Mine to Entice

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Mine to Entice Page 12

by Karen Anders

  “I mean it,” she said, grabbing at his shoulders. “You do want to have a next time, right?”

  The tentativeness in her voice tugged at his heart. He’d never want to disappoint this woman; it would be more than he could bear. “Damn right I do. Tonight?”

  “Yes,” she breathed, pulling his head down for a quick kiss.

  Jericho didn’t want to leave her for a whole day. He wanted to stay in bed with her, wrap himself in her sweet presence.

  Dangerous, dangerous thoughts. Their bargain was just for the week and it was already half over.

  KATE BARELY LOOKED UP when the door to her office opened.

  Sienna sauntered in and dropped into a chair opposite the desk. “What’s up?”

  “I need to ask you about the Phantom Bandit.”


  “Did the thief only take personal belongings?”


  “But never fenced anything that you know of?”

  “No, and the report from Mrs. LePlante’s daughter is that there is a diamond bracelet missing from her mother’s apartment. A Tiffany original from a high profile boyfriend.”

  “Did she say who the boyfriend was?”

  “No. She didn’t know, but she said her mother bragged about him being rich and handsome.”

  “So, do you have anything new to tell me?”

  “Like what?” Kate asked coyly.

  “Like how’s Jericho this morning.”

  Kate’s eyes narrowed. “Why would you think I know?”

  Sienna laughed. “Lana and I came by last night and saw his car parked out in front of your apartment building.”

  “Is that so?”

  “You missed out on pizza and beer. But I’m sure your little hands and mouth were too busy to eat or drink. Food, that is. Did you get your souvenir?” prompted Sienna. “I’m only asking because you’ve had a dopey grin on your face since I sat down.” As she received no reaction from Kate, she stopped and invited, “Feel free to jump in here with an answer anytime.”

  Kate looked at Sienna and sighed. “No. I forgot to ask him.”

  “You forgot? Not a good sign. So is the intense prosecutor as intense in bed?”

  “He’s very…focused. He plays the piano beautifully.”

  “Piano? He played the piano for you?”

  “Afterward. He was trying to keep from waking me.”

  “Sounds like a good start. Are you going to see him again?”

  “Yes. Tonight. He invited me to his first fund-raiser.”

  “Will the Mitchells be there?”

  “Yes, of course. And the D.A., too. Sienna, you investigated Ken Mitchell on the Phantom Bandit case. What did you think of him?”

  “Too slick and very smug. He’s got a problem with anger.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “When I was interviewing him, he was getting a manicure. The woman nipped him a little too close to the cuticle and he nearly took her head off.”

  “Issues with his father.”

  “That’d be my guess. I think he wants more of the Mitchell pie and daddy doesn’t trust him to take over. That’s just my overall impression of the guy.”

  “Do you like him for the Bandit?”

  “I do. He was arrested as a juvenile, but his records are sealed. I couldn’t gain access.”

  “Is there some other way you can find out?”

  “I could track down the officer who arrested him and have a chat. Mitchell had access to the keys and to the buildings. Whoever got into those apartments gained entry by a key.”

  “Mrs. LePlante?”

  “In her case, it could have been someone she knew. There was no forced entry.”

  “Could you track down the officer and let me know?”

  “Sure.” Sienna studied her. “What are you thinking?”

  “I want to match up the DNA evidence found at the Bandit thefts to the DNA evidence I found in the shower at the LePlante murder.”

  “So you thought there was a connection.”

  “It seems likely.”

  “But the Bandit hasn’t ever murdered before.”

  “He was surprised. Maybe he reacted.”

  “I’ll keep you posted. Don’t forget to ask Jericho for a souvenir. It’s time to go to Enrique’s and celebrate the end of our dares.”

  “I’ll ask him, don’t worry.”

  “Have fun at the fund-raiser.”

  Kate held up two tickets to the event. “How about you and A.J. join us?”

  “You want to double team Mitchell? Sounds like a good idea to me.” She reached out and took the tickets. “I really like seeing A.J. in his whites. Count me in.”

