Watson Manor Unfolding: Second Novel in the Watson Mystery Series (Watson Manor Mystery Series Book 2)

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Watson Manor Unfolding: Second Novel in the Watson Mystery Series (Watson Manor Mystery Series Book 2) Page 11

by Ronald Craig

  "Thank you, Captain Becker," Charlie said.

  "Mrs. Watson, I don't know too many women that would have followed him into that house," Becker added.

  Jenny tried so hard to offer a witty response but could only reply, "Thank you."

  They followed the tech over to the hood of one of the patrol cars for finger printing and Walker pulled the captain aside. "Andy, I've got someone in town I will make sure Charlie talks to. The best we could gather on Timmy Mason was that he was taken between one or two weeks ago. There is nothing posted on him, no missing child reports, nothing. The Watsons have offered their home while the search continues so if you have any pull with Social Services, I think it would help him."

  "They seem like great people, but I have to tell you. I've never seen an abducted child bond so quickly to a stranger, like he did with Charlie. I think you're right and I'll call them."

  "Thanks Andy, we'll be in touch," Walker said.

  "Next time let's meet on the golf course," he said, shaking hands. Then he walked back towards the house.

  Chapter 19

  Chief Walker, Detective Edwards and the Watsons were getting into Walkers SUV when Captain Becker called to them, "Rodney, hold up a second."

  "What've you got, Andy?" Walker asked.

  "Driver's license ID's on these two, Linda and Frank Clawson. There's a local address we'll check out. There must have been another perp here, outside I figure. Frank Clawson didn't have a gun."

  "The kids only saw these two here," Walker said. "But, they were only here a few hours."

  "Just wanted you to have a heads up. Sills is still in surgery, but will be fine, I'm told," Becker said.

  "That's good. Checking the neighborhood for our anonymous caller?" Walker asked.

  "Ryan is already on it, call you later," Becker said walking away.

  "Jenny, did you see anyone out back when you took the boys out?" Walker asked, starting the SUV.

  "No, Chief . My focus was to get behind the garage."

  "Given Sills position when he was shot, they must have been in the field to your left."

  Jenny shivered. "Then I pulled those boys right past them."

  "Ryan was on the side of the house closest to the field. Why wasn't he shot as well so Frank could escape?" Charlie asked.

  "Because our third man wasn't there to save the Clawson's," Edwards said.

  "Rather to ensure they didn't leave alive to talk," Walker added.

  "Why didn't they just shoot Frank then as he came out the back," Jenny asked.

  "They would have had two armed policeman on top of them, Jenny," Charlie said. "Setting up the confusion accomplished their goal. So if she would have surrendered…"

  "They probably had orders to take her out," Walker finished the thought.

  "Did the kids remember where they were before?" Charlie asked.

  "Just that it was a small room. Timmy was already there when Josh was brought in," Jenny said. "Suzy was only there a few days. She said a woman in the mail truck called her by name and said she was a friend of her mothers. Told her she would take her to see her mom in the hospital, said that there was a car accident."

  "Was she bound and gagged?" Charlie asked.

  "No. Suzy said she drank a soda and woke up in the room."

  "What about Timmy?" Charlie asked.

  "He may have been homeless, living on the street with his mother." Walker said. "He told us the man and woman at the house took him from his mother. She was upset and crying, but they said he couldn't live with her 'like that' anymore. I'm guessing they posed as Child Welfare Officers and that's why no missing child report was filed."

  "My God, that poor woman. I understand now that look on your face, Jenny. Do we have any idea where he was taken from, even what city?" Charlie asked.

  "Timmy didn't know how long they were in the car, we're thinking he was sedated like Suzy and Josh were," Walker said.

  "He said he was very sad about leaving his mother," Jenny added. "And that they were nice to him. He had new clothes, toys to play with and watched TV. When Josh came, he had a playmate. He said they never put him in the 'bad time out room' like Suzy."

  "When we get the report from Becker, I'm hoping for evidence to tie this all to Crown," Walker said.

