Gabe: The Alvarez Security Series

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Gabe: The Alvarez Security Series Page 9

by Maryann Jordan

  Gabe tossed them each a beer before settling down on his sofa. A sofa he noted, not only held his bulk, but the bulk of his twin with room to spare.

  He gave them a quick run-down on Jennifer and her situation, finishing with, “I’ve finally got a date and now don’t know what the fuck to do. Where do I take her? Hell, I hardly ever go on dates that are more than meet in a bar and make small talk enough to go back to their place and bang for a couple of hours.”

  “You’ve been a real romantic, haven’t you?” Jobe joked. He turned to Vinny and said, “But then you’ve been no better.” Turning back to Gabe he said, “So you called twin, ‘Mr. Bang-Em-And-Run-Away’ for advice?”

  “You got any good advice or just here to bust our chops?” Vinny complained.

  “You two, shut the fuck up. I really don’t know where to take her. She’s not going to be impressed with a fancy restaurant. Jesus, I was going to take her to that new place downtown, Chef Molene’s. Expensive as shit but the food is supposed to be out of this world.”

  Vinny said, “You don’t think she’ll like it?”

  Gabe sighed. “Bro, she lives in an apartment smaller than this room and gets restaurant food not sold to take back to feed the elderly residents that live in her building. Somehow, I don’t see her being comfortable in that setting, knowing how much the food costs and how much goes to waste.”

  “Hell, give her a chance to get all dolled up and go out on the town. She may really like that since it sounds like she doesn’t get a chance to do that. You know, put on the skimpy dress and throw on the heels. What woman doesn’t like that?” Vinny asked.

  Gabe looked at his twin and said honestly, “I doubt she owns a cocktail dress and probably hasn’t had any money to spend on shoes in years. If ever. I don’t want to make her feel out of place.”

  Jobe looked between the two twins, both admiring their relationship and realizing how out of their element they were. “I swear you two can be dumbfucks.” This gained the angry attention of the twins.

  “Look, what do you admire about her? Her looks, her giving personality, her hard work and her dedication, right?” Jobe asked. At Gabe’s nod, he continued. “So, give her what she doesn’t have but wouldn’t mind having.”

  Seeing the raised eyebrows of both men, he just shook his head. “I’m one of four kids. We grew up happy but poor as shit. So we learned early how to have fun on little and we appreciated it more than you can imagine.”

  “I’m listening,” Gabe said, leaning forward.

  “She works all day for the city. She goes home where she takes care of her brother and the residents. She goes out at night and gets hand-outs for food to give to others. What she doesn’t have is time for herself to just have fun. So, I don’t know her man, but you’re getting to know her. Give her something just for her. Just for fun. To maybe take the worry off of her shoulders for just one night.”

  Gabe felt the pain in his chest once again as he thought of Jobe’s words. Just fun.

  “Fuck man, how’d you get so smart?” Vinny asked.

  Jobe ducked his head and laughed. “Y’all know me. Know where I came from.” And they did. There was nothing the team had not known about each other that was not learned in hours together in training, in the field, on a mission. They knew Jobe had grown up poor. He knew hunger. He knew want. But he also knew love and that was the gift his parents gave him and his siblings. Shrugging, he rose from his seat and walked over to Gabe, who stood to meet him. Clapping his hand on Gabe’s shoulder, he said, “You’re one of the best men I know. You’ve been pissing your time away waiting on finding someone who could make your heart really beat. Sounds like you found that. So don’t fuck it up trying to impress. Just work at making her life a little better. Haven’t met her yet and hope to. But for now, just give her some fun and I bet you’ll find some of that yourself.” He walked toward the door and nodded as he let himself out.

  The two brothers looked at each other, words not necessary. It had often been that way; growing up they found that it was as though they shared the same feelings and emotions as well as looks.

  Vinny walked over looking at his twin. “You okay, man? You know what you need to do?”

  “Yeah. Just gotta figure out what would be the best.”

