Watson Manor Unfolding: Second Novel in the Watson Mystery Series (Watson Manor Mystery Series Book 2)

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Watson Manor Unfolding: Second Novel in the Watson Mystery Series (Watson Manor Mystery Series Book 2) Page 21

by Ronald Craig

  "Jenny, 300 feet our runway is on the far left."

  "Sir, if you give her the headset, I can help talk her down." Charlie put the head set on Jenny and found a second set for him.

  "Jenny I understand you don't fly often?" Stevens said.

  "Ten years ago with my Dad, Captain."

  "When you see the end of the runway, focus a quarter of the way in as your spot."

  "Got it," she said.

  "Nose down slightly toward that spot. You're doing well. Five miles out now, your goal is to cross over the end of the runway at an altitude of 20 feet with an air speed of 70. Doing well."

  "I'm at 90 now, should I throttle back?"

  "Yes ease to 70. You may feel a loss of altitude, but don't panic. The key here is when you are at your spot on the runway, pull the nose up 5 degrees, while pushing the throttle to the dash and let her glide in."

  "You make it sound easy."

  "It is and you are doing very well. Ok, you are over the runway; nose up throttle down…"

  The plane hit the runway hard and Jenny in reaction pulled back on the wheel.

  "Ease the wheel forward, light on the brakes," Stevens told her. When she did and had the plane coasting, he added, "Not bad, first timer. We don't count the first bounce."

  "Thank you Captain!"

  "Mrs. Watson, this is the tower. Great landing! Can you follow the rescue truck back to the hanger, or will you require assistance?"

  "Tower, I'm on the ground. This is the easy part."

  "I take that as an affirmative, Lt. Watson."

  "So just because you save us from being blown out of the sky and let us use your runway, you figure you can draft my wife?"

  "It's not just that, sir. It's adding the C5 transport standing by to take you and your cargo to Travis Air force Base in California…Always a price, Sir," he said laughing.

  Chapter 35

  The Air Force C5 touched down at Travis Air Force Base at five thirty p.m. local time in California. The upper cabin, above the huge cargo hold in a C5 has seats similar to a commercial airline and Charlie and Jenny had no trouble sleeping most of the way home. Their 'cargo', Nelson Crown, Judy Morrison and David Lu also slept most of the way but as cargo belongs in the cargo bay they were out of sight on the flight home.

  "Welcome home," Chief Walker greeted them as they walked off the cargo ramp. Jenny instantly gave Walker a hug.

  "A successful team effort, thank you Chief!" she said. After a moment she moved to Detective Edwards and hugged him also.

  "I can see this trip has taken years off your life," Walker said laughing.

  "I don't know about Jenny, but I feel as old as I look," Charlie said. Beside Chief Walker, stood a two star general in full uniform.

  "Charlie, Jenny I would like to introduce you to Major General Walker," Chief Walker said.

  Charlie shook his hand," It's a real pleasure Sir, and I'm thinking you had a great deal to do with our not having to swim ashore in South Korea."

  "Rodney was very persuasive you two needed a little help over there," General Walker said. Jenny moved over to shake the General's hand and he added," What, no hug for the old man?"

  "Absolutely," she said, smiling and provided a bear hug.

  Special Agent Baker walked over to them after securing the prisoners in FBI sedans holding the latest edition of the San Jose Mercury News. The headlines in bold type read, "CROWN TO STAND TRIAL". "This story is one I was delighted to get into the paper," he said handing it to them.

  "I hope you left our names out," Charlie said.

  "Are you kidding? You two are heroes! This story has been headlines and we will have closure only because of what you did here," Baker said excitedly.

  "We're just pleased you didn't arrest us for grand theft airplane and kidnapping a prominent citizen from China," Jenny said.

  "I thought you'd be thrilled," he said.

  "We just want to be inn keepers," Jenny said.

  "Well this will please you. Here is your video of Charlie working on Watson Manor," Baker said handing Jenny the VHS tape.

  "Now that I'm thrilled about!" Jenny said.

  "Son, I think you have transportation home for our esteemed inn keepers," General Walker said. "Honestly, Charlie, Jenny the Air Force Pacific Command was pleased to assist in your mission; however our involvement in this will never be public record."

  "Thank you Sir," Charlie said following Chief Walker to his SUV. He put their luggage in the back and they slid into the rear seats. Jenny was reading the newspaper story and looked at Charlie with a concerned expression on her face.

  "Everything but our phone number is here. We'll be hounded for weeks," she said.

  Edwards turned back from the front seat and handed them another paper. "We couldn't get Baker to help and this story just kind of leaked out," Edwards said smiling. The headline read, 'CROWN'S CHINA CONNECTION'

  Charlie took the paper and looked it over. He saw the spreadsheet print they had altered for their Plan B. "This explains a lot, Jenny. The visitors at the guest house were not responding to an alarm, but hit men sent by David as we'd hoped for."

  "Oh, my God, we were almost caught in our own trap. I think now that maybe finding David Lu at his plane…he was trying to get away."

