Watson Manor Unfolding: Second Novel in the Watson Mystery Series (Watson Manor Mystery Series Book 2)

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Watson Manor Unfolding: Second Novel in the Watson Mystery Series (Watson Manor Mystery Series Book 2) Page 1

by Ronald Craig

  Watson Manor


  Ronald S. Craig

  Watson Manor Unfolding Copyright © 2015 by Ronald S. Craig

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests or to contact the author go to: www.roncraigbooks.com.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  ISBN: 9781508787266


  I wish to thank all those that continually gave support throughout the creation of this second novel. A heartfelt thank you to, Laurie Nelson, Jacque Ramirez, Stacy Mitchell and Rosalyne Bowmile, a friend and fellow author. Their ideas and encouragement have been a true blessing to me.

  A special thank you goes to my editors, Charlea Moore, Charlene Marquez, Alexander Smith and my daughter Nicole Ebert, for their enormous contributions and countless hours spent working with me on this novel beyond the mechanics of grammar to enlightened plot enhancements.

  Cover designed by Nikki, Meredith & Logan of Book Stylings.

  Web site www.bookstylings.com

  Chapter 1

  Nelson Crown was in his home office in Marina, California when the call came in on December, 28th.

  "Crown," he answered.

  "It's Lew. We have a problem, sir. Karen showed up in Salinas and she lost the camera."

  "Lost the camera? You know what Karen's blunder could cost me? Millions, and that's the least of your worries. Now find that camera before it ends up in the hands of the Marina PD."

  Lew held the phone away from his ear as Crown's shouts amplified with rage. "Sir, it gets worse." Lew heard the intake of breath on the line, and waited. "Karen walked in front of the camera during the shoot. We were going to cut it out in Salinas before putting it online… Sir, she's identifiable."

  "How could you be such idiots? Get your ass moving and find that camera, now," Crown replied, his voice dark and threatening. "That video has to be the last place Karen's face is seen. Do you understand me Lew?" It wasn't a question but a demand.

  "Yes, sir," Lew responded beaten down. "I'll take care of it." He heard the phone slam down in his ear, and the call disconnected.


  Five Months Later

  It was a chilly May in 1996 as Charlie and Jenny Watson stood on the fourth floor of Watson Manor, their B&B dream in Marina, California that was under construction. Charlie sent the construction crew home early to surprise Jenny with a six month wedding anniversary dinner in their soon-to-be top floor residence. They stood at the railing of a small balcony, sipping their wine as a gentle ocean breeze and a view of the sun setting into the Pacific Ocean rewarded their accomplishment. A spectacular view, which vastly contrasted with the stacks of drywall and building materials that, filled the space behind them. The plywood floor was covered with plaster and sawdust. The electrical wiring peeked out of openings throughout the room's walls and ceilings like curious snakes seeking prey.

  "Dinner was wonderful, Charlie. I'm so excited about making this our home," she said, reaching across to hold his free hand.

  "Oh, now there's a shock. How did I miss that?" he said playfully.

  "Our grand opening is less than two months away! It's still so hard to believe," she said grinning.

  "I've had the crew focused on our floor. Hopefully, we can move out of the trailer in a few weeks. Of course, only if you want to."

  "I'm ready to make sacrifices." She looked back into the living room that was taking shape. "Once the bathroom and master bedroom are done, I'm ready."

  "So how complete does the bathroom need to be?" he asked.

  "I was thinking a flushing fixture over the hole in the floor would be a good start."

  "When did you get so fussy?"

  "And all this time I thought you appreciated that we were plumbed differently making target practice with a four inch hole in the floor a little difficult." Her smile was subtle and suggestive.

  "See your point, works for me." He pulled a second bottle of wine from the ice chest and opened it.

  "Why don't you bring that with us," she said, taking his hand. She grabbed one of the candles and led him to the master bedroom. He was surprised to see an air mattress with a double sleeping bag on top of it. She walked over to it and set both the candle and her wine glass beside the bed.

  "Looks like we both had surprises in the works," he said, setting his glass and the wine bottle down then pulled her into an embrace.

  She stepped away following a passionate kiss and her hands slid from around his neck to hold his face. "There are few things I enjoy as much as sharing your bed Mr. Watson, however, tomorrow night's surprise is one of those few things."

  He laughed knowing she was enjoying the seed planted and that his getting a hint was as likely as waking to a finished top floor. "You realize of course, what I love most about us is we don't have secrets, right?"

  She unbuttoned her blouse and said, "Then, I guess all we have is what's in second place…" She pulled him down beside her on the bed and added, "I do hope this will get your mind off of the really, really big surprise tomorrow."

  "Oh yeah, this will help…between your reminders."

  When the sounds of the construction crew woke them the following morning, Charlie wished he would have told them not to start until 9:00 a.m.

  "I think that would be our alarm clock. A brief, but wonderful getaway," Jenny said, searching for her clothes.

