Power Trilogy: Power Trip, Power Play & Power Shift (Twin Billionaires Series)

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Power Trilogy: Power Trip, Power Play & Power Shift (Twin Billionaires Series) Page 14

by M T Stone

  “She’s still in denial,” she says, shaking her head and rolling her eyes. “I’ve talked to her several times.”

  “She’ll listen to me. I’ll get her to talk with his doctor so she can see how many pills he’s taking on a daily basis,” I tell her. “This is unsustainable, especially for someone his age.”

  “I hope she will do something to help him.” She wraps her arms around me and squeezes me tight. “I’ve really missed you.”

  “I’ve missed you too,” I whisper, before backing off and making my way to the door. I would rather not be here when Tyler comes out of the bathroom. That is, if he’s not passed out on the floor. Riding the elevator down to the lobby, it occurs to me that my feelings for Vanessa might finally be fading. When she said that she has always been in love with me, for the first time I didn’t really feel anything other than disbelief. If she thinks she can toy with me again, she has another thing coming. I’m done with one-way love affairs.


  While getting ready for the day, I realize that I must have muted the ringer on my phone. Picking it up, I see there are two missed calls and several Facebook notifications. I click on the Facebook app and there are several tagged images from Liv. When I open the first one, it looks like a picture of her and Trey, but his hair is different. Scrolling through the rest of them, I quickly realize that it’s her and Tyler. What the hell? There are also several pictures of the two of them with Tommy. It looks like lots of partying and a general lack of clothes were the main themes. She definitely didn’t waste any time moving on.

  Next, I click on my voicemail. One is from my father, wondering if I attended the funeral and asking when I am heading back to California. The second is from my boss, Harris, who asked the same exact questions. I took all of next week off, thinking that we would still be in Geneva so there is no reason to go back early. I send them both a quick text letting them know that I did attend the funeral and that I’m not going home for at least another week. I’m having too much fun right now.

  “Are you ready, babe?” Trey shouts as he swings the door of the suite open.

  “I am.” I quickly finish putting my hair up.

  “You look great.” He brushes past me to check his hair and spray on a fresh shot of Sure Fuck. “Just needed a little insurance.” He chuckles and gives me a wink.

  “Yeah, like that’s an issue.” I roll my eyes and punch him in the arm. “I’m probably the one who needs some reassurance. How did your talk go with Vanessa?”

  “It was interesting.” He pauses, looking at me through the mirror. “Tyler didn’t come home last night. She’s pregnant with his child and he came staggering through the door just after she tells me that she has always been in love with me.”

  “She told you what?” I take a step back and feel like a dagger just went straight through my heart.

  Trey sees my reaction and immediately turns, coming toward me. “I want to be completely honest with you,” he says, with complete sincerity in his eyes. “I also want you to know that I didn’t feel a thing when she said it. I told her I would talk to Mom about Tyler and then I left. When I got in the elevator, the only woman who was on my mind was you.”

  “Are you serious?” I honestly don’t believe what he is saying right now.

  “Serious. I think I’m over her.” He wraps his arms around me. I revel in his warmth and find myself hoping that what he says is true. “I think I might have been obsessed with her only because I couldn’t have her. It actually sounds a little crazy when I say it out loud.”

  I give him a guarded smile. “I hope so, because last night was the best night of my life,” I reply, even though I know it sounds a little too dramatic.

  “Mine too.” He lifts my chin and gives me another one of those incredible kisses.

  Whew… I’m not sure if I can handle this emotional roller coaster. I’m exhausted and it isn’t even noon.


  T rey

  Mandy and I are enjoying a delicious brunch at ABC Kitchen when things start to take a turn for the worse. First, Vanessa calls, which I let go to voicemail so then she proceeds to send me text messages. She tells me that Tyler’s clothes smell like perfume and that when she did Find A Phone it showed that his phone is still at the W Hotel. Tyler, you really are a fucking moron.

  “Check out these pictures that Liv tagged me in,” Mandy says, holding her phone up to show me.

