Clark, Rachel - The Nanny's Unplanned Marriage (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Clark, Rachel - The Nanny's Unplanned Marriage (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 1

by Rachel Clark

  The Nanny’s Unplanned Marriage

  Note to self: when working as an intergalactic nanny, don't buy the cheapest language translator on the market.

  When Serena Wilkins finds herself on the wrong ship, landing on the wrong planet, and accidentally almost marrying two strangers, she has no reason to believe her day might improve.

  Stranded, penniless, and jobless, she finds herself in the middle of a new world, where sexuality is joyfully explored and relationships come in threes. In a culture where naked is normal and watching is encouraged, Serena finds herself fantasizing about the two men who offered her shelter.

  Kaydin son of Halimina and Jerrod son of Gerdavia have long dreamed of starting a family together. The recent approval of human mail-order brides to Descon seems just the way to get started. The woman who turns up is the wrong one, yet Serena is absolutely perfect for them.

  Convincing her to stay just might be a whole lot of fun.

  Genre: Futuristic, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Science Fiction

  Length: 22,147 words


  Rachel Clark


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2012 by Rachel Clark

  E-book ISBN: 1-61926-763-2

  First E-book Publication: June 2012

  Cover design by Jinger Heaston

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Copyright © 2012


  “What is it you want me to say, Serena? If you hadn’t come home early none of this would have happened.”

  Serena opened her mouth and no words came out. How was it that she found her current live-in boyfriend in bed with her soon-to-be ex-best friend yet somehow she was the one left defending herself?

  Hell! It was her house. The least they could do was not lecture her on how rude it was to barge into her own freakin’ bedroom. Anger churned in her gut, the acid gurgling into her throat as she finally took a really good look at the man who claimed to love her. She’d forgiven him almost everything, made a million excuses for his uncaring and selfish behavior, and still he’d found a way to hurt her more than she’d ever considered possible.

  “Out!” she said in a very low, very quiet voice, one hand pressed to her heart, the other pointing the way.

  “Serena, babe, be reasonable,” Craig said as he approached her with what she’d once called his charming smile. “If you didn’t work all the time, Jenny wouldn’t have spent so much time here waiting for you. You know, in a way, babe, this is your fault for leaving me alone so often.”

  “My fault?” she asked as tears threatened. She worked two jobs, trying to keep the roof over their heads and food on the table, and still manage to put money away for the rosy future they’d supposedly been planning together. “My fault?” she asked just a little bit louder, her anger starting to pump again as every dollar Craig had wasted while “waiting” for her to finish work slid through her mind. “My fucking fault?” she screeched in a tone of voice she’d never heard leave her own mouth. She laid the blame for that unflattering sound squarely at his lying, cheating feet. He hadn’t held a job for more than a couple of months at a time since she’d met him. There had always been some excuse, some reason for things to have not worked out. She’d forgiven him every time, supported him, and helped him find something else, quite often after several months of sitting on his ass “waiting” for her to finish work.

  “Reeeenie,” her best friend said, trying to placate her with the cutesy name she’d used when they’d been children. “I didn’t mean for it to happen like this.”

  “Oh? And how did you mean for it to happen?”

  Jenny frowned, obviously not expecting Serena’s sarcasm. Seriously? Had she been such a doormat? The answer to that was pretty obvious when Jenny huffed, threw her arms in the air, and stormed out the door, her parting words—“I’ll speak to you when you decide to be reasonable!”—almost knocking Serena on her ass. She managed to force out, “Not fucking likely!” before the other woman left the house.

  Serena tried not to flinch at the sound of the front door slamming. She’d considered Jenny her best friend since middle school, but at the moment she couldn’t even remember one single reason why. The woman was demanding, self-centered, obnoxious, and completely annoying—and that was on a good day. Serena glanced at the man sitting quietly on the bed, waiting for her to calm down and be her usual reasonable self. Dragging his pants back on might have helped her state of mind, but with him sitting there, cock obviously not thrilled to see her despite what he’d been doing with her best friend only a few moments ago, all it did was piss her off.

  “Get out!”

  “Where do you expect me to go?” he asked in a hurt voice as if she were somehow the one who’d
wounded him.

