Eternal 1: Eternal Embrace

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Eternal 1: Eternal Embrace Page 7

by Ann Lory

  Finally, she could look around the elaborately decorated bedroom. She tried to remember where she was. There was an antique floral washbasin in the corner and a dark cherry wood armoire against the wall facing her. Two nightstands sat on either side of the bed, topped with two old oil lamps. The mattress on which she lay was plush and soft, canopied by pale-pink, fringed material that draped over the edges. Her comforter also had a pale-pink floral design.

  Dimitri. She was obviously still at Dimitri’s.

  Cassie breathed a sigh of relief. She remembered dancing with him and the kisses they had shared, then she must have passed out. Her brow furrowed; she thought Dimitri had said something about the punch she had drunk at the Halloween party probably being spiked. She became upset that someone could have done something so stupid and caused her to have nightmares. Thinking back to her behavior again, Cassie put a hand on her forehead and moaned; she must have appeared an inebriated idiot.

  She spotted her dress lying neatly over a chair and gasped, pulling the covers back to check that she indeed was clad only in her undergarments. Instinctively, she knew that it was Dimitri who had undressed her and put her to bed. Cassie smiled at his thoughtfulness, then blushed because he had seen her practically naked. Actually, he had done more than look at her. She felt herself turning even more red.

  She got up slowly, still feeling a bit dizzy, and slipped on her dress and shoes. Although she fussed with her hair in front of the bathroom mirror, she failed miserably in taming the wild mane. “Guess I’ll have to go as I am.”

  Cassie stepped into the hall. Where was Dimitri? As she went toward the main stairs, she glanced at the other set, which led up to the third floor. She hesitated, then climbed the steps and entered an identical hallway, except all the drapes were drawn and there was very little light.

  Cassie knew she should turn around, that she had no right to wander the house without Dimitri’s permission, but her curiosity got the better of her and she quietly stepped down the corridor. There were the same oak doors leading off to different rooms, but it was the pair at the very end of the hallway that held her attention. The closer she got to them, the more her sudden and strange apprehension grew.

  Once she stood in front of the doors, an unreasoning fear tugged at her stomach, creating a sick feeling. She took deep breaths to calm herself. There was nothing to be afraid of, she told herself even as her dream replayed itself in her mind. Her hands trembling, she reached up and placed one hand on the knob and the other on the door, turned and pushed. But the door wouldn’t budge. Although she had no reason to believe it, Cassie was convinced Dimitri had to be behind there somewhere. She didn’t understand why, but she felt connected to him. It was as if she could sense him there.

  She knocked. “Dimitri?” She didn’t recognize the sound of her own voice as her fists shook against the hard wood of the door.

  Get away! Dimitri’s words seemed to boom in her head, and she reeled back, almost tripping in surprise. She looked around wildly, trying to find him, before she turned and fled down the hall, then rapidly descended the two flights to the foyer.

  Rowlin met her at the bottom step. “Ms. Stephens, are you all right?”

  She was breathless. “I don’t know, I --” She looked back up the stairs, wondering if she had imagined the voice in her head, but it had seemed so real. “I was looking for Dimitri, and I ... well ...” How could she tell Rowlin that she’d been snooping?

  He gently took her elbow and led her toward the kitchen, “Mr. Alexios is already gone this morning but informed me you were a guest last night. Would you care for breakfast?”

  He didn’t look at her as he spoke. Somehow she knew he was lying, but she didn’t press him. She needed time to think. At that moment, her stomach growled. “If it isn’t too much trouble.”

  He smiled. “No trouble at all, Ms. Stephens.”

  They entered the kitchen. Sunshine streamed in through the windows. Cassie liked the way the bright whites and sunny yellow that decorated the room seemed to glow under the brilliant natural light.

  “Mr. Alexios prefers darker tones, but since I am the only one who uses the kitchen, he allowed me to choose the colors.”

  “That was nice of him.”

  “He is a very generous man.” Rowlin put a pitcher of orange juice and a fresh bowl of fruit on the island and began filling two plates with pancakes and bacon.