  "We should have done this on a Friday night, with a weekend attached," he said.

  "It was perfect. Officially on our six month anniversary," she said and followed with a kiss.

  "Good morning you two," Bob, their crew foreman, called out from the third floor below them.

  "Mornin' Bob. We were just checking out the progress up here," Charlie called back.

  "Yeah, right. Happy anniversary, by the way. When you're dressed, we'll get back at it."

  "Be just a minute, Bob, thanks," Jenny said laughing.

  They had interviewed five general contractors, but the moment that, Bob Marquez stepped out of his truck with a broad smile and a "Howdy folks," they felt a connection. In his fifties, Bob approached this project with obvious enthusiasm, as if it were his own. He even brought his wife, Charlene, out several times and the four of them shared a few dinners in town.

  Charlie and Jenny dressed and headed down the stairs to their mobile home where the flushing fixtures and shower were waiting. It had been Charlie's habit to be first on and last off the construction site. He didn't have experience in construction that he brought with him, but his drive to learn and need to be an intimate part of this project bridged the gap. He dressed quickly and took the breakfast sandwich Jenny made him as he walked out the trailer door.

  "You're late, junior," Bob said, smiling as Charlie entered the first floor. The father-son relationship had started as a joke in the beginning, but they both enjoyed how well it fit, filling in empty places they both had.

  "Sorry, Pop. Where do you want me

  "I have Hank, our electrician, working on the fourth floor… in the love nest," he paused, smiling. "His apprentice is out today and could use a hand."

  "Steve's out? Nothing serious I hope?"

  "No, it's his Grandmother's 80th birthday. Round trip to Sacramento will be a full day."

  "That’s great," Charlie said, heading for the stairs. When he reached the fourth floor he saw Larry and Joe hanging drywall.

  "Mornin' Charlie. I think the surprise was on you last night," Larry said.

  "What do you mean?" Charlie asked.

  "After we snuck the table up here last night, we saw Jenny climbing the stairs with the air mattress."

  "Oh. All's well that ends well," Charlie said.

  "We got that part," Joe added. "Hard to miss the smiles this morning."

  "We're still newlyweds and always smiling. I guess I earn my electrician's merit badge today. Have you seen Hank?"

  "In the bedroom!" Hank called out from the other room, laughing. "When you're done holding up the drywall crew, that is."

  "I'm thinking Hank didn't get any last night, "Joe offered as Charlie returned his smile and walked toward the bedroom.

  Chapter 2

  Charlie found Jenny on the phone in the office confirming an appointment with a furniture wholesaler. It was 6:30 p.m. when he was finished working on the construction site for the day. Their construction office was the second bedroom in the 15-year-old mobile home they had purchased to live in while Watson Manor was being built. He collapsed in the chair beside her.

  "Long day honey?" she asked, hanging up the phone.

  "I'm happy to report we now have power on our floor," he said grinning.

  "I heard you worked with Hank today," she said and turned to kiss him. "I didn't feel a lack of power up there last night, Sparky."

  "Cute," he replied, smiling. "It's amazing all the things I'm learning."

  "Are we talking about today or last night, Sparky?" Her grin covered her face.

  "If you call me Sparky again, I'll put 'For a good time call' with your number on the porta-potty wall."

  "What? Did someone take the sign I put up down already?"

  "I love you Jenny. Do I tell you that too often?"

  "That, my love is not possible," she said hugging him. "We are set up; the furniture wholesalers, tomorrow at 1:00 pm in San Jose."

  "So my," he paused throwing his hands in the air for effect, "really, really big surprise is not that I sold you on Bungalow Supply in Hawaii? It would probably take a full week to decide and be a business write-off."

  "As much as beach furniture would look wonderful in our Victorian Bed and Breakfast, look at all the money we'll save not stretching out a decision in Hawaii for a week."

  "I guess you're right about Hawaii. Did the furniture catalogs come in from Cancun, Mexico yet?"

  "You're hopeless Charlie! Hit the shower, mister. I'm taking you to dinner tonight and later…your big surprise."

  "The surprise, hardly crossed my mind today? Do I get a hint?"

  "Only that it's all about you," she said with her sexiest smile.

  "Works for me," he said, heading towards the bathroom.

  After he was dressed he walked down the hall to the entry closet for a coat. He had just slipped it on when he heard her call from the couch behind him.

  "Oh Charlie…" she said alluringly.

  He turned to find her dressed in black, the dress hugging her body in all the right places, with a plunging neckline in the front.

  "What do you think of my new dress?" She turned slowly, revealing the back of the dress, which was open all the way down to her waist.

  "Wow! I think it cost way too much so we'd better stay in tonight, to offset the expense."

  "Is that the only reason you want to stay in?" she asked, pouting.

  "You look amazing. I'd think you'd be more hurt if I could think beyond putting that dress back on the hanger right now. What a wonderful surprise."

