Power Trilogy: Power Trip, Power Play & Power Shift (Twin Billionaires Series)

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Power Trilogy: Power Trip, Power Play & Power Shift (Twin Billionaires Series) Page 42

by M T Stone


  I hear voices as soon as Trey leaves the room, so it’s obvious that Anthony is already up. I find it amazing how little sleep some people need. I grab my phone to set an alarm to wake me up in an hour. Crap, I missed a call from Harris last night. I didn’t realize my ringer was off. Clicking over to his message, I play it through speaker.

  “Amanda, I have been thinking about what you told me. So after work, I did a little digging. Give me a call when you get this message, I’ll be in the office by seven am tomorrow morning. There are definitely some improprieties here that we need to discuss,” he adds before abruptly hanging up.

  That’s cool. I feel a little surge of excitement, but it’s another two hours before I can give him a call. So I send him a quick text telling him I’ll call him at seven o’clock his time and set my alarm to go off in an hour. The suite falls silent, so I roll over and relish the fact that I can still smell Trey’s cologne clinging to the ultra soft sheets. This is heavenly.


  Arriving at Nana’s house, Anthony pulls up right behind the black sedan. “Just sit tight for a minute,” he tells me after a quick visual scan. He cocks his 9mm and opens the driver’s side door, pausing briefly to do a quick check over both shoulders. He then proceeds to close the door and moves in behind the sedan. With his gun pointed at the driver’s seat, he moves quickly to the driver’s door pulling the door handle and flinging open the door in one swift motion.

  “It’s empty,” he yells back to me, before reaching in and pulling a note from the steering wheel. “What’s done is done,” he says, holding up the note with the words written in bold, red ink.

  “Those are the same words that Tommy used yesterday,” I tell him as I open the passenger door and get out. “He said that a bailout from Addison Media is no longer in the cards, so what’s done is done.”

  “Driving all the way out here to ditch this car in front of your grandmother’s house was designed to send you a strong warning,” he replies, lowering his head and glaring at me over his dark sunglasses. “Like I said, if you’re going to keep poking the bear, we need to make sure everyone is protected.”

  “We’ll drop her off with Mom and Tyler and then I’ll have to figure out if anyone else is at risk.” I do a quick mental scan of who else might be affected. “I don’t give a shit about most of my relatives.” I chuckle as the thought of Margaret and her son, Chester flash through my mind. I’m sure Chester could hold his own, that little fucking weasel.

  “Oh thank, God,” Nana gasps, throwing open the front door to greet us. “Misty and I have been so nervous ever since we saw that car still parked there this morning.”

  “It appears that someone just abandoned it, Ma’am,” Anthony tells her, leaving out a few crucial details.

  “I’m going to have someone from the department come out and take a look,” I add, retrieving Detective Kelly’s card from my wallet. I punch in his number, giving him a quick call while Anthony gets Nana and Misty situated in the passenger seat of the SUV.

  “The Ghost abandoned his vehicle at my grandmother’s house,” I tell Detective Kelly when he answers. “I thought you and Agent Mitchell would want to take a look.”

  “We’ll do better than that,” he responds boisterously. “If you are sure it’s his vehicle, we’ll have it towed in and forensics can scour it from bumper to bumper.”

  “We know it’s his,” I confirm. “He left a note for me.”

  “Make sure you leave the note in the car where we can find it,” he replies gruffly.

  “Will do. We are taking Nana over to Trump Tower, so she can stay with the rest of the family until this is resolved,” I add. “Have you guys made any progress?”

  “Agent Mitchell told me there have been about one hundred and sixteen large transactions between Atlantic International and the United States in the past thirty days,” he explains. “So there is plenty to sort out.”

  “Well, I will keep passing along anything we find. Good luck with the car.” I hang up and hop in the back of the SUV. Listening to the conversation between Anthony and Nana I feel bad that I hadn’t thought of protecting her. She hasn’t been involved in any way, so I never imagined that her life would be in any danger. I never would have forgiven myself if something had happened to her.