  “Oh Christ! She hooked up with Tyler and Tommy? Vanessa is going to hunt her down and strangle the shit out of her when she finds out.” Tyler and Tommy… wow.

  “Poor Vanessa,” Mandy concurs. “I wouldn’t trade places with her for anything. Pregnant and all.”

  “Yeah, she’s going to have some hard decisions to make in the coming weeks.” I try to eat my eggs, but seem to have lost my appetite.

  I pull up my Facebook app to see if Liv tagged me on any of those pictures. She didn’t. I am however tagged on a story that just came out on TMZ. Freshly Minted Billionaire Hooks Up With SEC Attorney, the title says. They have shots of us coming out of The Penrose last night and getting into the limo. The article details how we backed up traffic for miles. Fucking exaggerators. “You’re not going to like this.” I hand Mandy my phone.

  “How do they even know who I am?” Tears fill her eyes as she begins to scan the article.

  “They have their ways. They probably paid off the bartender or something,” I assume. That kind of shit happens all the time.

  “Oh shit. Harris is going to hit the roof when he sees this.” She gives me a horrified look. “I’m going to lose my job!”

  “Relax, its TMZ,” I try to downplay it. “He doesn’t read crap like that does he?”

  “He’s single and lives with a dog. Who knows what he reads or watches.” She continues to scroll down the article analyzing every word. “I’m screwed.”

  “He’s not going to fire you. Besides, if he does, I’m probably going to need a good corporate attorney in the near future.” I reach over and rub her back in an attempt to calm her down.

  “You know what they say about mixing business with pleasure,” she replies sternly.

  “Do it whenever possible?” I reply, thinking maybe I can get a smile out of her.

  “I should probably get back to California,” she says after a long moment of silence. “It suddenly feels like things are going to really spin out of control around here.”

  “So you’re going to bail on me?” My face instantly feels hot at the thought of it.

  “No. I don’t know. I’m just not good at this kind of stuff,” she admits openly.

  “Neither of us are good at this kind of stuff,” I remind her. “I think that’s what makes us a pretty good match. We both suck at relationships.”

  “Are we really in a relationship?” She asks, placing her hand on my arm.

  “I was kind of hoping so.”


  Riding in the back of the limo, a million thoughts are racing through my mind. I try to rationalize that the worst-case scenario is getting fired from my job and maybe disbarred. There has to be other things out there that I would be good at. I always liked the idea of teaching; maybe I could be a grade school teacher. It would be fun to make a difference in the lives of young kids.

  “You sure are quiet,” Trey says, interrupting my worried stream of thoughts.

  “Sorry… I was just thinking about how I’m going to make a living after I’m disbarred.” He chuckles and shakes his head, but I’m serious.

  “You might lose your job at the SEC, but I don’t think they have any reason to disbar you,” he counters. “You haven’t done anything illegal, have you?”

  “Well, falling for someone who I’m supposed to be investigating is pretty damn unethical,” she mutters with tear filled eyes. “I don’t know how it happened, actually.”

  “Sorry. It was probably the cologne.” Trey laughs, treating the whole situation as if it’s not that serious.

  “It’s not funny!” I fume. I can’t believe he is taking this so lightly and totally disregarding my feelings. Just because he has said some nice things to me and we made love last night, doesn’t mean I can suddenly throw away the rest of my life. This last week has been like a whirlwind and things just keep getting crazier every day.

  He lowers his head and stares directly into my eyes. “Remember when we were at the restaurant the other night and I told you that I was going to make everything up to you and your family?”

  “Yes,” I reply tentatively.

  “I wasn’t just saying that to get in your pants.” He continues to stare intently with a little smirk popping up on the corner of his mouth.

  “That’s because I was wearing a dress.” I try to return his smirk.

  “Don’t worry about your job. Like I said, I’m going to need a good lawyer. If you are disbarred I’ll hire you as a legal consultant. I don’t give a shit!” He puts his arm around me and pulls me to his side.

