The Binding - Bred by a Demon (Rough Reluctant Monster Breeding Erotica)

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The Binding - Bred by a Demon (Rough Reluctant Monster Breeding Erotica) Page 1

by Madelene Martin

  The Binding - Bred to the Demon (Rough Reluctant Monster Breeding Erotica)

  by Madelene Martin

  Published by Madelene Martin, 2013.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. April 21, 2013.

  Copyright © 2013 Madelene Martin.

  Written by Madelene Martin.

  Table of Contents

  An Excerpt From the Book

  The Binding – Bred to the Demon

  An Excerpt From the Book

  Leah began to gasp and pant, her breath hitching and her hips beginning to move of their own accord. She'd never felt such sensations! Every time his fingers explored her she froze in anticipation, wondering if he would finally thrust them inside. Her body was so alight with desire that she almost wanted it.

  Why had no one ever told her it felt so good to be touched like this? She never would have waited so long, had she known. And now instead, her virtue would be taken by this monster. This animalistic demon who could take her control away completely, and make her feel so... so wickedly good even as he robbed her of her innocence.

  He seemed to be delighting in her torment, of course, taking his time so as to draw out her suffering.

  Finally he pulled back, letting her hair go, and she gasped at the sudden absence of sensation. He gave her a warning push as if to tell her to stay down. She did - supported on her elbows, her eyes clenched shut as he ran his fingers up and down her back, massaged her ass firmly in his great hands, and then gripped her hips firmly.

  She tensed up all over again, alarmed. What was he doing? She sensed him bend down, and suddenly his tongue was on her, hot and wet on the back of her thigh. She jerked sharply, and he growled and tightened his hold on her hips, his claws pricking into her.

  All she could do was whimper as he trailed his long tongue over her, finally reaching her sex. He spread her with his hands, and she felt him lightly lick her - running his tongue along her slit and tasting her juices. He made a purring moan of pleasure, and Leah half-sobbed, half moaned as his tongue delved deep inside her folds.

  As he explored, licking and sucking, her breath began to quicken again. She cursed him - and cursed herself - under her breath as his tongue found her clit and shivers of intense sensation jolted through her body.

  He purred against her skin, his hot breath and his tongue teasing her, and she sensed it was bringing her closer and closer to some unknown edge. He seemed to be delighting in this - whether enjoying her pleasure, her torment or both, she no longer knew.

  The Binding – Bred to the Demon

  “Mistress, please, may I go?” Leah begged, using all of her will not to break down sobbing.

  Her mentor, the old witch Adela, sighed heavily and held her bony hand up before the pleading girl. “I already told you.” She croaked. “There is nothing that can be done.”


  “Child!” The old witch cut her off, the weakness gone from her voice. She was remarkably commanding when she needed it to be, even though she was near a hundred and twenty years old. “Nothing can help your brother. His malady is not one that can be cured by our remedies. And neither you or I are strong enough to do what you are contemplating. I am too old and weak, and you are too inexperienced.”

  Leah bit her lip, knowing she was skating on thin ice. The old woman would backhand her – and deservedly so, she knew - if she kept it up.

  But her brother lay dying at home from a wasting disease even as they spoke. It was something no one had been able to identify, and all the potent tricks and cures in the healers' stores had done nothing. Soon, he would succumb, and her father would be left with no one to help run his farm. Having lost his wife – Leah's mother – a couple of years ago, the girl feared it might be too much for her father to bear.

  Leah was in her fifth year as an apprentice to the village healer. She was a good student, with a natural aptitude for herbs and alchemy, and empathy that meant she spent almost every waking hour of her days mixing medicines, tending the village's ills, mediating in disputes, running errands and telling fortunes.

  Her hedge-witchery was leaps and bounds ahead of what could be expected of an of eighteen year-old apprentice, and she devoured every book on the subject with an insatiable interest. She had successfully contacted the recently departed on behalf of their families, and sought advice from the netherworld on multiple occasions. She had conjured minor demons and bound them to her will without a second thought, extracting secrets and information.

  So why shouldn't she just go a little further?

  “I know how to do it.” She said quietly, after a moment to compose herself.

  “I know you do.” The witch snapped.

  “Nthar can give it to me. I have his seal -”

  “Do not speak his name!” Adela hissed, and got up from her stool. Cursing under her breath, she crossed the room to get away from her impetuous student. “You would be a fool to take him on.” She said. Then, picking up her cane and leaning on it heavily, she sighed and chose another approach. “Leah... you know as well as I do that death is a part of life. You have been there with me to see it, time and time again. You have always been accepting, understanding.”

  “But he is my brother!” Leah protested.

  “Is he an exception because he is your family?”

  The girl glared. Her pretty face turned severe as her jaw tensed and her full lips pressed tightly together, in a look that could - and often did - cow the village boys.

  Adela stared long and hard at her pupil, who stubbornly held her gaze as long as she was able. Finally, Leah's expression softened. She dropped her eyes as tears filled them and threatened to roll down her cheeks. Her lips turned pouty, and quivered.

