Watson Manor Unfolding: Second Novel in the Watson Mystery Series (Watson Manor Mystery Series Book 2)

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Watson Manor Unfolding: Second Novel in the Watson Mystery Series (Watson Manor Mystery Series Book 2) Page 15

by Ronald Craig

  "Works for me," Charlie said and they all went to the apartment. The beds broke down without need of tools and Charlie and Jenny had both mattresses and frames in the truck within fifteen minutes. They slid into the front seat of the truck to wait.

  "I wish I would have thought to have my camera out at Oakley's," Jenny said.

  "Yeah, how many special moments like that are we given."

  "I remain overwhelmed, Charlie, with how blessed we are. I can't get the sight of where they were living out of my mind."

  "I think Julia did everything she could to make a life for her and Timmy. When she thought the state had taken him, she reached out for help. Thank God Linda was there to help her climb out of the rut. She might have always had the drive but couldn't get traction. Look at her now."

  "The same thought crossed my mind. The Lord does work in mysterious ways. I would like to keep one of our units at Watson Manor open for just that purpose."

  "Jenny, who are you kidding? You'd like to make all the units available for that purpose. I thank God there is still a reality spark in you. Filling the Titanic with those in need would have helped no one."

  They watched as Julia, Timmy and Lauren stopped in front of the truck to say goodbye. Jenny got out of the truck to return the photos Lauren had given them and shared a hug. Charlie put their small suit case in the bed of the truck. When they were headed to the freeway Julia asked, "I don't even know where we are going, where you live?"

  "In Marina, north of Monterey near Salinas, Julia," Charlie said.

  "Don't worry, we'll stop halfway to eat," Jenny added.

  Charlie listened as Jenny answered Julia's question about how they met and the building of Watson Manor. He jumped into the conversation, but only occasionally when he felt correction was needed. They ate in Stockton and Timmy dozed off for the final two hour leg of the drive. They pulled into the driveway of Watson Manor at 7:30 that evening.

  "This place is amazing!" Julia said when she got out of the truck.

  "Thank you," Jenny said. "We are getting very excited as opening day approaches."

  "When will that be?"

  "Lord willing, in a month, the end of June," Charlie said. "Julia, we are four flights up so I'll carry Timmy, if you want to grab your suit case and Zee."

  "Ok, thanks. A grand opening in time for the 4th of July?" Julia asked.

  "That's our goal. We have those friends I mentioned in Arkansas, Nathan and Avery chomping at the bit to come out for a visit," Jenny added.

  Charlie finished setting up the beds in the spare bedroom and transferred Timmy still asleep from their bed to his. Shadow seemed a little confused on where he wanted to sleep. After a tour of their home, Julia said, "If you two don't mind, I would really like a hot shower and a good night's sleep."

  "I only spent one night behind those bars and completely understand," Jenny said. "Our home is your home Julia so feel welcome here."

  "I do and am so indebted to you both for everything."

  "It has meant a lot to us to be involved. Good night Julia," Charlie said.

  "I'll call in the morning to see what steps are needed…for you and Timmy," Jenny added.

  "Chief Walker and Edwards are going to be thrilled to meet you tomorrow also. OK, Jenny, let's let Julia get to bed." While Julia was in the shower, Jenny went in and kissed Timmy's forehead before meeting Charlie in their bedroom.

  "Seems we found the perfect baby sitter, but I can see the fire is lacking a little fuel," Charlie said pulling her into an embrace.

  "I love you so much Charlie, thanks for understanding."

  "Not understanding. I've been right beside you on the same emotional roller coaster ride Jenny, our condensed version of the family cycle, loving them and then letting them go."

  "I thought you said it would take a week for him to get under your skin."

  "Well it's your fault, you know. Your way of greeting the world is so much more fulfilling than through CW's eyes. You just pulled me over."

  "I remember when we first met and I only knew you as CW, and the first time I asked you what it stood for, do you remember what you told me?"

  "I remember Carnal Wizard."

  "That was later. The first time you said Constantly Waiting at the diner. Are you still waiting, Charlie?"

