Open House

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Open House Page 12

by Mickie B. Ashling

  Bryce nodded, looking grim. “Yeah, we’d better go in case fuckwit decides to earn his salary today.”

  In the car they were mostly quiet until Bryce asked, “Are you all right?”

  “I’ll be a lot better when this is over,” Seth said. “I’m sorry for dragging you into this.”

  Bryce reached for his hand and held it reassuringly. “You didn’t drag me, babe. I’m here of my own free will, and believe me, I’d rather be by your side than anywhere else.”

  The sincerity in Bryce’s voice struck a chord, and Seth couldn’t have contained his emotional response if his life depended on it. “I love you,” he said. “Thank you for being so supportive.”

  “Aww, babe. Come on,” Bryce said gruffly. “You don’t need to thank me. I’d do this for any friend, but helping the man I’m crazy in love with is a no-brainer. I’m just glad I have the degree and connections to make this easier.”

  “Small blessings,” Seth murmured. He knew he was being overly sensitive, but after everything that had transpired over the last two months, Bryce’s heartfelt response did a lot to banish the insecurity that swamped him whenever he felt himself getting too needy. He didn’t want to be a burden of any kind, financial or emotional, but the current situation lent itself to both. It was a lot easier to accept Bryce’s help, knowing it was a loving act rather than an obligation. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back, comforted by the thought.

  “Are you having a meltdown, or are you just sleepy?” Bryce asked gently.

  “Neither. I’m trying to decide if I want to be productive or frivolous today.”

  “Why not do both?”

  “I can’t seem to get that pink garter belt out of my head,” Seth confessed, “and I’m afraid I won’t be able to concentrate on my writing until I’ve satisfied my curiosity.”

  Bryce grinned in response. “Now that’s the kind of talk I like to hear. Take my credit card because I’m sure those things can get pricy.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “I know your money is tied up at the moment, and I don’t want you to pass up anything because of the price tag. Get whatever turns you on.”

  “This feels like a scene straight out of Pretty Woman,” Seth joked.

  “Yeah, except you’re way better-looking than Richard Gere,” Bryce remarked.

  “I was referring to Julia, sweetheart.”

  “She’s not worth mentioning,” Bryce said. “I’ve had the hots for Gere ever since I watched An Officer and a Gentleman. That guy sure can kiss.”

  “I never noticed,” Seth mused. “We’ll have to watch it together so I can compare your techniques.”

  “While you’re all decked out in hot pink?”

  “Don’t get me started,” Seth begged. “You’ve got to get to work.”

  Bryce laughed. “Who knew you had this in you?”

  “God knows, I didn’t,” Seth observed. “You’ve turned me into one of those Russian dolls with multiple inner layers. Crack one open and out pops another new and exciting creation. I wonder what you’ll find when we get to the core.”

  “I like it when you call me sweetheart,” Bryce said.

  “Is that all you have to say in response to my rant about turning me into a completely different person?”

  Chuckling, Bryce said, “There’s nothing to say except bring it on. The kinkier the better—I’m loving this new side of you.”

  Seth’s eyes widened. “Good to know.”

  “There’s a Victoria’s Secret on the Mag Mile, near the apartment,” Bryce mentioned. “You’re aware of that, right?”

  “No, but thanks for the heads-up.”

  “Try and keep an eye out for Owen,” Bryce warned. “Not that he’ll be stalking you or anything, but I feel better issuing the warning.”

  “Gee, thanks. Now I’ll be looking over my shoulder every five minutes.”

  “Adam and Jack were pretty persuasive. I prefer to be overly cautious than blithely unconcerned.”

  “Maybe we should rent Criminal Minds instead of a chick flick,” Seth complained. “At least we’ll get some good intel on dealing with a nutcase.”

  Scowling, Bryce said, “Now it’s my turn to apologize for turning Owen against you.”

  “Bleh!” Seth waved his hand in a dismissive gesture. “If you weren’t in the picture, Owen would have probably figured out some other way to fuck with me.”

  “We’ll never know,” Bryce said, pulling the truck into his parking space. “Let’s go, babe. I’ve got to hustle.”

