Mine to Entice

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Mine to Entice Page 4

by Karen Anders

  “We tried to keep it quiet and we’re cooperating with the police.”

  “If they had anything on Danny, they would have arrested him.”

  Mitchell shrugged. “Just a matter of time. Look, I’m sorry I stepped on your toes in there.”

  Too polite, too remorseful, too…glossy. Instinct told Kate there was a volcano brewing beneath that smooth facade.

  In silence, she watched his hand as he raised it, holding it out to her. His fingers were long, strong and tanned. Powerful. She wondered if he’d made the marks on Mrs. LePlante’s neck.

  She said nothing as he dropped his hand, brushed past Kate and left the building.

  “What was that all about?” Eric asked.

  “I don’t know, but I don’t like him,” Kate said, watching Mitchell’s retreating back.

  She followed Eric out of her apartment building, set the kit and evidence on his back seat and got into the car.

  “Word is that you danced with St. James tonight.”

  “Word travels fast.”

  “You know cops. We’re the biggest gossipmongers around. Now fess up. Did you dance with him?”

  “I danced with him. What of it?”

  “Just askin’, but now I’m curious as to why you have that defensive note in your voice. Is there something you want to tell your partner?”

  “Like what, Banner. Maybe, you’re a pain in my butt?”

  He chuckled. “You already know that, Quinn. Like you changed your look overnight. Show up for work in that red dress. Wow, then tonight. That black dress is some concoction.”

  “So I did a makeover. No big deal.”

  “It is a big deal. St. James is one intense guy. I’ve seen him in court go for the jugular and then calmly clean off his claws like a big jungle cat.”

  “Are you saying that if I wanted to go after St. James, I may not be able to handle him?”

  “I just don’t want you to get hurt.”

  She looked at him and his face was earnest in the semidarkness. All trace of teasing and humor aside.

  She reached out and squeezed his forearm. “Thanks for that brotherly advice, but I’m not afraid of St. James.”

  “I sure hope you know where to pet him to make him purr instead of growl.”

  “Either way. I can handle him.”

  Eric chuckled. “When you say it in that tone of voice, I believe it,” he said as he pulled up to the police lab and let Kate off with the evidence. Eric would bring the kits and they’d restock them with the items they’d used tonight.

  She went into the lab, properly cataloged and stored all the evidence, so that she could begin analyzing all the data later.

  She made her way through the lab area and up into the police department. She stopped at the detectives’ area and found out that Danny Hamilton was in Interrogation Three.

  When Kate walked into the observation area, Jericho was already there, still in his tuxedo.

  She zeroed in on his mouth, that mouth that only hours ago had shown her the gateway to heaven. She wanted nothing more than to feel that sculpted mouth pressed to hers.

  He stared at her, his eyes sizzling brown coals. Her breathing increased, her mouth tingled. His eyelids drooped, his hooded gaze dropping to her lips and the tingling turned into an ache. She licked her dry lips and heat flashed in his eyes.

  “Kate,” Captain Davis said, nodding to her. “Looks like we pulled you out of a party, too.”

  “Jericho—Mr. St. James and I were at the same function for D.A. Roth.”

  “Oh, so you know that Mr. St. James is the one running for the position backed by D.A. Roth.”

  Kate’s gaze went to Jericho. “You’re running for D.A.?”

  “Yes. It was announced after you left.”

  “I see.”

  “Danny, we just want to know if you had a beef with Mrs. LePlante,” Tom Sanders said from behind the one-way glass.

  “She was a mean lady. She was always hitting me,” Danny said sullenly.

  “Did you hit her?” Sienna asked gently.

  Kate moved to the one-way glass and her heart tightened in her chest to see the scared look on Danny’s face.

  Danny shook his head, but wouldn’t look at Tom or Sienna. “I didn’t like her.”

  “But did you hurt her?”

  “Shouldn’t he have a lawyer?” Kate blurted.

  “Whose side are you on, Ms. Quinn? I thought you worked for us,” Captain Davis said.