  Nodding, Vinny pulled him in for a hug. “Can’t wait to meet her, man.” Then throwing is head back in laughter, he continued, “And mom’s gonna flip, you bring home a girl.” With that he followed Jobe out of the door, leaving Gabe in the middle of his massive living room trying to figure out what to do.


  Jennifer ran down the stairs with Ross in tow.

  “Lordy girl, where’s the fire?” Cora called out.

  “Ross, honey can you go in with Henry and the others and watch basketball?” Jennifer asked.

  “Yay!” came his response as he charged into the room, quickly settling down with the men circled around the TV.

  Jennifer grabbed Cora’s hand and dragged her into the kitchen. Grabbing the coffee pot, she quickly poured them both a cup.

  “Girl, what has got your feathers all ruffled?”

  “Okay, you know I have a date tonight, right?”

  “Oh course,” came the simple reply. By this time, several of the women residents wandered in to see what was happening.

  Biting her lip, Jennifer said, “I don’t know what to wear. I have nothing to wear. I have no idea…oh, this is such a bad idea.”

  “Now slow down, child. This is not a bad idea, you having a date with a nice young man. And you look pretty no matter what you wear.”

  “You don’t understand. He’s used to…women that wear cocktail dresses and hang out in bars.”

  One lady piped up, “Well, that doesn’t sound very nice.”

  “No, no. I don’t mean seedy bars.” Well, I don’t actually know where he picks up his dates. Oh Jesus, this is a mistake.

  “Well, I think you should wear one of those little dresses like you see on TV, where you can show him how lucky he is,” another one added.

  “Certainly not,” exclaimed another. “He’ll think he’s out with a floosie. Now in my day, we dressed in our Sunday best to go out on a date.”

  “Bertha, you are so full of it,” came the retort. “Don’t think I don’t know you were at Woodstock, probably dancing nude in the mud!”

  “Well, I never,” she replied.

  One tiny lady appeared at Jennifer’s side, placing her hand on her arm. “I think you should borrow some of my high heels. I have some packed away from when I used to go dancing with my husband. Your young man is awfully tall and might like to have you a bit taller.”

  “I’m telling you, a black cocktail dress with pearls is the only way to go,” declared another.

  “Lucille, she doesn’t want to look like Jacqueline Kennedy,” another woman said. “Just wear your hair down, a tight pair of jeans, and make sure to pack a condom.”

  Seeing the panic on Jennifer’s face, Cora stepped up. “Quiet, you old hens. Now you listen to me, young lady. He may have been used to escorting some beautiful women around, but they’ve got nothing on you. I’ve often told Henry that I’ve never seen another woman so beautiful in my whole life. And sweet? Lord have mercy, girl. You’d make any man proud to have you on their arm.”

  Jennifer looked into the eyes of the woman who had been like a mother to her for the past several years, seeing nothing but sincerity in her gaze. The other women around nodded their heads.

  Taking a deep breath, she let it out slowly. Just then, her phone chimed with an incoming message. Looking down, she read it and smiled.

  “From him?” one of the women asked.

  “Yes. I texted him and asked what I should wear. He just answered: Comfortable and warm.”

  “Well, there you go. A practical man. I like him,” announced Bertha as she walked out of the kitchen, followed by the other women, leaving just Jennifer and Cora.

  “You’re about to talk yourself int
o a tizzy. Honey, he seems like a good man. This doesn’t have to be forever. But neither does it have to be just one date. Just go. Have a good time. Have some fun. Forget for just one night that you have all of us to take care of.”

  Kissing the old woman’s cheek, she called out to Ross but he was engrossed in the game. Cora told her to go on and get ready, they’d take care of Ross for the evening.

  Running up the stairs, she kept thinking, Warm and comfortable. That, I can do.


  Not willing to wait at the apartment and certainly not wanting Gabe to wade through the throng of residents peeking out of the activity hall to see him, she waited on the front stoop. Wearing jeans with blue, knit leg warmers over them, she had donned a warm pair of boots. Her blue sweater was covered in a wool coat, with a matching blue knit scarf. Her blonde curls were tamed from the wind with a knit hat, all compliments of one of the residents who knitted as a pastime.