  I want to be able to trust him, but I have this little gnawing feeling in my stomach. Especially after what Vanessa said to him. I find myself getting more and more angry that she would try to latch onto him after everything she has put him through. She’s in for a real catfight if she thinks she can just take him away from me.

  “Can we go back to the hotel?” I ask, slipping my hand inside his jacket and attempting to give him a sultry look despite my tear-swollen eyes.

  “Tony, back to the Four Seasons, please,” he says, without a second of hesitation.


  I know Mandy has put a ton of work into becoming a lawyer, but she also has to realize that in the past week a lot of things have changed. Dad dying didn’t just change my life, but hers as well. She probably doesn’t believe me at the moment, but I’m determined to help her regain the life that Dad stole from her. I feel a closeness to her that I have never felt with anyone else. Regardless of whether or not we manage to screw this up, I’m going to make sure she gets the life she deserves. Period.

  “Now who’s being quiet?” She turns to me and snickers.

  “I don’t want you to worry about anything.” I wipe a stray tear from her cheek. “Dad always used to ask us: Do you know what a billionaire does?”

  “Oh, really? What does a billionaire do?” she asks, looking a bit perplexed.

  “Whatever the hell he feels like doing,” I tell her, trying to drive my point home. “So, what would you like to do and where would you like to go?”

  “I want to do, you,” she replies in a sultry voice that matches the look she was giving me. “And I want to go back to the hotel.” She leans into me and kisses my cheek.

  “I’ve already made that a reality, but after that we can literally do anything we want. Let’s get up tomorrow morning and go somewhere fun,” I propose, instantly becoming excited by the idea of taking her somewhere. “We need to get the hell out of this city.”

  “I’m all for that. I’ll go where ever you want to take me.” Her face lights up the way I had hoped it would. “Let’s go somewhere crazy, like Paris or Monaco,” she suggests.

  “Do you like racing?” I pull up my phone to do a quick search.

  “I haven’t really watched much of it, why?”

  “I can get two VIP passes for the Monaco Gran Prix next weekend,” I click the link to make sure that they are still available. “The cars will come right beneath us going into the straight away. I’ve always wanted to do that.”

  “I’m game.” She shrugs, arching her eyebrows. “Like I said, it’s all new to me.”

  I click again to purchase our tickets and then open another app to register for a helicopter ride from the Nice airport. I also send a request for a diamond suite at the Hotel Hermitage. Hopefully the fact that Dad was a frequent guest will help me secure a last minute reservation.

  “I am meeting with Dad’s attorneys tomorrow morning to talk about Dad’s estate. Then we can leave tomorrow afternoon and spend a few extra days there,” I suggest. “I’ve had more than enough of this city.”

  “Yeah, I won’t miss the photographers or TMZ.” She sighs.


  Within minutes Trey receives a call from someone at the Hermitage Hotel letting him know that they are doing their best to accommodate us. I’m impressed by the way he handles himself, sounding so professional. He doesn’t need to cheat to be successful in business. He has the charisma and drive that attracts people and now he has the capital to finance any project he chooses to do. I’m sure he will do great things.

  “We can actually have the penthouse at the Hermitage until Saturday, then it’s promised to a Saudi Prince for the weekend.” His eyes spark in a way that reveals the little boy that still resides inside. “Prepare to have your mind completely blown.”

  “Where will we stay Saturday night?” I inquire, having just read that the race is going to be held on Sunday.

  “We’ll see. I’ve got all week to figure that out.” He shrugs in a carefree way. “We might have to stay in Nice or something. I’m just stoked that we can have the penthouse until then.” He holds up a picture of an ocean view on his phone. “See what I mean?”

  “Wow, that’s gorgeous. Is that the view from our room?”

  “Yeah, it’s a rooftop terrace. Mom and Dad stayed there for their 20th wedding anniversary… which ironically ended up being their last anniversary together.” He grimaces.

  “Hopefully the room isn’t cursed.”

