Eternal 1: Eternal Embrace

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Eternal 1: Eternal Embrace Page 23

by Ann Lory

  Gabriella rolled away from him, picking up a large boulder, and brought it down to smash his head. But he and Jacques were working together now and he was too fast for her. His hand caught her wrist, snapping and crushing the bones.

  She howled. Using her other hand, her nails slashed open his right cheek. He threw her from him, and she landed several feet away. Dimitri jumped to his feet, surprised when she rushed back at him, feet raised. One foot connected against the side of his face. His head whipped back at the force, and his body spun around. He fell face down on the rocks; abruptly his hands felt on fire. Glancing down quickly, he saw a long, blood-stained silver pole. The scent registered in his mind as Jacques’s.

  Gabriella was above him, laughing loudly as she claimed victory. “Now you die, knowing that Cassandra will join you.”

  She was a blur diving toward him, her nails like talons ready to plunge for his heart. With blinding speed, he twisted onto his back, bringing the rod with him, and drove the spiked end up and through Gabriella’s torso, straight through her stomach.

  Her scream was short and abrupt. She looked stunned.

  “Now you die.” His voice was flat tone and emotionless. Gaining his feet, he swung the pointed end of the pole down -- Gabriella’s screams at his movements gratified him -- then forced it deep into the ground with all his strength. Her body twisted and writhed agonizingly on the rod, and her eyes were wild. Wasting no time, Dimitri bent the metal so that the jagged end pointed toward her body, ensuring that Gabriella would be unable to slide herself off without staking herself through the heart.

  “Dimitri, no. You can’t leave me here.”

  He looked at her. “Now you get to see the sunrise.” He swiped his talons across her throat, further weakening her.

  Leaving her by turns cursing and pleading at him through gurgles of blood, Dimitri raced for the cave. He had to hurry and take Cassandra home. The sun would be ready to rise in a few hours.

  He cradled Cassandra in his arms. She was sleeping calmly now. The sleep of the dead, he thought, and his heart twisted painfully.

  Briefly checking that Jacques was able to reach Dimitri’s home without help, he shut his mind to his old friend, ignored Gabriella’s wails and sped toward his home, sealing himself and Cassandra within his chambers.

  Hours later, Gabriella’s piercing cries of agony filled his head, the sun slowly scorching her, burning her alive as it rose, until finally there was silence.

  Now it’s over at last.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Jacques leaned over Kelly, his fingers gently touching the curve of her soft cheek, gliding down her neck. Her skin was smooth as silk, and her fragrance was pure sunshine. She slept peacefully, the deep sleep he had brought upon her. He hated the thought of leaving her, but it would be best for both of them. Especially now that she had seen him as he really was.

  He couldn’t allow his feelings for her to grow any more than they already had. The idea of loving Kelly and making her become like him, or watching her grow old and dying was too much for him bear. He forced down the voice in his head that said it was already too late to stop his feelings.

  Refusing to dwell on impossibilities, he kissed her lips, lingering for a moment -- imprinting the feel of her, the image of her delicate face to his memory to carry with him through all time.

  Spinning away before he lost his resolve, he quickly left the room and went to the study to say goodbye to Dimitri and Rowlin, who were waiting for him.

  Rowlin chuckled. “Well, I must say the young man gave me a run for my money. I was knocked out of the action on the second floor storage room for hours.” He examined Dimitri and Jacques’s faces and sobered. “I am sorry I was unable to stop him.”

  “Don’t apologize, Rowlin. You did the best you could, but Gabriella had lent him her strength with her blood. I am grateful she kept everyone from that area while everything transpired. She might have been evil to the core, but at least she had enough sense to hide the presence of our kind.” Dimitri placed his hand on Rowlin’s shoulder. “You have watched over me faithfully during the day and fought to protect Cassandra. I am in your debt, my friend.”

  The old man was speechless, obviously touched.

  “Yes,” Jacques added. “You are lucky to have only bruises and scratches. I wanted to talk to you sooner, but with the rest of us out of commission, and Dimitri worrying over Cassie these last days ...” He shook Rowlin’s hand. “Thank you for your care.”

  The manservant nodded, lower lip slightly quivering, and quickly excused himself.

  “Speaking of which ... When are you going to wake Kelly? You are still a long way from being healed. Rowlin contacted Vincinni to let him know that Kelly had to leave town for a personal emergency.” Dimitri arched a dark eyebrow.

  “I will wake her after I’m gone.” The younger vampire stared at him. He had told Dimitri what had transpired between himself and Kelly, leaving out only his feelings concerning her.

  “You are not going to say goodbye, are you?”