  “Please sit down, Ms. Stephens.”

  She did, and he served her. “Everything looks delicious.”

  “Let’s hope it tastes as good as it appears.” He chuckled and took the seat across from her, waiting politely for her to take the first bite before he began to eat.

  After a while, Cassie spoke again. “I have a question, Rowlin.”


  “Can you tell me about Dimitri? There is so much I don’t know.”

  He looked sympathetic but smiled sadly. “I am sorry, my dear, but I’m afraid I won’t be able to help you. Mr. Alexios is a very private man.” He must have sensed her disappointment because he reached across the island and gently patted her hand. “However, I can tell you this. He cares for you; you have touched him in a way no one has in all the years I have been with him.”

  “I thought you said you hadn’t been with him very long?”

  He smiled. “I haven’t. Would you care for some more juice? Freshly squeezed this morning.”

  Cassie eyed him, not missing a beat. She let the subject drop and enjoyed the rest of breakfast in simple conversation.

  * * * * *

  Dimitri smiled as he lay in his bed in the darkness of his chamber. He slept, but he could hear their conversation; it impressed him that she had caught Rowlin’s small slip. He frowned though, as he remembered her scream of terror when she’d awakened. He knew she had dreamed and that the cause of her nightmare was him. Still, when he’d felt her presence outside his chamber, he had wanted to release the lock. He’d desired her warmth to permeate the room -- and his heart -- but he’d known that if she saw him, she would run blindly from his home, and he couldn’t bear it.

  He cursed himself, then let dark sleep claim him once more.

  * * * * *

  Cassie finished going through the rest of Dimitri’s collection. She’d tagged everything she wanted to use in the exhibits and for which Dimitri had given his consent. As promised, he did allow her to bring workers into his home so that the pieces she needed immediately could be boxed up and transported. She was working long hours with the curators at the museum to get everything ready for viewing.

  Each evening, however, was spent with Dimitri, yet he kept his distance emotionally. He rarely took her in his arms or kissed her anymore, and when he did he immediately apologized, as if he had hurt her somehow. She tried to tell him she enjoyed his attention, but her words seemed to fall on deaf ears.

  Still, last night had been lovely. He had held her, his eyes tender and caring, and softly touched her face. And though he’d whispered sweet nothings to her in Greek, she somehow understood. He had told her she was beautiful, that she was his love. She had been about to ask him if it was true that she was his love when he kissed her.

  She hadn’t thought a person could really get drunk on kisses, but she had with his. They intoxicated her, drawing her in with their sensuality. His lips drove her crazy with want, and the way his caresses seemed to set her skin aching for more ...

  Cassie sighed and checked her car’s clock. It was almost five now, and outside, the sunlight was almost completely gone. She was in a hurry to get home and change. The holidays were around the corner and she wanted to make a trip to the mall, then return to Dimitri’s. Cassie was anxious to see him tonight because she had a plan. She wasn’t prone to make the first move, but in his case ... Well, it looked like she would have to do the seducing.

  Her cell phone rang as she drove through heavy traffic. Cassie dug through her purse and just missed it before the call went to voicemail. The caller ID showed
Kelly’s name. Setting the phone aside, she made a mental note to give her friend a ring as soon as she got home. She smiled, knowing that Kelly was calling to get the gossip on how Cassie and Dimitri’s relationship was progressing.

  * * * * *

  Rowlin opened the door. “Yes, miss, may I help you?”

  “Hello. I’m Kelly Matthews. I have an appointment to see Mr. Alexios.”

  “Yes, Ms. Matthews, please come in. Mr. Alexios is expecting you.” Rowlin moved aside, then closed the door behind her. “If you will follow me, please.”

  Kelly trailed the butler up the stairs and down a long hallway. He stopped at a door and knocked. When he opened it, she gasped in amazement at the sight of the antiques and priceless items that filled the room. There were a few blank spots here and there where she was sure Cassie had successfully coaxed the owner to temporarily part with choice pieces.