  After being awakened by my alarm, I send Trey a text asking how things are going. It has been so long since I’ve sat alone in silence like this, it actually feels strange to me.

  Trey: We have picked up the package and it is in transit. ; )

  Me: I’m glad she’s ok

  Trey: I was just thinking the same thing. Got lucky

  My phone begins to ring and Harris’ name comes up on the screen. I click over to take his call, eager to hear what he has to say about the Firefly Media deal.

  “Good morning, Harris. You are up early.” I glance at the time and it’s just after six am on the west coast.

  “Yeah, I heard my phone when you sent me that text and I couldn’t get back to sleep,” he replies in a gravely voice. “There are several things that we need to look into in that Firefly Media transaction,” he begins to explain. “Right before the buyout, he issued a million shares worth of stock options to a company called Snow International Holdings as well as nearly ten million to T Fowler Worldwide. So he effectively doubled the float going into the transaction.”

  “It’s no wonder the stock tanked after the buyout,” I reply, wondering if Bill had any inkling what Tommy had done.

  “He should’ve reported this in a separate SEC filing, but instead just buried it in the quarterly 10Q,” Harris explains further. “In addition to that, he failed to disclose the risk of losing the TV contract when he quit as the host of the show. That had to have been part of the media deal, so it was a known risk.”

  “How can I move this forward on this end?” I ask, anxious to pin something on Tommy.

  “I already talked to an old colleague of mine, Vicky Sterling, who works in the Manhattan office,” he informs me with a hint of excitement in his voice. “She is already compiling a case file on the matter and you will be able to pick up a copy later this afternoon. Do you know where their office is located?”

  “Yeah, ironically it’s right next to the North Cove Yacht Harbor,” I reply with a giggle.

  “Yes, I have always thought that the SEC chose that site to serve as a reminder to some of those yacht owners.” Harris actually laughs out loud. “Just ask for Vicky and she will have everything together for you by three o’clock.”

  “Great! I’ll stop in and pick it up at three,” I confirm, feeling invigorated by the thought of being in possession of some solid evidence for once.

  “I assume you won’t be back here anytime soon?” he asks with a hint of resignation in his tone.

  “I’m not sure, sir. Let’s just say I’m out on assignment for now,” I tell him, hoping to buy another week or two. “You can take this out of my PTO.”

  “That’s fine,” he says with a sigh. “Just pick up the file, review it and we will go from there. I just hope you know what you are getting into with that Addison boy.”

  “Well, I believe he is a much better person than his father,” I reply, telling him what I believe to be the truth. “Whom, I know you hated.”

  “I wouldn’t say I hated him.” He pauses for another long second. “It was more of a competitive, adversarial relationship. He and I were just on opposing sides in everything from business to politics. I may have thought that I hated him at some point, but I really just hated what he stood for.”

  “I totally get that,” I tell him from the heart. “That’s exactly why I chose to come to work for you. I always wanted to fight for the little guy, but right now I want to fight for Bill Gleason’s family. Tommy Fowler screwed them good, even if he has nothing to do with the other crimes that have been going on all around us.”

  “Go get ‘em, Amanda,” he says with a smile I can hear right thr
ough the phone. “That’s the reason I hired you. Let me know what you find.”

  “I will, sir. Have a good day.” Clicking to end the call, I notice the return of some mixed feelings that have been absent for the past several days. Harris is a man who has had a laser-focused mission for the past forty years. At this point, I have to wonder if I will find something to stoke my passion in that way. Not that I want it to be my sole obsession in life, but it would be nice to be excited to get up and go to work in the morning. On that note, I better get up and get ready before Trey gets back.


  T rey

  After dropping off Nana and Misty, we swing by the bank to take care of a little business before returning to the St. Regis to pick up Mandy. Anthony remains quiet, as if he is mulling over the details of the case. After pulling up to the curb of the hotel and giving the keys to the valet, he finally lets me in on his thinking.