  Kate sat in her seat for a few more minutes. Then she got up and headed down the hall. Climbing the stairs, she went up into the police station to the psychologist’s office.

  “Come in.”

  Kate pushed the door open. “Hi, Dr. Thompson. Do you have a few minutes?”

  “Sure, Kate. What can I do for you?”

  “I wanted to ask you about kleptomania.”

  “What about it?”

  “Would it be likely that a kleptomaniac caught in the act would kill?”

  “Hmm. I would say probably not. Kleptomaniacs don’t really have remorse—guilt or shame. They’re compelled to steal. Not the answer you wanted?”

  “No, not really.”

  “There’s another disorder that’s described in the DSM IV that might, though.”

  “What is that?”

  “Addictive/compulsive theft.”

  “What is the difference?”

  “Kleptomaniacs don’t steal out of anger or vengeance. They steal because of impulses they can’t control. An addictive/compulsive thief does feel shame and guilt after the act,” Dr. Thompson explained.

  “An individual with this kind of a disorder could possibly kill?”

  “Possibly. An addictive/compulsive thief usually steals out of anger. There’s usually a lot of tension before the act and a great deal of relief afterward. If he’s denied that relief, he might lash out in anger toward the person who interfered.”

  “Would this type of individual keep the stolen items?”

  “Yes, just like a kleptomaniac, an addictive/compulsive thief would keep the items. He may even use some of them.”

  “Thanks, Dr. Thompson.”

  “Glad I could be of help.”

  “MR. ST. JAMES. The D.A. wishes to see you in his office.”

  The intercom interrupted his thoughts. They weren’t on his next court session or the miles of paperwork on his desk. He wasn’t thinking about briefs or depositions or grand jury indictments.

  He was thinking about her.

  Every supple, beautiful inch of her.

  Uncharacteristic, the rational part of his brain admonished. You should be working. He knew he should be working, but he couldn’t concentrate. It was like yesterday only worse. Because yesterday had been preceded by the night before when Kate had come to his house and exploded into brilliant sparks right in front of his eyes. Now he knew how those sparks burned and ignited his blood. Now he knew what it was like to immerse himself in Kate.

  And he wasn’t really sure what to do about it. He never got involved with co-workers. Never. Now here he was entangled in Kate.

  “Mr. St. James.”

  “I’m coming,” he said into the intercom and grabbed the camel jacket across the back of his chair and shrugged into it.

  He walked out of his office, past the watchful eye of his assistant. “Are you okay, Mr. St. James?”

  “I’m fine, Sandy.”

  “You seem awfully distracted.”

  “I’m really fine.”

  He left his suite of offices and made his way to D.A. Roth’s.

  He opened the door and stopped dead when he saw Kate sitting in front of the big formidable desk. “Kate,” he said softly, unable to disguise his delight in seeing her.

  She smiled
at him. “Jericho.” D.A. Roth was scowling. “Take a seat, St. James.”

  Jericho took the chair next to Kate’s and cast her a quizzical look. She shrugged.

  “It’s come to my attention that you, Ms. Quinn, are harassing Ken Mitchell and his father.”

  Kate launched herself to her feet, her eyes narrowing. “That’s a lie. I’m not harassing anyone.”

  “Sit down, Ms. Quinn. It’s also come to my attention that the suspect in custody for the LePlante murder is a personal friend of yours.”

  “That’s right.”

  “I don’t appreciate one of my employees carrying out a personal vendetta against two of the finest citizens of this city just because you’re trying to clear your friend. It smacks of a conflict of interest.”

  “With all due respect, Matt, Kate came to me two nights ago asking to be relieved of this case for that very reason.”


  “I told her that I trusted her to remain professional and do her job, no matter what her feelings were.”

  “Well, that was poor judgment, Jericho.”

