The Coffee Girl

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The Coffee Girl Page 11

by Shanna Hatfield

  “Well, I can see why he’d get in a hurry to get here.” A short, but very good-looking man took Brenna’s hand in his and kissed her fingers. “You, lovely lady, are a jewel among women.”

  “Keep your hands and your lips to yourself, man.” Brock stepped between the man and Brenna. Not one who was ever given to fits of jealousy, it gnawed at Brock with a previously unknown ferocity.

  “Oh, pipe down, dude.” Levi accepted a cup of coffee from Brenna and tipped his head at her in greeting. “Someone just got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.”

  When Brenna smiled at Levi, he grinned and pointed to the other guys assembled on the porch. He introduced Jett (the hand kisser), Ned, Juan, and Tony, all friends who’d known each other for years.

  The porch steps became their impromptu table as the men made short work of the food, emptied the carafes of coffee, and thanked Brenna multiple times for supplying breakfast.

  When the last crumb had been consumed, they put their muscle and backs into the business of unloading and made moving Brock’s belongings into the house look like something fun instead of sweat-inducing effort.

  Not wanting to unpack much until he had more of the house remodeled, Brock directed most of the boxes, except those labeled kitchen or bathroom, to a large upstairs bedroom. He planned to sleep upstairs in one of the rooms that didn’t need any work beyond a coat of paint, so the guys lugged his king-sized bed up the stairs. A loveseat and a few antique pieces were left in the living room while a table and four chairs went to the kitchen.

  Brenna took on the task of wiping out drawers and cabinets. Down on her hands and knees with her head stuck in the depths of a cupboard near the stove, she couldn’t hear anything going on in the rest of the house.

  Brock wandered into the kitchen and got an eyeful of her cute posterior as it wiggled back and forth while she scrubbed the inside of a cupboard. Rather than announce his presence he watched her for a minute or two. It probably would have been three or four but Mike called to him and Brock hollered back that he’d be right there.

  Cringing when the surprise of his presence caused Brenna to smack her head on the cupboard, he gave her a devilish grin when she glared over her shoulder at him. He hunkered down next to her, took her chin in his hand, and gave her a quick kiss on her lips.

  “When I told you I was suffering from withdrawals this morning, I didn’t exactly mean the coffee.” He pressed a lingering kiss to her lips before disappearing down the hallway.

  Slightly dazed, Brenna sat back and absorbed what he said, what he implied. If she’d been able to think clearly, she might have accused him of being an outrageous flirt.

  Amused, she returned to her job of scrubbing since it was something she assumed the guys would not think to do. She glanced around the large kitchen, imagining it with new counters and freshly painted cupboards.

  In her mind’s eye, cheery yellow curtains fluttered in the breeze at the window above the sink and the smell of something cinnamon baking in the oven filled the space with a welcoming fragrance. She could almost see herself in the kitchen, giving Brock a good morning kiss.

  An odd tingling sensation started at her toes and worked its way to her head. It was the same strange feeling she got whenever she had her dream of the perfect house with the perfect man. Before she could grab hold of the vision of her dream, it flew away. Determined to think about it later, she finished cleaning the kitchen and began unpacking boxes with a few plates, cups and kitchen utensils. If Brock did anything more than very basic cooking, he was going to be sorely lacking in kitchen tools.

  When she finished what she could in the kitchen, she went to the guest bathroom to see if she needed to clean in there, but it was spotless. It was evident that Brock had done some remodeling recently, including a fresh coat of paint, a new toilet and tub. She ran her hand along what appeared to be a brand-new sink and counter top, impressed with Brock’s handiwork.

  “Hey, Brenna, you want a quick tour of the house?” Brock asked, popping his head around the door. “I know you said you have to be at your mom’s store at noon and it’s almost eleven. I assume you’ll have to run home and change before you go since I apparently worked you too hard.”

  Brenna glanced down at her dusty jeans and T-shirt with a dark smear across the front.