  Just then, Gabe drove around the corner, seeing her standing on the stoop in the cold. Her hair, mostly tucked under a hat, had blonde curls escaping and framing her perfect face. Her cheeks were red from the cold and he cursed himself as he looked at the clock in his Jeep Wrangler. What the fuck is she doing out here in the cold? I’m actually early.

  Parking quickly, he was almost out of the vehicle when she came bounding down the stairs. Her hand was on the door handle when he rounded the front of the Jeep.

  “Don’t touch that handle,” he ordered. Surprised, she looked up at him in question. He walked closer and opened the door. Giving her a hand up, he assisted her into the seat. He grabbed the seatbelt and moved it across her body. Leaning in for a kiss, he explained, “My mama taught me to always open a door for a lady and I’m not about to disappoint her now.”

  The Jeep was warm and she smiled as she looked out of the passenger window at the faces peering down at her from her building. Giving a little wave, they took off down the street. After a moment, she squirmed feeling her ass getting warm.

  “You okay, baby?” he asked, looking at her in concern.

  “I swear it feels as though I am sitting on a heating pad,” she said blushing.

  He chuckled, saying, “I’ve got the seat heaters on for you.” Looking at her confused face, he realized that she had never had that in a car.

  “Seat heaters?” Laughing she said, “I’m afraid my old junker truck doesn’t have those. You’ll just have to suffer if we go out in it,” she joked.

  “Good to know.”

  “So where are we going? I hope I’m dressed all right,” she said, her voice slightly laced with uncertainty.

  Reaching across the seat, he took her gloved hand in his. “You’re gorgeous, darlin’. And dressed perfectly.”

  Driving downtown, he found a parking spot and growled as he saw her hand reach for the doorknob. She pulled it back before he could say anything, grinning as she said, “Oh yeah. I almost forgot about your mama.”

  He laughed as he rounded the Jeep and assisted her down. The downtown area was beautiful in the March night with lights twinkling from all of the trees. Tugging on her hand, pulling her closer, he wrapped his large arm around her tiny frame and they began walking down the street, noticing how snugly she fit into him. Funny, I always thought that a man my size had to have a tall woman with curves to fit into me. At that moment, he realized that nothing had ever felt so right. The spring warmth had not come yet and he was glad he told her to dress warmly.

  “So where are we going?” she asked, twisting her head up to look at him.

  “We’re there,” he announced, smiling down at her expression.

  She turned in the direction that he was facing, but all she could see was a horse carriage in front of her.

  “Mr. Malloy?” the carriage driver called, as he stepped down with his hand out. “Your ride awaits.”

  She gasped in surprise, turning quickly to look up at Gabe again. “A carriage ride? Really? Oh my God, I’ve never done this,” she squealed in excitement. Bouncing up and down, she could barely contain herself as Gabe escorted her over.

  He laughed as he assisted her up into the leather seat, thinking at that moment he could see the resemblance between her and Ross.

  They settled in the comfortable seats and the driver handed them a blanket. “It’s a chilly night so wrap up,” he advised. Gabe gladly draped the woolen blanket over their legs, tucking it in tightly around her. Throwing his arm around her once again he pulled her close. The carriage began its journey around the downtown area, including the large park by the river running through town.

  He looked at her, seeing her sparkling eyes as she took in their surroundings. Her smile was infectious as she looked up at him and he felt the piercing in his heart once again.

  “Gabe, I’ve never done this before. This is amazing!” she said, leaning into him.

  “I couldn’t agree more. Never wanted to do this until today,” he admitted.

  She whirled around looking at his face. “Never? You’ve never…”

  Seeing where her thoughts had taken, he said, “No, baby. I’ve never done this. Ever. You’re the first.” He watched as her smile came back and felt her settle into him once more.

  After a little while, he leaned down and set a basket onto their laps. Opening it, he pulled out a bottle of wine, two glasses, and some chocolate covered strawberries.

  “Oh my goodness,” she exclaimed, taking the glasses while he poured. Sipping the delicious wine, she leaned back and he held out a strawberry to her. Biting into the chocolate juiciness, she moaned in delight.