  Jericho stiffened. In all the time that he’d worked in the D.A.’s office, Matt Roth had given him free rein and relied on him exclusively for his opinion and advice. It shocked him that now he would reprimand him like a sullen teenager. “Not in my opinion, Matt. You used to take my word at face value.”

  “The Mitchells are very important citizens and I will not have my people harassing them.”

  “So that’s what this is about,” Kate said caustically. “Their campaign contributions. No matter that Ken Mitchell could have strangled a woman to death as long as he continues to put money in your coffers.”

  “That, young lady, is out of line. Can you prove Mitchell killed Mrs. LePlante?”



  “Not yet.”

  “Perhaps you don’t wish to accept that your friend is guilty.”

  “He didn’t kill her. He didn’t kill anyone. No amount of evidence will convince me otherwise.”

  “You’re off this case, Ms. Quinn. Turn everything over to Banner.”

  “I’m more than competent to investigate this case and keep my objectivity.”

  “Are you? I think you’re overestimating your abilities, Ms. Quinn.”

  “I think she can.”

  “You’re besotted, Jericho. I see the way you two look at each other. Your judgment in this case is off, but I’m giving you a second chance to prove yourself. Prosecute Hamilton to the fullest extent of the law. That’s your job.”

  “Matt, I know my job and Kate knows hers. I think you’ve made a mistake in removing her.”

  “It’s still my decision. Keep your eye on the ball. And you, Kate. You keep your nose clean or I’ll have to take more drastic action. Is that understood?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “That’s all.”

  They rose and stepped out of his office. “Well that was really fun,” Kate said as they were a few feet down the hall. “All over the fact that the Mitchells have money. That’s all it’s ever about.”


  KATE STOOD AT THE WINDOW overlooking Jericho’s property. She had arrived at his house twenty minutes ago. She heard a car drive up and park. Glancing down into the driveway she saw it was Jericho’s black Mercedes.

  She looked at her watch and saw that they still had plenty of time to get to the fund-raiser. She had arrived at Jericho’s long before he had, thanks to Eric’s help in clearing her desk. She had made a quick stop at home first, but she hadn’t lingered there, packing only a few clothes, toiletries and the items she would need tonight for Jericho’s bold seduction.

  She looked at her bag in the corner. He was in for a wonderful surprise when they got back tonight. She shivered at the thought of what she wanted to do to him.

  She heard the front door open and she walked to the guest room door and opened it. Jericho came down the hall. His eyes lit up when he saw her.

  “What are you doing in there? You could have used my room.”

  “I didn’t want to intrude on your privacy without being expressly invited.”

  “It would have been no problem. It won’t take me long to get ready.”

  He kissed her and when he tried to deepen it, she pulled back. “Oh, no, you’ll make us late, Jericho.”

  “I missed you.”

  “There will be plenty of time for that tonight.”


  “Absolutely. Now get to your room.”

  “You could change in my room.”

  “Uh, no. That’s not a good idea.”

  “Right. Forty-five minutes.”

  As soon as she closed the door, she slipped out of her robe. She took the plastic off the electric-blue dress she’d bought for this occasion. Stepping into the slinky fabric, she slipped the straps over her shoulders, turning toward the mirror to lace them over her bare back.

  She smoothed the silky material with one hand, turning this way and that in the mirror to check for wrinkles. The dress had tiny straps that left her shoulders bare and most of her back, as well, sheathing her body sleekly. It had an asymmetrical hem with a side slit and mesh inset into the bodice and rib cage that showed just a hint of her skin. Her hair was pulled up in a haphazard knot on her head with cascading curls, and diamond studs glittered at her ears. Taking a deep breath, she left the room to wait for Jericho.

  Her reflection mocked, biting her lip not because she was anxious but because she was excited. Kate caught a look at herself and stopped, muttering a curse. She quickly reapplied her lipstick, then put the lid on it and dropped it into her bag.

  He didn’t keep her waiting long. She heard his footsteps coming toward her and whirled around to face him, her breath stopped in her chest. He was incredibly handsome, and her heart kicked into a faster rhythm at the sight of him. He looked just as handsome now as he did the night of the announcement dinner. Dark, dangerous, and sleek as a panther.