  And hustle he did. Bryce was in and out of the shower in ten minutes and on his way to work before nine thirty. He was convinced Owen would be calling every hour on the hour to get an answer on the proposed bank loan.

  Seth stopped thinking about Owen, deciding Bryce had things under control. He took his time getting ready to go on his shopping spree, making sure he dressed like a man of means who had shopped the store before instead of a clueless newb pawing through women’s lingerie for the heck of it. It was okay to reference Pretty Woman, but to actually live that scene would be embarrassing as hell.

  The iconic lingerie store was close to the Museum of Contemporary Art on Michigan Avenue, at least eight city blocks from Bryce’s place on E. Delaware. Seth didn’t mind the walk, glad to exercise muscles that were starting to grow soft again. He made a mental note to talk to Bryce about resuming his quest to get in better shape. He knew they’d both need to make some minor adjustments to their daily schedules, but he felt the benefits far outweighed the inconvenience. Now that he was living with a bona fide gym rat with the libido of a thirty-year-old, he had to keep up.

  Seth stopped in front of Victoria’s Secret and studied the different show windows. Whoever designed them had seduction on their mind, and intentional or not, he felt himself being lured into the store. Understandably, Seth had never seen anything like it. He’d given Laurie gifts in the past, but they’d always been of the monetary variety, and since he and Mark didn’t have any female friends or relatives who warranted such intimate gifts, they’d missed out on the rare shopping experience. Perhaps Bryce, who’d grown up with a sister, was more familiar with current female attire. Seth’s historical novels were populated with heroines who were weighed down by petticoats, stays, shifts, and an assortment of other undergarments that had gone the way of the dinosaur.

  Twenty-first-century lingerie appeared a lot more practical than the complicated satins and laces of yesteryear. One could find anything imaginable from fun and playful to sexy and edgy in a variety of fabrics and wide spectrum of colors. From spandex, cotton, and lace to buttery soft leather or satin, there was no lack of choice, and each outfit was prettier (and costlier) than the next.

  Seth’s head was spinning as he walked through the store, picking up and putting down items that caught his eye so he could appreciate the texture of the fabric. Most of them felt wonderful against his skin, but there were a few that felt a bit too scratchy, and once he pictured said fabric rubbing against his cock, he shuddered and dropped it back on the pile.

  Too embarrassed to ask for sizing help, he chose items that said One Size Fits All. A slinky satin kimono in leopard print, black fishnet stockings (remembering Bryce’s request) with a matching lace garter belt, stretchy thongs featuring mixed laces in front and minimal back coverage in Beach Orchid, a shade of pink Seth had never heard of. He fell in love with the varsity thongs because they were sporty (and seemed more unisex), and he ended up with two pair, one in electric pink and another in sea green. One more shorty kimono in a reddish pink shade called Love, and he was done. When they rang up his small pile and gave him the total, he almost passed out. Thank goodness Bryce had offered to pay, or he would have returned the lot.

  His stomach began rumbling as soon as they handed him the shopping bag, and after glancing at his watch, he realized he’d spent over two hours at the store and had missed lunch. The Cheesecake Factory was a few blocks down, so he stopped and placed a take
out order for lettuce wraps for Bryce and him and a large slice of caramel cheesecake they could share after they finished pawing through the underwear. Seth felt a thrill of excitement imagining the scene, and his cock seemed completely on board with the visions in his head.

  While he was waiting for the food, he texted Bryce to let him know he’d accomplished his mission and couldn’t wait to show him his purchases. Bryce’s reply was disappointingly short. A smiley face emoji and nothing else. Seth frowned and wondered if anything new had transpired with Owen. Was he upset about the delay? Did he make any more threats? He was still worrying about Bryce when he received their takeout and, loaded down with two heavy shopping bags, made his way back to the apartment.

  Chapter 16

  BRYCE WAS staring at a pissed-off Owen when Seth’s text came in. Instead of stepping out of his office to text his reply or call him, he responded with a lame-ass emoji. He regretted it as soon as he hit Send, but the opportunity had passed and there was no point in beating himself up. Right then, he was more concerned with placating Owen, who wasn’t happy with Bryce’s news.