  "We need something," Edwards said. "We only have your sighting of Linda at the Crown Storage lot. Damn, I wish we had that video. The kids don't know where they were or even if that was where they were."

  "Hey, we'll get there. This was a very good day! We have three children now safe and two kidnappers that are no longer a threat. A very good day," Walker said.

  "You are so right, Chief," Edwards said. "Stop and smell the roses."

  "Yes. Smell the roses, but as you walk past them, I didn't say sit down."

  "Right, Chief," Edwards replied smiling.

  "Charlie, this is important," Walker said making eye contact with Charlie in the rear view mirror. "I want you to talk to Dr. Benson. She helped me a great deal."

  "Today you know your actions saved Suzy's life and that is the absolute truth. Maybe not tomorrow or even within a week, you will ask yourself if there were other options? Would things have turned out ok, if I had stayed in the car? That’s why I didn't hand you my gun. I didn't want you in a position to make life and death decisions. I was on the job for three years, my partner and I answered a domestic disturbance call. I knocked on the door and announced we were the police. We heard a woman scream so we went in. Our guns were drawn and we found him standing behind her holding a knife at her throat. The threat on her life was clear and he stood a foot taller so I could have shot him in that moment. We held that standoff for a moment and then I said, 'no one gets hurt today' and holstered my weapon. Procedure to the letter, remove tension and talk him down. She was terrified and sobbing, her eyes pleading with me to save her. I forced myself to relax and soften my tone as I asked him to drop the knife. I followed her eyes to a hallway beside them and saw the still legs and feet of a baby. My thought was he had already killed the child and I went for my gun as I turned back to face them just as the knife passed deeply across her throat."

  The car fell silent as the horror of the scene just painted was being absorbed. It wasn't until ten minutes later when he pulled into the Marina PD parking lot that he added, "Christina had been knocked out by the father. She has been adopted by a wonderful family here in town. He is on death row in Chino. I will be there, when the state does what I should have done. My point, Charlie, I could not have handled this without Dr. Benson's help."

  They got out of the car and Jenny gave the Chief a full body hug. "I am so sorry Chief."

  "I realize Chief, how hard that was to share and you convinced me, I'll see her," Charlie said.

  Walker released his embrace with Jenny and whispered, "Thank you." Then he moved back a few steps and added, "Until this is completely resolved, you will have police protection. Officer Ron Marks will follow you home and take first watch tonight."

  "We welcome that, Chief. We want to get Shadow first," Jenny said.

  "Then Marks will follow you there as well."

  "And maybe…" Jenny started to say.

  "Officer Marks will follow you back to Salinas also, if that need arises," Walker said, finding a smile.

  "Thank you, Chief," she said closing the gap to kiss his cheek.

  "Too many loose ends, you two keep your eyes open. I'll call when I get the reports. Have a good night."

  "I would have loved to see Josh and Suzy back in their parent's arms," she said moving into Charlie's arms.

  "Just knowing they are is wonderful."

  "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Watson, I'm Ron Marks are we ready to go?"

  It's Jenny and Charlie," Charlie said. "And yes via the pet clinic on Reservation."


  When they drove into the parking lot at Watson Manor they were surprised to see a full crew working. Charlie opened the rear door of the pickup and retrieved Shadow, setting him gentl
y on the ground. He was not ready to run and jump, but they were amazed only a slight limp and large bandage held him back. There was a large pile of scorched dry wall and stairway lying outside the main door.

  "Pop is worth his weight in gold," Charlie said very pleased.

  "We have many blessing," she said, turned to pet Shadow and added, "Isn't that right boy."

  They walked into the ground level and discovered the entire crew was on the second floor. Saws, hammering and machines running made delightful music erasing the evidence of the frightening night before. Charlie started to ascend the stairs to the second level and stopped four steps up. Shadow was sitting on the first step. The request in his large brown eyes staring up at Charlie was very clear.

  "It would be my pleasure, Sir Shadow," he said returning to carry Shadow up the stairs.

  "Thank you, Charlie."