  "I'm sure the Chinese Government is a little embarrassed and will go overboard investigating and reporting to its citizens the breakup of David Lu's empire," Walker said.

  When they pulled into the driveway at Watson Manor they couldn't help but notice the sign had been changed. It now read 'HERO HOUSE'.

  The crew was gone but their foreman Bob was there to greet them, "Like the new sign?"

  "Yeah, Pop. A nice welcome home, but down tomorrow, right."

  "Of course, Junior. Headline news makers deserve a little recognition though."

  Jenny laughed and bent down to greet Shadow, squirming with excitement. "It's so good to be home, Bob."

  The following day while unpacking their suitcases, Charlie discovered Crown's laptop in his bag. He had forgotten to give it to Special Agent Baker at Travis. "I'll call Baker later," he said, holding it up for Jenny to see.

  "Let's see what's on it," she said taking it to the kitchen table and turning it on. "All of his banking is here Charlie!"

  "The government will seize it of course. I could be wrong here, but just before Bruce put Crown back to sleep with a magnificent right hook, Crown was talking about wanting to make a sizable donation to an organization that helps mothers and children get off the street."

  "You know, I heard that also from the doorway. I can help him wire some of those funds," Jenny said. She called Susan at Child Protective Services for suggested organizations and did just that.


  The second week after their return, the phones were plugged back in, finally offering long quiet times between calls from inquiring minds wanting to know. Jenny was busy putting dinner together and Charlie sat at the table discussing the move in.

  "I spoke to Special Agent Baker today. Apparently Crown's computer had not only contact information, but links to the web site they used. The FBI is making arrests all over the country," he said.

  "What about the children?"

  "Many of them are being located, each adding another count to the multiple life sentences facing Nelson Crown and those in his organization."

  "I think it would be fitting to have each child throw a stone at him on public display, send a message to monsters like him," she replied.

  "I had so many things I wanted to say to Crown, but not a word passed between us."

  "Charlie, this is clearly a case of actions speak louder than words."

  "I'll take comfort then, that he realizes I'd give those kids the really sharp and heavy rocks. Let's eat."

  Following dinner, Charlie brought a bottle of champagne to the table along with two glasses.

  "Jenny this day marks the completion of construction of our dream, Watson Manor," he said pouring the champagne
into the glasses.

  "Three weeks of moving furniture in and it's our grand opening, but you're not completely right about being done with construction," she told him. She got up from the table and walked to the spare bedroom. Charlie followed her and opened the door. Inside the room were a new change table, dresser and matching crib.

  "Really! We're pregnant! That’s so wonderful, Jenny."

  "Yes, Charlie," she said moving into his embrace. "Thirty four weeks of construction remain on little Watson. Make my toast orange juice, Charlie."

  "Works for me," he said beaming like a tooth paste commercial.

  The end of book two.

  Thank you for reading book two in the Watson Manor Mystery Series. I sincerely hope it has been a journey you enjoyed through what could have been called "The Adventures of Charlie and Jenny". I welcome and encourage your input and feedback through my web site, www.roncraigbooks.com

  Ronald S. Craig.

  Watson Manor Finally

  Book three in the series is on its way. Here is an excerpt.

  Chapter 1

  Watson Manor, a four story Victorian styled bed and breakfast in Marina, California opened its doors in July of 1996. It was the dream of Charlie and Jenny Watson and in the course of its construction they discovered another bond they shared. Two years following the Grand Opening of Watson Manor they converted one of the bottom floor units into an office for Watson Investigations. They found the need to help others had continued to pull them away from the focus of being the inn keepers they set out to be during those two years of running the bed and breakfast.

  Julia Edwards was hired to manage Watson Manor three months prior to the official opening of Watson Investigations. The Watsons met Julia during the initial construction of Watson Manor. It was Julia Mason at that time when Timmy, her son, and two other children were found in a raid of the home of human traffickers. The other two children were reunited with their families immediately following the raid. Timmy's parents could not be located through the typical missing person or child abduction sources. Timmy touched their hearts immediately when Charlie and Jenny became the court appointed temporary guardians of him during their search for Julia.

  The Watsons have had a special bond with the Marina Police Department over the past three years and Detective Stan Edwards was hooked by Julia Mason the moment Charlie and Jenny introduced them. That thrilled the Watsons because it brought Julia and Timmy back from Sacramento to Marina and into their lives again.

  "Stan wants to know, now that you've opened Watson Investigations, if you want anything from the 'Watson Wall' at the department?" Julia asked poking her head in the door of their new office.

  "Knowing Edwards, I'm sure it will be replaced with the 'Julia and Timmy Wall'," Jenny said smiling.

  "Who are you kidding, Jenny. That wall started changing a year and a half ago," Charlie said.

  "Thanks Julia, we have everything including your tenth grade photo," Jenny said.

  "I know, with my best attempts to hide it. It keeps reappearing on the wall."

  "We stay current, your wedding photos are there also," he said. "Six months in a couple days, where does the time go?"

  "Can you believe it Charlie; our six month anniversary almost was two and half years ago."

  "And has only gotten better every day," he said.