  “Danny’s a little slow.”

  “He’s not under arrest right now, so technically he doesn’t need a lawyer.”

  A uniformed cop came into the observation room. He whispered something in the captain’s ear. The captain nodded and turned to Jericho.

  “The search of Danny Hamilton’s apartment has turned up a bloody brass candlestick.”

  “Who gave you permission to search?” Jericho asked.

  The cop thumbed toward the glass. “The kid. Said we could go through anything we wanted.”

  “Why did you search his apartment?” Kate asked.

  “Eyewitness stated that she heard Danny and Mrs. LePlante arguing. Then after that, she heard nothing. We went to the kid’s apartment and he said we could search. Afterward he got really agitated when we wanted to bring him down to division to question him,” the uniform said.

  Jericho stood there quietly. “Arrest him.”

  “Charges?” Captain Davis asked.

  “Second degree murder.”

  “But we don’t even know what killed LePlante yet,” Kate said.

  “The evidence sounds concrete enough to go to the grand jury. Arrest him.”

  “Danny didn’t do it. I know he couldn’t have. He’s not capable of hurting anyone,” Kate persisted.

  “Sounds like the evidence is proving you wrong,” Captain Davis said, exiting the room and entering the interrogation room. He talked to Tom who got up and snapped cuffs on a bewildered and frightened Danny.

  They exited the observation room just as Tom was leading Danny out of the interrogation room.

  “Help me, Miss Kate. Don’t let them lock me up. I didn’t do nothing.”

  “Don’t worry, Danny. It’ll be okay. Go with the officers. I’ll come and visit you as soon as I can.”

  “I’m scared, Miss Kate.”

  “I know, Danny. But it’ll be all right. Don’t worry.”

  She rounded on Jericho. “This is all a mistake.”

  “I’m sorry about this, Kate. But the evidence doesn’t lie.”

  “I know, but I don’t believe it. I know this man.”

  Kate walked with Jericho to the stairs where Eric was waiting. “Eric, what are you doing here?”

  “You said your car was in the shop. I thought I’d give you a ride home.”

  “I’ll take her,” Jericho said.

  Kate turned to look at Jericho who eyed Eric. His tone brooked no disagreement.

  Eric leaned in and whispered in Kate’s ear. “Watch out for those claws.”

  Kate hit Eric in the shoulder and he turned and went down the stairs.

  “What was that all about?”


  “Hmm. Communication between partners?”

  “Right. Jericho, you really don’t have to take me. I’m going home to change then come back to attend the autopsy.”

  “I’ll take you home, and I’ll bring you back.”

  “But it’s late.”

  “I don’t mind. I think we have something to discuss.”

  With those ominous words, Kate stepped onto the stairs with Jericho close on her heels.

  JERICHO STOOD TOO CLOSE to her while she opened her door. He knew he was crowding her, but he couldn’t seem to help himself.

  She glanced at him, a flash of irritation in those blue eyes. He was batting a thousand with this woman. First she discovers that he’s been interested in her but has hidden it. Then he has to tell the police to arrest a man she’s obviously very fond of.
But all that seemed to pale in comparison to his attraction to her. He admired the way she had stood up for Danny Hamilton with such passion in her voice when she proclaimed his innocence.

  Unfortunately, it didn’t make Danny any less suspect. He had a feeling that when the candlestick was tested, the blood on it would match Mrs. LePlante’s.

  She got the door open and they walked inside. She flipped on a switch and twin lights that sat on hardwood end tables flashed on. Her apartment was beautiful, somewhat on the ornate side, but he liked the Queen Anne style. The sofa was a soft powder blue with a hardwood coffee table that matched the end tables.

  In the corner was a beautiful antique baby grand piano. His hands itched to touch the keys. Law would always be his first love, but music came a very close second.

  In the dining room sat a small round table and chairs, along with an antique cabinet that held delicate china.

  There were landscape paintings on the walls in blues and greens, complementing the throw rugs on the floors. The kitchen was tidy and all the cabinets were painted in white.