  “I don’t believe in curses.” He narrows his eyes giving me a condescending look. “We all make our own luck.”

  “I was just joking.” I sneer, returning a little of his attitude. I have a nervous feeling brewing in my stomach again though. It’s not like me to fly off to France to spend a week with someone I am just getting to know. Everything is happening so quickly that it seems difficult to get my bearings. Just when I begin to adjust emotionally, something else comes along to throw me back off balance. I’m not sure I’m ready for all of this.

  “Here we are,” Tony says, stopping at the curb of the hotel. I take a deep breath and remind myself that things are working out far better than I ever could have imagined.

  “Just relax,” Trey says, sensing my continuing apprehension. “If you decide you would rather go home than go to Monaco… just say the word. I’ll take you home.”

  “I’m sorry, my rational mind keeps telling me that this is all too good to be true,” I reply, just to get it off my mind.

  “Seriously? You haven’t seen anything yet.” He laughs, taking me by the hand. “Come on… I have a surprise for you.”

  As we exit the car I consciously decide to embrace the whirlwind. After all, I could be in a lot of worse places than the Four Seasons with a totally gorgeous future billionaire. I need to learn how to shut off my mind and just go with the flow.


  T rey

  It is only a matter of time before Mandy realizes that the clothes she packed for Geneva are a little too warm for the French Riviera. If Liv has taught me anything, it is to anticipate such issues and head them off in advance. I just ordered a fitting for Mandy, so someone will be stopping by the hotel about three o’clock to take her measurements. I intend to spoil this girl in more ways than one.

  “What’s the surprise?” she asks, giving me a flirty smile.

  “Someone will be stopping by later this afternoon to take your measurements,” I inform her.

  “My measurements? For what?” She gives me a perplexed scowl.

  “You will need some lighter clothes,” I reply. I can tell my insightfulness has caught her off guard. “You’ll be able to go online and place an order for whatever you think you will need for the week.”

  “Oh yeah, I suppose it will be too warm for the clothes I packed. Where should I have them sent?” she asks, realizing that we are basically gypsies for the moment.

  “They will be waiting for you when we check-in at the hotel,” I reply, ushering her
into the privacy of our suite. “Make sure you pick out some skimpy lingerie.” I lean in to give her a kiss of encouragement.

  “Mmm,” she moans. “You just let me know what you want to see me in.”

  “Right now, I just want to see you out of those.” We both begin popping buttons and stripping each other down in a storm of passion. The look in her eyes tells me that I’m not the only one whose hormones are raging. “Easy on the buttons, I kinda like this shirt,” I tease her.

  Within seconds, I have her on the bed and once again feel her silky soft skin against mine. Her intoxicating scent greets me as I kiss my way along her neck and down her perfect cleavage. Another wave of lust washes over me, which inspires my lips to continue tracking down the center of her body. Her toned stomach muscles flex in response to my touch, so I pause to tease her belly button with my tongue.

  “That tickles,” she giggles, grabbing hold of my hair.

  A sudden knock on the door destroys the moment and startles both of us. “Shit, they must be early for your measurements,” I surmise as Mandy grabs her dress and beeline’s it to the bathroom. “Hold on, I’m coming!” I yell after a second series of knocks, scrambling to get my pants and shirt back on.

  “Mr. Addison?” A female uniformed police officer asks, throwing me for a loop.

  “Yes. I’m Trey Addison,” I clarify, thinking maybe they were looking for Tyler.

  “Mr. Addison, I’m officer Martello and this is Detective Kelly. Can we come in and ask you a few questions concerning your father’s death?” Both she and Detective Kelly seem casual, so I agree and lead them into the sitting room.

  “Wow, this is quite a suite you’ve got here,” Detective Kelly remarks. “It’s a little bigger than the ones I cram into when I travel with the wife and kids. No need for a rollaway, huh?” He chuckles and glances over at Martello.

  “Yes, it’s a nice suite. Would you like a bottled water or anything?” I offer, trying to extend them a little courtesy.


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