to.” Melissa was horrified at the way he was talking to her, and how he viewed her as no more than a means to an end, and as some house servant. Again, she wondered how her father could have gone along with this ludicrous idea. At least, she thought, Mr. Turner seemed to acknowledge that this was not a good match for her.

  “Surely there is someone else who would suit you better than I?” she asked. He glared at her but this time, she held his gaze.

  “How dare you,” he said, “Questioning me is one thing I will not permit, do you understand me?” His voice was level but his cheeks were glowing red and she could see the fury in him. She nodded meekly, she knew that there was no hope of finding any happiness with this man. If no one was going to help her, she was going to have to come up with a way out herself.

  Chapter 2

  Roger Fulton lived in California; he had been out west for seven years now and he worked on a large ranch south of San Francisco. He had worked hard and set himself up in a nice house on the main street of town. He had been unlucky in love and now with barely any unattached women in town, he was in something of a pickle. He did not want to have to leave town as he liked the place here. He liked the people and the life and especially the climate.

  One day while he was in the saloon a man he knew called Jackson came up to him,

  “Aren’t you going to congratulate me?”

  “For what?”

  “I’m getting married!” Jackson beamed.

  “What? To who?” Roger asked; he had not even known Jackson was courting anyone, let alone was close to being engaged.

  “Her name is Sandra, she’s from New York; she will arrive here in a week’s time,” his friend told him.

  “I don’t understand,” Roger said, “Where did you meet this woman?”

  “I sent off to one of those papers,” he said.

  “What papers?” Roger really was lost now. Jackson leaned over to the bar and called the tender,

  “Hey, Barney, do you have a ‘Matrimonial Times’ behind the bar?” The bartender leaned back and looked under the bar at the newspapers he gathered up sometimes to keep the place a little tidier. He pulled one loose and tossed it to Jackson,

  “Here you go,” he said,

  “Thanks,” Jackson said and then handing the newspaper to Roger said, “Look at this.”

  Roger took the newspaper and scanned through it. It was filled with adverts of people seeking husbands and wives; he was shocked; he’d never heard of such a thing. He knew in that instant that this was how he was going to go about getting a wife of his own. He smiled widely and looked at his friend once more,

  “Congratulations,” he said, “A round of drinks!” he called to the bartender and a cheer went up from a couple of people who were there.

  The next day he worked at the ranch and all day long he only thought about what he would write in his advert. It was turning out to be harder than he had expected. He did not like to talk about himself but that was unavoidable in this case. Everything he came up with that he thought he would write sounded terrible to him and he grew frustrated. When he got home that evening, he looked at the copy of the newspaper that he had taken from the bar and read the adverts of other men to get a flavor of what to write. An awful lot of them were very similar but he guessed there were a lot of guys who lived very similar lives out here in the west. He wrote down what he thought was best and the following day he posted his advert to the newspapers offices.

  A couple of weeks later he received a reply thanking him for his submission and telling him that his advert would run in the newspaper at the end of the month. It felt very real all of a sudden and he grew nervous. He hadn’t told anyone what he had been doing and he was afraid of what people might say. Jackson’s fiancé had arrived in town and they were already wed and everyone had been so nice to her. She was a lovely girl and Roger could only hope to meet someone like her in this way. The letter from the newspaper had
told him to expect a lot of replies so he hoped that they were right and in those replies, there would be one who would be the woman he was looking for.

  He bought the newspaper at the end of the month and he gazed lovingly at his advert. It was smaller than he had imagined it would be but he had faith that it would be seen. He wondered if at that very moment someone back east was holding this same newspaper and seeing his advert and saying to themselves ‘this seems like the man for me.’ He smiled at his own silliness and put the paper away. Now he would have to wait and see if what the people at the newspaper said was true.

  Chapter 3

  Melissa was in the back of Turner’s carriage when it took a turn she was not expecting. She looked at Turner,

  “Where is the driver taking us?” she asked.

  “We are going to my office for a little. I have not been in there today and there are a few people I want to talk to.”

  “Can you drop me home first?”

  “No, you can come and see where the money that will now be going towards feeding and keeping you is coming from. My office could do with a little tidy while you are here; you won’t be bored,” he said without even looking at her. The carriage pulled up outside of the newspaper offices and he got out and waited for her without offering assistance. She got out awkwardly and stepped down to the ground. As soon as her feet touched the ground Turner was marching inside the building and leaving her behind once more. Mellissa thought this was terribly rude, but it was what she had come to expect of him. He was a capricious man who had to have everything his own way, and he would go into a fit like a small child if he did not get it. She hurried behind him as quickly as she could without actually running and she saw him go up rickety stairs that ran up the side wall. She followed and found him outside an office talking to a man who was ink-stained all over.

  “This is my office,” Turner said to her when he noticed she was there, “Do what you can but don’t touch anything on my desk, you hear?”


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