  “I really don’t care.”

  “But I do, babe. I care about you. Look, how about I make a soothing cup of chamomile tea, and when you calm down we can sort this little mess out?”

  Little mess? How on earth could she have been so naïve as to have thought herself in love with this man? She dropped her head into her hand, rubbing tiredly at the headache behind her eyes. “Please, just go. I want some time alone.”

  “Sure,” he said, sounding like the loving man she’d once thought him to be as he dragged on his clothes. “I’ll just head down to the bar and have a few drinks with the guys. We’ll talk when you’re feeling calmer.”

  “Okay,” she managed to force past a rapidly tightening throat. How could he think she’d be willing to let him back into her life after this? Desperate for a little space, Serena didn’t object to the kiss he placed on her forehead. She just ground her teeth together and tried not to kick him in the balls.

  But as he stepped toward the front door, he did the one thing guaranteed to prove that he’d been taking advantage of her for a very long time—he grabbed her credit card.

  “…need a change? Ever wanted to travel? See the universe? Visit other worlds? Well here’s your chance. Join the intergalactic nanny service and get paid to explore the galaxy. What are you waiting for? Give us a call today!”

  Serena glanced at the vid-screen, shook her head tiredly at yet another example of Craig’s idea of minimizing their expenses—premium, pay by the minute, cable television that he wasn’t even watching.

  But as she reached for the remote to turn the damn thing off, the last question sank into her brain. What was she waiting for?

  Chapter One

  Jerrod watched his tredellabina pace the room nervously, his formal clothing doing nothing to hide the hard cock pressed against the material. Kaydin was obviously nervous about finally meeting their mubella, but it would seem that he was also quite excited by the idea of having a third in their bed.

  “What is the word humans use for mubella?” Kaydin asked worriedly.

  “Wife,” Jerrod answered with a grin. He’d been one of the royal guards on duty the day Earth Ambassador Cindy Richards had arrived and the fault in the translator had been discovered. The translations for mubella and mubellabina were ones he knew he would never forget.

  “And tredella and tredellabina both mean husband?” Kaydin asked with a soft smile.

  Jerrod held his arms open and Kaydin stepped into his embrace. “Yes, she’ll be our wife and we’ll be her husbands.”

  Kaydin wrapped his arms around Jerrod’s waist. He was quiet for so long that Jerrod was beginning to wonder if he’d finally gotten over his nerves. It wasn’t like Kaydin to be so anxious, but considering the circumstances it was understandable.

  “Did we do the right thing?” Kaydin asked quietly. Jerrod had asked himself the same thing probably a thousand times in the past few days. They’d very literally won a lottery to be in the first group of Desconians to be joined to human women. When they’d filled in the entry form they really hadn’t considered the possibility they might win. But now that their dream of having offspring was only an arranged marriage away, Jerrod had spent a lot of time wondering if they’d done the right thing.

  What sort of female would willingly leave everything she’d known to come live on a faraway planet with partners she’d never even had a conversation with? Did he even want a woman like that to be the mother of his children?

  He pulled his tredellabina closer and ran a soothing hand up Kaydin’s spine. He didn’t want to worry the man by showing how nervous he was feeling as well, but he didn’t want to lie either.

  “I suppose only time will tell.”

  * * * *

  Serena tapped the space behind her right ear for the millionth time since boarding the transport three days ago. She’d never had a language translator inserted before and it was taking a lot of getting used to. It hadn’t helped that the technology wasn’t working correctly.

  At the time it had seemed wise to limit her expenses. She was throwing nearly everything she had into this new adventure. If it didn’t work the way she hoped, she at least wanted enough money to find her way back to Earth. Of course now that the translator seemed to only translate every second word she was very much regretting her decision.

  “What…hmjbutkl…you like…ghretn bjhy?”

  Considering that she was standing in line at the cafeteria she assumed that the question was “What would you like to order?” At least she hoped that’s what the server had asked her, because pointing to the thing that looked like lasagna and asking for a small serving would probably be very rude if the woman had asked her how her day was.

  Fortunately, the server smiled, grabbed a plate, piled it high despite her request for a small serving, and handed it over the counter. Serena almost blanched at the cost when she got to the pay area, but paid it anyway. At least this would be her last meal on the transport. In a few hours they would land on the planet where her first assignment as a nanny would begin.