  "Waiting is like seeing yourself walk away from a finished tiled floor and missing the joy as each tile is fitted and placed. Right this moment, the woman that fills my heart is in my arms, Julia and Timmy are in our lives and our dream of Watson Manor is unfolding."

  "You're so right. I'm the one drifting off toward tomorrow. I'm feeling that flame getting warmer, got any ideas, Carnal Wizard?"

  "The thought of you bare foot and pregnant crossed my mind."

  "In the moment Charlie, bare foot and getting pregnant."

  "Works for me," he said closing the door.

  Chapter 25

  Charlie rolled over in bed. His disappointment in not finding Jenny there beside him was quickly offset with the smell of breakfast cooking and sounds of happy conversation, both coming from the kitchen. He got out of bed and took a shower and then quickly dressed. He found Timmy in the living room tossing a rubber bone for Shadow to retrieve. Although slow to return it, Shadow didn't appear to be in pain from his injury.

  "Hey, little buddy, are you teaching Shadow some new tricks?"

  "Shadow is fun, watch this," Timmy said and tossed the bone again.

  "I'll tell you one thing, he must really like you. With Jenny cooking bacon in the kitchen he would normally be right beside her."

  "Good Morning Charlie," Julia said.

  "One of the best we've had in weeks. You sleep ok, Julia?"

  "Ditto on the best! Only I could say years. I saw the bags of clothing you bought for Timmy, not to mention his toys. You two are beyond belief."

  "Oh we need to thank Timmy for helping us prepare for parenthood," Charlie said.

  Julia looked excited, "Are you expecting a child?"

  "Eventually, but we are not at the monthly countdown stage yet," Jenny said.

  "You two will make dream parents."

  "Thank you, we are both looking forward to it," Jenny said

  After breakfast Jenny went into the bedroom to call Child Protective Services in Salinas. "Hello Susan, this is Jenny Watson."

  "I was expecting your call. I just got off the phone with Captain Becker."

  "Then you know the wonderful news?"

  "I can never get enough like that. I imagine Julia is there with you?"

  "Yes, I wanted to find out how we get the process to transfer custody started."

  "There is no process here. We need only to see a copy Timothy's birth certificate, Julia's ID and sign a few forms."

  "She doesn't have a driver's license or passport. We can bring a copy of her birth certificate and with her working, she must have a social security number."

  "We can make that work, Jenny."

  "No court hearing?"

  "Doesn't apply here, Jenny. This was child abduction not a child endangerment case."

  "So Julia doesn't need to prove she is employed or has secured proper housing?"

  "No. We hope she has both of course, but in this case it's not an issue."

  "She does have both. When can we come in?"

  "Today if you want, it should only take about ten minutes."

  "Thank you Susan."

  "See you soon, goodbye Jenny."

  Ten minutes and they won't need us anymore, Jenny thought. She knew it was a blessing for Julia to be so simple, but hoped waiting for a court date would delay the separation giving them all more time together. Then she realized delaying the separation would also increase the pain of it. Although she didn't want to admit it to herself that if Crown still presented a threat they would be safer in Sacramento. This is a good thing she told herself. No, this was a wonderful thing. Jenny found a smile and walked back into the living room.

  "Julia, I have great news for you. I
just spoke with Child Protective Services and all they need is a copy of your and Timmy's birth certificates, your social security number and it’s a done deal. No court appearance is needed."

  "I don't have a copy of our birth certificates."

  "Chief Walker does," Charlie said watching Jenny closely to gage her real feelings. "We can drop by there to say hello and then drive over to Salinas."

  "Charlie, it's a beautiful day, why don't you take Timmy and Shadow for a walk."

  "Yeah," Timmy shouted in agreement and out the door they went.

  Jenny went over and sat next to Julia. "Julia, Charlie and I are very attached to Timmy, you might have noticed that and we think you're a wonderful mother. We would love to make a place for you two here at Watson Manor in a unit on whatever floor you want and we will need to hire a lot of help soon to run this place. You can get your GED and attend the local college if you want while we watch him for you."