  Jacques shook his head. “No. I think it is better this way.”

  Dimitri sighed, but didn’t try to convince him otherwise, and embraced him. “Thank you for all you’ve done, my friend.

  Jacques silently returned the embrace, then shimmered into mist and disappeared.

  * * * * *

  Cassie stretched and opened her eyes. She felt terrible, like someone had beaten her with a wrench or she’d had a really bad case of the flu. Slowly taking in her surroundings, she realized she was alone in Dimitri’s chamber. How had she gotten here? Searching her memories, she realized that the last thing she could clearly remember was Craig abandoning her to Gabriella ... and the female vampire tormenting her.

  Moving painfully, a muscle at a time, she stumbled from the bed and hobbled across the room to the bathroom. She groaned when she switched on the light, covering her eyes.. Had they always been this sensitive after she’d just woken up? Blinking rapidly, she finally was able to re-open her eyes.

  Turning the water on in the shower and satisfied after testing its temperature, Cassie began removing her clothes. Catching a glimpse of the mirror, she looked more closely and gasped. She touched the silvery surface, her breath coming in quick rasps as she tapped on the reflection of the bathroom.

  There was the shower, her robe hanging on a hook behind the door, linen closet -- but where was she? Why wasn’t her reflection in the mirror? She whirled, averting her gaze, and shut off the water. As she took deep breaths to calm her frantically beating heart, ignoring a niggling suspicion, various scents came to her: polish from the wood downstairs, food from the kitchen, the ocean beyond the cliff ...

  What was that? Blood? She didn’t know how or why, but the blood overshadowed all the other smells, and she felt hunger tug sharply at her stomach. Her tongue was running over her teeth when she felt the fangs that exploded through her gums. The pain and shock of that momentarily shut her to everything else.

  Gradually, she became aware that she’d been peripherally listening to a conversation among Dimitri, Jacques and Rowlin. She was glad that they were apparently all fine but Rowlin’s heartbeat echoed in her ears, and so did someone else’s. Cassie paused; who was that? She swallowed her increasing fear and concentrated. Kelly’s familiar perfume, though faint, reached her nostrils, and her friend’s heart beat at a steady rhythm from where she slept in the guesthouse. In the guesthouse.

  She knew exactly where everyone was on the property and what they were doing.

  Cassie began to hyperventilate. She sensed Dimitri touch her mind and heard his quick steps as they raced up the stairs toward her. She felt him trying to calm her, but she was beyond that now. She dropped to the floor and moaned, covering her hands over her ears trying to block out all of the overwhelming sounds and smells.

  Oh, God, what happened to me?

  Dimitri was lost in thought, gazing at the dancing orange-blue flames in the study’s fireplace, when Patches
came and stood in front of him. He patted the spot on the chair beside him, and the cat jumped up. He stroked the top of her head. “I guess we’re in the love part of our love/hate relationship.” Dimitri rested his hand on the pet, when suddenly he felt Cassandra’s terror. Accidentally shoving the animal from the chair, he sprinted for the main staircase, the hiss behind him telling him they were back on hate terms once more.

  Dashing up the stairs and into his bedroom, Dimitri found Cassandra in the bathroom, huddled against the back corner, shivering, her knees drawn up to her chin, and her hands shielding her ears. Fangs peeked out from beneath her lips, and his heart lurched in his chest at the sight.

  Kneeling down on one knee in front of her, he took her into his arms and held her, rocking her back and forth, speaking softly to her.

  “Cassandra, cry if you need to. Hit me, if you must.”

  She swiped tears from her eyes, choking on her sobs, then looked at the blood that stained her hands. She raised her shaking fingers up so that he could see, and looked at him with wide fearful eyes. “What happened? Why am I like this?” Her words were broken; she desperately wanted and needed answers, but he did not know if she could accept them.

  “Gabriella turned you,” he said resignedly.

  Her reaction was not quite what he expected -- but everything he should have. She went wild in his arms and cried out, her wails adding to his guilt. Dimitri held onto her tightly, refusing to release her for fear of her safety and mental state.

  “Forgive me, Cassandra. I didn’t protect you, and I am more sorry than you will ever know.” She twisted, and scratched at his arms. “Forgive me,” he pleaded. “I love you, Cassandra.” He said it over and over until she went still in his arms and looked at him, her own black eyes searching and dazed.

  Cassie thought back to the cave. Yes, she remembered now. The pain had been intense, but after her initial refusal, she had chosen to drink from Gabriella. Why? Why would I choose this life?

  She studied Dimitri’s handsome face. His eyes showed concern, fear, but love over all. This. This was why. She had wanted to live for Dimitri. She loved him; without him there would be nothing for her. They were entwined, not just for a short lifetime, but for eternity.