  When she’d made the decision she’d been so excited. Now, all she could think about was how different her life was about to become. She wasn’t even sure why she’d chosen such a dramatic change. Well, she did have an inkling as to why she’d reacted so out of character, but she refused to waste any more energy thinking about her ex-boyfriend and ex-best friend.

  But even that determination didn’t quell the butterflies beating frantic wings in her stomach.

  She forced the food down, unwilling to leave anything she’d just paid good money for, but then started to worry she wouldn’t be able to keep it in her nervous stomach. Annoyed at the anxiety that just seemed to grow exponentially each moment, Serena closed her eyes and willed herself to relax. She needed this. She needed the change, and she especially needed to be pushed out of the comfortable, but not entirely happy, rut that she’d gotten herself into on Earth.

  “The…juhgy…jbik…be landing…jikswejbj. Please…geehjyki…to disembark.” The disembodied voice was hopefully advising that she should prepare to disembark. If she was supposed to be already packed she was in a whole heap of trouble.

  * * * *

  Kaydin shivered in Jerrod’s embrace.

  “Hey,” Jerrod said, lifting Kaydin’s chin so that he could look into his eyes. “What was that about?”

  Kaydin closed his eyes and felt a blush creep across his cheeks. “Sorry,” he said on a hoarse whisper, “I was just thinking about what should happen next.” He opened his eyes and searched Jerrod’s worriedly. “You said that Cindy Richards fainted at her first mubellabina claiming ceremony. What if our mubella is equally overwhelmed?”

  Jerrod smiled. “Then we will deal with that when it happens.”

  Kaydin dragged in a deep breath. He was usually more composed, but they’d been dreaming about having a family for so long that now it was here it felt too good to be true. He really wanted to ask what would happen if their mubella didn’t like them, but it felt almost like he was cursing the future by saying the words out loud.

  “Sir,” one of Jerrod’s fellow guards said as he stuck his head in the room, “we just received word that the ship from Earth has landed. Your mubella will be escorted to the preparation room and somebody will come to get you shortly after.”

  “Thanks, Ewin,” Jerrod said, dropping the formality. He only insisted that his team use correct titles while on duty. Outside of their work, he considered his teammates good friends. So did Kaydin.

  Ewin seemed to study Kaydin’s tense body language. “You probably have enough time to work off a bit of that tension.” And then because Ewin and his partner knew Jerrod and Kaydin pretty well he added, “I could organize for a small audience, if you wish.”

  “Thanks,” Jerrod said, “but I think we might spend some time together first.”

  Kaydin felt a bizarre mixture of tension and relief. Desconians were a very sensual people and often indulged their vo
yeuristic tendencies. As much as Kaydin would enjoy the relief of a hot and fast orgasm, right now he just wanted to spend time with the man he loved.

  But Jerrod seemed to have other ideas. As soon as Ewin left the room, Jerrod lifted Kaydin off the ground, carried him to the oversized sofa, and encouraged him to lie back. Already, Kaydin could feel his cock pressed hard against his formal clothing. He sighed with excitement and relief when Jerrod undid the fastenings and wrapped his hand around his aching shaft.

  “What I really want to do,” Jerrod said as he squeezed Kaydin’s cock quite hard, “is roll you over and spank your ass and then fuck you into next week.” Kaydin couldn’t hold back the moan. Jerrod grinned, leaned over, and licked the bead of pre-cum off his cock. “But since we have limited time…”

  Kaydin’s eyes nearly rolled into the back of his head. Jerrod’s suction was exquisite. It didn’t matter that they’d been together for many years, or that they’d done this countless times. Every single time Jerrod wrapped his lips around Kaydin’s cock he wanted to explode.

  Jerrod palmed his balls, caressing them gently as he took Kaydin’s cock deep into his throat and swallowed. Unable to control his reaction, Kaydin grasped his lover’s head, holding him to his cock, trying to thrust up into his mouth. But Jerrod was ready for him, pressing him down, stopping his frantic movements, the heady sensation of being trapped and at his man’s mercy tipping Kaydin that much closer to bursting.


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