  The old witch was at her side in a moment. “There, there.” She croaked, patting the girl's arm. “It is a hard lesson we all have to learn, especially in our line of work.”

  Leah kept her eyes carefully downcast as her mind continued to work. Her tears were real, but born of frustration, not grief. Better to have the old woman blinded by sympathy for the moment. She'd just have to remember not to let the crone look at her too hard, or she would read it in her face: Leah fully intended to go through with her plan.

  If Adela wouldn't help her, she would just have to do the summoning ritual on her own. I know I can do it, she thought. I've done it before. This is just a... step up.

  Instead of going home that evening, Leah found an excuse to sort and re-label some components, a job that would keep her busy for many hours.

  When Mistress Adela had fallen asleep in her rocking chair as she did every night, the girl crept upstairs to the attic where the witch kept her books. She lit the large oil lantern that sat on the side table and carried it with her, holding it high to look at the dusty shelves.

  She knew the shelves like the back of her hand. Adela's old legs could no longer make it upstairs, so from the day Leah had started her apprenticeship she'd run up and down to fetch books countless times.

  She stood on her tiptoes as she quickly thumbed through the tomes on the top shelf. Finally she spotted what she needed in the demonology section - a thick book detailing the greater demons, and instructions on their summoning and binding.

  It was written in the ancient language taught only to hedge-witches, and was useless without the seal needed to summon a specific demon. The seal for Nthar, Leah had disco
vered in her own researches.

  Clutching the volume tightly to her chest, she crept back down the stairs. As she passed through the kitchen she gathered up jars, containing the herbs she had secretly set aside. She took a few candles from the drawer along with some fire sticks, ink, and various other odds and ends.

  Leah snuffed the lantern but kept it with her. She would need it in the darkness of the ruins. She opened the drawer where she kept her notes and snatched them up, grabbed her cloak from the stand and left the cottage, closing the door quietly behind her.

  The town was sleeping, the faint glow of lamplight visible in only a few windows. The people who lived in the village were farmers who worked from dawn to dusk and went to bed tired. Leah drew her cloak around her, warding herself against the autumn breeze. She kept her head down and walked swiftly through town, heading toward the old ruins - the place where the barrier between worlds was weakest.

  It took longer than she remembered to reach the lower levels. Leah had only been here once, on her first minor summoning, and she had to be sure she found the right spot. She held the lantern above her head, illuminating the cracked stone walls.

  Finally she found the flooded section, and knew she was on the right track. She took her shoes off and held them in her hand as she trudged through the ankle-deep water.

  The room at the end of the corridor was dark and claustrophobic. At least it was dry. Leah took off her cloak and flung it to the corner of the room. She arranged her equipment on the ground and hurried to get the candles lit, arranging them in a circle.

  At last the room was less intimidating in the soft glow of the flames. She found the remains of old summoning circles scratched on the floor - some in fading chalk, some in ancient red paint. It wouldn't do for the ritual she was about to attempt, so she spent some time scrubbing at the floor with a rag to get it as clean as possible. Her hands and knees were aching by the time she sat back to examine her work.

  Opening her books to the right pages as she knelt on the stony floor, her white dress spread around her, Leah thumbed through her notes. She took out the ink and the brush and began to paint a wide circle, and then the intricate seal within it.

  Crawling on her hands and knees, she worked slowly on the intricate symbols, making measurements with her hands. This was no minor demon summoning - she had to be cautious. The lines had to be solid and straight, the candles arranged just so.

  Her heart began to beat faster as she got deeper into the process. There was no going back now that she'd come this far. With the candles lit, she snuffed the lantern, conserving its fuel for the trip home.

  She checked if the paint was dry. Then she took several deep breaths, closing her eyes for a moment to center herself, and took the old ceremonial knife from her belt. Cringing slightly, she opened her hand and made a shallow cut in her palm.

  She pressed drops of blood onto the ground at the points of the symbols, then held the dirty cloth against her hand for a minute to stem the flow.

  Picking up the heavy ritual tome she stood up and backed away from the circle, careful not to smear its lines. She emptied her mind with another cleansing breath, trying to bolster her courage. She wouldn't give herself a chance to back out. Her brother needed her.

  Leah read the words from the page, her voice quavering once or twice as the reality of the situation pressed itself more heavily on her.

  The demon Nthar had many powers at his command, one of them being healing and the curing of diseases. Even the weakest of demonic entities could cause harm to a human, and Nthar was dangerous, with many legions of lesser demons at his command. But he was bound to answer truthfully any question put to him by a witch summoning him with the use of his seal. If the ritual was completed correctly.

  She stood still, forcing herself to breathe and tightening her fingers on the edges of the book in order to stop them from shaking. In her nervousness, it was difficult to obtain the trance-like state she needed in order to see into the between-world. And without this sight, she would be unable to contact the demon – to open the door for his essence to enter her plane.