  She touched his face, and he kissed the dampness from her eyes. Somehow, the thought of him tasting the blood-tinged tears did not disgust her. Perversely, she was comforted. Was it possible? Could she be a vampire? Her mind whirled at the sudden answer. Yes. As long as Dimitri was always with her, she could be, or do, anything. She had to at least try.

  Dimitri leaned back and looked deeply into her eyes. He hung his head, and Cassie kissed the top of it.

  “There is nothing to forgive.” He looked up at her, patently surprised. “I love you, and I want to spend forever with you.”

  He framed her delicate face in his hands, appearing bewildered. “Do you mean it? Can you really accept being a vampire?” His eyes searched hers. “I will protect you, feed you and love you always.”

  Cassie smiled tentatively, heard his heart rate increase. “I know it may not be easy, but we’ll be okay. We can do anything together.”

  He tugged her close to his heart. “You don’t know what this means to me. It feels like I merely existed the last five hundred years, that I never lived, and then you came into my world.” They kissed ravenously before breaking apart briefly.

  “Now we have another five hundred years, or a thousand. You are mine, and I am yours.

  “Yes,” he whispered, bringing her to the floor. “Today, we are reborn.”


  Cassie smiled brightly, her heart soaring, as she looked down at the wedding band glittering on her finger. Their few guests were ready to leave at last, and she met her husband’s dark gaze from across the room. She blew him a kiss. Dimitri dipped his head and returned her smile, his eyes hinting at the night to come as he turned and walked the minister to the door.

  She embraced her parents and siblings. Earlier, she had had to control her laughter as Dimitri awkwardly hugged her weeping mother. He’d been uncomfortable, not having had to deal with maternal emotions in centuries. Her family had welcomed him, and it was a joyous sight to see him accepted and in turn showing them warmth and love.

  Kelly crossed the room to Cassie, circling around Cassie’s departing relatives, exchanging last-minute farewells with them, and hugged her. “Congratulations! I am so happy for you.”

  Cassie’s face hurt from beaming so much, but one look at the shadows in Kelly’s eyes and she immediately became the concerned friend. “Thank you.” There was an awkward pause, and Cassie could feel Kelly’s discomfort, although the other woman tried to act nonchalant. “Are you going to be okay, Kelly?”

  Kelly tried to smile. “I’ll be fine. This is your day. Don’t worry about me. I can still come visit you, can’t I?”

  “Of course!” Cassie exclaimed, gripping Kelly’s hand. “Nothing has changed between us, nothing!” Kelly kissed Cassie’s cheek and rushed from the room, but not before the tears fell.

  Dimitri arched a questioning brow as he came back into the study. “Jacques?”

  Cassie nodded. “She loves him.”

  “And he feels the same way.”

  “Hopefully they’ll come to their senses and find their way back to one another.”

  Dimitri held his arms open wide, a contented smile playing over his handsome face. “Like we found one another, wife?”

  Grinning at his words, Cassie accepted his invitation and twined her arms around his neck, then kissed him. “Yes, just like us, husband.”

  He brushed his fingers through her hair, and she read his thoughts. She was beautiful to him and finally completely his. Really and truly his.

  Desire surged through her, and she knew he felt the same when he swung her up into his arms, striding swiftly toward the stairs.

  “In a hurry, my love?”

  “It is our wedding night, and I hunger for you, agape mou.”

  He crossed the threshold of their chambers, holding her close to his heart. Cassie laughed as he swept her pet off the bed. The cat hissed at him, then sauntered out of the room. Looking up into his beloved face, Cassie knew there would be trials along the way, but as one, they’d overcome them all.

  She touched his jaw. “You are my life, my happiness. I love you, Dimitri.”

  “Always?” he asked softly.

  “Always and forever.”

  He sealed their vow of eternity with a scorching kiss that promised her she would remain in his eternal embrace.


  Ann Lory

  I am a Missouri native, although I did live ten years in Nebraska, where I began writing in hopes of one day being published. I have been married to the same wonderful man for the last eleven years, and we have a son who is the spitting image of his father. Our second child is on the way; either late winter or early spring -- whenever baby decides to make its debut into the world.

  We also have our furry babies -- two cats, and one dog. Our poor Lab still gets pushed around by our hissing felines.

  I enjoy spending my spare time with my family, watching movies, reading, bike riding on one of the local trails, and of course college football. I love football season and my Missouri Tigers! I hope other fans don't hate me, but it’s like our significant others ... we can't help who we love. :)

  Visit Ann on the Web at




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