  "Not necessary, his sloppy kiss was all the thanks I need." He sat Shadow down on the second floor and Bob walked over to them.

  "I didn't want the mess you left to be your welcome home."

  "This is wonderful Bob," Jenny said, beaming.

  "I'll say. Amazing Pop," Charlie added.

  "Stairway is all new. The new banister will be here late tomorrow. Do you want a rope run until then?"

  "No Pop, we'll manage. I really didn't expect to see all the drywall replaced so soon."

  "They're taping now. In a few days we'll be back to where we were," Bob said pleased. "Where have you two been all day?"

  "I'll fill you in tomorrow, Pop. Can we get through here now for some down time?"

  Bob went back to the stairway and yelled, "Clear a path."

  Charlie picked Shadow up and as they passed Bob, he said, "Thanks Pop."

  Bob checked his watch then said, "Its four thirty now, we'll pull the plug at five tonight."

  Jenny unlocked their front door and sat on the couch. "Set him over here with me for awhile."

  Shadow moved in close and rested his head in her lap as she stroked his coat. "There's room for you too."

  "Are you hungry?" he asked. "I'm going to make a sandwich."

  "That would be great. Are you OK Charlie? The chief scared me with what he didn't say."

  He walked back out of the kitchen and sat down on the opposite end of the couch. "I wish she had not forced my hand, and that is what I believe, Jenny. It wasn't my decision to take her life but she forced me to save Suzy with the only option she left me. I also know and am sure that is the reason the Chief went through the pain of sharing his experience with us; if I had watched that woman take the life from Suzy, it would have damaged me forever. My God, Jenny, I don't know how I would ever get beyond that vision."

  "I never considered the option that you wouldn't walk out of that house. My job was to get the boys to a safe place and wait for you," Jenny said as tears filled her eyes. "It was when I saw you walking toward us that I realized or maybe just let myself consider, that was only one of many possibilities."

  "I've always wanted to believe," Charlie said. "But my faith in someone watching over me has never been stronger then it is now after having you in my life. I'm thinking years of Sunday school would have been a whole lot easier to build that faith rather than this road we took."

  "You're welcome. Forget the sandwiches, seems to me you promised Shadow a steak and I think we earned one also.

  "Works for me."

  Charlie fired up the grill on their balcony and Jenny went into the kitchen to put some side dishes together. When the steaks were done, he set them on the table beside the other dishes on the set table. He saw Shadow standing outside one of the spare bedrooms and walked over to find Jenny inside. "Dinner is ready," he announced and moved in behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist. "We'll know soon enough if we're having company."

  "He would be happy here. I want him to be happy, Charlie."

  "The carpet is nice, but maybe a bed would be good."

  "You want him too, I knew you did."

  "Nah, I couldn't stand that little guy. Let's eat and call Susan."

  "I love you so much!"

  "I know, cuz' I make a pretty good steak."

  "Yeah, that's it."

  Chapter 20

  The dinner dishes were cleared and Charlie had carried Shadow down stairs for a limp around his favorite bush. Jenny was pacing as the clock approached six o'clock. Her adult life had been centered on children as a teacher and more recently getting involved with finding Cindy and helping Gracie. She knew it was her nature to care, but she couldn't explain this consuming importance to help Timmy. Was he the reason the video was placed in her hands, she questioned. She smiled at the thought of Suzy and Josh back with their families and as soon as that pleasure ran through her mind, she flashed on a young mother reaching out for her son who was taken from her. If Social Services blocked her immediate caring for Timmy, she was committed to bringing mother and son back together.

  Charlie set Shadow in his bed and turned to Jenny. "I don't think five minutes will make much difference. Call her."

  She picked up the phone beside her and dialed. "Hello, Susan. This is Jenny Watson."

  "Hi Jenny. We've had no luck locating Timmy's mother in our data bases. The Foster Home Program usually takes time, in home interviews and background checks. These steps will still be required, but we have an emergency placement order from Justice Becker authorizing release of Timmy into your care."

  "Oh thank you Susan! Can we come for Timmy tonight?"