  “What do you know about Ken Mitchell?”

  The question caught him off guard. “Why?”

  “He showed up at the crime scene tonight.”

  “For what reason?”

  “He wanted to know when he could clean and rent the apartment again.”


  Kate nodded. “Cold-blooded came to mind.”

  “Ken’s father is a big donator to my campaign.”

  “He is?”

  “In fact, he has given quite a bit of money to the city to help with the homeless. He’s huge on charity.”

  “Well, I’m afraid his son doesn’t have as big a heart. I don’t even think Mrs. LePlante was cold yet.”

  “Look, Kate, you’re not a homicide detective. It’s not your responsibility to work this case. You collect evidence and process it. You need to be objective, and you need to keep emotions out of it.”

  “Are you saying that I won’t do my job?”


  “Because if you are, you’re off the mark.”

  “You might be too close to this one. Because this is personal, you’re letting your feelings come in to play.”

  “Danny’s innocent. That’s not emotion. That’s a gut instinct.”

  “My goal is clear, Kate. Get killers off the street. We’re on the same side. I have to do my job. I want a report of your findings as soon as it’s available.”

  “You’ll get it.”

  “Danny had motive, means and opportunity, and I’ve got to prosecute him to the fullest extent of the law.”

  “This isn’t about you,” Kate said moving in on him, her sultry scent making him lose his train of thought. It made him crazy, but he couldn’t seem to concentrate when this woman got too close to him.

  “This is about Danny. All avenues have to be investigated before I will be satisfied. If you don’t like it, you can kiss my ass.”

  There was a buzzing in his ears and he thought it might be a warning signal, but he couldn’t seem to think. His hands reached out and enfolded her into his arms, as he lowered his mouth to hers with a soft moan.

  His system overloaded, his pulse heavy, his heart laboring against it. He was so sure if she pulled away from him, he would cease to exist. The sensation was like being absorbed into a heated vortex where he was lost. The sheer material of her dress seemed paper-thin as if they touched skin to skin. She moaned and he hardened behind the zipper of his expensive tux pants.

  Jericho slid his fingers into her hair, cupping the side of her head as he deepened the kiss. Kate made a helpless sound and opened her mouth. Jericho slipped his tongue inside in a deep, searching kiss.

  Gathering her up in a hard, enveloping embrace, he drew her between his thighs, working his mouth hungrily against hers, pressing her hips even closer. Jericho knew that Kate was capable of this response. It made him feel powerful when she cried out softly, her hands feverishly tugging at his jacket.

  Jericho caught her by the hips and molded her flush against him, his mouth wide and hot as he tugged the zipper of her enticing dress down the satin skin of her back. He emitted a low sound of approval when he pulled the dress off her shoulders and encountered nothing but bare skin. He slid his hand up her bare torso, cupping her breast, stroking her with his thumb. She was softer than he could have imagined. Her skin vibrant against his hands alive, so alive.

  His touch made her gasp, and she released a shuddering, helpless sound against his mouth. It was sudden, the wrenching of his gut.

  He broke the kiss to look down at her. The full breasts tipped with pink nipples hardened into rosy nubs. He used his hands under her arms to arch her back until his mouth engulfed first one sweet tip then the other.

  She tasted like nothing he’d ever had. Sweet, pure fire burned his mouth, raged inside him until he let go of her nipple.

  She gasped when his gaze collided with hers, her lips parting in pleasure. He brought her lips closer to his, watching the way her eyes glazed when she looked at his mouth. His mouth covered hers urgently, a burst of heat zinging through him startling in its intensity.

  And he couldn’t imagine ever wanting to kiss another woman as he was kissing Kate. The danger and intensity of his bonding with Kate would be like nothing he’d ever experienced before.

  He felt on the brink of miracles and certain disaster.


  “NO,” SHE SAID SOFTLY as he tried to strip the dress off her.

  She pulled out of his arms and turned away, quickly slipping back into the dress. She backed away from him.

  “Kate…” he pleaded, taking a step toward her.