  “I’m still not sure whether or not we are dealing with The Ghost,” he says, revealing the source of his inner conflict. “It was like him to send a message by leaving a car in front of your grandmother’s house, but he would have been more forceful than leaving a note on the steering wheel.” He scoffs, as if he can’t believe a real man would do such a thing.

  “I’m just glad he didn’t do anything more dramatic,” I reiterate. “Nana has nothing to do with anything, other than being related to us.”

  “Okay… Romeo has left the airport in Belize City and is headed to the bank to see what he can dig up regarding Carly,” he says, reading a message on his phone. “Hopefully there is a young, naïve female teller that he can influence,” he adds with a chuckle.

  “Anthony!” someone yells as we make our way into the lobby of the hotel.

  “Jack,” Anthony replies after turning back and spotting him in the distance. “I’ll wait for you down here,” he tells me, before heading into the café to join Jack, Kate and Brandon. I remember him saying that this place is one of Jack’s favorite places.

  I step into the elevator and Ozzy joins me, punching the button for our floor. “So is that guy your bodyguard or something?” he asks, giving me a look of suspicion.

  “Yeah, things have been a little crazy lately so Jack Ryker suggested I hire him for a bit,” I reply, glancing over at him wondering what he’s thinking.

  “I was reading about you online last night,” he admits pensively. “I’m sorry about your dad and your brother,” he adds with a somber look.

  “Thanks, but my brother actually got out of the hospital yesterday,” I reply. “He still doesn’t have much of a memory, but at least he is up and moving around.”

  “You know, I often feel jealous of the people who stay here, but at least I don’t have anyone trying to kill me,” he says with a chuckle as the elevator stops on our floor.

  “Yeah, I’m hoping to get past this phase of my life fairly soon,” I tell him, waiting for the doors to open. “Have a good one,” I tell him, handing him a tip on my way out the door. Ozzy seems like a nice kid, but I have to wonder if that’s his real name. If so, it seems as if it might limit his career options.

  I quietly enter the suite and sneak up behind Mandy while she is putting the finishing touches on her makeup. She is jamming to a song by KT Tunstall, so she doesn’t notice me until I’m right behind her.

  “Jesus! You scared me,” she screams, jumping from her chair. “That’s mean, considering all that’s been going on lately.”

  “You’re right, I’m sorry.” I pull her to me and wrap my arms around her. “I wasn’t thinking. You look great by the way.” She’s dressed in what I would call a sexy business suit, black with grey stripes, and a matching skirt that hits her just above the knee.

  “We have to go to the regional SEC office this afternoon to pick up a case file they are building on Tommy,” she tells me with a broad smile. “Harris came through for me after all.”

  “That’s great.” I give her another squeeze.

  “Harris is slowly realizing that I’ll probably never come back,” she tells me, pulling back to gauge my reaction.

  I smile at her and reach into the breast pocket of my suit and pull out an envelope with her name written upon it. “Guess what showed up last night?”

  Her eyes light up upon seeing the Wells Fargo logo in the corner. “Our winnings?” She smiles and slides her fingernail along the seam, as the fold peels back it reveals a check with her name upon it. “Seven hundred and fifty thousand,” she says, shaking her head and staring at the numbers. “I can’t believe this is real.”

  “It’s definitely real,” I assure her. “We’ll go deposit it after we have some breakfast. Anthony is waiting for us in the café along with Jack, Kate and Brandon. I think Kate is a couple years younger than you.” I can’t help but snicker at the thought.

  “Hmm, that must say something about Jack,” she replies with a flutter of her eyebrows.

  “That he’s rich and famous?” I ask, being a smart ass.


  Walking into the café to join Jack and the others, I am glad to be wearing a business suit instead of yoga pants. Jack and Brandon are both dressed in business suits, Kate looks just darling in a little business suit that must be a size zero. It fits her like a glove; it must have been custom fit for her.

  “Dad and Kate, this is Trey and Mandy,” Brandon says, standing up to introduce us.

  “It’s a pleasure,” Trey says shaking hands with both of them before taking an open seat next to Brandon.