  “Why can’t you advance the money and pay yourself back when the loan comes through?” Owen asked.

  “It doesn’t work that way,” Bryce said in a reasonable tone. “I’ve already told you I don’t have that kind of cash in my personal account, and using company funds isn’t an option either. We can’t dip below our reserve or this place stops running.”

  “I can’t sit around for three more days, Bryce. I’m booked on a flight tomorrow morning.”

  “You’ll have to postpone,” Bryce said, trying to sound apologetic. “Are you finished with your inspection?”

  “I just came from the house.”

  “What do you think?”

  “I’ve seen worse,” Owen said with a shrug. “It could go either way.”

  “Is that right,” Bryce stated. Now that he had two legitimate inspections of his own, with verbal guarantees that the mold was of the toxic variety, he was a lot more confident and less inclined to pay off Owen. His main concern was Seth’s safety, so he planned to carry on with the charade until they had the proof they needed for the insurance company. “How soon will you have the written report?”

  Owen raised an eyebrow. “As soon as I’m paid.”

  “Paid to give us what we already know? That house is riddled with mold.”

  “It may look like that to you, but we won’t know for sure until we’ve completed an analysis of the samples, and like I said, it’s a crapshoot,” Owen said pointedly. “In my business, you get what you pay for.”

  “What about the arbitration?”

  “It hasn’t been scheduled yet,” Owen replied.

  “In your experience, how long will it take your company to sit down with Seth’s lawyer?”

  “What does it matter so long as you get the results you want?” Owen said harshly.

  “And if I decide not to lend you the money, you’ll make sure to doctor the report to your company’s benefit,” Bryce stated. “Is that right?”

  “What’s with the fucking questions, Bryce?”

  “I just want to make sure we’re on the same page, Owen.”

  “As we agreed,” Owen reminded him, “you’ll hand over fifty big ones, interest-free, payable when able, and then I’ll write my report confirming it was toxic black mold that drove our policyholder to kill himself.”

  “Which is the truth,” Bryce said. “You won’t have to fabricate a damn thing. I’d like to remind you once again that what you’re doing is illegal, and the only reason I’m lending you any money is to protect Seth. Not because he’s done anything wrong, but because you’ve threatened to hurt him if I don’t cooperate.”

  “Call it whatever you want,” Owen said impatiently. “But you’d better not be playing me, or I swear it’ll be the last thing you do.”

  Bryce felt a frisson of alarm when he saw Owen transforming before his eyes. He’d gone from overbearing ex to intimidating racketeer in the blink of an eye. The guy might not be the shiniest marble in the box, but he had the survival instincts of a cockroach and could smell a trap a mile away.

  Not surprising after what Bryce had learned that morning on his way to work. Adam had called to give him the dirt he’d uncovered on Owen. He owed a small fortune in back child and spousal support, which had resulted in wage garnishments. He was also deeply in debt with local bookies who were unforgiving when dealing with customers who didn’t pay up in a timely fashion. Bryce was probably Owen’s only chance to overcome his financial woes.

  He’d hoped to use their past to reason with Owen. Although the breakup had been contentious as hell and it had taken years for Bryce to recover, a part of him refused to believe Owen had sunk so low. But he was wrong. The guy didn’t have a shred of decency left, and sentimentality wouldn’t play any part in this negotiation. Bryce had to accept that and rejected whatever charitable thoughts he might have had. After hearing Owen’s latest threat, he was more determined than ever to stick with the plan Adam and Jack had concocted overnight.

  First thing they suggested was for Bryce to record any conversation he had with Owen. Thankfully, he’d had the presence of mind to hit the red button on his phone after he sent Seth the emoji. He’d dropped the phone in his desk drawer but left it open so it could pick up every word. At least he’d have proof if something went wrong.

  “You’ll have to stay until I have the money,” Bryce said. “I’ll call the bank and try to speed up the process.”