  “You’re a tyrant, for sure.” Brenna gave Brock’s arm a squeeze. Electricity jolted through her fingers and spiraled down into her stomach at the touch. Brawny muscle filled her hand and her quick intake of breath filled her nose with Brock’s unique scent. Frantically working to steady herself mentally, she let go of his arm and took a step back. “I’d love a tour.”

  Brock didn’t immediately respond or move. He was too caught up in the way curls had escaped Brenna’s ponytail to bob around her face. She had a smudge of dirt on one cheek and her eyes sparkled with mischief and something he couldn’t quite identify.

  He’d never seen her dressed so casually before and appreciated the opportunity to check out how she looked in jeans. It had definitely been worth the wait. When she touched his arm, her fingers not only branded his flesh, he felt like his bones began melting as well.

  Disconcerted, he stepped back into the hall and took her hand, drawing her toward the back stairs.

  “Let’s start upstairs and work our way down,” he said, leading her up the narrow steps to the second floor. He pointed out the bedrooms, bathroom, stairs to the attic, and the room he was going to remodel for an office. It had a great view of the backyard and creek.

  They traipsed down the main front stairs then he showed her the area at the back of the house he planned to turn into a master suite and discussed his ideas for revamping the kitchen.

  After giving the backyard a quick perusal, Brenna needed to leave although she wanted to stay.

  “It’s a wonderful house, Brock. I know you’ll make it into a lovely home,” Brenna said as they walked around the side of the house.

  As they rounded the corner of the front yard, she noticed the guys hauled in the last of the furniture. Brock inherited several pieces from his grandfather and placed them in storage until he was ready to move. A quick stop by the storage unit that morning cleaned it out and gave him some nice basic furnishings.

  “It was nice to meet you all.” Brenna waved to the men as Brock picked up her box of breakfast supplies, devoid of food and coffee, and walked her to her car.

  A chorus of “thanks” and “great to meet you” followed her retreating back.

  “Are we still on for lunch tomorrow?” Brock asked, setting the box in the back seat while Brenna opened her door.

  “Sure. I’d really like that.” The sweet smile on her face made Brock want to wrap her in his arms and never let go. “I’m glad you’ll be living closer now.”

  “Me, too, coffee girl.” He gently wiped away a smudge of dirt on her cheek. “Thanks for coming this morning and bringing breakfast.”

  “Anytime.” Brenna had to get in her car before she became any more distracted by Brock and forgot about going to her mom’s store.

  She gasped when he put his arms around her and gave her a kiss that let anyone watching — which included Mike, Levi, and the crew of helpers as well as the worrisome widows — know exactly how much he liked her.

  “Thanks again for coming this morning, Brenna.” His voice was husky as his lips hovered just a breath of space above hers.

  “You’re welcome,” she whispered. She gave him one more tight hug before getting in her car and blowing Brock a kiss. “See you tomorrow.”

  He watched her drive down the street before turning back to the house. Brock was almost to the porch steps before he noticed his friends standing on the porch, giving him goofy grins, raised eyebrows, and kissy faces.

  “Animals,” he growled, pushing his way through them into the house.

  They filed along behind him, offering a variety of teasing comments that did nothing to help lighten his mood. He probably shouldn’t have done
such a thorough job of kissing Brenna a minute ago, knowing they more than likely had an audience, but he just couldn’t seem to help himself.

  “For the record, dude, she’s one of those,” Mike said, stopping Brock with a hand to his shoulder.

  “One what?” Confused, Brock stared at his best friend.

  “She’s one of those girls who make you think about buying houses, growing up, and settling down. Brenna is sweet and fun, and a great cook. It’s the rare girl like her who makes marriage seem like it might be a great adventure rather than a lifetime of suffering.” Mike looked at Brock with a serious expression on his face, one he rarely shared. “She earned our stamp of approval.”

  “Good to know.” Brock pondered over what Mike said. Although he hadn’t thought of her in exactly those terms, those were precisely the thoughts Brenna made him have. She made him want a home, a wife, kids and a picket fence.

  Maybe not a minivan, but definitely a dog.