  "How different my life would be today if I had parents half as great as you two. My father ruled my mother and me with an iron fist and had no tolerance for his 'tramp daughter'. I'm finally getting on my feet to build a life for Timmy and me in Sacramento."

  "I realize that, Julia and we are very proud of you for accomplishing that. The legal stuff will be wrapped up today and we can take you and Timmy home tomorrow morning. I just, we just need you to really understand that there will always be an open door here, a home, a family for you. And if we don't hear from you every once in a while be assured, we will track you down!"

  "You can't even imagine how much it means to me not only to hear it, but to feel everything you just said. I already owe you more than I could ever repay."

  "Love doesn't create debt, Julia. We gain more giving you our love than you receive. Just know it's here for you, even if you just need to come visit it from time to time or hear it on the phone. There is no time limit on it or obligation because it's there."

  "When I look back just a few months, it scares me. My first priority is Timmy and I would be thrilled to put you and Charlie down as guardians if anything happens to me."

  "Absolutely, we would be honored. And again, we are here for you to help if ever you need us. Now let's go find our guys and say hello to Chief Walker. Wait a minute, Detective Edwards is pretty cute, maybe he can help you decide to stay or come back," Jenny said laughing.

  When they arrived at the Marina Police Department, Jacque met them at the door "Julia Mason, we are so happy to see you!"

  "Julia, this is Jacque and behind her, just completing the 50 yard dash, is Detective Edwards," Jenny said smiling.

  "I am very pleased to meet you both and so thankful for all you have done for us," Julia said, shaking their hands.

  "Another happy ending," Chief Walker said as he approached them. "Julia, I'm Chief Walker and equally pleased you are here."

  "Hello Chief Walker, this is all a little overwhelming."

  "Special moments should be just that, overwhelming," Walker said. "Hello Timmy, you didn't tell us your mom was so pretty."

  "You're silly," Timmy said giggling.

  "I second that," Edwards said. "Not the silly…the beautiful part." Realizing all eyes were focused on him, he added," Come in, we don't need to stay in the doorway."

  "Chief can we get copies of Timmy and Julia's birth certificates?" Charlie asked.

  "Sure Edwards can print them."

  "Our next stop is Salinas and it appears to be a simple process," Jenny said.

  "That's really good news," Walker said. He turned to find Detective Edwards a little distracted from anything not Julia, and added, "Edwards, birth certificates."

  "Right away, Chief," he said and went to his desk.

  "Fresh coffee, anyone," Jacque asked.

  "Thank you, Jacque, we just had breakfast," Jenny said.

  Edwards returned with the birth certificates and handed them to Julia."Welcome to Marina, Julia. I think you and Timmy will enjoy our little community," he said, displaying his best smile.

  "Thank you Edwards, but Timmy and I are going home to Sacramento tomorrow," Julia said.

  "Oh," Edwards said as his smile faded. "I was hoping… I assumed you and Timmy were going to stay a while."

  "Julia has done a remarkable job setting up a home for them in Sacramento, and Julia, Edwards met us at Watson Manor with a mattress for Timmy the night we brought him home," Jenny said.

  "Thank you, Detective Edwards, that was very kind of you," Julia said, smiling.

  His eyes never left Julia, and Edwards said, "Least I could do and please call me Stan. Before you go, I'd like to show you something." He made a half reach for her hand and when she reached the other half way and took it, his smile returned. He extended his other hand and said, "Timmy come see." They walked back to the 'Watson Investigations' wall.

  "I would so love to see that happen," Jenny said.

  "I've never seen Edwards…Stan, move as fast as he did to meet us at the door," Charlie said. "Jacque, I'll have that cup of coffee. We seem to not be in a rush."

  "Come into my office you two," Walker said grinning.

  "That’s my year book photo, how funny," Julia said, still holding his hand.

  "Look mommy! That’s me," Timmy said, excited to see his picture on the wall beside hers.

  "I'd like to take one of you both, together," Edwards said pulling his camera out of his desk drawer.