  Finally she succeeded in quieting her thoughts, feeling herself disconnect with the earth and drift in the nothingness. It was always a disconcerting feeling – half-tied to her body and still able to control it, but her mind able to hop between this world and the gray between.

  With the book held before her in unfeeling fingers Leah began to recite the memorized chant – the words emanating from her spirit as well as her body.

  As the last words faded from her lips, she saw shapes in the darkness, moving as though turning to look at her. She stepped back.

  Leah was brought fully back to herself with a jolt, and noticed shifting smoke drifting up from the ground. It was rising in a ring, contained by the circle, she noted. That was good. The doorway was open, and it was contained.

  She dropped the book to the ground, careful not to take her eyes off the binding circle. She must remain watchful, even though she didn't expect an immediate result. Demons of Nthar's stature could not be rushed. But she had said the words correctly - and she was a virgin, which meant her blood was pure. He was obligated to come to her.

  The smoke coalesced, thick black plumes curling around each other as they rose into the air. Shapes became visible in the blackness, forming and re-forming. Finally, a mass solidified in the center of the circle.

  Leah gasped, wringing her hands tightly together. Her heart pounded. With an effort she held her head up and tried to look more confident than she felt.

  Nthar's physical form was massive - as he straightened from his crouching position Leah guessed his height at seven feet tall. He was in the likeness of a human, only his legs were that of a black beast - like a lion, furred with large padded feet and claws which scraped the ground. He had a long furred tail which whipped back and forth as he stood. His arms were furred as well, thick and roped with muscle, with fingers ending in long black claws.

  The rest of him was that of a dark-skinned man - or almost like a man. He had pointed ears at the side of his head, poking out of a long mane of black hair that fell over his face as he looked up, stretching his arms wide. She saw that his bare chest was smooth, well-defined muscle.

  Leah shivered at the sight of him. He was so powerful, so primal. Beastly, but magnificently so. The description in the books had hardly done him justice. And as her eyes trailed lower, she saw his manhood - huge, and half-erect. She had seen naked men in her duties as healer, but never in a state of arousal – and never so monstrously large. The books had never mentioned that. Quickly, she blinked and looked away.

  He hadn't noticed her yet, instead looking over his outstretched limbs as though seeing himself for the first time, flexing his palms and retracting his claws like a cat. He threw his head back then and roared exultantly, an earth-shaking sound that threatened to split the girl's ears, and ended in a triumphant laugh.

  Leah jumped at the sudden noise, cringing and covering her ears. She brought herself under control just as the demon dropped his arms and suddenly realized she was there.

  His yellow eyes regarded her from beneath stray strands of hair, bright and cunning. He had a handsome, angular face that looked quite human except for the wide, somewhat flat nose, and those cunning preternatural eyes.

  An expression that might have been a smile, a snarl - or both - curled his lips as he looked at Leah. She suddenly felt very small. His spirit must completely overshadow hers. How could she hope to manage him if the circle was not enough to contain his essence?

  She kept her expression carefully neutral and stared right back at him. After a moment, he looked away, staring down at the ground, moving his feet to look at the circle and seal that contained him.

  He looked back up at the girl. "Witch." He said, his voice a deep rumble. "What is your name?"

  Leah cocked her head slightly to the side. Surely he couldn't think she was that stupid? "Witch will do fine, Lord Nthar." She answered co
olly. Giving him her name might give him some power over her, and she couldn't afford that.

  The smile-snarl was back; he looked amused. But his lion's legs pawed the ground restlessly, his tail flicking back and forth like an aggravated cat's. He looked Leah up and down, licking his lips with a long tongue and staring openly at the girl. He looked as though he wanted to devour her.

  She felt like a mouse in front of a hungry lion... but there was also something strangely thrilling about his gaze. Suddenly an image intruded on her thoughts: his soft furred hands caressing her, gently grazing her tender flesh with the very tips of his sharp claws.

  She shook her head sharply to clear her it. Had he sent the vision to her?

  The demon was looking into her eyes again now. "Very well," he purred. "You have my seal. Why have you summoned me?"

  Leah stared back at him, angry at the intrusion of her mind. She should get this over with quickly. "My brother is ill," she said. "With a disease none of the healers have seen before. We seek a cure."

  He looked around, and stroked his chin with a long finger. "We?" He asked. "I see only one witch here."

  She swallowed, feeling the heat rise to her face, and hoped it was too dark for him to see her blush. She shrugged, noncommittally, and said nothing.

  “What makes you think I will do this for you?” There was a wicked gleam in his eye. She wondered what he was playing at. With demons, there was always something. A double-edged gift, or a price to be paid.

  “I hold your seal,” she said simply. “You are bound to that circle until I release you.”

  “Ah.” He replied. As he spoke, he paced back and forth, walking the edge of the seal like a tiger in its cage. “Well... this place isn't so bad. I could get used to it.”

  She knew he was lying. A demon could not remain on the surface for long. If they were kept bound for too long they would eventually become weak. Especially with nothing to feed on. After a time they would disperse and be forced to reform in the between-world.


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