  His blood stirred as he thought about how very much she made him want — especially her.

  Chapter Nine

  “Brenna, there’s someone here to see you.” The receptionist tapped softly on her office door.

  Puzzled, Brenna glanced up from her computer. Nan always buzzed her when she had appointments. She never came whispering to her door that she had a visitor. She knew she didn’t have any appointments scheduled because she was madly trying to finish a report before Wesley demanded it on his desk.

  “I don’t have any appointments today, Nan. Are you sure the guest is here to see me?” Brenna forced herself not to return her gaze to the computer screen, smiling at the harried woman who kept their department running smoothly.

  Nan hurried across Brenna’s office and held a hand to her mouth, like she was about to divulge one of the world’s best kept secrets. “I’m sure, Brenna. He said he didn’t have an appointment, but I’d definitely make time to see him. His name is Brock and he’s pretty cute.”

  Brenna jumped to her feet and stared at Nan. Brock was here? He’d come to see her? He failed to mention dropping by when she talked to him last night, or when he texted her early that morning.

  Thrilled by his surprise visit, and oddly nervous, she tugged stray pencils out of her hair, tucked a few stray curls into place and straightened her suit jacket. “Please show him in.”

  “Right away.” Nan winked and breezed out the door.

  Brenna popped a breath mint into her mouth then watched Brock walk into her office, bringing a boost of sunshine to her day.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked, walking around the edge of the desk to give him a hug. He returned the embrace, kissing her lightly on the lips, leaving Brenna flustered. She sat down on the edge of her desk while Brock settled into one of two chairs in front of it.

  “We had to come to Portland to pick up a load of supplies for this store we’re remodeling. Bunch of slave driving maniacs, they are, so I had Tom drop me off here.” Brock’s charming smile addled Brenna’s ability to think. “Would you mind terribly if I took you out to dinner and then rode home with you?”

  “I’d like that.” Brenna easily lost herself in Brock’s smile and the twinkling mischief in his inviting eyes. It had been a month since he’d moved into his house and they’d been on many dates since then. She spent a lot of her free time helping with his remodeling projects, which mostly involved her holding things and handing him tools or wielding a paintbrush. She enjoyed every minute of it because it meant time spent close to Brock.

  Infatuated with him at first, she was certain now that what she felt for him was something deeper, something more abiding. He consumed way too many of her thoughts during the day and filled her dreams at night. In a few more weeks, when she gave her notice at work, she’d be able to see him even more as he finished the remodel project on their store.

  Although Brock and his crew were trying to keep things on a tight schedule, he had mentioned more than once that one of the inspectors kept giving them a hard time and forcing them to redo things that should have been fine. Now, their completion date looked like it would fall back a few weeks.

  Brenna honestly didn’t mind because it boiled down to more time with Brock nearby.

  “Great. What time can you leave?” Brock glanced at his watch. It was only four and he assumed Brenna would probably work until five.

  “I… um…” Brenna wanted more than anything to grab her purse and run out the door with Brock, but that little part of her that could still be practical in his presence told her she better finish the report she was working on before she left. “I’m just finishing a big project. Can you hang out for an hour? I’ll be ready to leave at five.”

  “Sure, no problem.” Brock leaned back in the chair and crossed an ankle over his knee in a move that made Brenna smile at its growing familiarity.

  When Brock appeared to make himself comfortable, Brenna’s smile faded. “You’re not planning to hang out here for an hour, are you?” Worry creased her brow. She couldn’t possibly get anything done with him sitting across the desk from her. He had already obliterated her concentration. If she had to spend the next hour sitting a few feet away from him, with him looking so charming and smelling so good, she might as well go home now. He provided a distraction she couldn’t possibly overcome.

  “If I’m not wanted, I can go elsewhere.” Brock feigned indignation, rising to his feet. “Sorry to have bothered you.” He only took two steps toward the door when he felt Brenna’s hand on his arm.

  “Brock, I’m sorry. Don’t leave, it’s just… I…” She looked up at him with moist eyes and he grinned down at her.