  "That would be better than my tenth grade photo."

  "Not to replace it, but to put beside it."

  "And one with Charlie and Jenny, if you promise to send me copies," she said, smiling at him.

  Edwards didn't miss a beat and with pen in hand asked, "Where would I send it?" Julia gave him her address and work phone number.

  Julia and Timmy posed for a few photos in front of the wall and a patrolman walked over to shoot a couple photos of the three of them. Edwards thanked him and knew there would be a huge debit to pay him later. Julia turned back to the wall and asked, "Who are these people, Stan?" Edwards was delighted and not in a hurry to take her through his department's involvement with the Watsons.

  Twenty minutes later they were headed to Child Protective Services in Salinas. As promised by Susan, it took only ten minutes. During lunch back at Watson Manor Julia seemed a little distracted and quiet. Timmy was excited to take her to the beach after lunch.

  "Can I impose on you two one more time?" Julia asked sheepishly.

  "Anything," Jenny said.

  "I kind of have a date for dinner tonight, can you watch Timmy?"

  "Of course, sweetheart, that’s great!" Jenny said laughing.

  "I have a new respect for our man Edwards," Charlie added.

  "It's silly I guess, with us leaving and all, but I haven't been on a date since high school. I got caught up with the idea when Stan asked me and said yes without thinking."

  "Have some fun tonight Julia. Lord knows you deserve it," Jenny said.

  "Another positive step into your new life," Charlie added.


  Jenny found more strength than she knew she possessed when they left Julia and Timmy at her apartment in Sacramento the following day. The trip was a mix of the fun hearing about her date the previous night and the quiet sadness of what was ahead. Timmy was comforted, but just a little when they promise they would see him again soon. The dam broke for Jenny though when they drove around the corner from the apartment headed to the freeway home. Charlie, also feeling that he had left part of himself behind was struggling to find comforting words for her. It was the sign Stockton 5 miles that brought her back.

  "I want to see Crown Storage this time," she said with determination.

  "Works for me," he said.

  Chapter 26

  The Crown Storage in Stockton looked to have the same two story storage buildings in three rows as the Salinas complex had. The exception here was the Crown Vault building still only single story appeared to be twice the size in Stockton. Charlie and Jenny didn't have the
advantage of the over-pass for an aerial view like they had before in Salinas and with the same eight foot block wall surrounding the Crown Vault building, visibility was limited. The sliding gate for the Crown Vault area was located inside the sliding gates for access to the storage buildings as was the case in Salinas. The complex backed up to Interstate 5, with a huge lumber yard on the storage side and several vacant lots on the vault side. The frontage road was well paved and two lanes. It was far enough south of downtown Stockton that if you weren't looking for lumber or to store those items you can't seem to part with, you wouldn't use this road. There was a residential area about a half mile off that was surrounded by flat light brown dirt.

  Charlie pulled into the lumber yard and parked.

  "We can't just walk in looking for a storage unit. I'm sure before Crown tried to torch Watson Manor that our photos were distributed throughout his organization," Charlie said.

  "A BOLO on us."

  "Jenny, really BOLO?"

  "Be on the lookout."

  "I know what it stands for, but…"

  "Hey, I'm switching hats here. Don't think we'll see anything from this side, even if we walked the fence."

  "A knockout dame like youz, show off them curves with that killer sway, babe. Youz could sweet talk your way to an elevated view from a fork lift pallet. It may take a short skirt, to like get the boys all pumped up about the idea but…"

  "OK gum shoe, what's the real plan?"

  "See any hot air balloons?"

  "Not a one," Jenny said.

  "Then I see only one option. They like to use UPS trucks so if we see one leave here we'll test my tailing skills."

  "They are big enough to follow from a good distance, might be a good idea," Jenny said.

  "We'll hold the ride on the forklift in reserve then?"

  "Way down on the option list."

  Charlie moved the truck for a better view of the frontage road. "So we wait for awhile and see if we get lucky. I'm glad I filled up in Sacramento. We have a little over three quarters of a tank left."


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