  "You know of course, being around you two inspired me to take that leap of faith," Julia said smiling.

  "That and not being able to keep your hands off each other," he said laughing.

  "Well there was that. Oh, I wanted to tell you that the August promotion has done well. It looks like we will exceed the seventy five percent occupancy we had last August."

  "You're doing a wonderful job, Julia. I'm so pleased that I…hired you," Charlie said with a grin.

  "As you'll learn, Julia, letting them think it was their idea makes our decisions flow so much easier," Jenny said.

  "There's the front desk phone, thank you both, I love being here," Julia said dashing for the front desk.

  "We've done well with her, partner," Jenny said. "Speaking of great teamwork, we can get an hour in at the park when Madison wakes up before meeting Henry Wilson today."

  "I'm torn between the park or reading to her at night as my favorite," he said.

  "She loves story time, but I don't think you even need to open the book Manny and Stanley any more, it has got to be memorized by now."

  "Maybe I love it and she tolerates me," Charlie said looking over at Madison sleeping in a portable play pen. His gaze shifted to the wall beside their desks. "I realize it's only our second month officially as Watson Investigations, but I hope we didn't spend all that time getting our P.I. licenses to prove another spouse is dining in a different garden."

  "I didn't get that feeling after talking to Henry Wilson yesterday. Running away with a new lover and not taking at least a suitcase doesn't sound like the norm. What did Chief Walker say?"

  "He filed the missing person report yesterday; but not a clue where she is or any sighting of her car around Marina."

  Lisa Addams lives at Watson Manor and in addition to providing care for Madison when Charlie and Jenny had to be away, she also doubled as the cook for Watson Manor. Jenny knew Lisa from her days teaching in West Helena, Arkansas before she and Charlie met. They had stayed in touch and when Lisa, in her mid forties called a year ago frustrated with the system in the middle school, they both found answers to prayers.

  "Lisa, we should be back in a of couple hours," Jenny said after giving Madison a kiss goodbye in Lisa's unit, also on the ground floor.

  "Take the time you need. Come here precious, Aunt Lisa has cookies."

  "I'm thrilled you love cooking, but at fourteen months, I was hoping Madison would stay below a hundred pounds," Jenny said laughing.

  Charlie took Shadow, their all black Lab-Shepard mix breed dog up to the fourth floor that was their residence. Then he met Jenny at the car and they drove to talk to Henry Wilson at his home in Marina. They parked at the curb of the Wilson's well maintained starter home in their two year old Honda Accord. It had been a joke with them when they found themselves trying to hide in Charlie's huge crew cab pickup truck while tailing someone. When they received their P.I. licenses their first order of business was to get that 'blend in Honda'.

  "Thank you for coming, Rosalyne spoke highly of you two," Henry said. "Please come in."

  Henry was in a suit with his tie loose, mid twenties with a face conveying the worry inside.

  "Why do I know that name, Rosalyne Wilson?" Jenny asked.

  "She works for the Marina Press Newspaper. Two years ago you gave her career a boost with an interview after the Nelson Crown incident."

  "I remember, the only interview we gave," Charlie said. "A real go-getter as I recall."

  "This is not like Rosalyne to leave without a word. I've been worried sick about her."

  Jenny walked over to a side table and picked up a wedding photo in an expensive frame. "Yes, I remember her. She also did the story on the Grand Opening of Watson Manor," Jenny said. "She is also a beautiful bride; when was this taken?"

  "Almost three years ago, we got married in our junior year of college. Rosalyne majored in journalism and I was in computer science."

  "Do you have a photo we can have?" Charlie asked.

  "Please, sit down. I'll get one from an album in the bedroom." When Henry walked back into the room slowly with his eyes fixed on the photo in his hand, they felt his pain. "I took this a couple of months ago, a picnic in the park."

  Jenny reached for the photo and showed it to Charlie. "Thank you, Henry. Did you notice any change in her behavior lately?" she asked.

  "Rosalyne did a 'What's Rockin' in Marina' column and although she was happy, I knew she always felt it was a step. After she did the interview with you, which turned into a feature story, the bug bit. She kept looking to expand into an investigative reporter. To answer your question, yes, she was excited about somethin
g she found."

  "Do you have any idea what it was about?" Charlie asked.

  "Not this time. In the past when she got like this I knew I'd have to wait until she pulled it all together and she'd let me read it before she sent it off."

  "She did freelance work with other papers?" she asked.

  "Yes, every couple of months she would find something. She had a few things printed in the San Jose Newspaper."

  "Did these other papers give her a project?"

  "I don't think that’s how it worked."

  "We have the description of her car from Chief Walker, are there any notes on the computer she used here?" Charlie asked.

  "Her laptop is an appendage. Everything she's working on is on it. The only things I can give you are copies of the other papers she had articles in."

  "That will help and give us a feel for the type of stories she went after," Jenny said.

  "I think she was on to something important," he said then pulled out his cell phone. "This is the last message I received from her two days ago."

  "Honey, this one's good. Get some dinner. Sorry I'll be home late tonight. Love you."




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