  “I’m just teasing you, coffee girl.” Brock tweaked her freckled nose. “I know you’ll get your work done faster without me hovering around your desk. I’ll stroll around the block and be back just before five. Okay?”

  “Thanks.” Relieved, Brenna released the breath she’d been holding. “That would be great.”

  “See you in an hour.” Brock gently squeezed her shoulder as he placed a quick kiss to her lips.

  Brenna watched him walk out the door then returned to her desk where she forced herself to focus on finishing the report. Her fingers flew across the computer keyboard as she typed the closing statement when the hairs on the back of her neck prickled.

  “I’ll have the report finished in about five minutes, Wesley,” she said, without looking up. Even though she hadn’t made eye contact with him, the scent of booze and overwhelming aftershave filled her office, letting her know he stood near her desk.

  “How did you know… Never mind.” Wesley sneered at her from narrowed eyes. “Just be sure that report is on my desk before you leave tonight, you twit. I shouldn’t have to come ask you for it. If you were deserving of your position in this company, I wouldn’t have to be constantly after you to do your job. You are such a loser.”

  Brenna ignored his comments and continued typing. “I’d finish a lot faster if you’d quit coming in here and harassing me. I wonder if Mr. Harchett would like to know how you treat his employees? Do you think he’d appreciate the bad reputation you’ve created in this department? I bet he would…”

  Whatever else Brenna planned to say remained unsaid when Wesley stormed around the corner of her desk and roughly jerked her to her feet. He grabbed her by both arms with a strength she would have thought beyond his ability to possess and gave her a shake that rattled her teeth as it knocked the pins from her hair.

  A yelp of surprise escaped her lips.

  “If I were you, I’d keep my mouth shut,” he said, leaning close to her. His foul breath blew across her face, making her want to gag. “There are ways to hurt you beyond seeing you unemployed, Ms. Smith. I could take what you won’t give freely, if you get my meaning. I don’t think you want that do you? Now be a good little twit and get back to work.”

  Wesley started to shove her away, but a warm hand at her back steadied her. She turned her startled gaze to Brock. His face contorted with
anger and a muscle worked in his clenched jaw while rage radiated from him.

  “You have no right to speak to the lady like that. Back off and leave her alone before she advises both your boss and an attorney about your threats,” Brock said tightly. Although he and Wesley were about the same height, Brock seemed to tower over the other man.

  Wesley shrank away from him, like the coward that he was, casting another sneer at Brenna.

  “Who is this?” Wesley asked, taking a step back from Brock as he flexed his hands into fists at his sides.

  “No one you need to know.” Brock took a menacing step toward Wesley. “I meant what I said. Leave her alone.”

  Without another word, Wesley left Brenna’s office, slamming the door behind him. Brenna sank on weak knees to her office chair and sucked in a deep breath. She wasn’t sure what had happened in the last five minutes, but she thought Wesley had threatened her while Brock came to her rescue.

  Brock stood above her, muscles tensed for battle and the cords in his neck strained. She could feel anger pouring from him.

  “Let me guess, that was Wesley.” Brock turned to look at her, his hazel eyes dark and cold as he struggled to rein in his temper. Brenna’s rattled state did little to alleviate his concern.

  “Yes,” Brenna said, her voice barely more than a whisper. If things had been bad with Wesley before, he’d make her life pure misery now. She might as well box up her belongings and quit because he’d have her fired before the week was out.

  Brock squatted down next to Brenna and rubbed her icy fingers between his hands. She looked like she was in shock, pale and limp in the chair. Her hair tumbled around her shoulders and her eyes held a frightened gleam.

  “Are you okay? Did he hurt you?” Brock asked, working to calm his temper. He really wanted to use Wesley as a punching bag or at least shake the man the way he had apparently shaken Brenna.

  When Brock returned to her office, he caught the rumble of voices and waited outside the door. When he heard what sounded like a muffled scream, he opened the door to see Wesley say something to Brenna that drained every bit of color from her face and made her shake like a leaf. Her hair tumbled around her shoulders and she looked terrified.


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