  “I can’t afford another night’s stay, let alone two, and my company won’t okay it. Can you spot me two bills?”

  Bryce gaped. “You’ve got a lot of nerve,” he said, astounded by Owen’s request. The guy had no shame whatsoever.

  “If you want me to stay, you’ll have to pay.”

  Owen had to stay or it would screw up the plan to get their results in before Owen was able to doctor his. Bryce reluctantly reached for his wallet and threw a hundred-dollar bill on the desk.

  “That’s all you’re getting.”

  Owen snatched it up without compunction. “Thanks, boo.”

  Bryce stiffened when he heard Owen use the term of endearment. “Don’t call me that.”

  Owen walked around the desk and stood in front of Bryce, who’d raised his face to glare at him. Clutching the arms of his chair in a death grip, he was prepared to kick Owen in the nuts if he tried anything. Except when Owen bent down to kiss him, it totally threw Bryce off his game. Trapped between his large hands, Owen claimed Bryce’s mouth, like a long-lost lover instead of a blackmailing, two-bit piece of shit. When Bryce pushed him away roughly, Owen stood tall and gave him a gloating look that said it all. He was actually having fun, and Bryce wanted to kill him.

  “Don’t pretend you’re not feeling this,” Owen said in a husky voice.

  “Touch me again, and you’ll regret it.”

  “Why not keep me company tonight for old time’s sake?” Owen persisted. “I’ll remind you why you were so hung up on me in the first place.” He cupped his obvious erection and gave it a shake. “In case you missed it, I’m still into you.”

  Bryce gawked. “Are you seriously propositioning me?”

  “Don’t tell me you and blondie are exclusive?”

  “A concept you couldn’t possibly fathom,” Bryce said derisively.

  Owen refused to back down. Sneering, he shook his head, looking exasperated by Bryce’s stubborn refusal to give in. “Do you want me to beg for it, Bryce? Turn the tables so I’m the one on my knees slobbering over your knob the way you did me back in the day? I’ll do whatever it takes to make you happy.”

  “Get the fuck away from me,” Bryce said, standing and shoving Owen away. “You make me sick.”

  A hand shot out faster than Bryce thought possible for someone so out of shape, and clammy fingers circled his neck, pressing his Adam’s apple with intent. “It wouldn’t take much for me to strangle you, Mr. High and Mighty,” Ow
en snarled viciously. “Remember this the next time you decide you’re too good for me.”

  He let Bryce go just as abruptly, and he fell against the desk, trying to catch his breath while Owen watched.

  “You’re such a pussy,” Owen scoffed.

  Bryce’s rejection must have come as a big surprise, and Owen was visibly struggling to tamp down the rage. His nostrils flared and veins popped out on the sides of his forehead, turning him into a villainous caricature of an underworld hoodlum. He added to the illusion with more threats.

  “I could kick your ass back then, and I can still do it, so don’t think your smarts are going to get you out of this mess. I tried being nice and that obviously didn’t work. Now we’ll have to go the other route, which is a shame. I would have enjoyed fucking you up against a brick wall like you deserve. You know where to find me,” Owen said as he walked out.

  Bryce watched him leave, rattled by the violent confrontation. Now more than ever, he was convinced Owen was capable of anything. Imagining Seth being cornered by Owen made his knees give way, and he swayed. Gripping his desk, he staggered toward the chair, sank down, and picked up the phone. He stopped the recording before dialing the police station.

  When Adam came on the line, Bryce said, “We need to talk.”

  “Go ahead.”

  “In person,” Bryce said.

  “What happened?”

  “Can we meet me at my apartment in about an hour?”

  There was a pause, and Bryce assumed Adam was checking with someone to see if he could get away. When he came back on the line, he said, “It’ll be closer to six before I can get over there.”

  “That works,” Bryce said. “Come in your own car and wear street clothes. No flashing lights or sirens.”

  “What the heck, Bryce, now I’m really worried.”

  “I’m fine, Adam. But I want some reassurance.”

  “Hang tight. I’ll see if Jack is also available, and we’ll sort this out.”


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