  Dimitri Alexios came toward her as Rowlin left. “Kelly, come in.” He reached inside his blazer and pulled forth an envelope. “Here is my donation for the Vincinni Company. Cassie has told me so much about the upcoming performance where you have the lead.” He guided her inside.

  Kelly smiled. “That’s wonderful; thank you! Mr. Vincinni will be thrilled.” She looked around the room in wonder; everything was arranged so neatly. Kelly observed that his face was full of obvious approval and pride as he also examined the study.

  Paintings lined the walls, armor straight out of her fairy-tale visions of knights stood tall and weapons gleamed in glass cases, as did fine jewels. Her mouth fell open as she walked toward a marble stand that looked like it held a delicate midnight-blue Fabergé egg crowned by diamonds. “Is that what I think it is?”

  Dimitri came over and lifted the egg with gentle fingers. He removed the lid and set it delicately on the surface of the stand before he pulled out a large unmounted diamond from inside the egg.

  Kelly could hardly breathe at the sight and size of the rock he held. She had never seen anything like it. He placed the stone in her hand. She shook her head in awe. It was smooth to the touch, cold and heavy. “I can’t believe I’m holding this!”

  Dimitri grinned, then removed it from her palm and replaced it in the egg. He repositioned the lid and set the piece back in its holder on the marble stand.

  “How did you come by all this?” She walked around the room, inspecting different items.

  “Most of what you see has been passed down from generation to generation.”

  She paused in front of a painting. The picture was mesmerizing. The scene was set at night; a full moon glowed over the ocean and a lone man stood on the edge of a cliff overlooking the sea.

  The waves seemed to crash up onto the solid face of the cliff and attempt to touch the man. He appeared to exude power and strength, as if he were in control and holding the sea at bay. Long, wavy brown hair framed his pale, perfect face, and a long, bold, noble nose and sensual lips completed the promise of strength and passion in his features. She could tell he was tall and lean with broad shoulders, but the black cape he wore blew in the wind, shielding the rest of his body from view.

  Kelly suddenly took a deep breath, only then realizing she’d been holding it. The man in the painting was the most attractive one she had ever seen, but he was long gone from this world and had existed long ago, if indeed he had ever existed at all. Her heart caught in her chest and she had to fight the urge to reach out and touch his image, to fight the sadness of never knowing such a man. Somehow the feeling of being robbed of something special stole over her.

  “This painting,” she managed to croak.


  “Who is he?”

  “A man from centuries ago -- 1551, to be precise. This was painted on the shores of France.” He studied the picture with apparent fondness.

  Tearing her gaze away from the painting and pushing her strange feelings aside, she glanced back at Dimitri. Cassie had really hit the jackpot this time.

  He handed her the envelope, which she put in her purse and retrieved the receipt Vincinni had given her for him, extending it. “Thank you very much, Dimitri. This is very generous and thoughtful of you. Cassie must have twisted your arm to breaking.”

  Dimitri chuckled. “No arm-twisting was necessary. She has told me quite a bit about you and your love for dancing, and you yourself mentioned the company when last we met at Cassie’s home. She loves you very much.”

  Kelly nodded. “Yeah, I love her, too.”

  “Come and join me for a glass of wine. Cassie will be here soon, and I know she’ll want to see you.”

  Kelly accepted the invitation and, with one last look at the painting, followed Dimitri out of the room.

  * * * * *

  Cassie carried her Christmas purchases through the mall. She had found the perfect gift for Dimitri and had hardly believed her eyes when she stumbled upon it: a beautiful gold bracelet with Greek engraving around the links. It had been a little costly, but he was worth it.

  She grinned as she thought of Dimitri and how surprised he’d be when she gave it to him. She couldn’t get enough of him and loved the moments and conversations they shared. Cassie smiled wickedly as she looked in another bag, which held a little red nightie she had found in an intimate apparel store. She couldn’t wait to try it on for him, the first man she was willing to give herself to.

  She sucked in a deep breath of sudden surprise and had a sinking feeling. “Kelly.”