  "This isn't your surprise. I do love to see your face light up like that though. Worth every cent of the twenty dollars it cost me online."

  "I think even with my hands all over you it's still too cold out there for you tonight in that dress."

  "This isn't for going out…our dinner reservations are for 8:30 and its only 7:00. Any ideas?"

  "Only one and it's always been my favorite," he said, slowly closing the gap between them.


  "Hello Jenny, Charlie. How are my favorite customers?" Judy greeted them at the door of Kula Ranch Steakhouse as they walked in.

  "Hello Judy," Jenny said. "Did Hank complain about his helper today?"

  "He still came home happy. You know he loves working there, even when he's training the new kid," she said laughing.

  Charlie turned to Jenny and said, "She's calling me the new kid, you've labeled me Sparky… What's next, I'm working with the plumber tomorrow."

  "Well tonight, I understand, you're celebrating an anniversary," Judy said smiling.

  "Yesterday was six months with Sparky," Jenny said laughing. "He's still in training, but a fast learner."

  "I warned you about calling me Sparky," Charlie said grinning. Then he turned back to Judy. "Judy, have you got a table for us?"

  "Follow me; I've held your table."

  When they sat down Judy went to get their drinks. Charlie reached across the table and took Jenny's hands.

  "Every time we've been here it takes me back to our first date in Phoenix," he started.

  "And my dance lessons, what a magical night," she told him.

  "If unwrapping you out of that dress wasn't my surprise, what is it?"

  "Actually, it's more for our children," she replied.

  Charlie's face lit up with excitement. "Are we pregnant, Jenny?"

  "No, honey, not yet. I should have worded that differently. You'll understand when we get home."

  "I have to wonder about your over-used ability to catch me off guard," he said.

  "Over-used ability?"

  "Maybe better stated, your ability to draw my total focus with only your smile."

  "Isn't our love grand?" she said. "I'll never confess that power goes both ways."

  Judy brought their drinks to the table and they ordered dinner. They discussed the trip to the furniture wholesaler the next day. Charlie kept trying to get more information on his surprise during their dinner but was unsuccessful. When they arrived home Jenny sat him down in front of the TV in the living room.

  "I got this idea when we returned from Hawaii," she explained. "I grew up with wonderful memories but only have my words and a few photos to share those with you. I want our children to see their father building Watson Manor." She pulled the video camera out of the cabinet and plugged it into the TV and hit the play button.

  "When did you get the camera? I never saw you taking video," he said surprised and smiling.

  "I've been pretty sneaky to this point." She sat down beside him and took his hand. "My hero."

  They watched as the picture and sound came to life on the screen. After a few minutes he turned to her. "I'm a little confused here, sweetheart."

  "Oh my God, Charlie, what is this?"

  Chapter 3

  Jenny jumped up and hit fast forward on the camera. When the screen filled with Charlie working on a section of wall during the framing of the first floor, she hit play.

  "Finally. there's my hero," she said turning back to him.

  "I still can't believe you did all this from the start of construction."

  "It would have been crushing if I'd have screwed this up."

  "Where did you get the tape?" he asked.

  "It was already in the camera when I started using it."

  "Then where did you get the camera?"

  "When we got back from Hawaii I was in town doing some grocery shopping. Next to the Food Mart there was a table set up in front of that pawn and consignment store. This camera was there and looked brand ne
w, so the idea hit me: I could use it to document building our dream."

  "You didn't try it before you bought it?"

  "The battery was dead. The shop owner told me I needed a charger and that if it didn't work he would refund my money. It was only forty dollars and I got so excited, I bought it. The camera store had a charger and I bought two tapes and the cable to hook it up."

  "If you bought new tapes, then where did the little girl's beauty pageant come from?" he asked.

  "I couldn't even open it until the battery was charged. When it was charged that's when I saw it already had a tape in it and couldn't wait to start capturing you in action."

  The video continued to show Charlie hard at work as Watson Manor began to take shape. She had captured moments of every phase and they watched the progression for over an hour.

  "Wow, I can't believe you did all this and I never knew it," he said. "I like the interviews with Pop asking how I was doing."

  "Don't you think this will be great for our kids to see?" she said excitedly as the screen went blank.

  "Yes, you're amazing. I need to film you in the construction office hard at work also."

  Jenny backed up the tape to the last scene before the tape was blank so she could continue shooting without a gap, then unplugged the camera from the TV. "Time for bed, my hero."

  "That really was a wonderful idea and surprise. Do you want to film the making of a little Watson?" he asked, smiling.

  "The making part has my full attention. The filming part will follow nine months later."


  They woke the following morning to the sound of the coffee pot brewing. Charlie kissed her shoulder and moved out of her embrace. "I hope our daughter is beautiful like you, but I'm not sure I want to have her in one of those pageants though," he said. "It didn't seem like those girls were enjoying it either."


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