  Kate swallowed hard. She wished they were coming home for this evening instead of going out. She wanted to strip the tux off him and have her way with him right now.

  She was a little nervous about hobnobbing with the elite of San Diego. Social situations tended to make her nervous. She would much rather sit in a lab and analyze DNA than put on a fancy dress and high heels and try to make conversation. But she wanted to be with Jericho and this was part of his life. Although, unlike her, he fit into the glittering lifestyle and he had no problems with social situations or schmoozing the moneylenders.

  His gaze settled on her like a laser beam, making her fidget.

  They stared silently at each other, each lost in their own thoughts for long minutes before Kate noticed the missing cuff links.

  “Did you forget something?” she asked, breaking the heavy tension in the air, and he blinked at her before he followed her eyes down to his cuffs.

  “I was going to check around for my cuff links. I had them the night of the announcement party but I can’t find them,” he muttered.

  “Damn, Andrew gave them to me.”

  “He did? They must mean a lot to you.”

  “They do.”

  “I took them off your shirt when you were sleeping in my office and put them in my jeans’ pocket so they wouldn’t get lost. I even put them in my robe pocket to give to you, but when we…uh…”

  “Made love on the piano?”

  “Right. You made me totally forget about them.” She smiled as she opened her purse and took out the beautiful cuff links. She moved closer and worked each through its buttonhole slowly. The sight of the cuff links made her remember how they’d made love, evoking heated memories. She peeked up at him through her lashes and saw that he was staring down at her hands.

  Jericho knew that it wasn’t a good idea to touch her, but he couldn’t help himself. He reached out and snagged one of her shining curls as it slid over her creamy shoulder.

  He played with the silk
y strands, rubbing them between his fingers. His eyes were drawn to her cleavage peeking out of that racy dress. The soft mounds of her breasts lifted and fell with each breath. If he didn’t have five hundred people waiting for him to give a speech after paying five hundred dollars a plate, he’d slip his hand inside that dress and cup her breasts, rolling her hard nipple against his palm.

  “Got it,” she finally said, running her hands down the front of his shirt. “Ready to go.” Her face grew serious as she stared up at him. He was caught in her eyes as if he’d suddenly been immersed in deep blue pools. The air felt electrified as if the molecules reacted to their need and heated. He forgot about the five hundred people, and the five hundred dollars a plate, and the speech. He forgot everything but Kate and the effect she had on him.

  “You’re beautiful,” he whispered, tugging on the curl and reaching out to send his hand over her shoulder down her arm.

  “Thank you,” she managed to say, giving him a distressed look. “You don’t think it’s too much?”

  “I’d like a little less,” he said, grinning.

  She smacked him on the arm and he laughed.

  “That wasn’t what I meant, Jericho.”

  “I know that, but you looked so serious. I’ve seen the mayor’s wife wear less,” he said huskily, moving one hand up to cup hers and bring it to his lips.


  Jericho pressed a kiss to her palm. He couldn’t stay away from her even if he wanted to. She drew him both physically and emotionally. He was feeling things for Kate that would complicate his life. This was a quick fling, a bargain. But his exploration of this woman was becoming too vital to ignore. He should enjoy the time he had with her and worry about the consequences later. “You take my breath away, Kate,” he whispered, his face moving closer to hers.

  “I’m having a great time, too, Jericho,” Kate breathed as he hesitated a fraction away from her lips. “I hope you’re not hesitating to kiss me because I’m all dolled up.”

  She took the decision out of his hands and pressed her mouth to his, effectively silencing the words he was going to say. She pressed herself against his chest, her hand sliding to the nape of his neck to keep him in place, her mouth hot and sweet against his.

  Something more than desire coiled in Jericho’s stomach and he slipped his arms around her, trying to be careful of her gown and hair. They kissed each other as if they were saying goodbye, hard and frantic, their tongues joining avidly, before he finally broke away.


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