  “I just love your suit,” I tell Kate after greeting both her and Jack. “Did you have that custom fitted?”

  “No, it’s straight off the rack. It’s part of a new line that I am developing with Nordstrom’s, designed for working women,” she says, with a proud smile.

  “It fits you amazingly,” I add, reaching over to feel her lapel. “That must be really comfortable.”

  “It’s comfortable, wrinkle-free and sells for about a third less than the one you are wearing,” she says in return. “Although, that one does look fantastic on you.”

  “If I can get one like yours for a third less, I will do it in a heartbeat,” I tell her, still amazed by how it hugs her body perfectly. “Mine was custom fit based on my measurements, but I think yours actually fits better.”

  “See guys,” Kate says, looking back and forth between Brandon and Jack. “Once women find out they can actually get clothes that fit them properly, the sky is the limit.” She pulls a business card out of her clutch and hands it to me. “You just send me your sizes and I’ll make sure that you are part of our test marketing campaign.”

  “That would be great!” I love this girl already. Stuffing the card into my wallet, my attention turns to a more serious conversation that is emerging amongst the guys.

  “If Anthony thinks you’re in real danger, I would definitely take it seriously,” Jack is telling Trey, which instantly grabs my ear. “I would trust him with my life any day of the week.”

  “Thanks, Jack,” Anthony says, “At this point I’m just not exactly sure who we’re dealing with.” He pauses reflectively. “If it really is The Ghost, there might be a bigger agenda here than any of us can imagine.”

  “Hopefully it turns out the same way that mine did,” Jack laughs. “I was convinced that Sau Ming was after me, but in the end it was a young punk named C.W. Jenkins. He was just smitten with Kate.” He gives her a sideways glance.

  “I know C.W.,” Trey says with a laugh. “You’re really missing out on that one, Kate. He is definitely God’s gift to the female gender.”

  “Oh, I know.” Kate replies with a cringe. “We went out one time and it was the worst date of my life. He was such a creep.”

  “I’m thinking it might be a copycat in this case,” Anthony tells Jack, bringing a serious tone back to the conversation. “Someone who wants us to believe he’s The Ghost or is simply trying to emulate him.”

  “I’m sorry, but I wouldn’t want anyone nicknamed T
he Ghost, chasing after me,” Kate says, placing her hand on my arm. “But Anthony will take care of him. You’ll have to ask one of the other guys about Anthony’s military record. He’s too modest to talk about it.”

  “I don’t like to dwell on the past,” Anthony pipes up after hearing her comment. “I was there to protect my men and that’s what I did.” He gives us both a look that resembles that of a scolding father. “Now my job is to protect people like you, so that is where my focus lies.”

  “Just know, he’s really kick ass,” Kate whispers in spite of his words. “You and Trey have nothing to worry about.”

  “I totally agree with her,” Jack concurs, smiling and turning to Anthony. “Someday they will make a movie about you. In the meantime, lets order some breakfast.”


  Talking with Jack and Brandon over breakfast, I’m beginning to wonder if I should take on a larger role at Addison Media. I have a feeling that Tommy’s days are numbered and even though I’m probably not qualified to be CEO I could at least play a more active role. The conversation evolves even further after giving them a thumbnail sketch of what went gone down with the Firefly Media debacle.

  “Have you ever watched The Profit?” Jack asks. “He goes in and turns around companies that have good ideas but are failing for one reason or another.”

  “Yeah, I’ve seen it. I think the majority of Tommy’s companies could use his services,” I reply jokingly.

  “That’s what I’m saying,” Jack says with a nod. “If Addison Media gets involved, you can bring in someone who can turn companies around the way Marcus does. With Addison behind it and a decent host, the network would most likely pick it up again. If they don’t, you could still end up with a stable of growing companies.”

  “It’s definitely something to think about,” I reply, feeling the first little twinge of entrepreneurial excitement that I have felt in a long while. “It would be a good way to bail out the Gleason’s. Otherwise, I have a feeling they will be screwed.”


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