  "If you don't, he'll have to go to county for the night."

  "We're on our way. Do we go to the address on your card?"

  "Yes. I'll be here another hour. Timmy is very excited, thank you."

  "Justice Becker?"

  "It seems you two have a support group. Captain Becker's mother is a Superior Court Justice. See you soon," she said, disconnecting.

  "Charlie, we need so many things for Timmy!"

  He was standing by the front door with keys in his hand. "Tomorrow, Jenny. Tonight we need only a car seat and Timmy."

  Following a mad dash through Wal-Mart and the twenty minute drive back to Salinas, they pulled into the Social Services parking lot. Jenny was out of the truck before he had turned the ignition off. She met him just outside the main door with concern on her face. "Are we ready to be foster parents?"

  "I can't imagine a time you weren't ready, Jenny." A big smile spread across her face and they went in. They found Susan in an office cubicle along the back wall.

  She rose to greet them," Wait here a moment. We have another child here and it would be easier for her if I brought Timmy out."

  "And easier for Jenny," he said. "We only have one car seat."

  Susan smiled and entered a room at the end of the building. A moment later she had Timmy's hand and closed the door. "There is someone here to see you," she told him.

  Timmy looked up and saw them across the room and took off running.

  "You came to see me," he said moving into Jenny's opened arms.

  Charlie squatted down beside them. "We want you to stay with us a while, little buddy."

  "Would you like that, Timmy?" Jenny asked.

  "Yes, is my mommy there?"

  "We're still looking for her," Jenny said.

  "We get donations in addition to a small budget and I have put some things together for you, some clothes and such. You have a car seat?"

  "We picked one up on the way," he said.

  "Then if you'll sign the custody forms, you can take Timmy home. It was very rewarding today reuniting families, with Suzy, Josh and now Timmy. We are too often separating children from abusive and neglectful parents."

  "Thank you for allowing us to help," Jenny said, taking the bag from Susan.

  Timmy was already in Charlie's arms. "Let's get you home, little buddy."

  "My name is Timmy."

  "Well I know that, but you’re my little buddy. Is that OK?"

  "And you're my big buddy?" he said with a smile

  "You've got a deal."

  Charlie buckled Timmy into the car seat then walked over to the patrol car. "Ron, we're headed for a fast food drive through then home. We'll wait if you want something."

  "Thanks, Mr. Watson,…Charlie. Lead the way"

  After a happy meal Timmy was fast asleep. Jenny was turned watching him sleep and said, "Well, big buddy, our plate just got fuller."

  "I can see by that smile on your face, how much you dread the addition."

  "We have to stop these monsters and find Timmy's mother."

  "No, we need to find Timmy's mother then stop these monsters. I know how hard it is to reach your heart. I figure within a few days, surgery will be required to separate you two."

  "This from his big buddy?"

  "I'm only doing this to please you, Jenny," Charlie said laughing. "With my armor, it would take at least a week to let him in. Do we know his mother's name?"

  "Julia, Julia Mason. The Chief said he would start a search tomorrow."

  "I hope my little buddy can give us some help, a description of her and with some luck, a hint on where they were living?"

  They pulled into the gravel driveway at Watson Manor and Jenny went to unlock the front door. "All clear here," Detective Edwards said. "Is Timmy with you?"

  "Yes. You didn't need to wait here for us, Edwards."

  "Didn't have other plans tonight, thought you could use my nephew's mattress for tonight," Edwards said, pointing to the small mattress beside the door.

  "That was very thoughtful, thank you."

  Charlie came up behind them with a sleeping Timmy in his arms. Edwards grabbed the mattress and they followed Jenny up the stairs.

  Shadow greeted them at the door very curious with a wagging tail. "Edwards, that will help a lot," Charlie said. "I'm thinking in the master tonight."

  "Yes, follow me," Jenny added, getting sheets and a blanket from the closet. When the bed was made Charlie laid Timmy down and they all sat on the king size bed and watched Timmy sleep for a moment.

  "I think it's great what you two are doing here," Edwards said.


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