  She shook her head, holding her hand out. “No, you teased me for a long time. I told you that you have to wait.”

  Jericho gritted his teeth and ran his hands through his hair. “Let me explain about that.”

  “No.” She shook her head emphatically. “I don’t want to hear any explanations yet. It’ll make me weak and I don’t want to be weak right now.”

  “You said you wanted to have sex with me.”

  “I do.”

  “Then why not now?”

  “Because I call the shots and I say not right now.”

  Jericho took a deep breath to bring his passion under control. “Okay, you call the shots.”

  Kate smiled at him in a very unnerving way. “It’s nice to know that you’re not letting your emotions free rein.”

  She disappeared into her bedroom and slammed the door.

  She’d told him, he thought as he stood there in surprise, his hard-on pulsing behind his zipper.

  KATE KNELT ON THE CARPET watching Jericho sleep. Thick dark lashes lay against his bronzed skin. She noted the dark circles beneath those lashes and remembered his words the night before. He wasn’t sleeping well because of her. A thrill of excitement tingled down her spine at that admission.

  He had dropped her off and she’d suggested that he wait in her office. No one should have to go through an autopsy unless they really had to. When she got back from the autopsy, this is how she found him, asleep on her office couch.

  Her eyes roamed over his face and she sighed with the sheer joy of just watching him when that intense gaze was shuttered. Asleep, the force that was so much a part of him was dormant. She could still see it in the lines around his sensual lips, in the proud nose and powerful compelling beauty of his face. Jericho was not like other men she’d met in her life. Maybe that was why she was drawn to him despite his silver-spoon look.

  He’d loosened the bow tie and it lay against his stark-white shirt. Here and there the studs had popped open while he’d slept, revealing patches of smooth, supple skin. His cuffs were undone, the gold cuff links with his initials—JSJ—hung loosely from the stitched buttonholes. Worried he would lose them, she reached out and snagged them, dropping them into the pocket of her jeans.

  His presence never ceased to cause a stir
in a room. Women would follow him with their eyes, desiring all that lightly restrained masculine energy. He prowled, and when he moved, women were compelled to watch, seeing in him qualities that spoke of the best of the species.

  There were many more compelling attributes in Jericho other than his mind-drugging good looks and his finely formed body. Regardless of the toughness he showed in court, she suspected he hid a sensitivity that he guarded like a fortress. A sensitivity that had shone through when he’d touched her arm during Danny’s interrogation; a sensitivity that came through each time he looked at her. It seduced and lured her, and was as powerful and engaging as his personality.

  Even in sleep the lines of his face were taut, as if he struggled in his dreams. His face shadowed with dark brown stubble looked sexy on him. He jerked in his sleep and moaned softly.

  The sound cut through her, arrowing to her groin as though it was shot from a bow.

  The male scent of him was thick in her nostrils and she breathed deep, irresistibly drawn closer. Her eyes traveled down to his abdomen, bared by his restless slumber, the waistband of his briefs, starkly white against the deep bronze thickness of his stomach muscles and…she looked closer…black lines?

  How she wanted to touch his skin, wanted to see what that waistband hid, wanted to put her lips on his skin. All of a sudden, she was beginning to wonder who was enticing who.

  “Get as close as you want, Kate.”

  She gasped. Her eyes flew to his, heavy-lidded and filled with passion. She blushed deeply and furiously to be caught staring at him so obviously.

  To hide her embarrassment, she rubbed the back of her neck. “I’m finished with the M.E.”

  “Cause of death?”

  “Manual strangulation.”

  “So it wasn’t the blow?”

  “No. It was just a glancing blow with no real force behind it.”

  “You look beat,” he said.

  “I am. I don’t want to make any mistakes, so I’d better get home and get to bed.”

  His very brown eyes veiled beneath his tangled chocolate lashes caressed her face, the heightened color on her cheeks. He reached out and ran the back of his hand down her cheek. “Sorry about the ‘look closer’ comment. It was a response to my very intense and vivid dream of you riding me.”


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