  Turning quickly, she rushed from the mall and drove straight to Dimitri’s. Why did she think Kelly was there with him? The thought gnawed at her and she couldn’t shake it. She gripped the steering wheel tightly, praying that she was wrong, that her friend wouldn’t betray her this way.

  When she pulled into the drive, the sight of Kelly’s car in the driveway immediately enraged her; she wondered if Dimitri had betrayed her, too.

  Cassandra, how could you think I would ever betray you?

  She shook her head. How could she be hearing his voice? I must be going crazy. Then, tentatively, Dimitri? and waited.

  Kelly touched Dimitri’s arm. “Are you okay?”

  He ignored her. The realization that Cassandra had heard him vibrated thorough his body. How? Then it hit him with the force of a blow. The blood exchange!

  What blood exchange?

  He gasped, then immediately put up a mind block.

  Cassie shook her head as she pulled up under the stone canopy and shut off the engine, convinced she must be losing her mind. She rapidly stepped out of her car and headed directly for the door, almost tempted to burst in and catch both Kelly and Dimitri. But this was not her home.

  She was preparing to pound the door down, but Rowlin immediately opened it as she reached there.

  “Is Dimitri here?”

  “Yes, Ms. Stephens, he is in the study with Ms. Matthews.”

  Cassie stormed through the foyer and toward Dimitri’s study. He looked at her as soon as she appeared, seeming not at all surprised to find her standing there. Kelly jumped to her feet, seemingly happy to see her.

  “Cassandra, we were waiting for you.”

  “Hey, Cass!”

  She clenched her teeth. “What are you doing here, Kelly?”

  “What’s wrong? You look fit to be tied.”

  She was confused, didn’t know what to say, so she glanced at Dimitri who was standing by the fireplace, watching her unsmilingly. Why should he be any different? Everyone always falls for Kelly.

  Dimitri jerked away from the mantel with an expression she couldn’t quite fathom. He continued to stare at her, his dark gaze searching. She thought there was tenderness there and felt a tug at her heart but stilled it and quickly left the room. She hardly understood anymore why she was so furious.

  Kelly ran after her and followed her outside. “Cass, wait!”

  She stopped and spun around. “What?”

  “What is wrong with you?”

  “Why are you here?”

  Kelly looked
taken aback. Cassie was surprised herself; she had never raised her voice to her friend before.

  “I came for the donation to the company. I tried to call you earlier to tell you I’d be here. I even left you a message.”

  Cassie briefly closed her eyes and sighed, then glanced at her car and saw her phone sitting on the passenger side where she’d forgotten about it, its red message light blinking off and on.

  Cassie felt her face burn with humiliation. She looked at Kelly and could see the hurt in her friend’s face. Never had she been jealous of Kelly, and the fact that she had not trusted her friend shamed her.

  “Oh, Kelly, I’m so sorry.”

  “I would never try to steal Dimitri, Cassie, and certainly not when I know how you feel about him.”

  She nodded, tears in her eyes. “I don’t know what came over me. Things have been so crazy, and ... I’m sorry.” They embraced.

  “I’ll call you,” Kelly said, then got in her car and drove away.

  Cassie turned to her own car, hoping to slip away so she would not have to face Dimitri. Her fingers were on the handle when she heard him.

  “Cassandra.” His baritone voice slid over her like warm liquid and she shivered.

  “Yes?” She refused to face him.

  “Look at me.”

  She didn’t move but held onto the handle of the car for dear life.

  “Cassandra.” His tone was patient but persistent.

  Sighing, she slowly pivoted. He was a silhouette in the doorway, a shadow against the light. He extended his hand and she went to him, welcoming his comfort.

  “You have no need to be jealous.”

  She wanted to argue that she wasn’t but knew it would have been a gross lie. “Almost every boyfriend I’ve ever had has always fallen for Kelly. She never led them on or went out with them, and it never used to upset me until you. My imagination just ran wild.”

  “Is that what I am, your boyfriend?”

  She could hear the amusement in his voice and glanced up. His grin was wide and she felt her face turn different shades of red.

  “Well, I guess. I know we never ...”


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