  He watched her mouth surround the strawberry, eyes closed in ecstasy, the little moan escaping. Fuck, I could come right now. Shifting in the seat to try to accommodate his erection, he hoped she had not noticed.

  A small trickle of juice lingered on her lips and he leaned over capturing it with his mouth. She tasted of wine and sweetness, eliciting a moan from himself. He slid his tongue inside as he set his empty wine glass on the seat and cupped her face in his large hand. Taking the kiss deeper, he became lost in the feel of her mouth, her taste, her body pressed next to his.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding on as though she would drown if she let go. He angled his head so that the kiss became more demanding, invading her senses. Pulling him closer, she let go and let him in. No more doubts. No more caution.

  He felt the change in her as she gave herself over to him and he reveled in the knowledge that this amazing woman was giving him all she had. Pulling back, he leaned his forehead against hers. He looked into her crystal blue eyes staring into his. Answering her unspoken question, he said, “The carriage has stopped baby.” Catching her surprised look toward the driver, he laughed, “It’s okay. I’m sure he’s used to this.”

  They thanked him as Gabe turned and lifted her completely out of the carriage, holding her pressed tightly to his front before slowly letting her down. Turning, he tipped the driver and then took Jennifer’s hand as he led her down the street. Ushering her inside a small family owned Italian restaurant, they were shown to a corner table near the back.

  She quickly pulled off her gloves, scarf, and hat then shook out her curls. Gabe stood behind her assisting with her coat, before handing them to the hostess. Her cheeks were pink and eyes sparkled in the candlelight. He helped her to her seat and then sat at a right angle next to her.

  They ordered and sipped the wine while waiting for their food. Comfortable with each other’s company, the conversation flowed. He regaled her with tales of growing up with a twin.

  Laughing at the stories of how they switched places in school sometimes to confuse their teachers, she asked, “So are you two really that identical?”

  “We were then. Now, he’s got his hair a little longer and sometimes grows a beard.”

  “Hmm, a beard? Maybe I’m out with the wrong twin,” she joked.

  Growling, he found himself thinking of her with anyone else but himself and did not like the idea at all. />
  “So you two never changed places for a date?” she prompted.

  At this, Gabe blushed.

  “Oh my, I think I finally made the big man blush,” she exclaimed. “Did you two really change places?”

  Rubbing the back of his hand over his neck, he looked at her amused expression. Sighing, he admitted, “Yeah. When we were younger. I…well…I…sort of…hooked up with two women for the same night. He stepped in and met up with one of them. Jesus, this is embarrassing.”

  Throwing her head back in laughter, she said, “So if you make a date with me and with someone else at the same time, I could end up with Vinny?”

  He leaned over and gently pulled her to him with his hand on the back of her neck. “First of all, baby. You will never be going out with my brother. Second of all, as far as I’m concerned, there is no other woman but you.”

  Her laughter died down as she peered into his eyes. “Gabe—”

  “No, babe. Don’t even say it. You are the best woman I have ever met and I’m willing to take this as far as it will go.” Seeing her eyes widen, he continued, “And don’t start goin’ inside of your head thinking of all the reasons we won’t work. Take it one day at a time, baby. Just one day at a time.”

  With that, he leaned in to kiss her once again, taking her mind off of everything other than his lips on hers.

  With his lips a whisper away from hers, he said, “You with me, Jennifer?”

  “Yeah. I’m with you,” she said just as softly.

  The food arrived and they once again settled into easy conversation. “So tell me about your place,” he said.

  “Well, you’ve seen how we operate. It’s a bare-bones operation, but we make it work. My job with the city is to work on programs for the elderly. I started out just driving around checking on them, but they often end up with no one to care for them and many lose their housing. I received a grant and with the help of Senator Reno and his wife, who’s amazing at fund-raising and we had enough to open the center. It provides very low rent studio apartments for qualified seniors. We offer one meal a day, free of charge to the residents. We also have the open hall for movies, social gatherings, things like that.”


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